Background: Iranian researchers and
scientists in the fields of psychiatry and psychology undoubtedly need to spend
more time and make considerable efforts to prepare and validate Persian
versions of measurements. The present study was designed to validate HADS in Iranian clinically anxious and depressed patients compared to normal
Methods: 261 anxious and depressed patients referred to the inpatient clinic of Rouzbeh
Psychiatric Hospital, Tehran, and 261 healthy volunteers (matched for their sex) were tested using HADS, and two additional clinical tools, ie., BDI & BAI. Then the patients were interviewed by a psychiatrist or a psychologist
(using DSM IV checklist) and rated for their anxiety and
depression severity levels based on a 10-point scale from 1 to 10. BDI and BAI were regarded as objective device providing other external criteria to
examine validity further. Moreover, to assess reliability 10% of the patients (n= 27) were randomly selected
and re-tested after three days.
Results: Findings showed that all measures and their subscales proved to be valid
and reliable with good internal consistencies in Iranian depressed and anxious
patients. This study provides clinicians and researchers with Iranian cut-off
points for HADS, BDI and BAI, to be used in their settings, to categorize
the patients with different levels of psychopathology.
Conclusion: The results support the use of
all the measures and subscales examined in this study in clinical and research
settings. The cut-off points obtained in this study are somehow different from
those presented by original authors which will be discussed from cultural point
of view in this report.