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Showing 1 results for Human T-Lymphotropic Virus 1

Ashraf Tavanaee Sani , Lida Jarahi , Marzieh Saberi,
Volume 76, Issue 12 (3-2019)

Background: In the last 10 years, co-infection of human immunodeficiency virus/human T-cell leukemia virus-1 (HIV/HTLV-1) has emerged as a worldwide health problem. These viruses has the same route to infect human but different effects on CD4 positive T-cells. There was controversial results about the influence of co-infection HIV/HTLV-1 pathogenesis. This study compared clinical course and laboratory findings in HIV/HTLV-1 co-infection with HIV mono infection.
Methods: This historical cohort study carried in Mashhad Consultation Center of Infective and Behavior Diseases, Mashhad, Iran, from April 2013 to march 2017. Persons who referred evaluated by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), then patients with positive ELISA test rechecked by ELISA and Western blot. Platelet count, WBC count, neutrophils count, positive CD4 T-cells, staging and disease severity evaluated at diagnosis, in starting and after of antiretroviral therapy in mono and co-infected patients. Demographic characteristics, including age, educational level, occupational state, marriage situation, past medical history and high-risk behaviors were extracted from the files.
Results: Of 64 patients enrolled in this study, 61 persons were male. Of 64 participants patients, 42 persons were infected with HIV (35 persons of them were positive for hepatitis C virus), other 22 positive HIV cases, were co infected by HTLV-1 too (18 persons were positive for hepatitis C virus (HCV). Co infected patients had more history of high-risk situations specially intravenous drug abuse. The most common opportunistic infections was cryptogenic tuberculosis (TB), candidiasis and military TB. Opportunistic infections and lab findings (except for CD4 positive T-cell) were the same in both group. Clinical severity and disease staging did not differ significantly between two groups. Death was more common in co-infected group.
Conclusion: Clinical course in human T-cell leukemia virus-1 (HTLV-1) co-infection has not obvious differences with previously HIV patients compare with only HIV infected patients. In co-infection with the onset of treatment the increase in the level of CD4 positive cells was higher than that HIV infection.

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