Introduction: Laser beam due to finest of incision and reduction of postoperative complication, facilitates airway surgery, but at the same time it increases the danger or firing and the airway management and protection becomes difficult during anesthesia. In this study, two general anesthesia methods (Intermittent Apneic Technique And Continuous Controlled Ventilation With Enveloped Endotracheal Tube) have been compared with each other mater.
Materials and methods: two groups, each consist of 25 patients 10 to 60 years old, and ASA I-II class and below 100kg weight who have been candidate for laser therapy, were given two mentioned methods of anesthesia. All patients were suffering from subglotic stenosis, vocal cord nodules, papillomatosis and oropharyngeal obstruction. Induction and maintenance of anesthesia, and monitoring during surgery (EGG, PETCO2, SaPo2, BP, PR) in both groups were the same.
Results: Homodynamic stability in the both groups were the same and there was no hypoxia and dysrhythmia. In apneic technique group, most of the surgeries needed 2-3 time of apnea, and each apnea duration was 2-4 minutes, without any hypercaphic (Peteco 2>47 mmHg) and hypoxic (Spo2<90 percent) state and duration of laser surgery was about 9-10 minutes. More satisfaction was gained with apneic technique because of having a better surgery filed. All the patients had no recall at the end of anesthesia and patietn's expenses were much lower with no danger of firing.
Conclusion: It has been concluded that intermittent apneic technique in upper airway laser therapy is a better technique of anesthesia.
Background: Depression is a common problem and reduces function of persons. Evaluation of this matter in Gifted Intelligence– because superior their beneficial ness– have more importance. Our aim in this study is to determine relative frequency of depression in Gifted Intelligence as compared with Normal persons.
Materials and Methods: In the context of a case – control study 90 Normal volunteers and 56 very superior volunteers – aged between 20 and 30 years, so that matched in respect of gender – were investigated by Beck Depression Inventory. IQ identification was performed by both Wechsler Adult Intelligence scaling and Ravens progressive Matrices.
Results: out of 90 Normal persons, 36 were depressed (40%) and among 56 Gifted Intelligence, 35 were depressed. (62.5%) In other words relative frequency of depression in Gifted Intelligence– with significant differences– is more.(P<0.05).
Conclusion: Although Gifted Intelligence have more ability in opposition to stress- because higher level of IQ-but in this study was observed that prevalence of depression in Gifted Intelligence is more. This finding may be by reason of higher perception of them and the result of it– actually– more meeting of stress.
Background: This Study aimed to validate the temperament and character inventory (TCI) in an Iranian sample of men and women with different ages. TCI contains subscales designed to measure seven different personality traits and characteristics.
Materials and Methods: In the first step, subjects (n=1212) completed the questionnaire. In the second step, to examine the reliability of the questionnaire, 101 randomly chosen subjects were re-tested one to two months after the first test. Also, in order to examine the validity of the questionnaire, 100 subjects were interviewed by two psychologists using a checklist based on the Cloninger&aposs biological theory of personality. The interviewers, who were blind to the subjects&apos scores on the seven subscales, rated each subject for the seven traits and characteristics on a 10-point rating scale (from 1 to 10).
Results & Conclusion: The results showed normative data for the subscales novelty seeking (NS), harm avoidance (HA), reward dependence (RD), persistence (Per), self directiveness (SD), cooperation (Co) and self transcendence (ST) for different gender and age classes. Correlations between the scores and ratings of the test and re-test revealed significant coefficients, confirming reliability for all subscales. A good internal consistency was found for each subscale. The results also showed no significant correlations higher than 0.40 among NS, HA, Per and RD the temperament subscales were independent from each other. The only significant correlation, higher than 0.40, among the character subscales was between SD and Co. Applied and clinical implication of the present findings will be discussed.
Background: Nonlethal genetic damage is the basis for carcinogenesis. As various gene aberrations accumulate, malignant tumors are formed, regardless of whether the genetic damage is subtle or large enough to be distinguished in a karyotype. The study of chromosomal changes in tumor cells is important in the identification of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes by molecular cloning of genes in the vicinity of chromosomal aberrations. Furthermore, some specific aberrations can be of great diagnostic and prognostic value. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) is used to screen the entire genome for the detection and/or location chromosomal copy number changes.
Methods: In this study, frozen sections of 20 primary breast tumors diagnosed as invasive ductal carcinoma from the Cancer Institute of Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, Iran, were studied by CGH to detect chromosomal aberrations. We compared histopathological and immunohistochemical findings.
Results: Hybridization in four of the cases was not optimal for CGH analysis and they were excluded from the study. DNA copy number changes were detected in 12 (75%) of the remaining 16 cases. Twenty-one instances of chromosomal aberrations were detected in total, including: +1q, +17q, +8q, +20q, -13q, -11q, -22q, -1p, -16q, -8p. The most frequent were +1q, +17q, +8q, -13q, similar to other studies. In three cases, we detected -13q, which is associated with axillary lymph node metastasis and was reported in one previous study. The mean numbers of chromosomal aberrations per tumor in metastatic and nonmetastatic tumors was 1.5 and 1, respectively. No other association between detected chromosomal aberrations and histopathological and immunohistochemical findings were seen.
Conclusion: Since intermediately to widely invasive carcinomas are more likely to have chromosomal aberrations, CGH can be a valuable prognostic tool. Furthermore, CGH can be used to detect targeting molecules within novel amplifications which holds the potential for a new therapeutic approach for intractable cancer.
Background: The papanicolaou (pap) smear has been used to screen cervical cancer since 1940. Recently, a number of new technologies have been developed to improve the detection of cervical cancer and its precursors. However, there is substantial controversy about whether the new tests offer meaningful advantages over the conventional pap smear. Ideally, these new tests will increase the early detection of meaningful pap smear abnormalities, reduce the number of unsatisfactory smears and provide fewer ambiguous results.
Methods: In this prospective study the result of Liquid- based cytology smears (Liquid prep method) compared with conventional pap smears in terms of adequacy and ASC diagnosis in 289 patients in pathology department of mirza kochak khan hospital (Tehran, 2005- 2006). The smears were interpreted based on Bethesda system 2001.
Results: In conventional pap smear method, the number of occasions of unsatisfactory smear was 24(5%). In Liquid- based cytology method 66(22.8%) smears were unsatisfactory, In which difference between unsatisfactory groups were statistically significant (p<0.05), Also ASC diagnosis in conventional method 5(1.8%) as compared with Liquid- based cytology 6(2.1%), was not statistically significant (p>0.05).
Conclusions: There was no significant difference between two methods in term of ASC diagnosis but in conventional method adequacy of specimen was significantly better as compared with this Liquid- based cytology method.
Background: Post-intubation tracheal stenosis is a
serious problem and surgical resection is the method of choice in long segment
tracheal stenosis treatment. The aim of
this study was to review the results of surgical treatment of long segment post
intubation tracheal stenosis and the role of bilateral hyoid bone cutting in
supra- hyoid release technique.
Methods: Between 2004 to 2008, 14 patients with
proximal long segment tracheal stenosis with resection of more than 40% of trachea length were
evaluated regarding surgical technique and post-operative results.
Results: The mean age of patients was 22.2±0.4 years. Etiology in
all patients were head trauma and prolonged intubation and all patients had
tracheostomy at the time of trearment. Average time between surgery and first
admission was 4.5±0.5 months. Average
length of stenosis and resected segment were 3.6±0.5 and 4.3±0.5cm respectively. Average increased length of
trachea after bilateral hyoid bone cutting was 1.1±0.3cm. Postoperative
complications occurred in one patient with wound infection, and 4 patients had
stenosis recurrence which was treated in 3 patients using multiple dilation. Quality of
life 2 years after surgery
in 71% of patients were classified
in good and excellent group. We didn't have any mortality.
Conclusion: Based on the fact that
surgery is the best method of treatment in long and multi segment tracheal
stenosis and tension in suture line is a serious problem, we recommend extended
releasing technique including bilateral hyoid cutting in surgical treatment of
these patients.
Background: Widespread of telecommunication systems in recent years, have raised the concerns on the possible danger of cell phone radiations on human body. Thus, the study of the electromagnetic fields on proteins, particularly the membrane nano channel forming proteins is of great importance. These proteins are responsible for keeping certain physic-chemical condition within cells and managing cell communication. Here, the effects of cell phones radiation on the activity of a single nanopore ion channel forming protein, OmpF, have been studied biophysically.
Methods: Planar lipid bilayers were made based on Montal and Muller technique, and the activity of single OmpF channel reconstituted by electrical shock was recorded and analyzed by means of voltage-clamp technique at 20 ˚C. The planar lipid bilayers were formed from the monolayers made on a 60 μm diameter aperture in the 20 μm thick Teflon film that separated two (cis and trans) compartments of the glass chamber. In this practical approach we were able to analyze characteristics of an individual channel at different chemical and physical experimental conditions. The voltage clamp was used to measure the channel’s conductance, voltage sensitivity, gating patterns in time scales as low as microseconds in real time.
Results: Our results showed that exposure of single voltage dependent channel, OmpF, to EMF of cell phone at high-frequency has a significant influence on the voltage sensitivity, gating properties and substate numbers of the single channel but has no effect on single-channel conductance. Regarding to the relaxation time, the channel also recovers in the millisecond time range when the field is removed.
Conclusion: We observed an increase in the voltage sensitivity of the OmpF single channel while it had no effect on the single-channel conductance, which is remained to be further elucidated.
Background: In the Mediterranean region , Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) has a high prevalence especially in patients with AIDS. Iran is located close to the Mediterranean region and the HIV prevalence is increasing in our country . In some stages, Kaposi's sarcoma is morphologically similar to other vascular tumors. Owing to the presence of human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) in all cases of Kaposi's sarcoma , detection of virus DNA by PCR method can help in the identification of non-diagnostic cases. Moreover, the prevalence of HHV-8 genotypes is different in various regions of the world and in different races. There are limited studies performed on the HHV-8 genotypes in Iranian population.
Methods: Patients with Kaposi's sarcoma from 2001 to 2011 who refer to Tehran Razi Hospital were enrolled in this study. HHV-8 DNA was extracted from paraffin blocks and amplification of the virus genome was performed by PCR method . Finally, the target DNA fragment was used for sequencing and genotype determination.
Results: PCR was performed on 53 cases. In 8 cases with suspicious morphology, PCR was negative and they were excluded from study. Of remaining 45 cases, 35 had positive PCR results, 7 had negative results and 3 had low PCR product. Samples from 28 cases that had positive PCR results, which were acceptable for genotyping, were chosen for sequencing. Twenty cases had genotype C, 7 cases had genotype A and one case was negative. The results are consistent with other studies in our geographical area. No correlation was found between the different microscopic stages and HHV-8 Genotypes.
Conclusion: Since the HHV-8 is obtained in almost 100% of KS lesions and PCR s ensitivity in detection of the virus is close to 100 %, KS diagnosis can be confirmed in suspicious cases by detection of HHV-8 DNA on paraffin blocks. Moreover the prevalence of HHV-8 genotype was determined in Iran.
Background: Spermatogenesis is a complex and highly organized process of proliferation and differentiation of spermatogonial stem cells. Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) as a unique stem cell have the potential to self-renewal, differentiation and transmit genetic information to the next generation and play a vital role in maintaining fertility. Sertoli cells as the only somatic cells within the seminiferous epithelium play central roles in the formation of niche and balance between self-renewal and differentiation by secrete many growth factors. Given the importance and widespread use of SSCs, particularly in the treatment of infertility, the aim of this study was to create an optimal environment for the proliferation of SSCs. So we decided to study of undifferentiated (ID4) and differentiated (c-Kit) gene expression in SSCs followed by co-culture with Sertoli cells for a one-month.
Methods: This experimental study was conducted from November 2013 to December 2014 in Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, on immature NMRI mouse (6-3 days old). Initially, Sertoli cells and SSCs were isolated from neonates mouse testes during the two-step enzymatic digestion characteristics Sertoli cells with vimentin marker and SSCs with promyelocytic leukemia zinc-finger (PLZF) marker were confirmed. Then SSCs were cultured in two groups: co-culture with Sertoli and without co-culture (control). Undifferentiated (ID4) and differentiation (c-Kit) gene expression were evaluated by Real-time PCR technique.
Results: Spermatogonial stem cells purity was obtained 66.91% by flow cytometry. The relative expression levels of gene ID4 in co-culture group at the end of each week, compared to the control group showed a significant increase (P<0.05). While the expression of this gene significantly decreased in each group over time (P<0.05). The results of the comparison of the relative expression of c-Kit gene in co-culture group are indicated significant decrease than the control group at the end of each week (P<0.05). In addition, this gene expression was showed significant increase in each group individually over time (P<0.05) ID4 gene expression showed a significant (P<0.05) increase toward the control group, while in the expression of c-Kit was observed a significant (P<0.05) decrease compared with the control group at the end of each week.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, co-culture with Sertoli cells maintains SSCs in the prolifration stage for long-term, so can be used to optimize the culture medium at the clinic.
Stem cells are undifferentiated and multi pluripotent cells which can differentiate into a variety of mature cells and tissues such as nervous tissue, muscle tissue, epithelial tissue, skeletal tissue and etc. Stem cells from all different source have three unique features: 1) Proliferative capability: Stem cells are capable of self dividing and self renewing for long periods or more than six months at least that called immortalization. 2) Undifferentiated nature: It’s considered as one of the essential characteristics of stem cell, so it doesn't have any tissue-specific construction. 3) Differentiation to the different cells from all organs: This ability can Induced by tissue specific transcription factors. Because of that, they are so important in prevention and treatment of human disease. Depending on the sources from which they derive, they have different types which can be used to produce special cells and tissues. The most significant types of stem cells are; embryonic stem cells (ESCs) which are derived from embryos, adult stem cells (ASCs) which are derived from differentiated cells in a specific tissue, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSs) which are produced from adult differentiated cells that have been genetically reprogrammed to act resemble to an embryonic stem cell and cord blood stem cells which contains haematopoietic stem cells and derived from the umbilical cord after gestation. By providing a medium containing of special growth factor, it is possible to orientated stem cell differentiation pathway and gained certain cells from them. The important uses of stem cells includes damaged heart tissue cells improvements and bone tissue repairing, cancer treatment, damaged neurological and spinal tissue repairing, improving burns and injuries and the treatment of diabetes, infertility and spermatogenesis dysfunction. Furthermore, the application of them in gene therapy is an important issue in the modern medicine science due to the role of them in transferring gene into different cells. Today, this method have had considerable progress in the treatment of many disease. In this review study, some aspect of stem cells like types and characteristic, origin, derivation techniques, storage conditions and differentiation to target tissues, current clinical usage and their therapeutic capabilities will be discussed.
Background: Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles have a more surface contact and solubility than conventional hydroxyapatite. Hydroxynanoparticles enhances the biological and mechanical properties of new regenerated tissues. The hydroxyapatite nanoparticles have received attention as a new and effective osseous graft for using as scaffolds in bone regeneration. The reports on hydroxyapatite nanoparticles biocompatibility are controversial. It has been shown that hydroxyapatite nanoparticles induces inflammatory reaction and apoptosis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity of nano-hydroxyapatite on the human epithelial cells.
Methods: The study was experimental and completed in vitro. The study was carried out in department of Immonulogy, Faculty of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in November 2014. The human-derived oral epithelium cell line (KB) obtained from Pasteur Institute, Tehran, Iran were exposed to hydroxyapatite nanoparticles at 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2.5 and 5 mg/ml concentrations in 24, 48 and 72 hours. Rod-shaped hydroxyapatite nanoparticles with 99% purity and maximum 100 nm sized particles were used. Methylthiazol tetrazolium bromide (MTT) method was employed for cell vitality evaluation. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used for assessing the viability of cells. Distilled water and fetal bovine serum (FBS) were positive and negative controls. ANOVA and Duncan tests were used for statistical analysis.
Results: The cytotoxicity of different concentrations of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles on human-derived oral epithelium cell line in 24 (P< 0.001), 48 (P< 0.001) and 72 hours (P< 0.001) was significantly different. The nano-hydroxyapatite particles at 0.5 to 1 mg/ml had the highest cytotoxicity effect on human-derived oral epithelium cells in 24, 48 and 72 hours. Lower concentrations than 0.05 mg/ml had the best biocompatibility properties in 24, 48 and 72 hours.
Conclusion: Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles had a good biocompatibility. The biocompatibility of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles were dose and time dependent. The lower concentrations than 0.05 mg/ml of nano-hydroxyapatite had the best biocompatibility over time.
Results: The prepared lipopolyplex were 104 nm in size and all the lipopolyplexes were able to enhance transfection in the C/P=0.4 compared with its basic carriers (PEI and liposomes) alone, while showing less cytotoxicity than not manipulated liposomes. The results of this study suggest synthesized nanoparticles as nanocomposites for gene delivery purposes to different cells and in in-body studies.
Conclusion: The results of this study show that the lipopolyplex constructed from combination of PEI and liposomes can efficiently transfer the gene to the cell, while showing low cytotoxicity and appropriate size at the nano-scale. Therefore, this lipopolymer can be suggested for gene delivery purposes to different cells and in vivo targets. |
Results: In this study, 115 patients were evaluated. 63.5% (73) of the patients had benign mass and 36.5% (42) had malignant ones. There was a significant relationship between tumor size and mean and maximum elasticity (P<0.001 The results showed that the diagnostic accuracy of SWE in identifying malignant masses compared to benign ones was 100%, so that the mean (16.61±8.03 kPa) and maximum (21.14±8.88 kPa) elasticity in benign masses were significantly lower than the mean (32.21±7.59 kPa) and maximum (91.62±8.84 kPa) elasticity of malignant masses (P<0.001). There was also a significant difference between the 4 BI-RAD subgroups, so that in BI-RAD 4a, the lowest mean and maximum elasticity were seen (P<0.001).
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