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Showing 2 results for Anticonvulsants

Najafi Mr, Tamizi Far B,
Volume 59, Issue 5 (9-2001)

The use of Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) in children may be associated with adverse effects especially behavioral and cognitive and teratogenic potential effects. The main propose of this study was to find an answer to the question of which factors in EEG of patients before AED withdrawal could have prognostic role in our decision. We studied 106 children whom their medication had been withdrawn 2 years after their last seizure. Before starting of this, an EEG was recorded and interpreted by an expert neurologist. Many variables such as background activity, focal spike, generalized sharp and spik waves, focal slowing, in comparison with the EEG of patient at the time of diagnosis, and also final result of the trace interpret also examined. Follow-up visits were scheduled every 3 months at least for one year. If seizure relapsed, AEDs was resumed and follow up terminated. The overall probability of remaining seizure free was analyzed as a function of time by Kaplan-Meier survical analysis. Prognostic factors affecting seizure relapse were evaluated by using the log-rank test. The overall probability of seizure recurrences was 24.8 percent (95 percent C.I, 22.5 to 28.5) at 12 months. EEG comparisons with previous times were a significant factor for prediction of relapses. Relative risk of this factor was about 1.98 (95 percent C.I, 1.01 to 3.91) (P<0.05). We found that EEG interpretation at the time of diagnosis was not a significant factor but if it divided by sex, there is a significant difference in gender (P=0.06). According to our study the rate of AED withdrawal in children is small. The benefits of continuing AED therapy must be weighted against the risk of potential adverse effects. EEG comparison with previous traces could be evaluated as a prognostic factor before AED withdrawal in children.
Mahmood Motamedi , Mohammad Reza Ghini , Pardis Etemadi , Tayeb Ramim ,
Volume 71, Issue 9 (12-2013)

Background: Choosing the right drug with the least side effects and highest effectiveness for the control of seizures in the elderly is important. The aim of this study was compare the efficacy of lamotrigine and levetiracetam in the management of epilepsy in the elderly.
Methods: This study was performed as a double-blind randomized clinical trial in patients that referred to the neurologic clinic at Sina University Hospital, Tehran, Iran in 2012. The patients over sixty years old with a diagnosis of epilepsy were selected. They had one seizure in year at least and one attack in the last 6 months. First, the patients divided to two groups Group one were treated with lamotrigine, 25 mg per day and group two were treated with levetiracetam, 250 mg per day for 24 weeks. In the absence of drug complications, the dose was increased to the maximum dose listed in the treatment protocol. Second the patients were followed in number of attacks, abnormalities in laboratory data and side effects of drug in 2, 4, 8, 12 and 20 weeks. The collecting data of the study were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics methods.
Results: Forty nine cases, 28 males and 21 females in lamotrigine group and 46 cases in levetiracetam group, 27 males and 19 females participated in the final analysis. Mean age of patients was 72.40±5.87 (63-85). Drug side effects were observed in 57 cases, 26 cases of lamotrigine group and 31 cases of levetiracetam group. Seizure frequency showed a declining trend in both groups but in lamotrigine group more than levetiracetam group in last week (P= 0.039).
Conclusion: The findings of the study showed lamotrigine and levetiracetam were effective in management of epilepsy in the elderly. Levetiracetam has a higher seizure-free effect than lamotrigine but lamotrigine is better tolerated than levetiracetam.

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