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Showing 9 results for Pneumothorax

Agkajanzadeh M, Kiamoosavi Sm,
Volume 22, Issue 8 (3-1965)

Persistent air leaks occur after Spontaneous pneumothorax both primary and secondary, and after lungs trauma and lung surgeries are sever problems encountered chest surgeons with. Persistent air leak causes longer patients hospitalization.

Materials and Methods: We used autologous blood pleurodesis in patients with persistent air leak for 30patients with more than 8 days air leaks, during a three years period 1377-1380 (1999-2002).

Results: The patients had 19 years up to 70 years old. Eight patients had thoracotomy and lobectomy and /or segmentectomies 6 with primary pneumothorax, 10 with secondary pneumothorax, and four with penetrated or blunt thoracic traumas. Blood was obtained from femoral or brachial veins and 70-150 mis. Injected in chest tubes. Chest bottle was first lied 80cm higher than body levels. After 24 hours repositioned in normal levels, and patients were supervised. Via chest tube we injected blood 70-100ml.for young patients, and 100-150 ml for older patients into intra pleural space. There were no clamped chest tubes. There were no pain, respiratory distress, fever, or cough in pleurodesized patients. The only patient's complaint was local pain in femoral vein or brachial vein because blood sampling and blood obtaining, although there was no local visible complication as hematoma or bleeding. After 48 hours in 24 patients air leak ceased. In six patients because persistent air leak autologous blood pleurodesis repeated, two patients after 48hours air leak ceased, remaining four patients underwent for thoracotomies, success rate was 86.6%.

Conclusion: According above success rate we suggest autologous blood pleurodesis in patients with persistent air leak is a reliable, effective, and no complicated procedure for persistent air leaks.

Agkajanzadeh M, Kiamoosavi Sm,
Volume 22, Issue 8 (3-1965)

Persistent air leaks occur after Spontaneous pneumothorax both primary and secondary, and after lungs trauma and lung surgeries are sever problems encountered chest surgeons with. Persistent air leak causes longer patients hospitalization.
Materials and Methods: We used autologous blood pleurodesis in patients with persistent air leak for 30patients with more than 8 days air leaks, during a three years period 1377-1380 (1999-2002).
Results: The patients had 19 years up to 70 years old. Eight patients had thoracotomy and lobectomy and /or segmentectomies 6 with primary pneumothorax, 10 with secondary pneumothorax, and four with penetrated or blunt thoracic traumas. Blood was obtained from femoral or brachial veins and 70-150 mis. Injected in chest tubes. Chest bottle was first lied 80cm higher than body levels. After 24 hours repositioned in normal levels, and patients were supervised. Via chest tube we injected blood 70-100ml.for young patients, and 100-150 ml for older patients into intra pleural space. There were no clamped chest tubes. There were no pain, respiratory distress, fever, or cough in pleurodesized patients. The only patient's complaint was local pain in femoral vein or brachial vein because blood sampling and blood obtaining, although there was no local visible complication as hematoma or bleeding. After 48 hours in 24 patients air leak ceased. In six patients because persistent air leak autologous blood pleurodesis repeated, two patients after 48hours air leak ceased, remaining four patients underwent for thoracotomies, success rate was 86.6%.
Conclusion: According above success rate we suggest autologous blood pleurodesis in patients with persistent air leak is a reliable, effective, and no complicated procedure for persistent air leaks.
Agkajanzadeh M, Kiamoosavi Sm,
Volume 22, Issue 8 (3-1965)

Persistent air leaks occur after Spontaneous pneumothorax both primary and secondary, and after lungs trauma and lung surgeries are sever problems encountered chest surgeons with. Persistent air leak causes longer patients hospitalization.
Materials and Methods: We used autologous blood pleurodesis in patients with persistent air leak for 30patients with more than 8 days air leaks, during a three years period 1377-1380 (1999-2002).
Results: The patients had 19 years up to 70 years old. Eight patients had thoracotomy and lobectomy and /or segmentectomies 6 with primary pneumothorax, 10 with secondary pneumothorax, and four with penetrated or blunt thoracic traumas. Blood was obtained from femoral or brachial veins and 70-150 mis. Injected in chest tubes. Chest bottle was first lied 80cm higher than body levels. After 24 hours repositioned in normal levels, and patients were supervised. Via chest tube we injected blood 70-100ml.for young patients, and 100-150 ml for older patients into intra pleural space. There were no clamped chest tubes. There were no pain, respiratory distress, fever, or cough in pleurodesized patients. The only patient's complaint was local pain in femoral vein or brachial vein because blood sampling and blood obtaining, although there was no local visible complication as hematoma or bleeding. After 48 hours in 24 patients air leak ceased. In six patients because persistent air leak autologous blood pleurodesis repeated, two patients after 48hours air leak ceased, remaining four patients underwent for thoracotomies, success rate was 86.6%.
Conclusion: According above success rate we suggest autologous blood pleurodesis in patients with persistent air leak is a reliable, effective, and no complicated procedure for persistent air leaks.
Agkajanzadeh M, Kiamoosavi Sm,
Volume 22, Issue 8 (3-1965)

Persistent air leaks occur after Spontaneous pneumothorax both primary and secondary, and after lungs trauma and lung surgeries are sever problems encountered chest surgeons with. Persistent air leak causes longer patients hospitalization.
Materials and Methods: We used autologous blood pleurodesis in patients with persistent air leak for 30patients with more than 8 days air leaks, during a three years period 1377-1380 (1999-2002).
Results: The patients had 19 years up to 70 years old. Eight patients had thoracotomy and lobectomy and /or segmentectomies 6 with primary pneumothorax, 10 with secondary pneumothorax, and four with penetrated or blunt thoracic traumas. Blood was obtained from femoral or brachial veins and 70-150 mis. Injected in chest tubes. Chest bottle was first lied 80cm higher than body levels. After 24 hours repositioned in normal levels, and patients were supervised. Via chest tube we injected blood 70-100ml.for young patients, and 100-150 ml for older patients into intra pleural space. There were no clamped chest tubes. There were no pain, respiratory distress, fever, or cough in pleurodesized patients. The only patient's complaint was local pain in femoral vein or brachial vein because blood sampling and blood obtaining, although there was no local visible complication as hematoma or bleeding. After 48 hours in 24 patients air leak ceased. In six patients because persistent air leak autologous blood pleurodesis repeated, two patients after 48hours air leak ceased, remaining four patients underwent for thoracotomies, success rate was 86.6%.
Conclusion: According above success rate we suggest autologous blood pleurodesis in patients with persistent air leak is a reliable, effective, and no complicated procedure for persistent air leaks.
Mohebby H, Banna Zadeh, Panahi F, Bahrami H,
Volume 61, Issue 1 (4-2003)

Spontaneous pneumothorax is a medical condition that potentially may be dangerous. Although several methods for management of this problem have been propounded, there is a great disagreement among the specialists about how to treat it and when more invasive treatments are indicated.
Materials and Methods: This study carried out in two phases. In first phase, 26 patients who had admitted to Imam Khomeini hospital from March 20, 1996 to March 19, 2000 and 50 patients admitted to Baqiatallah hospital between March 20, 1992 and March 19, 2002 with the diagnosis of spontaneous pneumothorax were studied retrospectively. In second phase, these patients were followed up.
Results: 39 patients (51.3%) had primary spontaneous pneumothorax, 35 patients (46.1%) secondary spontaneous pneumothorax and 2 (2.6%) neonatal spontaneous pneumothorax. 67 patients were male and 9 patients were female (male to female ratio: 7.5/1). Mean age of the patients was 35±20 years. Age peaks were the age group between 20 to 25 years old and age group more than 60 years old. Conducted treatments were observation in 3.9%, simple aspiration in 2.6%, thoracostomy alone in 81.6%, thoracostomy and chemical pleurodesis in 2.6%, thoracotomy and mechanical pleurodesis in 3.9%, thoracotomy and pleurectomy in 5.3% of cases. Mean duration of hospitalization was 8.9±7.3 days. Relapse of pnemothorax was seen in 36.9% of the followed patients. Mortality was 17.4% and all died patients had secondary spontaneous pneumothorax.
Conclusion: It seems that the management of spontaneous pneumothorax should be re-evaluated and the exact indications for conservative or more invasive methods of treatment should be defined.
Agkajanzadeh M, Kiamoosavi Sm,
Volume 61, Issue 5 (8-2003)

Persistent air leaks occur after Spontaneous pneumothorax both primary and secondary, and after lungs trauma and lung surgeries are sever problems encountered chest surgeons with. Persistent air leak causes longer patients hospitalization.
Materials and Methods: We used autologous blood pleurodesis in patients with persistent air leak for 30patients with more than 8 days air leaks, during a three years period 1377-1380 (1999-2002).
Results: The patients had 19 years up to 70 years old. Eight patients had thoracotomy and lobectomy and /or segmentectomies 6 with primary pneumothorax, 10 with secondary pneumothorax, and four with penetrated or blunt thoracic traumas. Blood was obtained from femoral or brachial veins and 70-150 mis. Injected in chest tubes. Chest bottle was first lied 80cm higher than body levels. After 24 hours repositioned in normal levels, and patients were supervised. Via chest tube we injected blood 70-100ml.for young patients, and 100-150 ml for older patients into intra pleural space. There were no clamped chest tubes. There were no pain, respiratory distress, fever, or cough in pleurodesized patients. The only patient's complaint was local pain in femoral vein or brachial vein because blood sampling and blood obtaining, although there was no local visible complication as hematoma or bleeding. After 48 hours in 24 patients air leak ceased. In six patients because persistent air leak autologous blood pleurodesis repeated, two patients after 48hours air leak ceased, remaining four patients underwent for thoracotomies, success rate was 86.6%.
Conclusion: According above success rate we suggest autologous blood pleurodesis in patients with persistent air leak is a reliable, effective, and no complicated procedure for persistent air leaks.
Ghane Mohammad-Reza , Saburi Mohammad-Reza , Saburi Amin ,
Volume 69, Issue 12 (3-2012)

Background: Pneumothorax is a potential life-threatening condition especially in patients with underlying disorders. In this study we compared the diagnostic accuracy of general practitioners and emergency medicine specialists in interpreting chest x-rays (CXR) suspected of having iatrogenic pneumothorax in emergency departments.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Shahid Chamran Hospital in Tehran, Iran during 2008- 2010. The study was designed to compare the ability of general practitioners and emergency medicine specialists in diagnosing iatrogenic pneumothorax regarding 500 CXRs of one-hundred patients admitted for upper central venous catheterization.

Results: General practitioners and emergency medicine specialists could accurately (P<0.001) diagnose pneumothorax in 484 (96.8%) and 497 (99.4%) CXRs, respectively. None of the underlying causes of the condition affected the diagnostic accuracy of both physician groups (P>0.05).

Conclusion: These findings indicate that the diagnostic accuracy of emergency medicine specialists is significantly higher than those of general physicians. The diagnostic accuracy of both physician groups was higher than the values in similar studies that signifies the role of relevant training given in the emergency departments of the Hospital.

Shahram Seyfi, Nazli Farnoosh, Kayvan Latifi, Parviz Amri Male , Hamed Mehdinezhad Gorji , Asadollah Shakeri, Khadijeh Ezoji ,
Volume 80, Issue 11 (2-2023)

Background: Sporadic lymphangioleiomyomatosis (S-LAM) is a rare disease that generally affects young women and involves the abnormal proliferation of smooth muscle cells (LAM cells) in the lungs (pulmonary LAM). There are two types of LAM, sporadic and LAM with tuberous sclerosis, which is an autosomal dominant genetic disease caused by mutations in the Tsc1 and Tsc2 genes. The most common manifestation of this disease is pneumothorax due to cyst rupture. Median transplant-free survival for pulmonary LAM is 23 years from diagnosis. Factors associated with a poor prognosis are often those associated with a more rapid decline in lung function.
Case Presentation: The patient was a 24-year-old woman who presented with pneumothorax and multiple bullae in both lungs. The patient had no family history of respiratory disease, and the patient herself had no symptoms other than mild shortness of breath following activity from a year ago. A lung CT scan was performed for the patient and multiple bullae were evident in both lungs, which confirmed the diagnosis. There was no evidence of involvement of other organs but the lung. For the patient in the ICU with the diagnosis of left pneumothorax, a chest tube was inserted and she underwent mechanical ventilation. Finally, after 24 days of hospitalization, oxygen therapy of the patient was performed with a normal mask, and she underwent left lung pleurodesis with talcum powder, and a few days later, right lung pleurodesis was performed on the patient. On the 36th day of hospitalization, her general condition improved and she was discharged from the ICU. The patient was discharged in good general condition and had no problem on her four months follow-up.
Conclusion: Fortunately, with the diagnosis of LAM for the patient according to the CT scan of the patient's lung, she was treated with insertion of a chest tube and by performing pleurodesis, the recurrence of pneumothorax was prevented. In a young woman with spontaneous pneumothorax, sporadic LAM is one of the differential diagnoses.

Hanieh Alimiri Dehbaghi , Karim Khoshgard, Hamid Sharini, Samira Jafari Khairabadi, Farhad Naleini,
Volume 81, Issue 5 (8-2023)

Background: The use of artificial intelligence algorithms to help with accurate diagnosis in medical images is one of the most important applications of this technology in the field of medical imaging. In this research, the possibility of replacing simple chest radiography instead of CT scan using machine learning models to detect pneumothorax was investigated in cases where CT is usually requested.
Methods: This study is analytical and was conducted from November 2022 to May 2023 at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. The data used in this research was extracted from the files of 350 patients suspected of pneumothorax. The collected images were pre-processed in MATLAB software. Then, three machine learning algorithms, including Logistic elastic net regression (LENR), Logistic lasso regression (LLR) and Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) were used. To evaluate the performance of these models, the criteria of precision, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), F1 score, and misclassification were used.
Results: In the AdaBoost model, the accuracy value in radiographic and CT images was calculated as 98.89% and 98.63%, respectively, and the precision value was calculated as 99.17% and 98.27%, respectively. In radiographic images, the AUC value for AdaBoost model was calculated as 100% and in CT scan images as 96.96%. The F1 score for the same model in radiographic was 99% and in CT images was 98.68%. The specificity value for the AdaBoost model was calculated as 99.45% in radiographic images and 94.67% in CT scan images. In the LLR model, the AUC value for radiographic and CT scan images was 99.87% and 99.02%, respectively.
Conclusion: According to the criteria evaluated in the present study, two LLR and AdaBoost models have similar performance in radiographic and CT images in terms of pneumothorax detection ability, so that this complication can also be diagnosed with high precision level using machine learning techniques on the radiographic images and thus receiving higher levels of radiation doses due to CT scan can be avoided in these patients.

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