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Showing 2 results for Cavernous

Masoud Ghiasian, Sajjad Daneshyar , Khaled Karimi Nejad , Abbas Moradi,
Volume 77, Issue 8 (11-2019)

Background: Venous anomalies are the most common vascular malformation of the central nervous system in adult, it can form anywhere in the body, but are most likely to cause symptoms when they grow in the brain or spinal cord. Common symptoms include headaches or seizures. Experiencing symptoms depend on where the lesions grow and how many of the lesions are present. Most of the time, these formations cause no problems. In some people, knowing the clinical signs and possible future complications in the disease can help to treat the disease and diagnose it.
Methods: In this Prospective cohort study, 41 patients with cavernous malformation who were diagnosed by neurologist referred to Sina Hospital in Hamedan City, Iran, from 2016 to 2017 were studied. Patients' information about their referrals during the follow-up period were collected and the results were reported.
Results: This study was conducted on 20 (48.79%) females and 21 (51.21%) males with the mean ages of 50±2 years. The most common manifestation of disease was seizure in 20 patients (48.78%). Most of these lesions were found in parietal lobe in 11 cases (26.82%) and then in the frontal lobe with 8 cases (19.51%). In terms of complications during follow-ups, 16 patients (39.2%) were uncomplicated, 16 patients had 48 episodes of seizure, seven patients had nine episodes of hemorrhage, two patients with hemiparesis, one patient with headache and one patient with sixth cranial nerve paralysis. According to the associated disease and risk factors, nine patients (26.82%) had high blood pressure, five patients (12.19%) had meningioma and three patients (7.31%) had diabetes. Seven patients (17.07%) had a positive family history that symptoms and complications in this patients are higher than the rest of patients.
Conclusion: In this study, most of the cases are sporadic and the most common symptom was seizure. The most common symptom in supratentorial lesions were seizure whereas in multiple and infratentorial lesions were bleeding. Five patients were involved with meningioma which could be considered in more studies with more patients in future.

Malihe Hasanzadeh, Raheleh Ebrahimi, Parnian Malakuti,
Volume 78, Issue 11 (2-2021)

Background: Cervical cavernous hemangioma is an extremely rare, benign lesions, and only a few cases are reported. Cervical cavernous Hemangiomas are characterized by an increase in the number of normal and abnormal veins. The majority of these lesions are superficial, often found in the head and neck area, but may also occur in the inner parts of the body. The occurrence of these lesions in the female reproductive tract, especially the the cervix is extremely rare. This disease should be considered as a differential diagnosis of abnormal uterine bleeding because of the low prevalence and importance of the diagnosis of this uncommon disease. The majority of cervical cavernous hemangiomas have been reported in women of childbearing age. Besides, although most lesions are symptomatic (mostly bleeding), diagnosis is often unlikely. They may cause abnormal vaginal bleeding in the form of menometrorrhagia and postcoital spotting. To date, fewer than 55 cases have been reported. This study aimed to report a rare case of cervical cavernous hemangioma.
Case Report: The patient was a 24-year-old woman who had referred to the outpatient clinic of Ghaem Hospital in September 2016 due to prolonged post coital bleeding after intercourse. At the time of the pelvic examination, posterior lip of cervix was very vascular and there was black color that had extend to the vagina. The patient underwent colposcopy. Following colposcopy, due to severe cervical bleeding, the vagina packed. The patient's bleeding was controlled with the pack after 24 hours. Cervical pathology revealed a cavernous hemangioma.
Conclusion: Cervical cavernous hemangioma is extremely rare. This should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with abnormal vaginal bleeding, especially those of childbearing age, and no clinical or radiologic findings such as leiomyoma, adenomyosis, or dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Pelvic examination is the first step in the management of the patient with vaginal bleeding. Increased awareness of this unusual cervical lesion can lead to early diagnosis and conservative treatment approaches. In most cases, hysterectomy is performed, but the patient with mild symptoms can be treated with conservative management. Increased awareness of this unusual cervical lesion can lead to early diagnosis and conservative treatment approaches.

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