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Showing 1 results for Patellar Lateralization

Goharpei Sh, Jabal Amoli M, Karimi H, Hadizadeh Kharrazi H, Ebrahimi Takamjani E,
Volume 62, Issue 3 (6-2004)

Background: Patellofemoral joint disorders are the most common cause of anterior knee pain in patients who referred to orthopedic clinics. Patellar lateralization cause anterior knee pain due to weakness of vastus medialis oblique muscle or tightness of lateral structures like lateral retinaculum or iliotibial band muscle.

Materials and Methods: For evaluation of this abnormality, plane radiography, CT scan and MRI are useful. In plane radiography only one view in a single joint position can be obtained, because of that it is not a good method to detect abnormal tracking during knee range of motion. The purpose of this study was to evaluate patellar tracking by kinematics MRI during five serial degrees of knee range of motion (40, 30, 20, 10, 0 degrees) in 30 patients with patellar lateralization and 10 normal subjects, aged 18-30 years.

Results and Conclusion: tistical analysis showed that in patients group, patella had the most stability in 40 degree of knee flexion and this stability reduced when knee reached to full extension. At this point, patella moved laterally and the most instability was seen during 20 to 0 degree of knee extension.

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