Showing 12 results for Biopsy
Firoozbakhsh Sh, Safavi E, Zahed Poor Anaraki Mr, Derakhshan Deilami Gr ,
Volume 60, Issue 3 (6-2002)
Background: Transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB) is an attractive alternative to open lung biopsy as an initial diagnostic procedure for patients with diffuse parenchymal disease or localized densities beyond direct endoscopic vision. TBLB can be carried out safely without fluoroscopy in patients with diffuse lung disease. Since in our bronchoscopic department fluoroscopy is not available, we planned to evaluate the blind (without fluoroscopic guide) TBLB being performed in our department to determine the success rate in obtaining lung tissue, the sensitivity of the procedure and the risk of complications.
Materials and Methods: Sixty-Four TBLB were done in our department during a 6 month period (March-September 1999).
Results: Lung tissue wasn’t detected in two (3.1 percent) samples. Pathological results were helpful in 46 (71.9 percent) cases. No evidence of hemoptysis was found after the procedure. Three (4.68 percent) cases of pneumothorax was detected. Only one of them required chest tube (1.51 percent).
Conclusion: We concluded that blind TBLB was successful in our department with rates of complications comparable to other approved centers.
F Ghaem Maghami , F Ensani , N Behtash , S E Hosseini Nejad ,
Volume 62, Issue 4 (7-2004)
Background: The aim of this investigation is to evaluate the histologic results of biopsy in women with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) cytologic diagnosis.
Materials and Methods: We reviewed a series of cases with ASCUS pap smears from March 1999 to Feb 2002 in Imam Khomeini Hospital (n= 104), Who had cervical biopsy indirected colposcopy (103) and in Onec endocervical biopsy obtained without colposcopy. In 60 patients before colposcopy and biopsy repeat pap smear was tabled.
Results: Biopsy revealed 28.8% SIL (14 LSIL and 16 HSIL), 1 invasive carcinoma and 1 endometrial carcinoma. Pap smear repeated for 60 women before colposcopy examination, which 7 (11.7%) of them were normal. ASCUS persisted in 45 cases (75%) and 8 cases (13.3%) turned out to be SIL (6 LSIL, 2 HSIL) of 7 normal repeat smear, 2 marked as LSIL by biopsy. In colposcopic examination 22 of 103 (21.4%) had normal view which one of them was LSIL histologically.
Conclusion: Based on these findings, it seems immediate colposcopy and directed biopsy are appropriate procedures for management of ASCUS and to detect underlying SIL.
Z. Ghanbari, B.hajibaratali, M.fazaeli, P. Mehdizadeh, M. Dadyar,
Volume 64, Issue 3 (5-2006)
Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a common presenting symptom indicative of abnormal menstrual bleeding patterns that may occur in anovulatory or ovulatory women.There are different ways to diagnose AUB, all requiring much time and energy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the value of endometrial biopsy, transvaginal ultrasonography with dilation and curettage (D&C) which is the current gold standard procedure.
Methods: A prospective-descriptive study was conducted on fifty patients referred to our center for refractory abnormal uterine bleeding who were candidates for hysterectomy. All patients underwent endometrial biopsy and transvaginal ultrasonography , followed by D&C as a Gold standard procedure in operating room just before surgery.
Results: Mean age of patients was 46.62 years. Transvaginal utrasonography offered a sensitivity of 70% and specificity of 68% demonstrating the lowest numbers compared to D&C. Endometrial biopsy had a sensitivity of 70% and specificity of 75% that was better than sonography alone.
Conclusion: D&C was the most useful and valuable procedure and addition of endometrial biopsy with transvaginal ultrasonography will not be of high value in diagnosis.
F. Ghaemmaghami, A. Mousavi, Z.b. Ale Mohammad,
Volume 64, Issue 5 (8-2006)
Background: Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers in women.Conization of the cervix is one of the best diagnostic and therapeutic modality in preinvasive lesion of the cervix.
Methods: In this retrospective study we have evaluated the indications,complications, cytopathologic results, diagnostic and therapeutic value of 44 patients who underwent cervical conization.
Results: Age of the study group ranged from 18 to 75 (mean=43.18, SD=±11.4), and their parity ranged from 0 to 10 (mean 4-5, SD=±2-3). Ten cases (22.7%) were menopauses. The main indication was inability to visualize the entire (19 cases/43.2%) that was more prevalent in menopauses (50%/5cases in menopauses and 41.2% /14 cases in premenopauses). Bleeding occurred in 2 cases (4.5%) and urinary infection in 1 case (2.3%). The most common histologic result after conization was mild dysplasia in 23 cases (52.3%). The most common colposcopic biopsy result was moderate dysplasia in 16 cases (36.4%).The most common pap smear result was HSIL in 16 cases (36.4%). Two cases (4.5%) had invasive cancer in colposcopic- biopsy: one of them had ASCUS in the pap and another one had HSIL. Four cases (9.1%) had invasive cancer in histologic report: one of which had ASCUS on the pap and the others had HSIL.
Conclusion: Pap smear in screening of cervical cancer are not reliable and colposcopy is more acceptable in LSIL and ASCUS. Gynecologists should develop the skill to perform an accurate knife conization because the classical indications for conization continue to be valid and it has a low complication rate.
D Jamali Zavareii. M, Jarrahi. Mr,
Volume 64, Issue 11 (10-2006)
Background: Germ cell aplasia (G.C.A) is one of the most important testicular
causes of infertility and azospermia.In this condition the seminiferous tubules
are only lined by a single layer of sertoli cell. In some cases, there is focal area
with spermatogenic activity.
Methods: We studied infertile men with G.C.A referred to Jahade Daneshgahi
of Iran during 1381-82, retrospectively. All the cases had more than one
biopsy of one testis.
Results: In 11.6٪ of 320 cases, comparison of multiple biopsy sites of a testis
revealed: when one site showed G.C.A, another site revealed areas with
spermatogenic activity. Considering the cases who showed germ cells in both
sites, 15.3٪ of cases multiple biopsy sites appeared to have focal
spermatogenesis, better maturation of germ cells or higher scoring area for
urologic operation.
Conclusion: According to new techniques in treatment of infertility with ICSI
(intra cytoplasmic sperm injection) in which fertility is possible with one
spermatozoa or even spermatid (after recovery), biopsy of multiple sites
instead of only one site is highly recommended in azospermic patient.
Abolfazli.r, Mirbagheri.a, Rabbani Anari M,
Volume 65, Issue 7 (10-2007)
Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) and the gluten intolerance disease, celiac disease, (CD) are immune-mediated diseases. Better testing for antibodies associated with CD, including anti-gliadin antibody [AGA], as well as anti-endomysial and anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies, has improved the diagnosis of CD. Certain neurologic conditions have a reported association with CD. Previous researchers have investigated the role of a gluten-free diet in the treatment of MS and found no benefits. Here, we investigate the possible immunological association of CD with MS.
Methods: Using ELISA, we estimated serum IgG and IgA anti-gliadin and IgA anti-endomysial antibodies in 34 MS patients, who were new or previous cases without immunosuppressant treatment for at least the last six months. The mean age was 29.6 years (range 15-46 years), with 30 patients relapsing-remitting, and four secondary-progressive MS. Thirty-four random anonymous blood donors were used as serologic controls (mean age 31.4 years, range 19-50 years). The individuals in both groups with elevated AGA (IgG or IgA) or anti-endomysial antibody (IgA) underwent duodenal biopsy.
Results: In the MS group, high levels of IgG AGA were found in 5.9% of the subjects, and 5.9% had elevated IgA AGA. In the controls, elevated IgG AGA was detected in 5.9% of the subjects and IgA AGA in 2.9% (p=0.051 and 0.48, respectively). For IgG and IgA AGA levels, no significant differences were found between the patient and control groups. IgA anti-endomysial antibodies were not found in either group. Upon biopsy, the specific pathological features of celiac were absent.
Conclusion: The same number of MS patients and controls had high levels of AGA, with normal levels of IgA anti-endomysial antibodies, which is more specific for CD, while the GI biopsies from both groups were not specific for CD. Therefore, AGA levels in any neurologic case should be interpreted with caution. The present study showed no association between MS and CD.
Vahid Dastjerdi M, Alavi Tabari N, Asgari Z, Beygi A,
Volume 65, Issue 11 (2-2008)
Background: Post-menopausal hemorrhage is one of the most common complains in gynecologic clinics. More than 60% of these cases have abnormal findings in diagnostic work ups. There is contraversy about the best diagnostic method for evaluating post-menopausal hemorrhage. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of Trans-Vaginal Ultrasonography and compare its result to ones derived from direct endometrial biopsy and Hysteroscopy findings.
Methods: In a cross-sectional study, menopausal women who attended the outpatient clinic of Arash Hospital, Tehran University of medical Sciences, from April 2005 to March 2006 with the complain of hemorrhage were evaluated. In all of these patients, after getting informed consent, Trans-Vaginal Ultrasonography, Dilatation and Curettage and Hysteroscopy were performed.
Results: The total number of 90 women was recruited to the study with the age range of 41-80 years. The mean age of participants was 53.84 ± 6 years and 4.3 ± 5.1 years had passed from their menopause. The mean thickness of endometrium, measured by Trans Vaginal ultrasonography was 6.25 ± 3.7 millimeter. In the biopsy derived specimens, the most finding pathological presentation was atrophy (48.9%) and the Proliferative endometrium had the second prevalence (36.7%). Atrophy (44.4%) and Proliferative endometrium (33.3%) were the most prevalent finding in Hysteroscopy. There was a significant difference in endometrial thickness between groups of different pathological findings. A significant difference in endometrial thickness was also seen between groups with different Hysteroscopic finding. By grouping the data according to endometrial thickness, it became evident that endometrial thickness can predict the outcome of endometrial biopsy and Hysteroscopic finding efficiently. We used ROC curves to find the best grouping threshold for endometrial thickness to achieve the best sensitivity and specificity.
Conclusion: Measuring the endometrial thickness by Trans-Vaginal Ultrasonography is an appropriate non-invasive test for screening post-menopausal hemorrhage.
Bagheri R, Haghi Sz, Rahroh M, Kalantari Mr, Sadrizadh A,
Volume 67, Issue 3 (6-2009)
Background: Transthoracic needle biopsy is a well established
method for obtaining pathologic diagnosis in the lung mass that performed after
a previous negative bronocoscopy. The goal of this study is evaluation of the
safety and accuracy of ultrasonographic guided transthoracic needle biopsy for
diagnosing peripheral lung mass.
Methods: In a descriptive and prospective study from
September 2005, 30 patients with peripheral lung mass with greater
than 3cm in diameter and less than 5cm
distance through the chest wall, underwent ultrasonographic guided transthoracic
needle biopsy and it's diagnostic accuracy and complications were analyzed.
Results: The male to female ratio was two to one, the average
age of the patients was 61.2 years and 60% of
the lesions were located in right side. Adequate biopsy specimens were obtained
in all patients, but transthoracic needle biopsy was diagnostic in 86.6% and 13.3% patients because doubtful diagnosis, who
underwent thoracotomy for definitive diagnosis. From these four (13%) patient who needed thoracotomy definitive diagnosis were organized
embolism, granulomatouse tuberculosis, bronchoalveolar carcinoma, and
metastatic adenocarsinoma. Pathological diagnosis were malignant lesion in 83.3% that squamouse cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma were the most common
malignancies and benign lesions were found in 16.6%
that granulomatouse tuberculosis was the most common lesion. Complications were
observed in 13.3% that included pneumothorax (6.6%) and hemoptysis (6.6%) that managed medically. No cases of mortality
were observed.
Conclusion: Transthoracic needle biopsy with ultrasonographic
guide due to appropriale diagnostic accuracy and low complication rate with low
cost and availability is recommended for the diagnosis of peripheral lung mass.
Alireza Sharifi, Shahab Dolatshahi , Atefeh Rezaeifar , Tayeb Ramim ,
Volume 72, Issue 6 (9-2014)
Background: Lack of precise diagnostic criteria and sufficient findings in support of biopsy sampling during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is one of the special challenge in endoscopy assessment in Barrett's esophagus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mucosa in the distal esophagus tissues through a biopsy during upper gastrointesti- nal endoscopy in gastroesophogeal reflux disease patients whose symptoms don't im- prove or only partially resolve with treatment.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was done in patients with gastroesophogeal reflux disease medically resistant to treatment. The patients were assessed by gastroenterology department in Sina Hospital, Tehran, Iran, since September 2012 to September 2013. Patients with coagulopathy, esophageal varicose, esophageal cancer, earlier detection of developing Barrett's esophagus, history of irritable bowel syndrome, psychological dis- orders and using of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, were excluded. Esophageal squamous epithelium and cylindrical tissue of stomach was carefully checked by endoscope. Then 2 to 4 biopsy of the Z-line above the gastroe- sophageal mucosa were obtained.
Results: One hundred and fifty three patients included 78 men (51%) and 75 females (49%) with a mean age of 47.92±17.57 years participated in the study. The mean of body mass index of patients was 25.05±4.17 kg/m2 and body mass index in 45.8 % of the patients more than 230 kg/m2. Biopsy specimens were taken in 31 cases were not enough for histological examination. In other patients, 25 cases (20.5%) were normal and 97 cases (79.5%) had the following pathological diagnosis: mild esophagitis (49 cases 40.2%), moderate esophagitis (24 cases 19.7%), severe esophagitis (14 cases
11.5%), Barrett's esophagus (8 cases, 6.5%), fungal esophagitis (1 cases, 0.8%), and eosinophilic esophagitis (1 cases 0.8%). 117 patients (76.5%) had H. pylori infection. Sensitivity and specifity of endoscopy for detection of Barrett's esophagus during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy were 100% and 84.13% (CI 95%:78.53-89.09%), respec- tively.
Conclusion: Our data showed that doing of accurate and adequate biopsy samples from lesions in upper GI endoscopy can be helpful in the diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus
Amir Hasanzadeh , Mohammad Reza Pourmand , Shahram Gooran , Hasan Hosainzadegan , Asghar Tanomand , Gholamreza Pourmand ,
Volume 76, Issue 9 (12-2018)
Background: Escherichia coli (E. coli) is one of the most important infectious agents in patients undergoing prostate biopsy. It belongs to a large family of gram-negative rods, Enterobacteriaceae. This family includes members of the normal flora of the intestine that are only occasionally pathogenic. Recent considerations of rectal colonization with fluoroquinolone-resistant E. coli shows the need to change strategy of treatment of infection in patients undergoing prostate biopsy. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine molecular typing of fluoroquinolone resistant (FQR) E. coli rectal isolates and associated infections in patients undergoing prostate biopsy.
Methods: In this prospective cohort study, rectal swabs were collected from 158 male patients before prostate biopsy at the Urology Research Center of Sina Hospital, Tehran, Iran, from March 2015 to February 2016. The FQR organisms were isolated using selective media, and antibiotic susceptibility pattern was determined for following antibiotics, ampicillin, levofloxacin, cotrimoxazole, amoxicillin-clavulanate, cefazolin, ceftazidime, cefepime, gentamicin, piperacillin-tazobactam, nitrofurantoin, amikacin, fosfomycin, imipenem. In general, phylogenetic background, prevalence of E. coli sequence type 131 (ST131) and its subclones (H30 and H30-Rx ST131) were compared in two groups of FQR E. coli rectal colonization and clinical isolates.
Results: In total, 73 patients had a positive rectal culture for FQR gram-negative bacteria, the most prevalent isolate of which was E. coli. Phylogenetic group B2 was most predominant, followed by A, E, C and D, B1 and F. The antibiotic susceptibility patterns for the FQR organisms showed high levels of resistance to ampicillin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, while the resistance to amikacin, fosfomycin and imipenem remained very low. In general, antibiotic resistance to several antibiotic was mainly detected in group B2 and with ST131 genotype. Despite the increase in infections among patients colonized with strains of E. coli ST131, its frequency was almost statistically significant between colonized and infected groups.
Conclusion: The ST131 pathogen has a high prevalence in rectal colonization and post prostate biopsy infections, which showed widespread resistance to common antibiotics.
Ezzatollah Rezaei, Mahmoud Reza Kalantari , Sahar Fereydouni, Kamrooz Pouryousef,
Volume 79, Issue 8 (11-2021)
Background: Surgical margin determination in malignant lesions is essential and has a direct impact on the choice of postoperative treatments and patient follow-up. Therefore, the processes affecting this variable are worth exploring. This study aimed to evaluate the difference in surgical margin values in excisional skin samples during surgery and after formalin fixation.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on forty randomly selected patients with benign and malignant skin lesions who were referred to the plastic surgery ward of Ghaem Hospital in Mashhad from November 2018 to January 2019. Malignant and benign skin lesions were excised with a healthy margin, then the specimens were sent to the pathologist in a formalin-containing container. The amount of tissue shrinkage and the factors affecting them were compared.
Results: Among all 40 participants about 57.5% of the them were male and 42.5% were female. The mean age of the patients was 66.55±14.53 years. Surgical margin was evaluated in three patterns: before surgical incision and after surgical incision (P<0.001), before surgical incision and after formalin fixation (P<0.001), after surgical incision and after formalin fixation (P=0.02). In this study, the relationship between the age and initial length of the skin lesion with sample shrinkage was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that tissue shrinkage occurs both after incision and after formalin fixation. The highest rate of shrinkage was seen after surgical excision, which was due to the elasticity of the tissue itself. Increasing age and initial length of skin lesion did not affect this shrinkage. Also tumoral tissue contracted less than healthy tissue due to flexibility of fatty tissue and water and lipid content.
Fariba Zarei , Mohammadreza Sasani, Banafsheh Zeinali-Rafsanjani , Mahdi Saeedi-Moghadam ,
Volume 80, Issue 7 (10-2022)
Background: Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is usually used to distinguish the malignant and benign nodules. Applying a biopsy needle evokes a sense of fear and pain in the patients. Although some studies refute the usefulness of local anesthesia (LA) prior to fine needle aspiration biopsy, it is still debatable. This prospective cross-sectional study intended to evaluate the effect of LA prior to fine needle aspiration biopsy on pain and anxiety considering nodule size.
Methods: Amongst the patients who were referred to Shiraz Shahid Fagihi Hospital for Thyroid fine needle aspiration biopsy from August 2017 to January 2018, 114 patients participated in this study. LA was performed for 41 patients, and 73 underwent the thyroid nodule fine needle aspiration biopsy without LA. Patients' pain and anxiety were scored using the visual-analog-score and Spielberger anxiety scale. The nodules were categorized into five groups. Pain and anxiety of patients were compared considering their nodule sizes to assess the effects of LA in the reduction of pain and anxiety considering the nodule size.
Results: The patients undergoing LA had a mean age of 44.69 years old and average body mass index (BMI) of 26.7, the patients who performed thyroid nodule fine needle aspiration biopsy without LA had a mean age of 48.17 years old with an average BMI of 26.0. The patients with the maximum nodule size of<10 mm, experienced more pain during the fine needle aspiration biopsy without LA, but there was no significant difference between the S/T-anxiety of these patients. There was no significant difference between the pain and anxiety scores of the patients with larger nodules.
Conclusion: The more pain experienced by the patients with the smallest nodules can be attributed to the need for more needle manipulation due to the small nodule size and less precision while piercing the needle into the nodule. Thus, it can be suggested that in patients with a small nodule size, less than 10mm, usage of LA prior to fine needle aspiration biopsy can reduce the pain significantly.