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Showing 5 results for Propolis

Shirani-Bidabadi L, Mahmoudi M, Saberi S, Zolfaghari-Baghbaderani A, Nilforoushzadeh Ma, Abdoli H, Moatar F, Hejazi Sh,
Volume 66, Issue 11 (2-2009)

Background: Though many therapeutic modalities have been suggested but still no definite treatment for Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is available. Many compounds including Alkaloid, Quinones, Iridoids, Terpenes, Indole analogue have been documented to have antileishmania activity invitro. On the other hand, the aforementioned compounds can be found in the herbs including Thyme, Yarrow. Propolis is a brown color substance that is collected by honey bee from plants. Regarding the lack of data about the possible efficacy of these herbs against leishmaniasis, we have decided to evaluate and compare the efficacy of herbal extract of Thyme, Yarrow, Propolis and systemic glucantime against cutaneous leishmaniasis in Balb/c, and to formulate drugs without harmful chemical material and without side effect.

Methods: During three weeks of inoculation of parasite in base tail of mice, lesions will appear in the inoculation site. The animals divided into seven groups. We used mix alchoholic extract solution two times a day, checked lesions weekly for six week and measured size of lesion in the base of tail with kulis- vernieh.

Results: We observed significant difference between mean of lesion diameter before and after treatment in control, Yarrow and Thyme groups (p<0.05). Paired t test showed no significant difference between mean of lesion diameter after treatment between treatment and glucantime groups (p>0.05).

Conclusion: Alchoholic extract to Thyme and Yarrow have good effect on lesions treatment, we suggest repeat of this study with Thyme and Yarrow extract in gel or cream base in first stage of lesions appearance.

Diba K, Mousavi B, Mahmoudi M, Hashemi J,
Volume 68, Issue 2 (5-2010)

Background: Several studies have shown that propolis has antibacterial, antifungal,antiviral and antiparasitic activity. Furthermore propolis has been described to have medicinal usages in some fungal infections like Candidiasis. Our aim is to study the inhibitory effects of alcoholic extract of propolis on Candida spp. and Aspergillus spp.Methods: To determine inhibitory and fatality dose of propolis extract, we prepared serial dilution of the extract including 1/20, 1/40, 1/80, 1/160, 1/320 and 1/640 in 1 ml of liquid medium sabouraud broth. Given numbers of Candida yeasts in 1ml were added to above dilution tubes. Candida and Aspergillus cultures were incubated at 30°C and 25°C respectively for 24-72 hours.Results: We obseved that the concentration of 0.25 g/dl of propolis extract showed an inhibitory and killing effect on more than 50% of the isolates. But there were no inhibitory and killing by the concentrations 0.0312 g/dl and 0.0625 g/dl on Candida isolates. Our findings showed that 0.0312 g/dl of the extract was partially active on Aspergillus fumigatus and dilution of 0.125 g/dl was active on Aspergillus. niger. In the agar dilution method, some changes were observed on morphological features (depends on the extract dilution) as well as quantitative effects of dilution of extract on the colonies.Conclusion: We found that the alcoholic extract of propolis had a prominent antifungal activity and inhibitory effect on Candida and Aspergillus isolates.
Ahangari Aa, Ownagh A, Tehrani A, Tukmechi A,
Volume 69, Issue 1 (4-2011)

Background: Propolis (bee glue) is a resinous substance obtained from bee hives living on various plant sources. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of ethanol extract of propolis (EEP) on the experimentally induced Candidial keratitis in rabbits. Methods: The alcoholic extract of propolis was prepared by 80% ethyl alcohol. After suppressing the immune system of 24 male rabbits, experimental Candida albicans keratitis was induced in the animals under local anesthesia and sterile conditions. The animals were later divided into four groups including the control or glycerin group and a nystatin and two 500 and 1000µg/ml EEP groups. Treatment continued for 21 days and after sacrificing the animals by humane methods, histopathological samples of the rabbits’ eyes were prepared. Results: Keratitis was developed in the eyes of all rabbits a week after the yeast inoculation. In the control group in which animals received glycerin, keratitis persisted until day 21. Clinical signs of keratitis disappeared in the Nystatin and 1000µg/ml EEP groups after 14 and 21 days, respectively. The clinical signs of keratitis partially ameliorated in the animals receiving 500µg/ml EEP. Histopathological examination revealed no differences between groups receiving nystatin or 1000µg/ml EEP. Conclusion: It is concluded that, ethanol extract of propolis could completely treat Candida albicans keratitis in 1000µg/ml concentrations. This extract can be used as a safe antifungal agent against Candida albicans and it is a good substitute for synthetic antifungal agents like nystatin.
Elmira Mohammadi , Shahin Gavanji , Faezeh Khozimeh , Zahra Golestannejad , Mohammadreza Golestannejad , Mahin Bakhshi , Hazhir Yousefshahi, Mohsen Doostmohammadi ,
Volume 74, Issue 10 (1-2017)

Background: Protective antigen of anthrax toxin, after touching the cell receptors, plays an important role in the pathogenesis of toxin. The purpose of this study was to investigate the interaction of anthrax toxin protective antigen and four great combination propolis included caffeic acid, benzyl caffeate, cinnamic acid and kaempferol using the softwares and bioinformatics web servers.

Methods: Three-dimensional structure of protective antigen (receptor) obtains from Protein Data Bank (PDB). Four of the main components from propolis were selected          as ligand and their 3D-structures were obtained from ChemSpider and ZINC     compound database. The interaction of each ligand and receptor was assessed                   by SwissDock server ( and BSP-SLIM server ( Docking results appears with Fullfitness numbers (in kcal/mol). Identification of amino acids involved in ligand and receptor interaction, was performed using the Chimera software; UCSF Chimera program (

Results: The results of interaction between propolis components and protective antigen by BSP-SLIM server showed that the most interaction was related with benzyl caffeate, caffeic acid, kaempferol and cinnamic acid, respectively. Results for the desired ligand Interaction with protective antigen genes using SwissDock server showed that the caffeic acid had ΔG equals -9.10 kcal/mol and FullFitness equal to -993.16 kcal/mol respectively. The analysis of interaction between ligands with amino-acids of protective antigen indicated that the interaction of Caffeic acid whit Glutamic acid 117 had energy -15.5429 kcal/mol.

Conclusion: Finding strong and safe inhibitors for anthrax toxin is very useful method for inhibiting its toxicity to cell. In this study the binding ability of four flavonoids to protective antigen was studied. Glutamic acid 117 is very effective in protective antigen binding and cell receptor and subsequent in virulent of anthrax toxin. Effective interaction of caffeic acid in propolis and glutamic acid 117 can be as useful in preventing the toxic effect on cell. According to our results, all four flavonoids tested in this study have binding activity to protective antigen and are good choices for fighting against anthrax.

Tahere Abbasi Moayyer, Aziz Ghahhari,, Tayebeh Rastegar, Fateme Malek, Farzane Rezaei Yazdi, Kamyar Ghaffari Dafchahi, Nasrin Takzaree,
Volume 80, Issue 3 (6-2022)

Background: One of the most important issues in medical science is the healing of burn wounds. The use of medicinal plants has been common for many years and today cell therapy offers new approaches to the management of skin wound healing. The present study aimed to evaluate the the combination treatment of lotion containing honey, Aloe, and propolis with BM-MSCs in the healing of second-degree burns in animal models.
Methods: this experimental study from October 2020 to November 2020, was performed in the animal house of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. 72 rats with an age range of 3-4 months and a weight of about 200-250 gr, after burns were randomly divided into 6 groups of 12 with study periods of 7, 14 and 21 days. The groups were as following: control (no treatment), Positive control (SSD1%), First experimental (Stem cells), Second experimental(lotion), Third experimental(Stem cells and lotion), and Fourth experimental (DMEM). To measure the percentage of healing from the wound surface on days 0, 4, 7, 10, 14, 17, and 21 photos were taken and the wound surface area was calculated by Image J software. After sacrificing rats, tissue samples were taken on days 7, 14 and 21 after burning induction. Samples were prepared for staining H&E and Trichrome Masson’s, as well as RT-PCR examination. The results were analyzed using Graph Pad Prism8 software and Tukey and one-way variance tests.
Results: Treatment preference was with the combination therapy group and then with the lotion group. According to macroscopic and microscopic images of H&E and Trichrome Mason, the highest amount of wound coverage and the presence of mature collagen fibers were also observed in the combination therapy group. The results of statistical analysis and scoring also showed increased epithelization, granulation tissue formation, collagen deposition, angiogenesis and fibroblast cell proliferation, and decreased inflammation in the combination therapy group. The combination therapy group also had the highest expression of the TGF-β gene. (P<0/05)
Conclusion: Due to its epithelialization, anti-inflammatory and angiogenesis properties, the lotion has healing properties in second-degree burn wounds and its simultaneous use with mesenchymal stem cells leads to healing and acceleration of burn wound healing.

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