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Showing 8 results for Ocular

Kashi Ah, Fotouhil A, Hashemi H, Mohammadl K,
Volume 63, Issue 3 (6-2005)

Background: The aim of this study was to provide data, on the distribution or intraocular pressure (IOP) in Tehran population.

Materials and Methods: Through a population-based, cross-sectional study, a total of 4565 Tehran citizens were studied in the Tehran Eye Study. The findings of the participants (n=3834) 10 years and older free of glaucoma diagnosis or suspicion who had undergone applanation tonometry examination are presented. All participants received a standardized protocol included applanation tonometry, and some other ocular measurements, fundus examination, demographic data and an interview. IOP measurement was used to evaluate its distribution by age, sex, and some eye parameters.   ‎

Results: Mean ± SO IOP was 14.5±2.6 in the total population, 14.4±2.7 in men, and 14.5±2.5 in women. Normal range (mean±2SD) of IOP was determined to be 9.3 - 19.7 mmHg. IOP increased significantly with age and cup-disc ratio except for a fall in old ages. This relationship was also observed when we analyzed individuals without diabetes or hypertension history. IOP increased with darker eye pigmentation except for blue/gray eyes. There was a non-linear ‎increase of IOP from emmetropic to high myopic eyes. ‎

Conclusion: Mean and/or normal range of IOP and their associations have been reported with wide differences in various studies. It is wise that studies evaluate IOP distribution or associations in healthy people and glaucoma people separately and also report the prevalence of IOP risk factors in their population to allow for a logical comparison of studies.

Malekmadani M H, Lashay A, Behjati M, Ganji R,
Volume 65, Issue 7 (10-2007)

Background: The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence, severity, and risk factors for diabetic retinopathy in diabetic cases admitted for non-ocular diabetic complications and to investigate the association between retinopathy and these complications.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 84 diabetic patients admitted to our university-affiliated hospital for non-ocular diabetic complications were fully evaluated for proliferative and nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy. Cases of nonproliferative retinopathy (NPDR) were graded as microaneurysm, mild, moderate or severe. To determine the association of retinopathy with the complications that caused hospitalization, statistical analysis was performed using SPSS ver. 11.5.

Results: The prevalence of diabetic retinopathy among our cases was 77.4% (65 patients), with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) present in 23 patients (35.4% of the retinopathy cases). Diabetic retinopathy was higher in patients who had been hospitalized for nephropathy than in patients with diabetic foot and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA, p=0.001), and higher in those hospitalized for diabetic foot than for DKA (p=0.008). Among the 35 patients who had nephropathy and retinopathy, 16 subjects (45.7%) had PDR, and the other 19 subjects had NPDR. Twenty-seven patients had diabetic foot and retinopathy, six (22.7%) of whom had PDR, and 21 (77.8%) had NPDR. Factors significantly related to the occurrence of diabetic retinopathy were type 2 diabetes, presence of hypertension, elevated serum levels of creatinine, duration of diabetes and coexisting nephropathy or diabetic foot (all with p values <0.05). In the logistic regression model, diabetic duration had a slight association with PDR (p=0.06).

Conclusion: Our data suggest that diabetic retinopathy in our patients is common, especially in patients with nephropathy. In addition to glycemic control, lowering of serum cholesterol and triglycerides as well as blood pressure may be effective in lowering the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy.

Abdollahi A, Hallaji Z, Ghiasi M, Afzal Zade A,
Volume 68, Issue 11 (2-2011)

Background: Vitiligo is a common acquired disorder characterized by depigmented cutaneous patches devoid of melanocytes. The disease carries a risk for ocular abnormalities. Few reports are available about the ocular findings and their possible association with the disease in patients with vitiligo in the literature.

Methods: A total of 72 patients with previously documented cutaneous vitiligo were examined for ocular findings and 50 healthy individuals were enrolled as the control group in Razi Hospital in Tehran, Iran during years 2007-2008. Demographic features including age, gender, duration of the disease, presence of any accompanying autoimmune diseases, type of vitiligo and its anatomical distribution were recorded to investigate a possible association between the disease and the ocular findings.

Results: Amongst 72 patients with vitiligo, 11 (15.3%) had ocular findings including retinal pigment epithelium hypopigmentation, posterior pole pigment changes, peripheral iris atrophy, atrophy of retinal pigment epithelium and iris hyperpigmentation. Amongst the controls, only two cases (4%) had ocular findings which consisted of iris hyperpigmentation. The relationship between ocular findings and vitiligo was statistically significant (p= 0.04). No other remarkable features, such as age, gender, age at the onset of the disease, type of vitiligo, presence of priorbital lesions or body surface area involvement by the disease, were suggestive of an association or presenting a risk factor for vitiligo.

Conclusion: Although the sample size and prevalence of ocular findings were not satisfactory enough to make a definite conclusion, we found a higher occurrence of ocular findings in patients with vitiligo than the control group.

Mehrdad Mohammadpour , Mohammad Saleh Sadeghi ,
Volume 72, Issue 10 (1-2015)

Eyes and the vision system allow the human being to receive information from the environment to the extent that 90% of the man’s information is acquired through observation, thus health and correct function of this organ have always been important. Diseases threatening vision such as Acute Macular Degeneration and Diabetic Retinopathy deprive millions of people of seeing every year while access to proper cures can prevent many ocular damages. Despite scientific progress in the medical fields over the recent decades there still exist many challenges in the field of ophthalmology and ocular diseases. As for ocular treatments, major challenges stem from pharmaceutical weaknesses, in other words in spite of access to the suitable drugs for ocular complications we have not yet succeeded to achieve an appropriate method to apply these drugs. By appropriate application of drugs we may deliver the active pharmaceutical ingredient to the target organ with the least side-effect, the most benefit and the highest level of patient compliance. Incapability of effective delivery of drug to the eye arises from the special physiology and anatomy of this organ. The static barriers such as Blood-Aqueous and Blood-Retinal and dynamic barriers such as conjunctival blood circulation and lymphatic clearance will reduce the bioavailability of ocular drugs. Overcoming the above-mentioned weaknesses requires a complete knowledge of the eye characteristics as well as acquaintance with novel drug delivery system. When speaking of drug delivery system (DDS) it means employing a two-part structure consist of active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and carrier that in fact characteristics of formulated DDS will determine by the carrier. We may hope that by applying and designing modern pharmaceutical systems that mainly take advantage of nanoparticles we would be able to overcome many challenges of ocular drug delivery. The present study is aimed at reviewing the eye structure, challenges faced by ocular drug delivery, familiarity with nanotechnology and approaches of this science in the area of ophthalmology as well as mechanisms of designing a local system for effective drug delivery to the eye tissue.
Setareh Abdoli , Simin Almasi ,
Volume 77, Issue 6 (9-2019)

Background: Sjögren’s syndrome is the second most common systemic autoimmune disease after rheumatoid arthritis, RA, with a prevalence of about 0.5% in the general population. It occurs primarily in perimenopausal women (at a ratio of women to men of 9: 1) Sjögren’s syndrome is characterized by lymphocytic infiltration to exocrine glands. The specific autoantibodies of this syndrome are against Ro (SSA) and La (SSB). B cell dysfunction occurs in patients with Sjögren's syndrome. B lymphocyte cells produce monoclonal immunoglobulin heavy and light chains addition to producing Ro (SSA) and La (SSB). Up to 25% of patients in this situation are associated with antibody production. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of monoclonal immunoglobulin in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome.
Methods: 31 patients with primary Sjogren's syndrome diagnosed according to the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria referred to Rheumatology Clinics of Firoozgar Hospital, Tehran, during first six months of 2016, were studied. Clinical examinations and tests carried out. We analyzed serum monoclonal immunoglobulins by immunofixation electrophoresis (IFE) on agarose gels with specific antisera to IgG, IgM, IgA, and κ and λ chains. The IFE was performed with a Helena immunofixation agarose kit (Helena Laboratories, Beaumont, TX, USA) following the manufacturer's recommended procedure. The measures of Anti-Ro, anti-La, rheumatoid factor (RF), antinuclear antibodies (ANA) with immunofluorescent method, complete blood count (CBC) with differential by peripheral blood smear, an erythrocyte sedimentation rate with western green tube, dip stick urine analysis, urine specific gravity (SG) with Refractometer (Mesu Lab Instruments Co., Guangzhou, China), turbidimetry serum complement, and the complement CH50 with ELISA were done.
Results: Most of (87%) patients were female. The mean age of patients was 45.32±12.02 years. The majority of the patients (94%, 29 cases), ocular sign was observed. Xerostomia were common in 84% cases (n=26). Arthralgia/arthritis and submandibular enlargement were common 48% and 19% of patients, respectively. Lymphadenopathy, lung involvement and parathyroid, each was prevalent in 16% of patients. Vasculitis in 13% and Raynaud's phenomenon in 6% of the patients were common. Liver and kidney involvements with the lowest prevalence, each was prevalent in 3% (1 person) patients. RF and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) were abnormal in 22.58% and 12.90% of patients, respectively. The immunofluorescent antinuclear antibody (ANA or FANA) pattern, C3 and C4 complements levels were abnormal in 16.12%, 12.90% and 6.4% of patients, respectively. In 29% (n=9), monoclonal antibodies were higher than normal. IgG, IgM and IgG, were abnormal in 19.3% (n=6), 6.4% (n=2) and 3.3% (n=1), respectively.
Conclusion: Monoclonal immunoglobulin levels in patients with primary Sjogren's syndrome increases. To achieve more definitive and reliable results, this study should be repeated with larger sample size and at different times.

Samileh Noorbakhsh , Fahimeh Ehsanipour , Niusha Masalegooyan ,
Volume 77, Issue 9 (12-2019)

Background: Intrauterine infections (TORCH) lead to the involvement of various organs of the body of the fetus, including the eye. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and clinical response of eye lesions to specific drugs, in infants with confirmed TORCH induced ocular lesions.
Methods: This historical cohort study from 2011 to 2017, had done in Pediatrics and Ophthalmology Department of Rasoul Akram Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Cases included; 78 infants with confirmed intrauterine infection (TORCH) with ophthalmologic disorders (glaucoma, cataract, and retinitis), 3 cases died (without any treatment). The cases with incomplete diagnosis, no treatment or without follow-up excluded from study. Out of 74 children with confirmed TORCH induced ophthalmologic disorders, finally 37 children (25 cytomegalovirus, 12 toxoplasma) were treated with specific drugs, and clinical response to treatment was followed-up to 1 year by ophthalmologic examination.
Results: From 12 cases with ophthalmologic disorders due to congenital toxoplasmosis, 5 cases had full treatment, 4 cases had complete response. One case had not any improvement. From 25 cases with congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV), 18 patients continued treatment, 9 cases with complete clinical response, 9 cases had not response to antiviral treatment, indeed most non responder cases had central nervous system involvement from birth. The best response observed in CMV infected cases accompanied with sensory hearing loss (without CNS involvement).
Conclusion: Good clinical response of ophthalmic diseases in 80% of congenital toxoplasma; and 50% of congenital cytomegalovirus infected cases. Probably with initial diagnosis and rapid treatment of cases with TORCH induced ophthalmic disorders (especially cases without CNS involvement) it would lead to stopping ocular lesions.

Mehdi Sanatkar, Mehrdad Goudarzi, Ebrahim Espahbodi,
Volume 78, Issue 6 (9-2020)

Background: Cataract surgery is one of the most common surgeries in the world, especially in elderly patients, and often performed topically with sedative agents. Ketamine is one of the most commonly used agents and the effect of different doses on intraocular pressure is in dispute. The present study investigates the effect of a low dose of ketamine on intraocular pressure in patients undergoing cataract surgery.
Methods: This case-control study was performed in Farabi Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences from January 2020 to February 2020. In this study 92 patients undergoing cataract surgery were randomly divided into two groups of 46 patients. Patients' intraocular pressure and blood pressure were measured at baseline, and then all patients received 1 mg midazolam and 1 μg/kg fentanyl before initiation of the study. In the case group, 0.15 mg/kg ketamine was injected intravenously. Intraocular pressure and blood pressure of all subjects were measured three minutes after injection of sedation. Also, postoperative pain, need for opioids and, postoperative nausea and vomiting were compared between the two groups.
Results: There was no significant difference in age, sex and weight between the two groups. Mean intraocular pressure in both groups was not significantly different at baseline. The trend of changes in intraocular pressure was lower in both groups after sedation and there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. After sedation injection, the mean arterial blood pressure changes in the control group were decreasing while in the case group showed an increasing trend and this difference was statistically significant. Five patients in the control group and one in the case group complained of moderate to severe pain postoperatively. There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding nausea and vomiting and the need for postoperative opioids.
Conclusion: Low-dose ketamine administration had no significant effect on intraocular pressure and did not cause side effects of ketamine such as nausea, vomiting and hallucinations and it may improve the hemodynamic stability of patients if they are injected with sedative medications.

Mansour Babaei, Mehran Shokri, Seyed Ahmad Rasoulinejad ,
Volume 80, Issue 7 (10-2022)

Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the presence of ocular symptoms was common in COVID-19 patients, which can cause secondary complications in the treatment of ocular diseases. On the other hand, obesity can cause secondary symptoms in infectious diseases by impairing the function of the immune system, which indicates the relationship between involvement of different tissues and dysfunction of the cellular immune system. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between body indexes (i.e., age, height, weight, and BMI) and the presence of ocular symptoms in patients with COVID-19.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study (from March 2021 to May 2021), ocular symptoms (including blurred vision, epiphora, photophobia, discharge and exudate, redness, pain, and itching of the eyes) and body indexes (age, height, weight and BMI) were evaluated in 108 patients with COVID-19, who were referred to Ayatollah Rouhani hospital, Babol, Iran. The independent t-test and Kruskal-Wallis statistical tests were used to examine the data relationship in SPSS software.
Results: The results showed that the mean body weight in COVID-19 patients with blurred vision was significantly higher than COVID-19 patients without blurred vision (P=0.003, t=-3.056). The mean height of COVID-19 patients with epiphora was significantly lower than the mean height of COVID-19 patients without epiphora (P=0.018, t=2.398). Also, the BMI of COVID-19 patients with epiphora was 30.00 ±4.07 kg/m2, while the BMI of COVID-19 patients without epiphora was 27.68±4.42 kg/m2 (P=0.047, t=0.026). In COVID-19 patients with at least one ocular symptom, height was significantly lower than heigh of COVID-19 patients without any ocular symptoms (P=0.001, t=3.397).
Conclusion: Our results indicate the essential role of obesity in the occurrence of eye symptoms in COVID-19 patients. In this study, it was found that blurred vision, epiphora and the presence of at least one eye symptom in COVID-19 patients were significantly associated with the upward trend of BMI (as an index of obesity).

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