Methods: The study was performed among outpatients attending the specialty clinic and rheumatology ward of Rasoul-e-Akram general hospital between January 2014 and April 2015. A consecutive sample of 80 patients diagnosed as having psoriatic arthritis was studied. Age, gender, body mass index, blood pressure and waist circumference, and history of smoking of patients were measured and asked at the enrolment visit. Venous samples were taken after 8 h of overnight fasting for the estimation of serum lipid profile, glucose and uric acid levels. Also an ultrasonographic examination was done for detection of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Results: 46 patients (57.5%) were male and 34 patients (42.5%) were female. Mean age of the participants was 43 years (SD: 11.3). The prevalence of abnormal components of metabolic syndrome was 53.8% for BMI, 48.8% for TG level, 50% for HDL, 46.3 for LDL, 45% for Cholesterol, 23.8% for FBS, 46% for waist circumflex in men and 47.7% in women and 42.5 for uric acid. 40% of the patients had abnormal SBP and 41.2% had abnormal DBP. Thirty percent of the participants were current smokers and 43.8 had NAFLD on ultrasonographic examination.
Conclusion: 51.3% of patients had metabolic syndrome according to the adult treatment panel III criteria for adult Asian patients.