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Showing 13 results for Anxiety

Vaezi Gh, Zarrindast M R, Salarian Zadeh A, Babapour S,
Volume 65, Issue 7 (10-2007)

Background: Anxiety is a complex phenomenon with important results. In fact anxiety is a biologic process that has repetitive biological and physiological effect on the biological structure of brine. From long time ago anxiety and fear has bean one of the important psychological issues and for the control of anxiety different drugs with different mechanisms have been presented and understanding mechanisms that are involved lead us to newer drugs discovery. In this research the effect of morphine on the anxiety in the adult Male rats in the Ventral Tegmental area (VTA) and Nucleus Accumbens (NAc) was studied.

Methods: The elevated plus maze was used in combination with the percentage of time spent in the open arms of the maze (OAT %) and the percentage of entries into the open arms (OAE %) to measure anxiety. Increases in the OAT% and OAE% indicate an anxiolytic effect (reduction in anxiety), whereas decreases in the OAE% and OAT% indicate an anxiogenic effect. Adult male rats, weighing 200-240 grams, underwent surgery. After five days, the rats were injected with saline and three different doses of morphine (2.5, 5, and 7.5 µl/rat). Experiment one included the injections into the VTA. In the second experiment, these injections were in the NAc. Behavioral tests were conducted between 12 pm and 4 pm and each animal was used once for each experiment.

Results: In the first experiment, although these doses of morphine injected into the TVA had no effect on the OAE%, a dose of 5µl/rat increased the OAT%, showing a decrease in the animals' anxiety. In the second experiment, doses of 2.5µl/rat injected into the NAc induced a significant increase in the OAT% and OAE%, there by displaying decreased anxiety in the animal. However, no significant change in the activity of the animals was observed.

Conclusion: As a Result of these experiments, it seems that different doses of morphine can decrease anxiety, probably through interaction with gabaergic system.

Hossein Kaviani H, Mousavi A S,
Volume 66, Issue 2 (5-2008)

Background: Measuring anxiety level in clinical and non-clinical population needs valid and reliable tool. This research examined the validity and reliability of Beck Anxiety Inventory in Iranian normal population as well as clinically anxious patients.

Methods: First, a two-session course was run to train research workers. After they were sufficiently prepared, they were dispatched to different regions of the city, Tehran, referring to residential places for men and women volunteer to take part in the research. At the end, 1513 respondents were randomly recruited and tested using Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Of this population, 112 respondents were randomly selected and re-tested in order to measure test-retest reliability with a one-month interval time between first and second tests. Meanwhile, 261 clinically anxious patients (from clinics and mental health centers) were tested. In order to measure validity, 150 patients were interviewed by two parallel clinicians and the anxiety level was rated based on a 10-point scale from 0 (the least) to 10 (the most). The two raters were blind to the BAI scores of the patients.    

Results: For data reduction and analysis, the SPSS for Windows-edition 14, was conducted. Findings showed that the Persian version of BAI proved a good reliability (r=0.72, p<0.001), a very good validity (r=0.83, p<0.001), and an excellent internal consistency (Alpha=0.92).

Conclusions: The results support the applicability of BAI in Iranian population and suggest the use of this inventory for clinical and research aims. Persian version of BAI not only can help clinicians in assessment and diagnosis, but also assist researchers to evaluate anxiety level when needed.

Kaviani H, Seyfourian H, Sharifi V, Ebrahimkhani N,
Volume 67, Issue 5 (8-2009)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Background: Iranian researchers and scientists in the fields of psychiatry and psychology undoubtedly need to spend more time and make considerable efforts to prepare and validate Persian versions of measurements. The present study was designed to validate HADS in Iranian clinically anxious and depressed patients compared to normal population.
Methods: 261 anxious and depressed patients referred to the inpatient clinic of Rouzbeh Psychiatric Hospital, Tehran, and 261 healthy volunteers (matched for their sex) were tested using HADS, and two additional clinical tools, ie., BDI & BAI. Then the patients were interviewed by a psychiatrist or a psychologist (using DSM IV checklist) and rated for their anxiety and depression severity levels based on a 10-point scale from 1 to 10. BDI and BAI were regarded as objective device providing other external criteria to examine validity further. Moreover, to assess reliability 10% of the patients (n= 27) were randomly selected and re-tested after three days.
Results: Findings showed that all measures and their subscales proved to be valid and reliable with good internal consistencies in Iranian depressed and anxious patients. This study provides clinicians and researchers with Iranian cut-off points for HADS, BDI and BAI, to be used in their settings, to categorize the patients with different levels of psychopathology.
Conclusion: The results support the use of all the measures and subscales examined in this study in clinical and research settings. The cut-off points obtained in this study are somehow different from those presented by original authors which will be discussed from cultural point of view in this report.

Bagherzade A, Arianfar F, Arbabi M,
Volume 70, Issue 1 (4-2012)

Background: Several studies that have evaluated psychological and counseling interventions suggest that a proactive approach may be effective in preparing patients for the experience of living with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). The purpose of this study was to develop and assess cognitive and behavioral interventions in reducing stress and anxiety and improving quality of life.

Methods: One hundred Patients with ICD in Shariati and Imam Khomeini Hospital in Tehran, Iran during 2009- 2010 were divided randomly into two groups to undergo cognitive and behavioral interventions (case group) or serve as the control group. The patients in the case group were received relaxation, cognitive and ICD alarm trainings three times during the study period. Routine care was the same in both groups after ICD implantation. We evaluated anxiety and depression by, respectively, Beck anxiety and Beck depression inventories in the two groups before and after ICD implantation. Quality of life was also evaluated by SF-36 instrument before and after the interventions. The results were later compared between the two groups.

Results: Beck scores for anxiety in the case and control groups before the interventions were 24.9±15.5 and 24.2±15.8 (P=0.590), respectively and after six months they were 13.5±8.3 and 17.9±10.1 (P=0.005), respectively. Beck scores for depression in the case and control groups before the interventions were 17.7±9.8 and 18.4±10.6 (P=0.590), respectively and after six months the scores, respectively, were 13.5±8.3 and 17.9±10.1 (P=0.005).

Conclusion: It seems that psychological interventions can reduce anxiety and depression after ICD implantation. Further studies with more sample sizes are necessary for the final judgment.

Safari H, Miladi Gorji H,
Volume 70, Issue 11 (2-2013)

Background: Previous studies indicate that morphine dependent and withdrawal from chronic opiates enhanced anxiety-related behaviours in novel and stressful conditions in rats. Recent studies have shown that exposure to a stressor generates a wide variety of adaptive responses, while enhancing abilities to adopt with the stressor. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the effect of chronic restraint stress and acute water immersion (WI) stress on the anxiety profile in morphine-dependent rats.
Methods: Thirty two rats were injected with twice daily doses (10 mg/kg, subcutaneous, at 12 hour intervals) of morphine over a period of 10 days in the presence or absence chronic restraint stress (1 hour/day). On day 11, two hour after morphine injection, anxiety-like behaviours were tested in the elevated plus-maze model in the presence or absence acute water immersion stress. Rats were divided into four groups: dependent- No restraint stress (D/NRS), dependent- restraint stress (D/RS), dependent- restraint stress+ water immersion stress (D/RS+WI), dependent- water immersion stress (D/WI).
Results: Finding have shown that D/RS+WI rats exhibited an increase in the elevated plus-maze open arm entries and time as compared with the control groups (P=0.018 and P=0.037, respectively). Also, this measure was significantly lower in the WI rats than the D/RS+WI rats (P=0.049 and P=0.031, respectively).
Conclusion: Our findings indicate that chronic restraint stress followed by acute water immersion stress decreases the severity of the anxiogenic-like behaviours in morphine dependent rats thus it may have a therapeutic application in the treatment of the asso-ciated disorders in addiction.

B Ghorbani Yekta, M Nasehi, Sh Khakpour, Mr Zarrindast, Y Shafieekhan,
Volume 71, Issue 2 (5-2013)

Background: Previous reports showed that nucleus accumbens involved in the etiology and pathophysiology of major depression, anxiety and addiction. It is not clear that how these mechanisms occur in the brain. In the present study, the influence of direct nicotine injection in the nucleus accumbens in rats’ anxiety-related behavior was investigated.
Methods: Wistar rats were used in this study. Male Wistar rats bred in an animal house, in a temperature-controlled (22±2 ◦C) room with a 12 hour light/darkcycle. Rats were anesthetized using intraperitoneal injection of ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine, then placed in an stereotactic instrument for microinjection cannula implantation The stainless steel guide cannula was implanted bilaterally in the right and left dorsal the nucleus accumbens shell according to Paxinos and Watson atlas. After recovery, anxiety behavior and locomotor activity were tested. We used the elevated plus maze to test anxiety. This apparatus has widely been employed to test parameters of anxiety-related behaviors including the open armtime percentage (%OAT), open arm entries percentage (%OAE), locomotor activity and we record effect of drugs after injection directly in the nucleus accumbens on anxiety-related behavior.
Results: Experiments showed that bilateral injections into the nucleus accumbens Nicotine, acetylcholine receptor agonist, dose 0.1 of the dose (0.05 and 0.1, 0.25, 0.5) microgram per rat caused a significant increase in the percentage of time spent in the open arms (%OAT), compared to the control group. We did not record any significant change locomotor activity and open arm entries percentage (%OAE) in rats.
Conclusion: Nicotinic receptors in the nucleus accumbens shell involved to anxiety-like behavior in male rats.

Mohsen Soleimani , Ali Shakib-Khankandi , Farahnaz Ghahremanfard , Majid Mirmohammadkhani ,
Volume 72, Issue 10 (1-2015)

Background: Nausea and vomiting is one of the most important complications in chemotherapy. Serotonin and dopamine are important neurotransmitters in nausea and vomiting. It seems that oxygen therapy and increase oxygen saturation can cause decrease these neurotransmitters. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) of patients and chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Methods: A descriptive-analytical study was performed in Koosar Hospital in Semnan, Iran, from 19 September 2013 to 25 April. At first, SaO2 of 30 patients in three periods (pre, during and post chemotherapy) were measured. Severity of nausea and vomiting in three days after chemotherapy was measured with an index of nausea, vomiting and retching (Rhodes Index). Also during chemotherapy, anxiety and depression of patients was measured with Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Results: In this study thirty patients were evaluated. Most of them were women (66%) with mean age of 55.07±11.9 years old. The most common cancer in patients was breast cancer (46.7%). Mean of SaO2 was 92.1%±3.4 that was not significant difference during the chemotherapy. Mean of nausea and vomiting severity in first day of chemotherapy was (3.27±5.5), in second day was (4.5±6.2) and in third day was (7.2±8.7). The Pearson correlation coefficient did not show the relationship between oxygen saturation with severity of nausea and vomiting (P>0.05). Although severity of anxiety of patients was significant relationship with nausea and vomiting in third day (P=0.03). Conclusion: In this study there was no significant relationship between oxygen saturation and severity of nausea and vomiting, but anxiety of patients was related to nausea and vomiting in third day. Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting was more common in third day and it seems that further research is needed for relationship between oxygen saturation and nausea and vomiting in third day of treatment.
Hamid Farhangi , Fatemeh Mohareri , Lida Jarahi , Parisa Armanpoor ,
Volume 74, Issue 10 (1-2017)

Background: Cancer diagnosis is the biggest stress for the child and his family. Diagnosis and treatment of cancer in children can cause stress, which often has a negative effect on the health of parents. Psychological reactions such as anxiety, depression, denial and loss of confidence in parents observed that because of the fear of recurrence and future of children. This study aimed to determine the level of stress and anxiety and depression in parents of children with leukemia who were in the maintenance phase of treatment.

Methods: This cross-sectional study has been conducted on 48 parents have referred to the clinic of Dr. Sheikh Hospital of Mashhad City, Iran, whom selected using easy sampling method. DASS-21 questionnaire was used for data collection. Another questionnaire containing demographic information such as age, sex, income, educational level and duration of illness was filled under supervision of the psychologist and pediatric physician. Data with SPSS software, ver. 20 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA), descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation analysis was performed.

Results: The results showed that in this study, 37% had abnormal stress levels (33% and 2% of mild stress, moderate stress and severe stress 2%) and 79% had abnormal anxiety level (mild 19%, moderate 31% and severe 29%) and 67% had abnormal depression level (mild 33%, moderate depression 33%) tests, respectively. In our study, there was no relationship between age, sex and duration of illness with these variables.

Conclusion: According to this study, in addition to the classic treatment of patients, parent’s mental performance should be paid attention.

Ghasem Salehpoor, Abdulaziz Aflakseir,
Volume 74, Issue 11 (2-2017)

Background: Body pain in multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common phenomenon that can create or exacerbate by different parameters of clinical, psychological and demographic. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between parameters of clinical (fatigue, clinical course, body mass index and duration), psychological (depression, anxiety and stress) and demographic (age, gender, marital status and education) characters with multiple sclerosis patient’s body pain.

Methods: This cross-sectional study has been performed in the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Guilan Province and Imam Reza Specialized and Sub-specialized Clinic, Rasht City, Iran during June to February 2010. In this study 162 patients with MS were selected by consecutive sampling. We used the clinical and demographic variables inventory, body pain subscale of the health survey questionnaire, depression, anxiety and stress scale and fatigue severity scale along with identical analog-spring balance. The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and point bi-serial, one-way analysis of variance, Gabriel test and stepwise multiple regression.

Results: The findings showed that patients who scored 3 or higher in relapses experienced significantly more body pain than patients who scored 1-2 times of relapses (P= 0.031). In the meantime, significant differences were not found between the two groups of patients with a score of 3 or higher in relapses and non-relapse and between non-relapse patients and with a score 1-2 times of relapses in terms of body pain. Also, significant differences were not found in different groups of hospitalization in terms of body pain. However, anxiety and fatigue together could explain significantly 25% of the shared variance of body pain (F= 26.29, P≤ 0.0009).

Conclusion: This study showed the effect of psychological and clinical factors on body pain exacerbation in MS patients. Therefore, it is necessary for clinicians to consider identifying these factors and the relationships of the factors with increasing pain in patients with MS.

Jalaledin Mirzay Razaz , Zahra Mohebi, Majid Haji Faraji , Anahita Houshiarrad , Hassan Eini-Zinab , Mojgan Agah Haris ,
Volume 76, Issue 10 (1-2019)

Background: According to the previous studies, stress influences on eating behavior and is associated with unhealthy food selection. Furthermore, the research literature indicates that stress, anxiety, and depression can cause polyphagia and overweight. The purpose of present study is to investigate the relationship between depression, anxiety, and stress scales and dietary behavior in female high school students.
Methods: The cross-section study was carried out from April to December 2016 on high school female students of Tehran City by confirmation and protection of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology Faculty at Shahid Beheshti Medical Sciences University, Tehran, Iran. 400 samples were selected by using multistage cluster sampling method. After receiving consent and recording socio-economic information, the data associated with stress, anxiety, and depression score were collected by a short questionnaire of Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21 (DASS-21). In order to survey the dietary behavior of students, the 168-item semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was applied. In addition, to assess the association between dietary behavior and stress, anxiety and depression, chi-squared test and logistic regression model were employed.
Results: Based on the results of the present paper, 49.8 percent of students, studied in this research, had stress levels, 56.3 percent of them suffered from anxiety and 55.3 percent of them had depression levels. The salt intake amounts of students who had high stress, depression, and anxiety, were more than of normal ones (respectively P=0.01, 0.02, 0.006). Additionally, fast food consumptions of students, suffering from anxiety, were also higher than normal (P=0.07). Subjects, which were categorized in depressed group, rarely eat natural fruit juice (P=0.03), and, stressful students use few natural fruit juices (P=0.006) and few fresh fruits too (P=0.02).
Conclusion: Students with levels of stress, depression and anxiety in comparison to normal students, have more undesirable food habits, such problems may lead dietary behavior to unhealthy foods. More studies are required to clarify the relationships between dietary behavior and stress, depression and anxiety.

, Seyedeh Reyhaneh Yousefi Sharami, Setare Nasiri, Shahrzad Aghaamoo, Abbas Ziari,
Volume 78, Issue 8 (11-2020)

Background: Infertility is associated with high levels of stress which can pose a tremendous challenge on treatment. These psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety among the barrens are very important and have a crucial role as well. On-time detection and evaluation of such disorders are effective in the successful treatment of infertility. Some variables can interfere and influence on psychological occasions, such as education, age and duration of infertility. This study aims to investigate depression and anxiety on couples with infertility.
Methods: In this study, 60 infertile couples were enrolled. Thirty couples with male factors and 30 couples with female factors. The study is a cross-sectional study carried out in the Amiralmomenin Hospital of Semnan, Iran in 2016-2017. Symptoms of psychological disorders were documented via questioner. Date were entered into SPSS software, version 23 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), P<0.05 was significant.
Results: We figured out that 15% of women and 13% of men had clinical depression. Severe anxiety was found in 30% of women and 6% of men. We found that there is a significant correlation between depression and duration of infertility in women but not in men. Whereas there is not any significant relationship between both of the disorders and level of education in the patients.
Conclusion: This study showed that depression level among half of infertile women and one-third of infertile men were more than healthy men and women. One of the reasons could be family problems and pressure to get pregnant. The psychological burden of infertility can affect the whole life of the infertile couple. Fear of an ambiguous future after infertility treatment failure, expensive treatment and its outcomes can be so annoying for many men and women. Most of these problems are hidden from the eyes of the treatment team. Take a deep look at what infertile women and men say showed that they need the support of their spouses, friends and family, the medical team and insurance services.

Fariba Zarei , Mohammadreza Sasani, Banafsheh Zeinali-Rafsanjani , Mahdi Saeedi-Moghadam ,
Volume 80, Issue 7 (10-2022)

Background: Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is usually used to distinguish the malignant and benign nodules. Applying a biopsy needle evokes a sense of fear and pain in the patients. Although some studies refute the usefulness of local anesthesia (LA) prior to fine needle aspiration biopsy, it is still debatable. This prospective cross-sectional study intended to evaluate the effect of LA prior to fine needle aspiration biopsy on pain and anxiety considering nodule size.
Methods: Amongst the patients who were referred to Shiraz Shahid Fagihi Hospital for Thyroid fine needle aspiration biopsy from August 2017 to January 2018, 114 patients participated in this study. LA was performed for 41 patients, and 73 underwent the thyroid nodule fine needle aspiration biopsy without LA. Patients' pain and anxiety were scored using the visual-analog-score and Spielberger anxiety scale. The nodules were categorized into five groups. Pain and anxiety of patients were compared considering their nodule sizes to assess the effects of LA in the reduction of pain and anxiety considering the nodule size.
Results: The patients undergoing LA had a mean age of 44.69 years old and average body mass index (BMI) of 26.7, the patients who performed thyroid nodule fine needle aspiration biopsy without LA had a mean age of 48.17 years old with an average BMI of 26.0. The patients with the maximum nodule size of<10 mm, experienced more pain during the fine needle aspiration biopsy without LA, but there was no significant difference between the S/T-anxiety of these patients. There was no significant difference between the pain and anxiety scores of the patients with larger nodules.
Conclusion: The more pain experienced by the patients with the smallest nodules can be attributed to the need for more needle manipulation due to the small nodule size and less precision while piercing the needle into the nodule. Thus, it can be suggested that in patients with a small nodule size, less than 10mm, usage of LA prior to fine needle aspiration biopsy can reduce the pain significantly.

Sara Hassanzadeh, Mahmonir Haghighi, Hojjat Shafipour, Maryam Faramarzpour,
Volume 81, Issue 1 (4-2023)

Background: Some negative psychological factors such as depression, anxiety, and stress have been identified as serious risk factors for the final adverse outcome of ischemic heart disease. Given the high prevalence of psychiatric disorders, in this study, we aimed to determine the relationship between the severity of depression, anxiety, and stress, with nuclear scan results in patients referred to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Urmia.
Methods: In this cross-sectional-analytical study, 163 patients with the possibility of ischemic heart disease from various clinics and medical centers referred to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Urmia for nuclear heart scanning from April to July 1400, were assessed by the DASS-21 questionnaire in terms of depression, anxiety, and stress scores. Finally, the data obtained from the DASS-21 questionnaire, nuclear scan, and demographic characteristics were analyzed with SPSS20 software.
Results: According to the results, the mean age of the patients was 54.78±11.54 years, 73% of whom were women. The prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress was high (72.4, 80.3, and 59.5%, respectively). Although the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress in patients with a negative report of ischemia was higher and evaluated as 73.2, 78.7, and 58.3% respectively, there was not a significant difference with the subjects whose heart scan results were positive (P>0.05). Moreover, a weak positive correlation was observed between the severity of depression, anxiety, and stress with the severity of cardiac ischemia in study patients.
Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that the depressive, anxiety, and stress symptoms in patients before a cardiac nuclear scan are often moderate to mild. Likewise, among the different demographic characteristics of patients, only gender played an important role in these disorders. Regardless of the negative nuclear scan results in most patients (77.9%), the prevalence of these psychological symptoms in the studied patients was high. Therefore, considering the possibility of psychological disorders with clinical manifestations mimicking cardiovascular can prevent additional costs for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in these patients.

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