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Showing 3 results for Maturity

Goshtasbi Nasab A, Majlesi F, Rahimi A,
Volume 59, Issue 5 (9-2001)

The newborn's weight at birth is an important measure for newborn's health in all communities. Among developed countries, 70 percent of low birth weight (LBW) newborns are preterm. The corresponding figure for undeveloped countries is only 30 percent, there are also evidence of intra-uterine growth retardation among these countries. Among effective factors on LBW, maternal related factors have important role in promotion and improvement of infants and mother's health. This study is a descriptive-analytic one and was conducted cross-sectionally through a questionnair. The study population determined by simple random sampling from newborns under coverage of urban health centers in Kohgiloye and Boyerahmad province. Necessary data collected from existing medical and health records filed in the health centers. Among 285 newborns, 88.4 percent considered with normal weight, 4 percent with IBW and 11.6 percent with more than normal weight. 7.4 percent of cases were immature. 85.3 percent of the mothers in study population were in immune range of age for pregnancy and 7.6 percent of them were illiterate. Except the sex of newborn (P=0.0008) and gestational age at birth (P<0.001) none of the variables demonstrated a significant statistical relation with the birth weight. The results of this study confirm other research's findings and reveal that with improving material factors such as mother's age, employment and literacy, the factors which are effective on birth weight, will be dependent on physiological factors such as sex of newborn and gestational age at birth.
Khezerdost S, Bahadori F, Shafaat M, Yahyazadeh H, Yahyazadeh N, Amini E,
Volume 66, Issue 10 (1-2009)

Background: Tumor cells need food and oxygen supply for growth and division. Therefore one of the most promising areas of cancer therapy focuses on using agents that inhibit tumor angiogenesis. Inhibition of angiogenesis prevents cell growth, division and metastasis. Previous studies showed that plasminogen related Protein-B has an anti-tumor activity in mice. This protein has a high level of homology with preactivation Peptide (PAP) of human plasminogen. According to this high homology, antiangiogeneic activity of PAP was investigated in an in vitro angiogenesis model.

Methods: PAP encoding region of human plasminogen gene was isolated by Polymerase Chain Reaction and ‎cloned in pGEX-2T vector. This plasmid was expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein (GST-PAP). ‎GST-PAP was expressed as inclusion body and purified by affinity chromatography on GSH-sepharose ‎resin after refolding. antiangiogenic effects of purified protein were surveyed with Matrigel assay‏.‏‎ ‎

Results: The GST-PAP was expressed and purified and its accuracy was confirmed by SDS-PAGE analysis ‎and immunoblotting. Microscopic studies showed that GST-PAP inhibited angiogenesis in Matrigel system ‎which is shown by shrinking the length of capillary like structures and a decrease in the number of tubule. ‎While applying concentarations of 25μg/ml of GST-PAP and concentrations above that, antiangiogenic ‎activity of GST-PAP was significant comparing to the controls. ‎

Conclusion: Finding shows that GST-PAP can inhibit network formation in Matrigel system. This findings ‎support the theory that PAP is a potent angiogenesis inhibitor.‎

Mousa Ahmadpour-Kacho, Yadollah Zahed Pasha, Seyed Ahmad Rasoulinejad, Mahmoud Hajiahmadi, Parisa Pourdad ,
Volume 72, Issue 6 (9-2014)

Background: Several risk factors like prematurity, hyperoxia, hyperglycemia, duration of mechanical ventilation and supplemental oxygen use have been attributed to the occurrence of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in low birth weight infants. Clinical Risk Index for Babies (CRIB) score have been used to assess the severity of the newborn's disease and neonatal mortality. The relation between the CRIB score and the incidence of retinopathy of prematurity is less assessed. This study was carried out to determine the relation between the CRIB score and retinopathy of prematurity in preterm infants. Methods: In a cross-sectional study all preterm infants admitted to NICU from March 2009 to November 2012, with a birth weight less than 1500 grams and gestational age less than 28 weeks and other premature infants with birth weight 1500 to 2000 grams and gestational age 29 to 34 weeks with an unstable clinical condition, were included. The CRIB score was recorded in firs 12 hours of admission to the NICU. Ophthalmologic examination was done by a retinologist unaware of CRIB score. ROP classification was done according to the international classification of ROP. The CRIB score compared with presence or non-presence of ROP and its stage, progression or regression of disease. A P-value less than 0.05 are considered significant. Results: One hundred and eighty (70%) neonates out of 256 neonates developed ROP. In 124 (68.88%) neonates it resolved spontaneously on serial ophthalmologic examination, but fifty-six (31.11%) neonates were required treatment for ROP which 42 (75%) received Avastin and 14 (25%) neonates treated with Laser. The Mean±SD for CRIB score in ROP group was 4.79±2.74 and in a group without ROP it was 3.78±2.00 (P=0.004). No correlation was found between the severity of ROP and CRIB score (P=0.152). Conclusion: The CRIB score can predict the occurrence of ROP, but can't predict its severity and progression or regression.

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