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Showing 12 results for Rectal Cancer

R Omrani Pour , A Abasahl ,
Volume 58, Issue 1 (4-2000)

To determine if pre-operative combined chemoradiation therapy increase sphincter preservation in the treatment of low-lying rectal cancer, 15 patients were treated with pre-operative chemoradiation: 5FU plus mitomycin C plus 4500-5000 Rad concurrent external beam radiotherapy between Jan 1997 and Jan 1999. There were 10 men and 5 women (Mean age: 49 y) with the diagnosis of invasive resectable primary adenocarcinoma of distal rectum limited to pelvis. Median tumor distance from anal verge was 3.3 cm (Range 0-5 cm) and half of the patients were absolute candidate for abdominoperineal resection. After 4-6 weeks, all patients were undergone proctectomy and eventually sphincter preservation surgery was done on 9 patients with colonal anastomosis. Function of sphincter was excellent in 6 of them (66%) and good in 3 patients (33%). There was no case of incontinence. Complications of surgery were minimal: One case of stricture (10%) and one case of partial rupture of anastomosis (10%). Complete pathologic response was achieved on one patient (6.6%) and combined pre-operative chemoradiation has changed the plane of surgery from abdominoperineal resection to sphincter saving in 69.2% of patients.
Javadi P, Haeri H,
Volume 59, Issue 4 (8-2001)

Tumor angiogenesis shown by Microvessel Count (MVC) or Microvessel Density (MVD), is assessed by several studies as prognostic factor in some types of tumors, and also in colorectal carcinoma. This article is payed to correlation between clincopathologic factors and tumor angiogenesis. In this study, immunohistochemical techniques are used for vascular evaluation in specimens from twenty-nine colorectal carcinoma, and stained for Factor VIII-Related Antigen (F8RA) by using monoclonal antibody. Uni and multivariate analysis disclosed that total MVC was higher in tumor [76.3±33 (×100=2.5 mm²/field) and 29.8±11 (×200=0.785 mm²/field)] than in normal tissue [37.7±15.8 (×100) and 17.6±7.8 (×200)], (P=0.022, P=0.000009). Microvessel quantification was significantly higher in stage D (115±36.6, ×100 and 26.7±6.4, ×200, P=0.002 and P=0.04). In this study MVD has correlation with vascular invasion (P=0.024, ×100 and P=0.007, ×200), the mean tumor vessel count although was increased with clinicophatologic findings such as age<60 years, male, right colon involvement, infiltrating type, mucinous carcinoma, transmural penetration, grade III, lymphatic and perineural invasion, but was not statistically significant. Lymph node and hematogenous metastasis and size of tumor also, was not important. As a conclusion, MVD was increased in tumor and has shown correlation with metastasis, and vascular invasion. Resulting angiogenesis increase risk of metastasis.
Aghili M, Babaei M, Azmoodeh Ardalan F, Farhan F, Hadad P, Ghanjalikhani M,
Volume 68, Issue 7 (10-2010)

Background: Colorectal cancer is the third common cancer world wide and the forth in Iran. Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy is the standard treatment for locally advanced rectal cancer. In this study we evaluate the efficacy a cox-2 inhibitor on pathologic response, sphincter preservation and acute toxicity during neoadjuvant chemoradiation.

Methods: Thirty-six patients that have adenocarcinoma of rectum was enrolled (up to 15 cm of anal verge). The patients were undergone Endometrial Ultrasound (EUS), abdomino-pelvic and chest CT for staging. Then received neoadjuvant concurrent chemo radiation (xeloda 825 mg/m2 bid in combination with celecoxib 100 mg qid and 50-50.4Gy/25-28f). Surgery was done 4-8 weeks after chemoradiation. During the chemoradiation the patients was observed for the probable complication one year. Tumor regression grade was reported.

Results: From 36 surgery patients, Total Mesorectal Excision (TME) was done in 30 patients. Pathologic complete response was seen in eight of 30 patients (26.7%). Tumor regression grade was calculated in three and five grade system: in three grade system 17 patients had grade 1 (60.7%), eight patients had grade 2 (28.6%) and three patients had grade 3 (10.7%). In five grade system of tumor regression eight patients had grade 1 (28.6%), nine patients had grade 2 (32.1%), eight patients grade 3 (28.6%), three patients had grade 4 (10.7%). T down staging was 43.3%. N downstaging was 30.8%. No patient had skin reaction or cardio-vascular complication.

Conclusion: Based on our study results, Celecoxib in combination with neoadjuvant chemoradiation is safe and is associated with low complications. This combination can promote pathologic complete response, TRG and T and N downstaging in Rectal adenocarcinoma.

Jafari S, Khaleghi S, Basi A, Ramim T,
Volume 70, Issue 2 (5-2012)

Background: Patients with endometrial or ovarian cancer have an increased risk for breast or colon cancer. The aim of this study was to assess the individual and age-related characteristics of patients with a combination of these malignancies.

Methods: In this retrospective descriptive study, we reviewed the medical records of 100 patients admitted for endometrial or ovarian cancer in Rasol Akram, Akbarabadi and Firozgar educational Hospitals in Tehran, Iran, during 2010- 2011. Colon polyps were evaluated by immunohistochemistry assay.

Results: The mean age, weight and BMI of the patients were 50.21, 65.9 and 26.07, respectively. Among 100 cases participating in this study, five (5%) patients had colon polyps. All the five cases with colon polyp had positive familial histories of ovarian cancer.

Conclusion: With considering the low prevalence of colorectal polyps among women with ovarian and endometrial cancers, patient's follow-up for screening test is not recommended.

Soltan Dallal Mm, Mojarrad M, Salehipour Z, Atapour Mashhad H, Raoofian R, Rajabi Z,
Volume 70, Issue 4 (7-2012)

Background: Probiotic microorganisms are living normal flora of human body that have nutritional value and health benefits when administered in adequate amounts. The health benefits include prevention of bacterial diarrhea, skin eczema and recently understood, prevention and control of various cancers, as well. Different mechanisms such as stimulating the immune system, modifying the composition of gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract normal flora and prevention of the carcinogenic activity of fecal enzymes have been identified for their probiotic activity. Due to the high density of the normal flora in the gut and also preferentially sporadic nature of colorectal cancers, these cancers are among the main candidates of treatment trials with probiotics. In this study, direct effects of probiotic lactobacilli on colon cancer tumor cells were studied.

Methods: Supernatant fluid and bacterial extracts were prepared and CaCo-2 cells were treated by these materials. Subsequently, the effects of the aforesaid elements were evaluated on cell proliferation, cell necrosis and cell apoptosis by MTT assay, LDH assay and caspase-3 activity.

Results: The supernatants of lactobacilli decreased cell proliferation and increased cell apoptosis but they did not have any effect on cell necrosis. In contrast, when cancerous cells were treated by lactobacilli extract, it lead to cell necrosis in addition to reduction in cell proliferation and increase in cell apoptosis.

Conclusion: The use of lactobacillus probiotics may reduce proliferation of tumor cells in the early stages of colorectal cancers.

Fatemeh Roudbari, Behzad Poopak, Fatemeh Sheikhsofla, Mojtaba Ghadiani,
Volume 74, Issue 6 (9-2016)

Background: Kirsten rat sarcoma (KRAS) gene is a target of genetic alterations which are diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer who are treated with monoclonal anti-EGFR antibodies such as cetuximab and panitumumab. KRAS mutations are seen in 35-42% of patients with colorectal cancer. The high frequency of these mutations in colorectal cancer represents their high potential as a biomarker in early diagnosis of cancer. This study was done to evaluate the frequency of KRAS gene mutations in a small population of Iranian patients suffering from colorectal cancer.  

Methods: 50 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue blocks with colorectal cancer (CRC), already confirmed by histopathology and immunohistochemistry testing, were received to Payvand Clinical and Specialty Laboratory, Tehran, from across the country in 2015. DNA was extracted from the tissue blocks and its quality was then evaluated. The reverse dot blotting method was used to evaluate KRAS gene mutations.

Results: KRAS mutations were found in 42% of the study patients. 30% and 12% of the mutations were found in codon 12 and codon 13, respectively. Moreover, no mutation was found in codon 61. Results also showed that the most frequency of samples examined belonged to male with 68% (average age of 56 years old) and then to female with 32% (median age of 54.8 years old).

Conclusion: This study was performed to evaluate the frequency of KRAS gene mutations in Iranian colorectal cancer patients. According to the study results, the frequency of KRAS mutations was consistent with that of other countries, reported in previous studies. The high prevalence of these mutations in patients with colorectal cancer indicates the important role of these genes in this group of patients. Thus, the presence of these mutations can be used as a suitable biomarker for evaluation of response to targeted therapies in patients suffering from colorectal cancer.

Sara Dorri , Alireza Atashi , Safoura Dorri , Ebrahim Abbasi , Mohsen Alijani-Zamani , Najme Nazeri ,
Volume 74, Issue 10 (1-2017)

Background: There is no need to explain the importance of collection, recording and analyzing the information of disease in any health organization. In this regard, systematic design of standard data sets can be helpful to record uniform and consistent information. It can create interoperability between health care systems. The main purpose of this study was design the core dataset to record colorectal cancer information in Iran.

Methods: For the design of the colorectal cancer core data set, a combination of literature review and expert consensus were used. In the first phase, the draft of the data set was designed based on colorectal cancer literature review and comparative studies. Then, in the second phase, this data set was evaluated by experts from different discipline such as medical informatics, oncology and surgery. Their comments and opinion were taken. In the third phase refined data set, was evaluated again by experts and eventually data set was proposed.

Results: In first phase, based on the literature review, a draft set of 85 data elements was designed. In the second phase this data set was evaluated by experts and supplementary information was offered by professionals in subgroups especially in treatment part. In this phase the number of elements totally were arrived to 93 numbers. In the third phase, evaluation was conducted by experts and finally this dataset was designed in five main parts including: demographic information, diagnostic information, treatment information, clinical status assessment information, and clinical trial information.

Conclusion: In this study the comprehensive core data set of colorectal cancer was designed. This dataset in the field of collecting colorectal cancer information can be useful through facilitating exchange of health information. Designing such data set for similar disease can help providers to collect standard data from patients and can accelerate retrieval from storage systems.

Mina Golmohammadi , Hamid Asadzadeh Aghdaei , Hossein Maghsoudi , Ehsan Nazemalhosseini Mojarad,
Volume 75, Issue 5 (8-2017)

Background: Most of colorectal cancers (CRC) have originated from intestinal polyps. Evaluating of the expression level of genes that are involved in tumors growth and development, may consider as diagnostic factor of malignancy in the polyps. AXIN2 regulates the level of nuclear β-catenin in a negative-feedback loop there by being a negative regulator and target gene at the same time. The aims of current study were to examine the expression level of the AXIN2 in the colonic polyps and its linkage with the pathological features of the polyps.
Methods: In the present analytical-descriptive study, the investigated population was chosen from the cases with colonic polyps that referred to the Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases Research Center, Taleghani Hospital, Tehran, Iran, from October 2014 to April 2015. Forty four biopsy polyp samples and 10 normal tissue samples were collected, as well as the demographic and clinical properties of the patients and the expression level of AXIN2 gene was quantified by Real-time PCR. The outcomes were analyzed by the ABI Prism 7500 Sequence Detection System (SDS) software, version 2.1.0 (Applied Biosystems Inc., Foster City, CA, USA) and GraphPad Prism, version 3 (GraphPad Software Inc., La Jolla, CA, USA) Also, the expression changes of the intended gene in target groups were compared with the normal tissues using the 2-ΔΔCt equation.
Results: The data showed enhanced level of the expression of AXIN2 gene in the colonic polyps in comparison to the normal tissues (RQ>2), which was significantly upper in adenoma polyps compared to the hyperplastic group (P=0.015). Also, unlike the rectum, the AXIN2 gene activity in colon area was higher than normal tissue.
Conclusion: The results of the current study show that the expression pattern of AXIN2 gene, was markedly changed during the transformation of the normal tissue to polyp. The increased expression level of this gene could be applied as a diagnostic marker in dissociation of the adenoma polyps from hyperplastic ones. On the other hand, the location of the polyps modulates the AXIN2 gene function. Taking together, evaluating the changes of AXIN2, has a precise diagnostic value in the CRC related studies.

Fateme Sadat Kia , Ehsan Nazemalhosseini-Mojarad, Flora Forouzesh,
Volume 76, Issue 2 (5-2018)

Background: Most of colorectal cancers arise from intestinal polyps. Evaluating of the expression level of genes that are involved in tumors growth and development, may consider as diagnostic factor of malignancy in the polyps. Failure of apoptosis is one of the causes of cancers. One of the key molecules in this pathway is Bid gene which connects the extrinsic to the intrinsic apoptosis pathways. The aim of this study was to investigate the quantitative expression of Bid gene in colorectal adenomatous polyps compared to control group.
Methods: The investigated population was chosen from the cases with colonic polyps that referred to the Taleghani Hospital, Tehran, Iran, from April 2014 to May 2016. 22 biopsy samples from patients with adenomatous polyps and 10 samples from healthy individuals as control group were selected. Demographic and clinical properties were collected from patients' files. The Bid gene expression was evaluated using Real-time PCR by ABI 7500 (Applied Biosystems Inc., Foster City, CA, USA). Results were analyzed by the ABI 7500 system SDS version 2.3 and GraphPad Prism, version 5 (GraphPad Software Inc., La Jolla, CA, USA). the expression changes of the intended gene in target groups were compared with the normal tissues using the 2-∆∆CT equation.
Results: Based on the quantitative real-time PCR, the gene expression of Bid gene significantly increased in adenomatous polyps in comparison with the control group (healthy individuals) (RQ>2). Also, polyps were seen in ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon and rectum showed increased expression compared to control group, but in the sigmoid section of the intestine, there was no change in expression of Bid gene compared to control group.
Conclusion: According to the present study, the expression of Bid gene increased in adenomatous polyps, compared with the normal tissue (healthy group). It suggests that Bid gene by increasing the expression in response to the onset of dysplasia and disruption of the apoptotic cycle, it tries to compensate for the apoptosis.

Fahimeh Kalbkhani , Mohammad Reza Sam ,
Volume 76, Issue 6 (9-2018)

Background: Using natural compounds with low toxicity on normal cells and high efficacy on malignant cells is highly appreciated for treatment of colorectal cancer (CRC). In the present study, the effect of fish-oil derived eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) on the cell number, cell proliferation rate and caspase-3 enzyme activity in LS174T human colorectal cancer cell line was investigated.
Methods: This experimental study was performed in cell culture lab, Institute of Biotechnology, affiliated to the Urmia University, Urmia, Iran from April to September 2017. LS174T colorectal cancer cells at a density of 5×105 cells per well were cultured in RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and kept at 37 °C in a humidified incubator with 5% CO2 for 24 hours. Thereafter, the cells were treated with 50, 100, 150 and 200 μmol EPA for 48 hours and cell numbers were counted using neobauer chamber and caspase-3 activities were measured by performing the caspase-3 colorimetric assay (Abcam, Cambridge, MA, USA). Furthermore, 5×103 LS174T colorectal cancer cells were cultured and treated with the above-mentioned EPA concentrations for 24, 48 and 72 hours, after which cell proliferation rate was evaluated by WST-1 proliferation assay (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany).
Results: Treatment of LS174T colorectal cancer cells with 50, 100, 150 and 200 μmol EPA decreased the number of cells in a dose-dependent manner. We also found that treatment of malignant cells with increasing EPA concentrations (50 to 200 μmol) significantly decreased cell proliferation in a dose and time dependent manner. After a 72 hours treatment of LS174T cells with 200 μmol EPA, cell proliferation was calculated to be 30.3% compared to untreated control cells. Following 48 hours treatment, caspase-3 activity increased with increasing EPA concentrations in which at 200 μmol EPA, caspase-3 activity increased by 3.4 fold compared to untreated control cells.
Conclusion: Fish-oil derived eicosapentaenoic acid as a safe compound decreases the number of colorectal cancer cells and their proliferation rate and activates caspase-3 enzyme, as an executor protein in apoptosis.

Maryam Motamer, Maryam Kadivar,
Volume 81, Issue 2 (5-2023)

Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one important cause of mortality in the world. In the common staging systems of CRC, many biological behaviors of the tumor that determine the prognosis are not defined. Risk stratification is becoming increasingly important in low-stage CRC, because these patients do not undergo adjuvant therapy unless poor prognostic factors such as vascular invasion (VI), perineural invasion (PI) and serosal involvement (SI) are present. Accurate evaluation of these factors in CRC specimens is still challenging.
Methods: In this study, we evaluated the detection rate of VI, PI and SI in 180 patients of CRC who underwent surgical resection based on basic pathology reports, review of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) slides with considering morphologic clues such as “protruding tongue” and “orphan artery” signs, and elastin stain for detection of VI. In addition, the stage of the disease, pT stage, tumor location, tumor type and grade were categorized, separately. We used the Fisher’s exact test for comparing variables between the two groups. P<0.05 was considered significant. All data analyzed using SPSS version 26.
Results: Overall, the detection rate of VI was significantly increased in review of H&E slides with considering morphologic clues (P=0.019) and also using elastin stain (P<0.05) than basic pathology reports, but no significant differences observed in PI (P=0.118) and SI (P=1.00) between the first basic pathology reports and review of H&E slides. Also, significant differences observed in VI, PI and SI based on AJCC stage, pT stage and grade of tumor (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Considering the prognostic importance of VI detection in the treatment of patients of CRC, Slide review with attention to the morphologic clues such as “protruding tongue” and “orphan artery” signs and elastin staining could be used for better detection of VI in patients of CRC in routine surgical specimens.

Ahmad Tahmasebi-Ghorrabi , Zahra Heydarifard, Behrouz Nemati, Majid Davari, Alireza Delavari, Hamideh Salimzadeh , Ali Akbari Sari ,
Volume 81, Issue 9 (12-2023)

Background: Screening is a cost-effective method for prevention, early detection of the disease and reducing the burden of the third deadliest cancer in the world, i.e. colorectal cancer. This study aimed to analyze the cost-effectiveness of colonoscopy screening compared to sigmoidoscopy for colorectal cancer in high-risk individuals in Iran.
Methods: This economic evaluation study was conducted using the cost-effectiveness method between July 2016 and February 2017. Evaluation of the effectiveness of screening methods was done using a systematic review. Cost evaluation was also done using the costs obtained from the tariff approved by the Iranian Ministry of Health in 2015 for colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. Finally, the combined model of decision tree and Markov was used to evaluate the cost effectiveness. Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) formula was used for cost effectiveness analysis considering the final outcome of 5-year survival of high-risk individuals. Excel and TreeAge software were used for data analysis.
Results: The effectiveness of sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy in increasing 5-year survival is 11 and 15.7%, respectively, and colonoscopy screening is 4.7% more than sigmoidoscopy. The cost of colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy screening was calculated as 1000 and 19920 billion Rials, respectively. Based on cost-effectiveness analysis, the cost of treating patients in the case of screening with colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy is lower than without screening. The ICER ratio of colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy compared to no screening was -4/441/389/160 and -4/757/954/940 Rials respectively, and colonoscopy compared to sigmoidoscopy was -3/699/785/880 Rials, respectively. Finally, the use of colonoscopy leads to spending 3/699/785/880 Rials less in exchange for obtaining 4722 additional survivals with the prevention of colorectal cancer compared to sigmoidoscopy.
Conclusion: Screening by colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy methods are effective in reducing the incidence and death of colorectal cancer compared to no screening. Screening by colonoscopy is a dominant option for the high-risk population in Iran. Colonoscopy screening is more cost effective compared to sigmoidoscopy. However, decisions about colorectal cancer screening and screening methods depend on local resources and personal preferences.

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