Results: In the AdaBoost model, the accuracy value in radiographic and CT images was calculated as 98.89% and 98.63%, respectively, and the precision value was calculated as 99.17% and 98.27%, respectively. In radiographic images, the AUC value for AdaBoost model was calculated as 100% and in CT scan images as 96.96%. The F1 score for the same model in radiographic was 99% and in CT images was 98.68%. The specificity value for the AdaBoost model was calculated as 99.45% in radiographic images and 94.67% in CT scan images. In the LLR model, the AUC value for radiographic and CT scan images was 99.87% and 99.02%, respectively.
Conclusion: According to the criteria evaluated in the present study, two LLR and AdaBoost models have similar performance in radiographic and CT images in terms of pneumothorax detection ability, so that this complication can also be diagnosed with high precision level using machine learning techniques on the radiographic images and thus receiving higher levels of radiation doses due to CT scan can be avoided in these patients. |