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Showing 2 results for Neoplasm Recurrence

Amir Keshvari , Mohammad Sadegh Fazeli , Alireza Kazemeini , Alipasha Meysamie , Mohammad Kazem Nouri Taromlou,
Volume 71, Issue 10 (1-2014)

Background: Colorectal carcinoma is considering as a curable disease. Treatment of recurrent cases is hard and sometimes impossible. Evaluation of the rate and affecting factors of recurrence in each hospital would help to decreasing recurrent cases. The aim of this study is evaluation of the rate, clinical and pathologic features, and outcome of recurrent colorectal carcinoma in a referral teaching hospital in Tehran. Methods: Clinical data of 166 curative resections of colorectal carcinoma who were operated between Mehr 1384 and Mehr 1388 (between 23 September 2005 and 23 September 2009) in Imam Khomeini Hospital and were accessible for follow up was collected. Follow up data was collected prospectively up to Farvardin 1391 (19 April 2012). Forty nine recurrences were happened in this period. We compared recurrent and non-recurrent cases for different variables Results: Average age of the patients was 53.5 years, and 47% of them were female. The median time to the diagnosis of recurrent disease was 12 months (range 1 months to 54 months). There were no significant differences between recurrent and non-recurrent patients about age, sex, sub-site of the tumor and sub-type of primary operation. Rate of overall recurrence, local recurrence and distant metastasis were 29.5%, 15.7% and 12.1% respectively. Local recurrence rate was higher in colon cancer (16.44% vs. 15.05%) but distant metastasis rate was higher in rectal cancer (12.9% vs. 10/96%). Rate of curative re-resection was about 25%. Overall survival of the recurrent patients who underwent surgery was better than who underwent chemo or radiotherapy (66.7% vs. 56.8%). Median survival time of recurrent patients after primary surgery was 28 months, and after diagnosis was 12 months (9.28- 14.72,95% CI). Conclusion: In this study the rate of overall recurrence was 29.5%. Local recurrence rate was higher in colon cancer (16.44% vs. 15.05%) but distant metastasis rate was higher in rectal cancer (12.9% vs. 10/96%).
Malihe Hasanzadeh, Marjaneh Farazestanian, Afrooz Azad, Parnian Malakuti, Maryam Esmaeilpour,
Volume 80, Issue 4 (7-2022)

Background: Aggressive angiomyxoma is a rare mesenchymal tumor with extensive local invasion. It often presents with a lump in the perineal area and pelvic. Since it often does not involve adjacent organs such as the urethra and anus, does not cause obstructive symptoms. Its incidence is 6 times higher in women than men. This tumor grows slowly and has a slight tendency to metastasize. However, the rate of local recurrence is high. MRI is the most widely used diagnostic method. Ultrasound and CT scan are also used for diagnosis. Due to the rarity of this tumor, it is difficult to diagnose before surgery and pathology assessment. Due to the penetrating nature of the tumor and the lack of a clear capsule, incomplete surgical resection is common. Local recurrence is common even after complete mass resection. Therefore, patients need a long follow-up. The main treatment is surgery but non-surgical interventions such as hormonal therapy, radiotherapy, arterial embolization, etc. have been associated with variable success rates.
Case Presentation: A 54-year-old female patient presented with a vulvar mass in February 2021. The patient mentioned that the mass had existed for ten years and had increased in size in the last two years. After discussion on the tumor board, she underwent surgery. The pathology of the mass was reported to be aggressive angiomyxoma. The patient was treated with a GNRH agonist after surgery. The patient is currently under follow-up and has not had a recurrence so far (March 2020).
Conclusion: Aggressive angiomyxoma is a rare mesenchymal tumor. It has extensive local invasion and a high recurrence rate, but distant metastasis is rare. Estrogen receptors or Progesterone receptors are commonly positive in aggressive angiomyxoma. The best treatment for aggressive angiomyxoma remains unknown. Extensive local resection of the tumor has been reported as an important therapeutic measure. In cases of mass recurrence, reoperation and hormone therapy have been effective. It is important for gynecologists to consider this tumor as a differential diagnosis when dealing with vulvar masses.

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