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Showing 2 results for Hygiene

A Khodada , L Lameh , M Shakiba ,
Volume 62, Issue 4 (7-2004)

Background: Many of hospital acquired infections that cause so much morbidity and mortality and have great economical burden are transmitted via contaminated hands of health care workers (HCW).Prevalence of these infections can decrease up to 30% with hygienic measures. In this study we assessed the prevalence of careers and microbial spectrum of HCW,s hand and relation between detergent used for washing and reduction of microbial load of HCW, s hand.

Materials and Methods: This study was done in two part: Descriptive part (cross sectional) and analytical part (before –after). Cases were Consist of all staff Working in wards of center of pediatrics hospital (Including attends, residents, interns, nurses and workers). In first part ,we assess hand microbial spectrum and contamination load of 72 staff and in second part, we assessed and compared hand microbial spectrum and load before and after of washing with four detergent : plain soap (60 staff ), liquid soap (60 staff ) , betadin scrub in ward (60 staff ) and betadin scrub in operating room manner (26 staff).

Results: %87.5 of personnel had positive cultures-.The most prevalent bacteria were staph. epidermidis (%79.4), staph. oreus (%42.9), klebsiella (%12.7), E-coli (%12.7). The rate of reduction or negative cultures in groups used betadin were greater than the first two group (P-value <0/05).Thirty staff (10 with plain soap,10 with liquid soap and 10 with operating room betadin scrub ) dried their hands after washing. Forty percent of first, fifty percent of second and ninety percent of third group have negative culture after drying. Also 11 samples were drawn from faucets that all of them were positive.

Conclusion: Prevalence of careers is high among HCWS and drying of hands can an important role in hospital infection rate. Faucets have heavy contamination and can transmit bacteria to hands after washing. For theses reasons education and of staff to correct hand washing and drying before every contact with patients and used of faucets without direct hand touching can play a great role in lowering hospital infections.

Hesamodin Askari Majdabadi , Mohsen Soleimani , Majid Mirmohammadkhani , Elham Zamanipoor,
Volume 78, Issue 11 (2-2021)

Background: Infection is a vital problem in intensive care units. Currently, chlorhexidine solution is used to reduce oral colonization. This study aimed to determine the efficacy of chlorhexidine solution on oropharyngeal bacterial colonization in hospitalized patients in the intensive care units.
Methods: This descriptive study (from August 2018 to May 2019) was performed on 60 patients who administered in medical and surgical intensive care units (ICUs) in one of the university hospitals in Semnan city. Patients admitted to (ICUs) were selected according to inclusion criteria. At the time of admission to the intensive care unit, oropharyngeal colonization of patients was assessed. Forty-eight hours after admission and using the chlorhexidine solution 0.2% three times a day, oropharyngeal colonization was assessed again. Data analysis was performed with SPSS software, version. 22 in the significant level of 0.05.
Results: This study showed most of the patients in this study were male (80%) with mean age of 45.23±15.19 years. Most patients were transferred from the emergency department to intensive care units and had endotracheal tubes. At the time of admission to the intensive care unit, 8 patients were infected with E. coli and 6 patients were infected with Klebsiella. The results also showed that the use of chlorhexidine 0.2% had no significant effect on the reduction of micro-organisms in the oropharyngeal area. Forty-eight hours after admission to ICUs, the incidence of E. coli infection increased (P=0.01) but there was no significant increase in the klebsiella infection rate (P=0.25).
Conclusion: This study showed that the use of chlorhexidine solution 0.2% did not affect the reduction of micro-organisms in the oropharyngeal areas of patients. Therefore, oral care protocols that include mechanical movements and toothbrushing should be considered to reduce the occurrence of micro-organisms. This study also found that most patients who were referred to the intensive care unit were contaminated with pathogenic micro-organisms. Therefore, consideration should be given to appropriate strategies to reduce infections in the emergency department.

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