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Leila Pourali , Sedigheh Ayati, Atiyeh Vatanchi , Ghazal Ghasemi, Samira Sajedi Roshkhar , Alieh Basiri ,
Volume 76, Issue 12 (3-2019)

Background: Cervical pregnancy is a rare type of ectopic pregnancy (EP) in which the pregnancy implants in the lining of the endocervical canal. It accounts for less than 1 percent of ectopic pregnancies. The cause is unknown; local pathology related to previous cervical or uterine surgery may play a role given an apparent association with a prior history of curettage or cesarean delivery. The most common symptom of cervical pregnancy is vaginal bleeding, which is often profuse and painless. Lower abdominal pain or cramps occur in less than one-third of patients; pain without bleeding is rare. It is important to think about the possibility of cervical pregnancy in such patients since early diagnosis is critical to avoidance of complications and successful treatment. Management of this pregnancy is dependent on the hemodynamic status of the patient. Conservative management and some more aggressive therapy such as emergency hysterectomy can be used. The aim of this report was to introduce a case of successful conservative management of cervical pregnancy.
Case presentation: A 30-year-old G2L1 woman with history of a previous cesarean section and possible diagnosis of missed abortion referred to the Gynecology Clinic of Ghaem Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran, in 21 May 2017. Cervical pregnancy was diagnosed during curettage. Severe hemorrhage occurred after curettage and the hemodynamic status of the patient was unstable immediately after curettage. Severe threatening vaginal bleeding was controlled with intrauterine Foley catheter containing 60 cc normal saline and then vaginal packing. The patient was discharged with good general condition.
Conclusion: In cervical pregnancy and unstable hemodynamic status and desire to preserve fertility, intrauterine Foley catheter and vaginal packing after curettage is helpful.

Amin Banaei, Bijan Hashemi, Mohsen Bakhshandeh, Bahram Mofid,
Volume 77, Issue 2 (5-2019)

Background: Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) is one of the most usable methods in prostate radiotherapy that is used with different techniques. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the dosimetric and radiobiological effects of prostate IMRT techniques regarding to joint volume between the target tissue and organs at risk as a patients anatomical parameter.
Methods: This research was a cross-sectional, analytical, and quantitative study that was carried out from April 2016 to June 2018 at the radiotherapy and oncology center of Shoheday-e-Tajrish Hospital and Medical Physics Department of Tarbiat Modarres University Tehran, Iran. Four various prostate IMRT techniques (9, 7 and 5 fields and automatic) were planned on 63 prostate cancer patients CT scans. Radiobiological effects were calculated using Relative Seriality model for the organs at risk (bladder and rectum) and target tissue. Results of mentioned prostate IMRT techniques were compared based on the patient’s anatomical parameter. 
Results: For the patients with joint volumes ranged from 0 to 15%, statistical differences were not observed among various IMRT techniques. The tumor control probability and complication free tumor control probability values decreased as a function of joint volume. The normal tissue complication probability value increased as a function of joint volume. The 9 and 7 fields IMRT techniques had not any significant differences (P=0.06) in all of the joint volume ranges. In patients with the joint volumes higher than 30%, the 9 and 7 fields techniques showed significantly better radiobiological values in comparison with 5 fields and automatic techniques (P=0.009).
Conclusion: In the patients with lower percentage of joint volume, all the mentioned prostate IMRT techniques showed same radiobiological effects; however, in the patients with higher joint volume percentages (> 30%), the 9 and 7 fields techniques have better results. It is proposed to use the 7 fields technique instead of the 9 fields technique, especially in prostate cancer cases with high uncertainty in patients’ setup.

Ahmad Tavakoli , Maryam Esghaei , Angila Ataei-Pirkooh , Mohsen Moghoofei , Hadi Ghaffari , Farah Bokharaei-Salim ,
Volume 77, Issue 5 (8-2019)

Currently, there are about 37 million people worldwide living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) /AIDS, with an estimated two million new cases per year globally. According to estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO), only 75% of the population with HIV know their status. Initially, HIV infection was associated with significantly increased rates of mortality and morbidity. However, the rapid advances in treatment and the advent of different classes of antiretroviral drugs over time have led to change the face of HIV/AIDS from a deadly infection to chronic and manageable disease. There is strong evidence that HIV-infected patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy have longer lives and are less likely to transmit infection to their sexual partners. Since the introduction of zidovudine in 1987 as the first antiretroviral drug, significant strides have been made in antiretroviral therapy. The introduction of potent antiretroviral drugs for the treatment of HIV infection has been one of the significant events in the evolution of modern medicine. Antiretroviral therapy refers to the use of drugs in the treatment of HIV. Generally, these drugs are categorized based on the steps of the HIV life cycle suppressed by them. There are six main classes of antiretroviral agents including nucleoside/ nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, protease inhibitors, fusion inhibitors, co-receptor inhibitors, and integrase inhibitors. Combination antiretroviral therapy should be considered for HIV patients to achieve the highest viral suppression rate, and to reduce the risk of resistance development and morbidity and mortality associated with AIDS. Achieving and maintaining HIV viral load suppression among treated patients has remarkably increased over the last years due to the development of potent and well-tolerated agents which can be co-formulated as a once-daily single-tablet or fixed-dose combination for simplification. However, there are some limitations preventing patients to benefit from this treatment. The main goals of HIV therapy in the future are to overcome the limitations of current treatment, including side effects. This review will provide an overview of advances in the current antiretroviral drugs by focusing on their pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, dosing recommendations, and adverse events for each drug class.

Mohsen Sheykhhasan, Hamed Manoochehri, Massoud Saidijam,
Volume 78, Issue 5 (8-2020)

The highly contagious new coronavirus virus, SARS-CoV-2, was first appeared in Wuhan, China in late 2019. The virus has spread to 216 countries, including Iran, until 7 September 2020. So far, the number of people infected by the new corona virus and died from the disease is 27032617 and 881464 worldwide, respectively. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce the available treatments for this virus, as a global dilemma. Articles for this review study were selected from Embase, Medline and Google Scholar. Published full articles in English, English full articles published from 1st December 2019 to 23rd July 2020, were included. The search terms included combinations of COVID-19, SARS-COV-2, chloroquine, convalescent plasma, antiviral, antibacterial, Remidesivir, hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine phosphate, vaccines and monoclonal antibodies. There were no restrictions on the types of study eligible for inclusion. Different available therapies generally can be divided into small molecules and biological products. Among the small molecule drugs used for COVID-19 patients Remdesivir, Favilavir, and hydroxychloroquine have been associated with considerable success in disease control. Separation and transfusion of plasma from blood of improved COVID-19 patients to new patients and the use of recombinant Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) have been two very successful biological therapies in the treatment of COVID-19 disease. However, many efforts are being made by researchers around the world to make other effective and promising biological products. The development of a safe and effective vaccine can lead to great success in eradicating the disease. Also, the production of anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies and using of stem cell-based therapeutics can be a great success in treating the disease. In addition, according to the miRNA properties, many efforts have been made to inhibit the production of viral proteins using natural miRNAs or artificial siRNAs. It has been proposed that aptamers derived from SELEX can be used for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. Subsequently, since the size of miRNAs is at the nanometer level, they can easily incorporate to the targeted exosomes and be delivered via circulation in human blood to the infected cells such as lung cells. Interestingly, miRNAs can be delivered into the lung by inhalation.

Ahmadreza Assareh, Maryam Jozaei, Hoda Mombeini , Nehzat Akiash ,
Volume 79, Issue 10 (1-2022)

Background: In patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is the preferred reperfusion therapy. Timely primary PCI is essential in improving the clinical outcomes of these patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the factors affecting balloon delay in STEMI treated patients by primary PCI and its relationship with major adverse cardiac events (MACE).
Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted on 143 cases of STEMI patients, who had the inclusion criteria and were treated by primary PCI, after obtaining written consent in Imam Khomeini hospital in Ahvaz, between May 2019 to May 2020. All-time components from symptom onset to PCI treatment include symptom-to-balloon time or ischemic time, symptom-to-door time and door-to-balloon time calculated. The incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) including decompensated heart failure (DHF), acute coronary syndrome (ACS), sudden cardiac death (SCD) and cerebrovascular accident (CVA) was evaluated during 12 months follow up after primary PCI. left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) changes were evaluated 3 months after primary PCI.
Results: The median symptom-to-door time was 200.5 minutes (IQR: 90-438.75 min), the median ischemic time was 406 minutes (IQR: 231-671 min), and most patients had an ischemic time ≥120 minutes (92.4%) and door-to-device time ≥90 minutes (64.3%). The most common delay for treatment was in the symptom-to-door time (76.9%) and then the decision for primary PCI to transfer to the cat lab (17.5%). Overall, 59 (41.3%) of the patients experienced MACE during 1-year of follow-up, including ACS (13.3%), DHF (22.4%), cardiac death (9.8%) and CVA (2.1%). The patients age (OR: 0.96, P=0.020), LVEF changes (OR: 1.123, P=0.005) and STEMI type (OR: 0.705; P=0.039) predicted in-hospital MACE, while the symptom-to-balloon time (P=0.607) and door-to-balloon time (P=0.347) were not associated with MACE.
Conclusion: None of the time intervals were associated with the occurrence of MACE in one-year follow-up, and most STEMI patients were admitted to the hospital with a long delay. Therefore, efforts to shorten the time of hospitalization admission can help improve the MACE in STEMI patients under primary PCI in our medical centers.

Vahid Hatami, Hamed Tavan, Sajad Hatami , Ali Delpisheh, Mina Mamizadeh,
Volume 79, Issue 10 (1-2022)

Background: Healing involves complex processes that are not yet fully known. The wound healing process consists of three stages. In all these stages, normal wound healing requires platelet activation, release of cytokines and growth hormones, and chemotaxis and cell differentiation. Platelets play a key role in homeostasis and wound healing and growth factor production of more than 30 carried out by them. Platelets regulate the healing process with their chemotactic effect. Antilogous PRP platelet count in about 3 to 5 times increase and consequently also increases the number of growth factors, for this reason, they are being used in surgical procedures and clinical therapy.
Methods: At Ilam Medical Center in Imam Khomeini Hospital, 20 patients with two similar donor graft sites were gradually selected to participate in a clinical trial from January to March 2017. The two regions have the same skin graft patients, an area of Honor conventional and other areas with the topical administration of platelet-rich plasma That immediately after surgery and in the days after the fifth and eleventh, eightieth and after washing the wound with a topical serum Physiology rubbed on the wound and thus treated The rate of wound healing clinically and using X-ray photo-checked and compared.
Results: Seven are male and thirteen are female and the age range of patients is between 17 and 67 years. After collecting wound healing times in two groups, we used the means comparison method to evaluate the effect of PRP on wound healing rate and analyzed the results (T-Test). Because the data followed a normal distribution, we used the Independent T-test method, which resulted in 0.416, which was higher than the alpha level equal to 0.05.
Conclusion: In this study, we found that PRP had a positive effect on wound healing time and increased the speed of wound healing. It is suggested that the effect of the PRP method on various organs that have not been tested before, be discussed in future studies.

Mehdi Alemrajabi, Seyed Hamze Musavi , Behrouz Seydi Majd , Tayeb Ramim,
Volume 80, Issue 2 (5-2022)

Background: Supralevator abscesses make up to 9% of all cryptoglandular abscesses. Given that platelet-rich fibrin accelerates tissue growth and reduces infection, it seems necessary to investigate its effect on the healing of fistula wounds because it can accelerate the healing of morbid wounds and reduce its effect on recurrence.
Methods: The study was performed as a single-blind clinical trial in patients who were referred to the surgical clinic of Rasoul Akram Hospital (PBUH), with the approval of the supralevator collection. Before surgery, Wexner Score were identified in patients who underwent surgery, and the entire path of fistulas and cavities was identified. Clinical outcomes were monitored one day after surgery for up to two months once a week, then every month until complete recovery, and then six months after surgery. After the operation, the patients were examined for recurrence, until the PRF was absorbed, the dressing of the operation site was performed only with normal saline, and the patients were on a low-residue diet so that they could not excrete as much as possible.
Results: 10 people participated in the final analysis. The mean age of patients was 33.20 years (26-46 years). Three patients had a history of perianal abscess surgery, two patients had a history of fistula surgery and 1 patient had a history of Fisher surgery. The mean closing time of the cavity was 14.2 days (10-22 days). Two patients (20%) had a fever and two patients (20%) had a surgical site infection. Bleeding and recurrence were not observed in any of the patients. The mean preoperative Wexner score was 0.80±0.76 Which decreased to 0.68±0.50 postoperatively (P=0.045).
Conclusion: Finally, the findings of the study showed that the use of PRF to repair a complex fistula is a method that can be easily repeated with minimal side effects and can heal wounds caused by fistulas with supralevator collection. This treatment can play an important role in the treatment of complex fistulas that have moderate or extensive involvement with the sphincter, or the occurrence of fistulas with sphincter dysfunction.


Iraj Nazari, Seyed Massoud Mousavi, Hossein Minaei Turk , Davoud Fateminia,
Volume 80, Issue 2 (5-2022)

Background: The use of the traditional method for saphenous vein harvesting is associated with wound complications and not on-time patient mobilization. This has caused the improvement of minimally invasive vein harvesting techniques, together with general bridging. This study was designed to compare the therapeutic results of large saphenous vein harvesting with conventional and standard bridging techniques for lower extremity vascular reconstruction in patients with chronic lower extremity ischemia.
Methods: In this randomized clinical trial study, 66 patients with chronic lower extremity ischemia were randomly divided into two groups: large saphenous vein harvesting by conventional technique (continuous longitudinal incision) (n=30) and standard Bridging technique (small and multiple incisions) (n=36). Pain score (VAS), graft patency, wound complications, surgery results and patient satisfaction was recorded. The follow-up period was six months. (IRCT20190511043562N1).
Results: Graft patency (P=0.353), and Amputation-free Survival (P=0.397) did not show a significant difference between the two groups. Changes in pain score at rest (P=0.846) and movement (P=0.380) at different times did not show a significant difference between the two groups. One week after the operation, the incidence of infection in the bridging technique showed a significant decrease (P=0.045). During the six months of follow-up, the wound healing rate, ischemic pain relief, and claudication improvement were better in the bridging technique but did not show a significant difference with the conventional technique (P<0.05). Patient satisfaction was higher in the bridging technique but did not show a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05).
Conclusion: It seems that the use of the bridging technique in venous resection large saphenous vein harvesting is associated with reducing wound complications and pain, reducing the length of hospital stay, increasing the speed of wound healing, and improving patient satisfaction. The duration of graft patency and Amputation-free Survival were similar in the two groups. We believe that each technique has advantages and disadvantages that should be considered by the patient and surgeon when choosing a surgical procedure.

Keywords: chronic limb-threatening ischemia, saphenous vein, treatment outcome.

Tannaz Ahadi , Nima Khaje , Bijan Forogh , Labaneh Janbazi, Masumeh,
Volume 80, Issue 4 (7-2022)

Background: There are many conservative interventions to reduce the symptoms of coccydynia, but it is not clear which treatment can be more effective. The aim of this review study was to evaluate the types of conservative interventions and the effectiveness of each of them in reducing coccydynia symptoms.
Methods: This systematic review was carried out based on PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) instruction. A search for research studies published up to October 2021 was conducted in Neuromusculoskeletal Research Center, Firoozgar General Hospital, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, using Scopus, Science Direct, Web of Knowledge and Cochrane without data constraints. The search was carried out in October 2021 and continued for seven months. The quality of the articles was evaluated using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale (PEDro). All prospective randomized clinical trial studies in which participants suffered from coccydynia  and were treated with nonsurgical treatments  were included.
Results: 945 articles were found in the primary search of the databases. After eliminating 493 repetitive papers, 452 studies remained which were screened by the two researchers of this study in terms of the title and abstract. 40 studies were selected for full-text evaluation. Finally, 12 articles were included in the review study. Two papers used extracorporeal shockwave, two papers used impar ganglion block, three papers manual therapy, and four studies injection. The remaining four studies used iontophoresis with ketoprofen, biofeedback therapy, acupuncture, and physiotherapy with Kinesio taping.
Conclusion: Treatment with extracorporeal shock wave and impar ganglion block significantly improve tailbone pain and show more permanent effects on patients' symptoms. Manual therapies are mostly used in cases where the tailbone is stable. It seems that achieving the desired response requires more than six sessions, which is not pleasant for patients. Injections, especially those performed under fluoroscopic guidance, require high skill in addition to being unpleasant and painful. However, this procedure is done in one session, so there is no need for the next visit.

Mehdi Asgari, Ali Sanaee, Faramarz Pazyar,
Volume 80, Issue 5 (8-2022)

Background: The vertical gastric plication technique leads to poor long-term outcomes and is associated with intolerable reflux, dysphagia, or weight gain in a high percentage of patients. Therefore, in this study, the therapeutic results of two methods with and without plication of the distal part of the stomach in gastric bypass surgery in patients with morbid obesity were compared.
Methods: In this clinical trial randomized single-blind study, 40 patients with morbid obesity who were referred to one of the hospitals affiliated with Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in Ahvaz during March 2020-February 2021, were randomly divided into two groups: with plication of the distal part of the stomach (n=20) and without plication of the distal part of the stomach (n=20) in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. Weight loss rate, complications related to surgery, outcomes and satisfaction of patient were noted and followed up for one year.
Results: The mean percentage of weight loss at different times did not show a significant difference between the two groups (p>0.05). The length of hospitalization after surgery was significantly less in the distal gastric plication group (p=0.0001). During one year of follow-up, hypertension, diabetes, HLP, and reflux were well in the distal plication method but showed no significant difference (p>0.05). Satisfaction of the patients was more in the distal plication method and showed no significant difference (p>0.05). One year after the operation, the change of diet showed no significant difference in the two groups (p>0.05).
Conclusion: It looks that using the laparoscopic distal gastric plication method is an effective and safe method and is associated with early ideal weight loss, reduction of complications, and increase in satisfaction of patients with BMI>=35 kg/m2. No need to use a foreign body, stapler or bandage and the possibility of re-operation are the advantages of this technique.

Naser Ebrahimi Daryani , Mohammad Reza Pashaei ,
Volume 80, Issue 6 (9-2022)

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is defined by steatosis in more than 5% of liver cells, in the absence of a secondary cause such as drugs, alcohol, or other causes. The incidence of NAFLD is increasing every day; almost a quarter of the world's adult population is affected by this disease. The burden of NAFLD is affected by the epidemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and therefore, we do not expect the prevalence of this disease to decrease in the future. The world is now in the process of passing on health to non-chronic diseases, like NAFLD. The most common cause of chronic liver disease worldwide is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. About 25 percent of the world's population is affected by the disease, and it ranges from simple steatosis to cirrhosis. 1 in 4 individuals with NAFLD is a person with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, which is associated with complications and significant mortality and morbidity due to complications such as liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is closely related to metabolic syndrome, and it can be said that the liver is an integral part of obesity. Diagnostic methods for this disease include laboratory tests, imaging studies and liver biopsy. Although NAFLD is observed predominantly in obese persons or type 2 diabetes, an estimated 7% to 20% of people with NAFLD have lean body habitus. Recent studies have shown that fatty liver can occur in lean individuals, even without abdominal and visceral fat. Fatty liver in lean people (Lean NAFLD) is a relatively new concept that has attracted many people to find the differences between lean and obese people. The pathophysiological mechanisms of lean NAFLD are still poorly understood. Studies have shown that NAFLD without obesity is more closely related to factors such as environmental, genetic susceptibility, and epigenetic regulation. In addition to lifestyle modifications such as weight loss, diet and physical activity, only a few NAFLD-specific drug treatment options such as vitamin E and pioglitazone are considered. This article discusses the pathogenesis of fatty liver in lean individuals, its treatment, prognosis, and its relationship with metabolic syndrome.

Behnaz Varaminian, Marzieh Ghalamkari , Tayeb Ramim, Masoumeh Roohaninasab ,
Volume 80, Issue 8 (11-2022)

Skin metastases from breast cancer usually occur in more advanced stages of the disease, but can sometimes be the first clinical manifestation of breast cancer or the first evidence of a previous tumor recurrence. These demonstrations significantly reduce survival. Skin metastases from breast cancer have different manifestations. The most common manifestations are nodules. These nodules are soft, round or oval, mobile, firm, and elastic in texture and can be single or multiple, often flesh-colored, but can also be brown, bluish black, and pink to reddish brown. In the absence of a previous history of cancer, it can be difficult to diagnose the early location of metastatic cancers. However, metastases usually show histopathological similarities to the primary tumor. Soft tissue breast metastases usually have a better prognosis than breast or bone cancer metastases. Also, skin metastases from breast cancer do not necessarily have a poor prognosis as skin metastases from other malignancies. The relative risk of death from skin metastases to other malignancies is more than four times higher than skin metastases from breast cancer. Differential diagnosis includes cutaneous lymphoma, intracranial leukocyte infiltration, and cutaneous metastasis. Metastatic skin lesions are often mistaken for benign lesions. Recognizing them quickly is important to prevent long-term anti-inflammatory treatment that delays proper diagnosis. Therefore, to rule out metastasis, abnormal or nodular lesions should be considered for biopsy in patients with a history of systemic malignancy or suspected malignancy. Cutaneous metastases are usually a sign of widespread disease and may not be treatable in most cases. Treatment options include systemic and/or topical treatments. Extensive skin metastases require systemic treatment. For thicker skin metastases, radiation therapy, surgical or electrochemical resection is indicated as monotherapy or in combination. Oxygen in combination with topical 5% methotrexate (OFAMTX, 5% methotrexate in a carrier solution) is a recently described method that facilitates drug penetration into the epidermis. In the absence of visceral or lymph node metastases, OFAMTX is useful as a local skin treatment. This treatment is an effective and tolerable method for superficial skin metastases. Using local treatment in combination with systemic agents increases the overall effectiveness of treatment on skin metastases.

Seyed Kamal Eshagh Hossaini , Javad Hakimelahi, Mohammad Aghaali, Zahra Mehrabi, Rasool Karimi Matlob , Saeed Karimi Matlob,
Volume 80, Issue 10 (1-2023)

Background: Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (autoimmune), the most common cause of acute onset of thrombocytopenia in children who are otherwise healthy. This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the factors affecting the response to treatment in hospitalized children.
Methods: This retrospective study was conducted by examining the files of patients hospitalized due to ITP in Hazrat Masoumeh (S) Hospital from April 2009 to March 2019. The criteria for inclusion in the study included confirming the diagnosis of ITP and the age of 1 month to 14 years, and the exclusion criteria included cases of discharge with personal consent and not completing the patient's treatment course, the presence of pancytopenia or bicytopenia, the presence of moderate or severe splenomegaly or severe in clinical examinations, BMA based on the presence of a diagnosis other than ITP, not receiving any of the ITP treatment protocols, and patients whose first visit with the diagnosis of ITP was in another center or city. The information about age, sex, clinical symptoms on arrival, initial platelets and the platelets of days 3, 5, 14 and 180 were extracted from the patients' files. The type of treatment protocol, the need to repeat the treatment, the recurrence of the disease and the major complications of the treatment were extracted from the patients' files and finally the data were analyzed with SPSS software.
Results: The response to the treatment on different days was unrelated to the age, gender, and initial platelets (except for one exception) (P>0.05). In relation to clinical symptoms, the response to treatment on days three and five was related to the clinical symptoms at the time of presentation and on days 14 and 180 it was unrelated. Response to treatment on days 3 and 5 in different treatment protocols had a significant relationship (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference on days 14 and 180.
Conclusion: The best response was in the combined treatment group with methylprednisolone and IVIg, and the lowest response to treatment was observed in those receiving methylprednisolone alone.

Zahra Allameh, Maryam Teimouri Jervekani , Minoo Movahedi , Maryam Hajihashemi ,
Volume 80, Issue 10 (1-2023)

Background: The present study was performed to evaluate carboxytherapy as an outpatient and non-hormonal strategy for the treatment of a number of pelvic floor disorders.
Methods: This randomized block controlled clinical trial study was performed on 60 women aged 35-65 years in 1399-1400 to evaluate the effect of carboxytherapy on the treatment of stress urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction in comparison with the control group. At the beginning of the study, vaginal examination, cough test and POP-Q test were performed for all patients. Eligible individuals were randomly assigned to either carboxytherapy or control groups. Stress urinary incontinence was assessed using the ICIQ-UI SF questionnaire and sexual dysfunction was assessed using the PISQ-12 questionnaire. In the intervention group, 30 cc of CO2 gas with a 90-degree angle was injected in three areas of the bladder neck with the help of a needle gauge 30 with a length of 12 mm, so that each person underwent carboxytherapy twice a week for one month. The control group received the same protocol but without CO2 injection. The results were assessed both at the beginning of the study and one month and three months after the intervention through physical examination and two questionnaires.
Results: The results of the present study showed that the mean of general sexual function index and also the mean index of sexual function of patients in the physical dimension and in the dimension related to sexual partner in the intervention group was significantly different during the two stages of measurement but no significant difference was observed in the control group. The overall score of urinary function, frequency of leakage and the effect of leakage on the quality of life of women in both control and intervention groups were significantly different between the three stages of measurement. While the rate of urine leakage in the intervention group was significantly different between times, no difference was observed in the control group.
Conclusion: Carboxytherapy is a safe, effective, acceptable, inexpensive, affordable, and accessible treatment option compared to other treatments for urinary incontinence, and better results can probably be achieved by increasing treatment sessions.

Mansooreh Jamshidian Tehrani , Haniyeh Zeidabadinejad, Fereshteh Tayebi, Mohammad Reza Khalili, Bita Momenaei ,
Volume 80, Issue 12 (3-2023)

Background: Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNLDO) is one of the most prevalent orbital diseases in children and treatment of recalcitrant cases is always challenging. The purpose of this study is to identify the effectiveness of balloon dacryoplasty and stenting in persistent congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction following previous intubation of nasolacrimal duct.
Methods: Our study was an interventional study from January 2015 to January 2018 on 16 lacrimal systems of 11 patients (5 males and 6 females) with congenital obstruction of the lacrimal duct (CNLDO) and a history of unsuccessful probing and stenting, in Farabi Hospital of Tehran (affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences). Children who presented to our hospital and had previously been probed with or without intubation by another surgeon first underwent reprobing and re-intubation with a Crawford tube. Endoscopy of the nasolacrimal system was performed in suspected cases of false stent passage or in the presence of a history indicating nasal pathology. Crawford's Monoka tube was removed after two months. Balloon dacryoplasty with intubation was performed as the third surgery in cases who did not respond to probing and stenting after 3-6 months. The success after six months was evaluated using fluorescein dye disappearance test (FDDT) and also the resolution of the patients' symptoms.

Results: The age of the patients was 67±35.01 months (range: 26-121). The site of the canalicular stenosis in our patients was in the common canaliculi or within 2-3 mm from it. After 6 months, surgery was successfully performed in 13 lacrimal systems (81.25%). One patient with congenital lacrimal duct obstruction and Down syndrome and two other patients did not respond to balloon dacryoplasty and stenting and subsequently underwent dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR).
Conclusion: Balloon dacryoplasty combined with Monocrawford intubation is an effective surgical procedure that should be considered in cases of congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction who have not responded to the probing and stenting of the lacrimal system.


Mohammad Reza Sabri, Bahar Dehghan, Mahsa Rafiee Alhossaini ,
Volume 81, Issue 1 (4-2023)

Background: Syncope is a temporary loss of consciousness with a loss of postural tone. Medicinal treatment of reflex syncope has shown to have no significant effect in reducing the recurrence of syncope. A 36-month follow-up of our pilot cohort showed that non-pharmacological treatments alone were effective in reducing relapse rates. The purpose of this study is to investigate long-term results and 8-year follow-up of previous patients.
Methods: The current study is a continuation of a prospective pilot cohort which was done between August 2013 and 2014 in two academic hospitals in Isfahan (Dr. Chamran heart center and Imam Hossein children hospitals). This current study examines the 8-year follow-up results of children with reflex syncope who were treated with non-pharmacological treatments alone or with drugs. Therefore, the patients who participated in the pilot study were enrolled (30 patients in the pharmacologic group and 40 patients non-pharmacological group). Finally, on 26 patients in the pharmacologic group and 31 patients in the non-pharmacological group (after applying the exclusion criteria), the incidence of syncope and pre-syncope attacks was compared between these two groups of patients using the Chi-square test.
Results: Our study showed that within 5 years after the last follow-up, the incidence of syncope and pre-syncope in patients with a history of vasovagal syncope who did not continue the diet or tilt exercises was different between the two groups of patients (without medication and drug recipient) was not significantly different, even the incidence of presyncope increased significantly again in both groups. The incidence of syncope in the period of 5 years after the last follow-up from the previous study was slightly increased in the group of patients without medication compared to the previous periods, but in the group of patients receiving medication, this incidence decreased slightly.
Conclusion: In order to prevent recurrence, the use of non-pharmacological methods is effective, but for the stability of this recovery, follow-up and continuation of these methods is necessary.

Sogol Shirzad, Zeinab Karimi, Mehdi Mohsen Zadeh , Masoud Mohammadi,
Volume 81, Issue 7 (10-2023)

Background: Neutropenia refers to a decrease in the absolute number of neutrophils in the blood circulation, certain drugs are used in connection with the treatment of neutropenia. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate and compare the efficacy of filgrastim and lenograstim drug treatment in patients with neutropenia in a systematic review.
Methods: This study is a systematic review study conducted in connection with the comparison of the effectiveness of filgrastim and lenograstim in neutropenic patients based on the search in Google scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Irandoc, SID, Magiran databases in the time range of January 2000 to August 2023. This systematic review was based on the criteria of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement, including systematic search of databases, organization of documents for review, selection of studies, information extraction and finally presentation of the final report. The keywords used for searching in this study were selected based on published primary studies and MESH, and after a detailed examination of the study questions, they were selected according to the PECO criteria.
Results: 1099 articles were identified in the review of the investigated databases, and after removing duplicate articles, unrelated articles, as well as articles that did not have access to their full text or did not have the required information, eight studies were the final phase, and were checked. Out of the eight selected articles, three articles declared the effectiveness of lenograstim more than filgrastim. Two articles mentioned the greater effect of filgrastim and three articles published in recent years declared the effect of two drugs to be the same. Among these articles, the studies that considered the drug dosage to be the same in the investigated groups and the studies that had a larger statistical population in order to generalize to the society are more important.
Conclusion: According to studies conducted in recent years, both filgrastim and lenograstim recombinant drugs have the same effectiveness in the treatment of neutropenia.

Mostafa Kazemi , Mohammad Hossain Dadkhah Tehrani , Ali Asghar Khaleghi, Masoud Mohammadi ,
Volume 81, Issue 9 (12-2023)

Background: Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world, which is associated with a high prevalence, especially in the elderly male population. Treatment options for non-metastatic prostate cancer usually include active surveillance, radiotherapy and surgery, so the aim of the present study is a systematic review of brachytherapy in the treatment of prostate cancer.
Methods: The study conducted is a systematic review article in which a review of the treatment of prostate cancer with brachytherapy has been done. The information used is taken from articles published in Persian and English in Google scholar, SID and PubMed databases from 2000 to 2022. The selected keywords in this article included Brachy therapy, Prostate cancer, Radio therapy, Prostate neoplasms, High dose rate, Low dose rate and External beam radio therapy. Selection of studies was done according to PRISMA guidelines.
Results: Brachytherapy can be classified into 2 types of permanent implantation and temporary implantation based on the length of the treatment period. In permanent brachytherapy implants for prostate cancer, iodine (125I) or palladium (103Pd) are used as radioactive sources for low dose rate cases and for high dose rate brachytherapy. Iridium (192Ir) is used. Brachytherapy is usually used in two ways, either as a monotherapy in which LDR and HDR are used to treat some low-risk patients, or as a booster treatment after other treatments such as EBRT, which here may be part of the treatment process before, after, or during treatment. In contrast to brachytherapy alone, brachytherapy plus EBRT is an appropriate approach in patients with intermediate-risk and high-risk disease. In high-risk patients, the combined use of EBRT and HDR-BT can lead to better results than EBRT alone. Brachytherapy treatment is not suitable for every disease.
Conclusion: One of the main advantages of this treatment method is the ability to administer a high dose of radiation while minimizing radiation exposure to adjacent healthy organs. Since optimal dose distribution occurs in the treatment, quality treatment can be ensured. The results obtained from both forms of brachytherapy are generally suitable and comparable to other treatment methods with fewer side effects.

Alireza Dehghan, Mahbube Abshirini, Hamid Nemati, Mahdi Saeedi-Moghadam ,
Volume 81, Issue 11 (1-2024)

Background: Developmental disorders in children include a group of problems and limitations in learning and acquiring specific skills of each age group. The term global developmental delay is used to describe developmental disability in children under five years of age, which is in at least two areas of major development. Neuroradiological imaging such as brain MRI provides important information for physicians. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of brain MRI in predicting the clinical outcome of global developmental delay in children.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, from 79 - from September 2013 to September 2018 at Motahari Clinic of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz Iran - eligible children with developmental disabilities, 37 patient who had brain MRI were selected as a sample and children scores in five ASQ clinical areas and MRI findings were reviewed and compared. Patients suffering from metabolic, genetic, trauma, infection and neoplasms problems and diseases were excluded from the study.
Results: Out of 37 patients studied, 23 were female and 14 were male with a dispersion of three 3 to 60 months of age. 31 of these children had at least one abnormal finding in brain MRI images and the other six were completely normal. In relation to the imaging findings, the highest frequency is related to abnormal head circumference with a prevalence of 54% and the lowest frequency is related to abnormal myelinization with a prevalence of 10.8%. Results of MRI findings correlation with developmental domains demonstrated that Children with white matter disorder on MRI show severe gross motor abnormality (P<0.049) and who had MRI finding of cortical problems suffer from developmental delay in fine motor area. (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Considering the mentioned findings; brain MRI can be a useful diagnostic tool in children with developmental delay and also focusing on the developmental area that is more likely to be affected, MRI can help with treatment and rehabilitation process of these children in the future.

Mohammad Masud Khubiari , Simin Najafgholian, Bahareh Abbasi, Ramin Parvizrad, Reza Aghbozorgi,
Volume 82, Issue 5 (7-2024)

Background: Emergency Departments (EDs) visits reflect medical needs and demands or the only care available to patients. Many ED visits are potentially preventable with access to high-quality, community-based health care. Given the higher incidence of emergency conditions in patients with cancer the global increase in cancer will pose a challenge for emergency services. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of epidemiological investigation of emergency department visits by cancer patients in several centers.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the triage form and hospital file of known patients with various cancers, who visited in Eds of valiasr and Amir al Momenin hospitals in Arak, Hazrat Rasool Akram and Lolagar hospitals in Tehran, and Shahid Sadouqi and Shah vali hospitals in Yazd, From April to September 2017. To measure the urgency of ED visits, the emergency severity index and triage form were used, and the outcome of the emergency visit was extracted from the patient's file and recorded in the data collection checklist. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to examine the association of patient, hospital and potentially preventable factors.
Results: In this study, 1107 patients, 550 men (%49.7) and 577 women (%50.3) with cancer were were studied. Age 65 and older had the most emergency visits. The most common reason for patients to visit was: pain in different organs (18.2%), fever (8.7%), weakness and malaise (7.5%). A total of 617 (55.7%) visits were potentially preventable. Age 17 years and younger (OR, 3.172; 95% (CI), 2.409-4.021) and presence of more than 1 comorbidity (OR, 3.610; 95% (CI), 3.611-4.521) were positively associated with potentially preventable visits.
Conclusion: In this study, 50.7% of ED visits among patients with cancer were identified as potentially preventable, and the most common reason for patient visits was general and non-specific symptoms such as pain, weakness, and malaise. These findings highlight the need for palliative care and evidence-based interventions in outpatient settings.

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