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Azadbakht L, Mirmiran P, Hedayati M, Esmaillzadeh A, Shiva N, Azizi F,
Volume 64, Issue 10 (10-2006)

Background: The NCEP step II diet produced a desirable lipoprotein response in hypercholesterolemia. A relation between plasma concentrations of small dense LDL and cardiovascular risk factors has also been mentioned in children. This study was conducted to determine the effects of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) step 2 diets on the low density and high density lipoprotein particle size in dyslipidemic adolescents.
Methods: Forty- four dyslipidemic adolescents, aged 10-18 years, participated in this case-control study. The control group was not given a diet prescription and was simply instructed to “eat as usual”. Their eating patterns reflected the consumption of macronutrients, fruit, vegetables and dairy products, typical of what many Tehranian eat. NCEP step 2 diets was a diet with 30% of calories as total fat, less than 7% saturated fat, less than 200 mg cholesterol, less than 15% of calories as monounsaturated fat and less than 10% as polyunsaturated fat per day. Lipoprotein particle size was the major outcome variables, which was measured after 3 months of intervention. Lipoprotein particle size was estimated by nondenaturing polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis using Krauss and Burke methodtion.
Results: The mean body mass index was 26.3±4.2 kg/m2. Baseline characteristics of these adolescents did not differ significantly across the NCEP step 2 and control diet groups. The NCEP diet resulted in higher reduction in total cholesterol (-13±4 vs –2±0.3 mg/dl, p<0.001), LDL (-9±2 vs 3±0.6 mg/dl, p<0.01) and higher increase in size of the LDL (1.7±0.4 vs 0.1±0.4 mg/dl, p<0.001). HDL particle size did not change significantly. The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia decreased significantly (p<0.05) in NCEP step 2 group (68% in NCEP step 2 vs 100% in the control group) after 3 months.
Conclusion: NCEP step 2 diet not only reduces the serum LDL concentration of hypercholesterolemic adolescents but also has a favorable effect on the LDL particle size distribution. The related mechanism needs to be studied in future experimental designs.
Doosti S, Basseri H.r, Nategh Pour M, Akbarzadeh K, Ladoni H, Shaeghi M,
Volume 64, Issue 12 (11-2006)

Background: Although there have been many studies on the role of mosquitoes in malarial transmission, the biology and interaction of plasmodium with its host is still not completely known. The aim of this study was primarily to follow the sporogony cycle of Plasmodium vivax in Anopheles stephensi mysorensis and then to explore the inhibitory effects of certain carbohydrates on parasitic development.
Methods: In a restricted insectary, An. stephensi were fed blood containing gametocytes from donor malaria patients. The development of plasmodium was followed by dissecting the infected mosquitoes and taking a smear at different time intervals. Other groups of Anopheles were fed infected blood plus one of the following carbohydrates: N-acetyl-glucosamine, N-acetyl-galactosamine, arabinose, fucose, manose, lactose or galactose.
Results: Exflagellation occurred at 5 minutes after the blood meal and then ookinet was observed at 20 hours, while oocysts and sporozoites appeared in days 8 to 12. The results indicate that An. stephensi strain mysorensis has can transfer P. vivax extremely well. Furthermore, the development of P. vivax was completed in the mosquitoes that had been fed with N-acetyl-glucosamine, arabinose, fucose and galactose. In contrast, lactose, mannose and N-acetyl-galactosamine interrupted the life cycle of the parasite.
Conclusion: The sugars lactose, mannose and N-acetyl-galactosamine have an inhibitory role in of oocyst and sporozoite development. Therefore, the results of this study can be used as basic information for inhibiting malarial transmission.
Tavassoli A, Ghamari Mj, Esmaily H,
Volume 68, Issue 3 (6-2010)

Background: The inguinal hernia is a common disorder in general surgery. Different methods have been described for repair of these hernias. In modern methods, synthetic mesh is used to cover the wall defect and the most known method is Lichtenstein surgical repair. The laparoscopic totally extra peritoneal procedure (TEP) is a newer technique of repairing hernia. The aim of this study is to compare the outcomes of totally extraperitoneal laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair versus Lichtenstein open repair in patients with inguinal hernia. Methods: Among 50 patients, 25 cases underwent Lichtenstein procedure and 25 patients underwent TEP technique for repairing primary unilateral inguinal hernia. Findings during the operation have been recorded and the 12-months follow-up of patients in different views was performed through a questionnaire and then the results were compared. Results: The operation duration, the rate of complications and frequency of recurrence were similar in two groups but the hospital stay, postoperative pain, chronic groin pain and the required time to return to normal activity were significantly lower in patients who underwent the TEP method compared to the patients who underwent the Lichtenstein technique (p<0.001, p<0.001, p=0.012, p<0.001, respectively). Conclusion: The TEP surgical technique can be recognized as a safe method with acceptable results for patients and has significant effects on improvement of patients’ quality of life after hernia repair. Suitable results of this surgical method are achieved when the surgeon goes through the learning curve.

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