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Showing 2 results for Health Behaviors

S.h Mirkhani, M.r Mohammad Hasani, M Sanatkhar, R Parvizi, M Radpoor, J Zamni,
Volume 63, Issue 3 (6-2005)

Z Meshkani , S Dabiran , R Amini ,
Volume 63, Issue 3 (6-2005)

Background: Medical education is inherently stressful and demanding to deal with various stressors, which may cause impaired judgment, reduced concentration, lack of self-steam, increased anxiety and depression.

Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted on 250 medical students from 6 month period to graduation in medical college of Tehran university of Medical sciences in order to assess their anxiety and practice of health behaviors and also the relation between the two variables and some other related factors..

Results: The results of study show that of 6.6% medical students suffer from severe state and 4.9% from trait anxiety. The finding of this study shows that 83.3% of girls and 84.6% of boys have practicing risky health behaviors. No statistical relationships found between, anxiety and practicing health behaviors. The relation between anxiety and health satisfaction was Statistically significant mental and physical (P<0.001).

Conclusion: The information found in this research, can help medical education institute to capitalize an opportunities to help their students in preventing risky behaviors, and different stress management techniques should be taught at medical schools.

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