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Showing 3 results for Malnutrition

Alavi Naeini Sm,
Volume 59, Issue 1 (4-2001)

The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of malnutrition and related factors that may affect the nutritional status of 0 to 59 month old children in the rural areas covered by the Birjand district health network. A total of 626 children were selected by random sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaires and face-to-face interviews with the mothers and by measuring weight and height of te children. The nutritional status of the children determination was based on the z-score (cut-off poing under-2Sd from median reference population). Based on the z-score and under 2-standard deviation from median of NCHS in rural areas of Birjand, 18.5%, 40.1% and 3% of children were suffering from past-and-present, and present, malnutrition, respectively. Therefore the highest prevalence of malnutrition was related to the past-malnutrition and the stunting was the main problem. The chi2 test showed a statistically significant relationship between the children's past malnutrition and fathers litarcy (P<0.001), also between the children's past and present malnutrition and mother's literacy (P<0.021) and past malnutrition (P<0.001). There was also significant relationship between, father's main occupation, per-capita income (P<0.0001, P<0.025 respectively) and children's past malnutrition in the cases under study. In this research, relationship between sex and prevalence of malnutrition in both peresent-past and past malnutrition was meaningful, (P<0.024, P<0.017 respectively). This study did not show a significant relationship between nutritional independent variables and nutritional status of the children.
Masoud Mohammadi, Ali Akbar Vaisi Raiegan, Masoud Mirzaei, Hossain Zahednezhad, Rostam Jalali, Parvin Abbasi,
Volume 76, Issue 4 (7-2018)

Background: Children's health, preserving and promoting it is a health priority of any society. Malnutrition affects all age groups, but malnutrition in children is one of the most common nutritional problems that can delay body growth, shortened height, frequent infections, mental retardation, the prevalence of mental disorders, lack of academic achievement and reduced efficacy. Because of the importance and impact of this issue in children, the purpose of this study was a systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of underweight in Iranian children, in order to highlight the importance of this issue to health policy-makers.
Methods: A meta-analysis was performed for relevant articles in scientific databases including Scientific Information Database (SID), ScienceDirect, PubMed and Google Scholar. Entrance criteria included cross-sectional studies (March 1996 to February 2017) that had a low incidence of underweight in Iranian children in different parts of Iran. Non-relevant articles included review articles, interventions, cohorts and case studies, and studies that looked at obesity, overweight and the relationship between these factors and other diseases, excluded from the study list. Reference lists of identified articles were reviewed for additional articles. Heterogeneity of study was checked using I2 index and the possibility of publication bias by funnel plot and Begg and Mazumdar's rank correlation test and a significance level of 0.1. Data were analyzed using the comprehensive meta-analysis software, version 3 (Biostat, Englewood, NJ, USA).
Results: In 26 articles reviewed in the study, total number of participants was 142938  persons at the age of 1 month to 12 years. The overall prevalence of underweight in Iranian children was 15.5% (Cl 95%: 12%-19.7%) during 1996 to 2017. The highest prevalence of underweight in was recorded in Birjand city in 2006 and Zahedan city in 2009, 68.6% (Cl 95%: 63.3%-72.9%) and the lowest prevalence of underweight in was found in city of Jahrom in 2013, 1.8% (Cl 95%: 1.2%-2.9%).
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, the prevalence of low-birth-weight in the country is high and requires interventional measures.

Ehsan Aghaei Moghadam , Mohammad Reza Mirzaaghayan, Azadeh Sayarifard , Marjan Kouhnavard , Azin Ghamari ,
Volume 77, Issue 7 (10-2019)

Background: Growth disturbance is a common phenomenon in children with congenital heart diseases (CHD). Malnutrition and nutritional disturbances have a higher prevalence among children with down syndrome, especially children with Down syndrome; on the other hand, the prevalence of CHD is higher among syndromic children, which needs surgical repair as the definitive treatment. The nutritional status plays an important role in determining the postoperative complications and recovery. The purpose of this study was to investigate the growth status of children with Down syndrome and congenital heart disease before cardiac surgery.
Methods: This study was conducted as a retrospective study by evaluating the records of all syndromic patients undergoing cardiac surgery at Children’s Medical Center of Excellence, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, from March 2011 to March 2017. Age, weight, height, weight-for-age z-score (WAZ), weight-for-height z-score (WHZ), height-for-age z-score (HAZ), mortality and hospitalization rate in an intensive care unit (ICU) were recorded in these patients. The z-scores more than -1 were considered as normal, between -1 and -2 as mild malnutrition, between -2 and -3 as moderate malnutrition and below -3 as severe malnutrition.
Results: 35 (51.5%) patients were female and 33 (48.5%) were male. The mean age, weight, and height of these children were 26.9±24.9 months, 9.1±4.95 kg, and 79.55±17.95 cm, respectively. The mean of WHZ, WAZ, and HAZ in these children was -2.18+1.65, -1.95+2.25 and -1.22+3.11, respectively. Based on the values of WAZ, WHZ, and HAZ, 85.3%, 77.9% and 75% of patients have malnutrition (mild to severe forms, z-score less than -1). The most common cardiac defect was ventricular septal defect (VSD) accompanied by pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Conclusion: Considering the high prevalence of impaired nutritional status in these children and considering the effect of preoperative malnutrition on surgical outcomes, including mortality, assessing the nutritional status is much important. The adequate nutritional support in these patients leads to a reduction of the mortality, postoperative complications and morbidities.

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