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Showing 26 results for Jamshidi

Nemati Sh, Amiridavan M, Jamshidi M, Saberi A, Majlesi A,
Volume 65, Issue 4 (3 2007)

Background: Sudden sensorinueural hearing loss (SSNHL) is a baffling condition for patients, and its etiology, audiologic characteristics, prognostic factors, and treatment are still controversial.
Methods: In this prospective study, we performed pure tone audiometry (PTA), impedance acoustics (IA), auditory brainstem responses (ABR), otoacoustic emissions (OAE), and transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) before beginning treatment for 53 patients with SSNHL. We then entered each patient, randomly and alternately, in one of two treatment groups: oral steroids + acyclovir vs. intravenous urographin.
Results: In 22 (41.5%) of the 53 patients (22 female, 31 male), we found negative or no signal to noise ratio and overall correlation in TEOAE. Furthermore, 26 cases (49%) had positive overall correlations less than 50%, and five cases (4.4%) had overall correlations >50%. Although 15 cases (28.3%) responded well, 20 cases (37.7%) showed only a partial response, and 18 cases (33.9%) had poor or no response to our treatment. The mean value for overall correlation in the three subgroups of patients (no response, partial response, and complete response) was -3.5% (±1/16%), + 11% (±1.99%), and +36.6% (±3.07%) respectively (P = 0.01). From 52 cases, 20 had no reproducible wave in ABR (38.5%), three cases had abnormal ABR with normal OAE, all of which responded completely to treatments. Thirteen cases had abnormal ABR and OAE, none of which responded to treatment, and six cases had normal ABR with abnormal OAE, which often responded to treatment.
Conclusions: ABR and OAE may be useful in the diagnosis of SSNHL and determining the site of such lesions as ischemia or neuropathy. The overall correlation (and S/N ratio) in TEOAE is a valuable prognostic factor in SSNHL.
Gharibdoost F, Samadi F, Taghipoor R, Akbarian M, Shahram F, Nadji A, Jamshidi A R, Davatchi F,
Volume 65, Issue 7 (4 2007)

Background: Heat-shock proteins are part of a strictly controlled biological system that allows organisms to respond to environmental stresses. Different proinflammatory cytokines are present in the synovial tissue of rheumatoid arthritis patients. Such tissues respond to stress and induce heat-shock proteins. In addition, synovial cells are exposed to mechanical stress caused by joint motion. The effects of mechanical stress on the metabolism of the synovial cells may be substantial, even pathogenic. Heat-shock proteins are often implicated in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Here, we compare the levels of heat-shock protein 70 from the synovial fluid of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients.

Methods: Synovial fluid samples from 34 rheumatoid arthritis patients and 34 osteoar-thritis patients were analyzed for heat-shock protein 70 by an ELISA method. Statistical analysis was performed using independent T-test and one-way ANOVA. Differences were considered statistically significant at p< 0.05.

Results: The mean value of synovial fluid heat-shock protein 70 levels in rheumatoid arthritis patients was 156.30 ±128.51 and that of osteoarthritis patients was 14.98 ±11.58. The differences were statistically significant at p<0.0001. For seven rheumatoid arthritis patients suffering from mechanical knee pain, synovial fluid analysis revealed non-inflammatory effusion. The mean value of synovial fluid heat-shock protein 70 level in inflammatory synovial fluid of rheumatoid arthritis patients was significantly higher at 191±121.73 and that of non-inflammatory synovial fluid from rheumatoid arthritis patients was 21.93 ±10.06 (p< 0.05).

Conclusion: The level of heat shock protein 70 is higher in inflammatory arthritis than in non-inflammatory arthritis. Considering that patients with rheumatoid arthritis are known to have a hypertrophic synovial-lining layer, and that heat-shock protein 70 is known to protect cells against a variety of toxic conditions as well as apoptotic death, further research is needed to determine if heat-shock protein 70 induction is a sign of significant changes in the cellular and tissue metabolism or is actively participating in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis.

Eslamian L, Jamshidi A, Kaghaz Kanani R,
Volume 65, Issue 14 (Vol 65, Supplement 2 2008)

Background: Osteoporosis threatens the aged population especially the menopausal women and can lead to life long disability and death. Appropriate knowledge and behavior have an important role in prevention of osteoporosis. In this study the knowledge, attitude and behavior of women regarding osteoporosis is assessed and compared in different age groups.
Methods: This cross sectional study includes 390 women in reproductive, premenopausal and menopausal age groups who had come to Shariati hospital clinics and each had answered the designed questionnaire. The questionnaires were scored and analyzed. Women’s knowledge, attitude and behavior were assessed and compared by X2 test in the three age groups and P<0.05 was considered significant.
Results: 15–30% of women didn’t know what osteoporosis is and in 380 of them attitude or behavior was not good. Education had a significant effect on knowledge of women in reproductive and premenopausal ages (P=0.002, 0.04 respectively), but had no effect on their attitude or behavior. Age had a significant effect on knowledge and attitude (P=0.001) but had no effect on behavior. Age had significant effect on the knowledge that exercise can prevent osteoporosis (P=0.014) but not on attitude or behavior. Age had no effect on knowledge, attitude or behavior of daily calcium intake to prevent osteoporosis. (P=0.123, 0.12, 0.153 respectively) 93% to 95% of women thought the risks of osteoporosis are less than cardiovascular disease or breast cancer.
Conclusions: 15–30% of women didn’t know what osteoporosis is. The total knowledge about osteoporosis was low. Although 22-75% of women younger than 54 years old had knowledge about the predisposing factors but their attitude or behavior was not good.
Sonbolestan Sm, Barzegar F, Jamshidi M, Hashemi Sm, Honarmand A,
Volume 66, Issue 6 (5 2008)

Background: Post-tonsillectomy pain is often severe and usually prevents patients from routine eating and drinking. A new option for reducing postoperative pain is "preemptive analgesia", the pre-, intra- or post-operative administration of analgesic agents. Ketamine, an N-methyl D-aspartate receptor antagonist, has recently received attention for this aim. Herein, we study the effect of submucosal injection of ketamine in the tonsillar bed for the reduction of post-tonsillectomy pain.

Methods: In this double-blind clinical trial, three groups of patients underwent infiltration of 0.5mg/kg ketamine, 1mg/kg ketamine or normal saline in their tonsillar bed. Age, sex and weight of patients, duration of surgery, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (before and after surgery), volume of blood loss, reoccurrence of bleeding, time to initiation of oral intake, nausea, vomiting, pain score and dysphasia were recorded in information sheet. Data analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA and chi squared tests, with significance at a P value of <0.5.

Results: There is no significant difference between the three groups with regard to age, sex, weight, duration of surgery, blood pressure (before surgery), volume of blood loss, nausea and vomiting. However, for the ketamine groups, pain score, dysphasia, need for opioid administration and time to initiation of oral intake is significantly lower (P<0.00). Reoccurrence of bleeding was observed in one patient in the lower-dose ketamine group, which is not statistically significant. The effectiveness of the two doses of ketamine is similar, with no statistical difference between the two groups (P=0.84).

Conclusions: This study demonstrated that a submucosal injection of ketamine into the tonsillar bed preoperatively is a safe option for reducing post-tonsillectomy pain, dysphasia, need for opioid and time to initiation of oral intake, without increasing the risk of excessive bleeding, reoccurrence of bleeding, nausea and vomiting.

Jamshidi Ar, Tehrani Banihashemi Sa, Salari Ah, Taghipour R,
Volume 66, Issue 11 (3 2009)

Background: There are several evidences that genetic factors besides environmental triggers have important role in initiating the rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The aim of this study was to investigate the association of rheumatoid arthritis with different subtypes of HLA DR4 in Iranian patients.

Methods: In an un-matched case control study, 110 rheumatoid arthritis patients (case) and 56 knee osteoarthritis patients (control) of outpatient clinic in Shariati Hospital were entered to the study. After blood sampling from case and control groups, DNA was isolated by using salting-out method and HLA DR4 and its subtypes were detected. Association of HLA DR4 and its subtypes with rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic factor and clinical manifestations of diseases was evaluated.

Results: Eighty nine (80.9%) of rheumatoid arthritis patients were female and 21 were male. Thirty four of the RA patients (30.9%) and eleven subjects from the control group (19.6%) were HLA DR4 positive (p=0.12). The most frequent subtype of HLA DR4 in RA patients was 0404 and in control group was 0401 (p=0.03). There were not statistically significant association between HLA DR4 and age of disease onset, family history, morning stiffness and rheumatoid factor. Joint swelling and tenderness had association with HLA DR4 (p=0.04 and p=0.03).

Conclusion: Although there were no statistically significant association between rheumatoid arthritis and HLA DR4, but prevalence of this HLA was higher in patients than control. It is possible that in some ethnics, other HLAs may have role in pathogenesis of disease.

Saeideh Dahaghin , Ahmadreza Jamshidi , Seyed Arash Tehrani Banihashemi , Jaleh Gholami , Mohammad Hossein Forouzanfar , Masomeh Akhlaghi , Alireza Khabazi , Elham Noorolahzadeh , Mojgan Barghamdi , Bozorgmehr Arabzadeh , ,
Volume 67, Issue 6 (9-2009)

Background: Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in the world. This study presents the evidence on the prevalence of symptomatic hand osteoarthritis in urban community. To add to the evidence on the prevalence of symptomatic hand osteoarthritis in urban community.
Methods: Inhabitants (age≥15 yrs) in 22 randomly selected districts (Tehran) participated in a Community-Oriented Program for Control of Rheumatic Diseases (COPCORD) evaluating major rheumatic disorders, including osteoarthritis. Eventually, 10, 291 inhabitants completed a Questionnaire (75% response-rate). Trained interviewers asked participants whether they had had any pain, swelling, tenderness, or morning stiffness in the right/ left hand during previous seven days. Participants underwent a complete physical examination if they had any musculoskeletal complaint or extra-articular manifestation of rheumatic disease. Osteoarthritis was defined as presence of palpable nodules (Heberden’s/ Bouchard’s nodes, CMC1’s squaring), pain, tenderness, swelling, or a combination of them on that joint (DIP-PIP-MCP-CMC1). Clinical hand osteoarthritis was positive if at least one joint showed osteoarthritis.
Results: Symptomatic hand osteoarthritis was present in 2.8%(CI 2.3-3.4) (52.6% female, mean age 37.1±16.3). Prevalence was higher in females (4.3% vs. 1.3%, p=0.000) and increased with age (0.1% in people <30 versus 23% in people >70, p=0.000). The most common signs in the DIP, PIP and CMC1 joints were bony enlargement, followed by tenderness and pain on movement.
Conclusions: our study confirms the evidence of high prevalence of symptomatic hand osteoarthritis in an urban community. The prevalence, pattern of hand joints involvement and relationship with age and sex in this study performed in an Eastern community resemble those in Westerners, which calls for further attention by appropriate services.

Akbarian M, Faezi St, Gharibdoost F, Shahram F, Nadji A, Jamshidi Ar, Akhlaghi M, Shafaee N, Akhlaghkhah M, Davatchi F,
Volume 68, Issue 5 (6 2010)

Background: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a prototypic autoimmune disease with diverse clinical manifestations in association with autoantibodies to components of the cell nucleus. SLE as a chronic autoimmune disease has a worldwide distribution. There is a wide variation in the natural history of SLE among different ethnic and geographic groups. Our SLE registry is one of the largest series in Asia-Pacific region. The aim of this study was to show the manifestations of SLE in Iranian patients.

Methods: This study is on clinical and Para clinical manifestations of SLE according to the database of the Rheumatology Research Center (RRC), Tehran University of Medical Sciences as a major referral center for rheumatic disease in Iran during the period of 1976 to 2009.

Results: A total of 2143 SLE patients were studied. The female to the male ratio was 8.8:1 and the mean age at the presentation was 24.2± 10 Years. Prevalence of clinical manifestations included: musculoskeletal, cutaneous, renal, neuropsychiatric, pulmonary, cardiac and hematologic were 85.2%, 83.1%, 66.6%, 24%, 22.3%, 17.5% and 67.1% respectively. There were seen positive FANA in 78.3% and anti-DNA in 70% of patients. Overlap syndrome and positive family history with other autoimmune diseases were detected in 14.9% and 3.4% of patients respectively.

Conclusion: The prevalence of some manifestations (such as cutaneous and renal involvement) in our patients were similar to those of nearby countries (with similar climate), while other manifestations (such as hematologic and joint involvement) were similar to the European countries (with similar ethnicity). Genetic and/or climatic factors may lead to different presentations of lupus.
Ehsani Ah, Noormohammadpoor P, Jamshidi S, Ghasemi H,
Volume 68, Issue 12 (6 2011)

Background: Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy (PUPPP) is a specific dermatosis of the third trimester of pregnancy, commonly seen in primigravid women.
Case presentation: A 24-year-old primigravida woman who had developed a rash immediately after delivery was admitted to Razi Hospital in Tehran, Iran. She had an erythematous eruption, particularly concentrated on the abdominal striae with umbilical sparing and involvement of limbs and extremities. Skin biopsy of the lesions on the lower abdomen, showed superficial perivascular infiltrates with occasional neutrophils and eosinophils. Both direct and indirect immunofloresence assays were negative. The patient was ultimately treated with topical clobetasol butyrate and oral chlorpheniramine for pruritus. Within a week, the lesions and the itchings had disappeared completely.
Conclusion: Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy are often, but not always, seen during the third trimester of pregnancy, but sometimes they present in postpartum period without any prior manifestations during pregnancy.

Mohammad Abbasinazari , Afshin Mohammad Alizadeh , Yusef Jamshidi,
Volume 72, Issue 3 (June 2014)

Background: Judicious use of antibiotics is essential considering the growth of antimi-crobial resistance and escalating costs in health care. Ceftriaxone is a third-generation cephalosporin used widely for the treatment of various infections in outpatient and in-patient. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ceftriaxone utilization before and after implementation of guidelines and physicians education. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional, before-after intervention study was performed in 6 wards of a teaching hospital in Tehran, Iran. The study was conducted in three phases: pre-guideline, educational interventions and post guideline implementation. The pre intervention phase included chart analysis of current ceftriaxone use in 200 consecutive patients from the representative wards included in the study. The educational interventions included preparation and distribution of ceftriaxone guidelines as pamphlets among physicians working in the studied wards. Also the clinical pharmacist returned to each ward and trained physicians regarding the correct use of ceftriaxone. In the post intervention phase immediately after the instruction, and in the follow up phase, one month later, a prospective analysis of ceftriaxone utilization was performed by chart review of 200 patients to detect changes in ceftriaxone utilization pattern. Results: Four hundred cases were evaluated during study (200 before and 200 after physician’s education). The correct indication of ceftriaxone was 93% and 96% before and after the educational interventions respectively. Analysis showed that correct indi-cation of ceftriaxone did not change significantly before and after education (P= 0.188). Regarding to proper administration (dose, interval and duration) ceftriaxone utilization significantly changed after education (P< 0.001). Conclusion: Adoption of the guidelines with associated training resulted in significant improvement in ceftriaxone administration pattern in the hospitals.
Mohammadreza Effatparvar , Nima Jamshidi , Alireza Karimian ,
Volume 74, Issue 8 (November 2016)

Background: Cooling is one of the main processes in bone temperature decrement, while drilling. this experiment was conducted for examination of alcohol effect as cooler in prevention of thermal necrosis.

Methods: Bovine femur bone was considered as specimen and inclusions criteria for this study were: femur bone, cortical area and without bone periosteum. Drilling process was conducted by two types of k-wire- Trocar and Diamond, three speeds and three feed rates and in the time of march, 2016 in the place of university of Isfahan, Iran. Two type of thermometer- K-thermocouple and infrared thermometer- were used for temperature measurement, and all data were logged by data logger. Drilling processes were conducted by milling machine with ability of table movement for feed rate parameter. Method of alcohol usage in cooling was in form of conducting alcoholic gauze with k-wire while rotating.

Results: Totally in the cases of trocar and diamond wires, while were cooled by alcohol, the risk of bone necrosis decreased about 44.44% and 66.66%. All temperature data were logged by changing parameters. maximum temperature, 94.5 °C, belonged to trocar wire in a non-cooling condition and after usage of cooler it decreased to 75 °C.  In the usage of diamond wires, the maximum temperature was recorded 71 °C and the temperature while using alcohol was 51 °C. Diamond wire had better result in both conditions of cooling and no cooling, and this is related to geometric differences between two types of wires.

Conclusion: Due to obtained data from examination, utilization alcohol can have an important influence on final bone temperature decreasing. The way of using alcohol was in the style of attrition soaked gauze onto wire while insertion.

Mahshid Hatami , Mohammad Esmaeil Akbari , Morteza Abdollahi , Marjan Ajami , Yasaman Jamshidinaeini , Sayed Hossein Davoodi ,
Volume 75, Issue 1 (April 2017)

Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among females in the world. Identifying the nutrients that modify the risk of the disease is one of the key strategies for improving the quality of life and reducing treatment costs. Epidemiological studies support the role of macronutrients and vitamins involved in one carbon metabolism in the etiology of the disease. This study aimed in investigation of the relationship between the intake of macronutrients and vitamins involved in one carbon metabolism with breast cancer risk.

Methods: This case-control hospital base study was conducted at Shohada Hospital, Tehran from April to February 2015. Demographic data, physical activity level and nutrients’ intake from diet and supplements were collected through interview from 151 cases and 154 controls. Dietary intake was assessed by a valid and reliable 168-item semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Then intake of macronutrients and B vitamins was assessed by Nutritionist 4 software (First Databank Inc., CA, USA). Comparing categorical variables between the two groups was done by Chi-squared test and the relationship between intake of studied nutrients and risk of breast cancer was determined using logistic regression test.

Results: There were no difference in age, menarche age, menopause age, body mass index (BMI), number of live births between two groups. But the difference in physical activity, energy intake, marital status, educational level, occupation, oral contraceptives use was significant (P< 0.001). After modifying the effects of confounding variables, the risk of breast cancer was significantly lower in the highest intake quartile category relative to the lowest quartile category for total protein, total fiber, intake of vitamins B2, B6, B12 and folate (Ptrend< 0.001). Before modifying the effects of confounding variables, the risk of breast cancer was significantly higher in the highest intake quartile category relative to the lowest quartile category for carbohydrate and fat; but after modifying the effects of confounding variables, results were not significant.

Conclusion: The results showed that high intake of protein, fiber, vitamins B2, B6, B12 and folate are associated with lower risk of breast cancer.

Mohammadreza Effatparvar , Nima Jamshidi , Alireza Asghari Ardabili ,
Volume 75, Issue 2 (May 2017)

Background: Application of Hybrid 6 degrees of freedom fixation could lead to space motion in each 3 anatomic plates together and decrease the time of complex deformities correction. This study is an investigation on the function of hybrid external fixation and the influence of it on decreasing the treatment time. About this case utilize of Ortho-SUV Frame (OSF) system is explained for the first time in Iran and report of its novel. These robotic systems are divided into two groups: active and passive, about active system all movements are done by actuators in joints and links. And in passive, the system needs an operator or patient to actuates Sturats by hand.

Methods: The femur bone has been investigated was non::::union:::: with deformity in sagittal, frontal and transversal planes. Ilizarov external fixation was applicate firstly, with this condition that the OSF systems jacks were replaced instead of simple rods in side of fracture. Software work was done on February of 2016 in Ayatollah Taleghani Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Fractures were happened in a car accident and some other operating were perforemed for this patient without any result.

Results: The correction of studied deformity needs 3 planar moving. Acting this movement by Ilizarov requirements 33 mm displacement in frontal plane, 12 mm horizontal distraction and 48 mm displacement in sagittal plane. Due to the rate of correction in Ilizarov which is 1 mm per day, this bone needs 93 days for general correction and three times changing in shape of rings connections. While, by using the hybrid external fixation, all displacements were corrected in 46 days and first connection had supported all planes.   

Conclusion: According to that the decreasing of treatment time is one of the main goal, the hybrid external fixation systems could be an appointment choice in complex deformities and replaced with some common fixation. In addition to, using of updated software increases the accuracy of displacement.

Manijeh Jamshidi , Ahmad Naghibzadeh-Tahami, Elham Maleki, Vahidreza Borhaninejad, Hosniyeh Alizadeh , Mehrdad Farokhnia , Salman Daneshi,
Volume 76, Issue 3 (June 2018)

Background: According to the direct connection between congenital hypothyroidism and iodine deficiency in pregnant women, also relatively high incidence of congenital hypothyroidism in some areas of Kerman province, especially Raver district located in North of Kerman province, this study was performed to determine and compare the urinary iodine concentration (UIC) in pregnant women referring to health centers.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was done during March 2014 and May 2015. Inclusion and exclusion criteria to be considered and UIC were measured by spectrophotometry in 384 and 374 pregnant women in Ravar and Kerman cities, Iran. Sampling method for this study was all of pregnant women in Ravar and random stratified sampling in Kerman. data were collected using a structured questionnaire. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS Software, version 20.0 (IBM SPSS, Armonk, NY, USA). Chi-square test, Pearson's correlation coefficient and Logistic regression were used for associations and differences.
Results: The mean UIC was 200.21 µg/L in pregnant women of Ravar and 238.79 µg/L in pregnant women of Kerman. 22.7% of pregnant women were with low concentrations of iodine, 57.8% within the normal range and 19.5 percent were with high iodine concentrations in Ravar. While 5.3 percent of pregnant women were with low concentrations of iodine, 54.5% were within the normal range and 40.1% were with high UIC in Kerman. There were no significant differences between demographic variables and UIC in the two regions (P> 05/0). Multivariate regression models showed significant connections between the residence and UIC pregnant women (P< 0.001).
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that UIC in pregnant women of Ravar was significantly lower than Kerman and the place of living can be considered as a predictor of UIC in pregnant women.

Sepideh Haghifar , Yasaman Jamshidi Naeini , Mohammad Esmaeil Akbari , Morteza Abdollahi , Mahdi Shadnoush , Marjan Ajami , Sayed Hossein Davoodi ,
Volume 76, Issue 8 (November 2018)

Background: The average age of women with breast cancer in Iran is at least 10 years lower in comparison to developed countries and the incidence of the disease in Iranian women is on a rise. According to studies, diets that are diverse in food groups can play a role in protecting against chronic diseases including cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Diet diversity score is an indicator used to measure diversity between and within food groups. This study aimed to assess the relationship between diet diversity score and breast cancer risk.
Methods: This case-control study was carried out from April 2014 to February 2015 at Shohada Hospital in Tajrish, Tehran. Demographic and anthropometric data of 298 participants including 149 breast cancer cases and 149 apparently healthy women were collected. A valid food frequency questionnaire containing 168 food items was completed to assess usual dietary intake through face to face interviews. Energy was calculated using Nutritionist 4 software (First Databank Inc., Hearst Corp., San Bruno, CA, USA) and diet diversity score was calculated using five food group scoring. Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were obtained using logistic regression test to evaluate the association between breast cancer risk and diet diversity score tertiles.
Results: There was no significant difference in weight, height, body mass index between the two groups, but physical activity level and daily energy intake showed a significant difference (P<0.001). After adjusting for the effect of confounding variables including energy, body mass index, physical activity, menopause status, family history of breast cancer, contraceptive use, number of pregnancy, age of menarche and smoking, the risk for developing breast cancer was 86% lower in those in the highest tertile of diet diversity score compared to those in the first tertile (OR=0.14, 95% CI=0.06-0.31). An inverse and significant association was found between breast cancer risk and diversity scores of fruits and milk groups (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Higher diet diversity score is associated with reduced risk of breast cancer.

Solmaz Ohadian Moghadam , Erfan Amini , Mohsen Ayati , Hassan Jamshidian , Seyed Ali Moemeni , Farshad Sheybaee Moghaddam , Mohammad Reza Nowroozi ,
Volume 77, Issue 10 (January 2020)

Background: Prostate cancer has been reported as a worldwide important kind of cancer and the second most common cause of cancer-related mortality among men. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) serum level is one of the most important markers of prostate cancer diagnosis. While PSA level helps predict the risk of prostate cancer development, researchers still looking for ways to increase the accuracy of prognostic models. To increase the specificity of PSA and decrease of unnecessary biopsies and morbidity, PSA-related parameters such as PSA doubling time (PSADT) have been used. In this study, the relationship between this factor and the severity of prostate cancer was evaluated.
Methods: In this retrospective study, the data of patients who were subjected to transrectal ultrasound-guided (TRUS) biopsy of the prostate and referred to Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, between 2009 and 2017 were reviewed. We enrolled the men with at least two consecutive elevated PSA level within three months to calculate PSADT. Based on the pathology report, primary and secondary Gleason score (GS) were determined. Correspondingly, considering GS, the patients were divided into two groups with high-grade and low-grade tumor (GS<7 considered as low-grade and GS>7 considered as high-grade tumor).
Results: Totally, 1712 cases of TRUS biopsy of the prostate were studied. Among them, 547 (32.3%) had prostate cancer, of whom 73 cases were eligible based on inclusion criteria and were consented to enroll in the study. According to the data obtained, we found a significant difference in PSADT between the two groups of patients with high-grade and low-grade malignancy (mean±SD PSADT, 9.8±14.2 vs. 16.1±14.9 respectively, P=0.004). Considering the seven months as the cut-off point for PSADT in determining malignancy, there was a significant difference between the two groups according to Fisher's exact test (P=0.01).
Conclusion: In our study, PSADT cut-off of 7 months provided the greatest accuracy for differentiation between low-grade and high-grade malignancy, and PSADT has acceptable accuracy for the diagnosis of high-grade tumors.

Mohammad Sadra Modaresi , Arta Amir Jamshidi , Mohammad Reza Modaresi ,
Volume 78, Issue 8 (November 2020)

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common autosomal recessive genetic disease, which is caused by defection in the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) gene. CFTR gene codes chloride channels to modulate the homeostasis of epithelial environments. Defective CFTR affects various organs such as the lungs, pancreas, intestine, liver and skin; however, lung impairment is the main reason for mortality in these patients. About 2000 mutations in this gene have been discovered, but nearly 150 mutations lead to serious symptoms. CFTR mutations are classified into six major classes based on phenotypic manifestations such as structural instability of channels, defective processing, malfunctioning chloride-ion transfers and decreased number of chloride channels in the cell membranes. These cause various symptoms such as respiratory infection, intestinal obstruction, pancreatic exocrine insufficiency and malabsorption. Significant improvements in diagnostic tools and methods such as newborn screening, chloride sweat test and gene sequencing have increased the incidence and the prevalence of CF. Enormous studies have also been done on CF recognition and treatment procedures, which have resulted in 30 years of growth in the life expectancy of the patients. Despite the recent achievements, due to the high complexity of this disease and the involvement of various organs, the available treatments are nonpermanent. In the past few years, new combinatorial drugs have been introduced which potentiate and correct CFTR and ameliorate the CF symptoms. Recently, novel genetic engineering methods like CRISPR/Cas9 and TALEN have been utilized to correct the mutated CFTR gene with high accuracy and eradicate the symptoms. Studying this disease at its distinct levels from subcellular to organs could help to find new treatments. Systematic research in finding common attributes between different states of the disease is very beneficial. Interdisciplinary research groups with various expertise in mathematics, biology and engineering could have a great impact on describing the full picture of the disease and development of new treatment strategies. The main part of this article provides a comprehensive overview of cystic fibrosis with emphasis on the key studies on genetics and their effects on cellular and physiological levels. In this work, conventional and new treatment methods have also been discussed.

Seyed Ali Akbar Arabzadeh, Vahid Jamshidi , Masoud Saeed, Rostam Yazdani, Mahdieh Jamshidi,
Volume 79, Issue 10 (January 2022)

Background: The clinical field has vast sick data that has not been analyzed. Discovering a way to analyze this raw data and turn it into an information treasure can save many lives. Using data mining methods is an efficient way to analyze this large amount of raw data. It can predict the future with accurate knowledge of the past, providing new insights into disease diagnosis and prevention. Several data mining methods exist but finding a suitable one is very important. Today, coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has become one of the causing deadly diseases in the world. The early diagnosis of pandemic coronavirus disease has a significant impact in preventing death. This study aims to extract the key indications of the disease and find the best data mining methods that enhance the accuracy of coronavirus disease diagnosis.
Methods: In this study, to obtain high accuracy in diagnosing COVID-19 disease, a complete and effective workflow over data mining methods was proposed, which includes these steps: data pre-analyzing, indication selection, model creation, the measure of performance, and display of results. Data and related indications of patients with COVID-19 were collected from Kerman Afzalipour Hospital and Rafsanjan, Ali Ebn Abi Taleb Hospital. Prediction structures were made and tested via different combinations of the disease indications and seven data mining methods. To discover the best key indications, three criteria including accuracy, validation and F-value were applied and to discover the best data mining methods, accuracy and validation criteria were considered. For each data mining method, the criteria were measured independently and all results were reported for analysis. Finally, the best key indications and data mining methods that can diagnose COVID-19 disease with high accuracy were extracted.
Results: 9 key indications and 3 data mining methods were obtained. Experimental results show that the discovered key indications and the best-operating data mining method (i.e. SVM) attain an accuracy of 83.19% for the diagnosis of coronavirus disease.
Conclusion: Due to key indications and data mining methods obtained from this study, it is possible to use this method to diagnose coronavirus disease in different people of different clinical indications with high accuracy.

Ghazaleh Jamshidi , Farshid Babapour Mofrad , Mahyar Ghafoori, Hamidreza Saligheh Rad ,
Volume 80, Issue 6 (September 2022)

Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) has been one of the most prevalent cancers in men in recent years. Multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (mp-MRI) has been increasingly applied in the diagnosis, localization and staging of prostate cancer. This approach uses a combination of morphology information obtained from T2-weighted image along with at least two functional imaging modalities, such as diffusion-weighted (DWI), dynamic-contrast-enhancement (DCE), and magnetic-resonance-spectroscopy (MRS). This review gives a comprehensive overview of the theories and methodologies of the mp-MRI for diagnosing prostate cancer. The search was fulfilled using a list of search engines.
Methods: In this study, with a systematic review of studies conducted during February 2015 to October 2021, the role and potential of integrating the results of morphological and functional imaging in a multi-parameter approach were evaluated and the optimal combination was introduced. This article collected studies that have employed mp-MRI in prostate cancer including: peer-reviews, research articles, academic reports and conferences. This review has been studied from September 2016 to January 2022.
Results: According to the reported results, the optimum combination of T2-w, DWI and DCE in the mp-MRI approach provides the highest sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis, localization and staging of prostate cancer. Applying the field strength of 3T versus 1.5T improves detection accuracy including improving sensitivity and specificity as well, and also the application of endorectal coils does not provide much advantage compared to pelvic phased-array coil in term of prostate cancer detection accuracy. 
Conclusion: MP-MRI as a precision instrument plays a valuable role in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. The most suitable combination of the pulse sequences to achieve the goals of this approach is T2-w, DWI and DCE. This review is comprehensive overview covered previous articles of mp-MRI in prostate cancer for all the researchers in this field and expresses the positive and negative points of each modality. Moreover, this article reports the sensitivity and the Specificity of the recent researches.

Mansooreh Jamshidian Tehrani , Haniyeh Zeidabadinejad, Fereshteh Tayebi, Mohammad Reza Khalili, Bita Momenaei ,
Volume 80, Issue 12 (March 2023)

Background: Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNLDO) is one of the most prevalent orbital diseases in children and treatment of recalcitrant cases is always challenging. The purpose of this study is to identify the effectiveness of balloon dacryoplasty and stenting in persistent congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction following previous intubation of nasolacrimal duct.
Methods: Our study was an interventional study from January 2015 to January 2018 on 16 lacrimal systems of 11 patients (5 males and 6 females) with congenital obstruction of the lacrimal duct (CNLDO) and a history of unsuccessful probing and stenting, in Farabi Hospital of Tehran (affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences). Children who presented to our hospital and had previously been probed with or without intubation by another surgeon first underwent reprobing and re-intubation with a Crawford tube. Endoscopy of the nasolacrimal system was performed in suspected cases of false stent passage or in the presence of a history indicating nasal pathology. Crawford's Monoka tube was removed after two months. Balloon dacryoplasty with intubation was performed as the third surgery in cases who did not respond to probing and stenting after 3-6 months. The success after six months was evaluated using fluorescein dye disappearance test (FDDT) and also the resolution of the patients' symptoms.

Results: The age of the patients was 67±35.01 months (range: 26-121). The site of the canalicular stenosis in our patients was in the common canaliculi or within 2-3 mm from it. After 6 months, surgery was successfully performed in 13 lacrimal systems (81.25%). One patient with congenital lacrimal duct obstruction and Down syndrome and two other patients did not respond to balloon dacryoplasty and stenting and subsequently underwent dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR).
Conclusion: Balloon dacryoplasty combined with Monocrawford intubation is an effective surgical procedure that should be considered in cases of congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction who have not responded to the probing and stenting of the lacrimal system.


Mahdieh Jamshidi, Vahid Jamshidi,
Volume 81, Issue 4 (July 2023)

Background: Due to the fact that various factors are involved in the development of chronic kidney disease, this disease appears with different clinical and laboratory symptoms. The variety in type and number of clinical symptoms often misguides the treating physician. The aim of this study is to extract the key features of the disease and find the best data mining methods to improve the accuracy of kidney disease diagnosis.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from September 2021 to March 2023 for 30 months at Rafsanjan Ali Ebn Abi Taleb Hospital. Predictive models were developed and tested using different combinations of disease characteristics and seven data mining methods in RapidMiner Studio software. The limitations of the study are as follows: 1) The models were based on 40-year-old and older patients records, which may limit the generalization of results to a wider age group. 2) Despite the high accuracy and comprehensiveness of the method, the models were based only on the information of kidney disease patients at Ali Ibn Abi Talib Rafsanjan Hospital. 3) The climate parameter has not been considered in the data set of the investigation to discover the hidden relationships of this parameter with the kidney disease.
Results: The results of the experiments in this study showed that the proposed prediction model using the Bayes method and eight identified key features (age, renal biopsy, uremia, sedimentation, albumin, edema, nocturnal enuresis, and urine-specific gravity), can detect kidney disease in people of different clinical characteristics, with 99.38% accuracy.
Conclusion: Considering that the early diagnosis of kidney disease and the adoption of appropriate treatment methods can prevent the progression of kidney damage, in this study, an attempt has been made to achieve this goal by using new statistical methods and artificial intelligence techniques. Based on the proposed method and the conducted experiments, the most important features and the best data mining method were obtained, and finally, kidney disease prediction was possible with high accuracy.

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