Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women around the world. It has been known for over a century that androgens and androgen receptor (AR) play a role in normal and neoplastic breast cells. The aim of this study was to determined the AR expression on tumor cells and its correlation with other prognostic and predictive factors as well as contribution of AR in patients overall survival (OS) and disease- free survival (DFS). Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study performed on 189 patients who referred to Medical Oncology Ward of Cancer Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, from April 2007 to February 2010. We performed an immunohistochemistry study for AR (AR441 clone, Dako, Germany) (10% cut-off point) and Ki-67 MIB-1 clone, Dako, Germany) on paraffin embedded blocks. Other data were extracted from patients’ documents. Results: Overall, AR expression was 49.1%. Mean age of the patients with and without AR was 47.86 and 48.49 years, respectively. AR positive tumors presented more in stage I/II than III/IV (P=0.02) and AR were more positive for estrogen receptor positive, lower grade of tumor (grade I/II versus III) and lower Ki-67 (P=0.01). AR positivity had neither correlation with progesterone receptor, HER2/neu, P53 expression or menopausal status. OS and DFS were higher in AR positive patients but did not reach statistical significance. In triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) group, 25% of tumors showed AR expression. AR had non-significant positive correlation with OS in TNBC cancer patients. OS and DFS had significant statistic positive correlation with ER, PR and stage regardless of AR status. Conclusion: Based on this study, although androgen receptor expression showed correlation with other prognostic factors for survival in patients, we didn’t find statistically significant independent relationship between AR and overall survival in patients. As far as there isn’t any targeted therapy for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), prospective basic and clinical studies regarding AR inhibitors in the treatment of TNBC seems to be logical and valuable.
Results: The proposed deep learning network achieved an AUC (area under the ROC curve) of 0.97. Using a confidence score threshold of 0.5, a classification accuracy of 90% was attained in the classification of images into malignant and benign lesions. Moreover, a sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 86% were obtained. It should be noted that the user can change the threshold to adjust the model performance based on preference. For example, reducing the threshold increase sensitivity while decreasing specificity.
Conclusion: The results highlight the efficacy of deep learning models in detecting non-melanoma skin cancer. This approach can be employed in computer-aided detection systems to assist dermatologists in identification of malignant lesions. |
Results: Breast, skin, colorectal, stomach and thyroid cancers were the most common cancers within the evaluated period of time in Isfahan Province. Colorectal cancer with an annual average total cost of 110,510,720 IRR (Rials) per patient was the most expensive cancer during the evaluated time period while thyroid cancer with an annual average total cost of 40,791,123 IRR per patient was the least costly cancer within the evaluated time period in Isfahan among the five most common cancers, considering the chemotherapy medicines cost. The highest cost in the colorectal cancer was due to the drug cetuximab distributed under the trade name Erbitux®. Regardless of the cancer type, the mean annual total cost of chemotherapy drugs per patient within the considered period of time calculated to be 96,307,145 IRR.
Conclusion: The chemotherapy cost of the common cancers was high with an annual average of more than 96 million IRR (Rials) per patient, within the considered time period. This was particularly true for colorectal cancer with an annual average cost of more than 110 million Rials. |
Case Presentation: The patient was a 27 years old female who was referred to the Imam-Reza Hospital of Birjand because of a subcutaneous mass in the left inguinal region. The tumor was appeared six months ago as a painless slow-growing nodule. In physical examination, there was a 3×4 cm subcutaneous tumor in the left inguinal region. The tumor was attached to the skin but not to the deep and surrounding tissues. There was not any evidence of lymphadenopathy or distant metastasis. The patient was admitted in September 2017. The tumor was excised surgically with a one cm safe margin. The post-operative course was uneventful. In histopathology examination, there was a non-encapsulated neoplasm containing polygonal cells with round to oval nuclei and abundant fine pas-positive granules in the eosinophilic cytoplasm. There were fibrous bands between the tumoral cells. Overlying epithelium shows foci of pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia. This finding was compatible with granular cell tumor. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining of the cytoplasm and the nucleus for s-100 protein and cytoplasm for CD68 was also positive. The patient is symptom-free and without any sign of local recurrence or distant metastasis for 1.5 years post-operation.
Conclusion: Although it’s a rare tumor, the granular cell tumor must be considered in the differential diagnosis of soft tissue tumors. Surgical excision with a safe margin is the treatment of choice for the tumor. It is recommended that the patients must be observed for two years postoperatively. |
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