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Showing 2 results for Rheumatoid Factor

Khalvat A, Rostamian A, Najafizadeh S R, Movasseghi S,
Volume 65, Issue 11 (2-2008)

Background: Rheumatoid factor (RF) is an IgM antibody against the Fc portion of IgG, which together form an immune complex. RF is an important criterion in the diagnosis of early-stage rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and prognosis of RA pathogenesis, as higher levels of RF indicate a higher possibility of more damage. Although 2/3 to 3/4 of patients that undergo ordinary standard tests and have final clinical diagnosis are also positive for RF, a 70-90% prevalence of RF among RA patients can be achieved, depending on the method of detection and the target antibody, IgG or IgM. In this study, we measured the frequency of IgG and IgM RF isotypes using the ELISA and latex agglutination methods and compare these results with those of a hospital control group, tested using standard methods, in order to determine the best method for the measurement of RF.

Methods: Of the patients referred to the Rheumatology Clinic of Imam Khomeini Hospital during 2005-2006, one hundred randomly selected rheumatoid arthritis patients, 75 females and 25 males, with classical or definite rheumatoid arthritis (defined by the criteria of the American College of Rheumatology), with a short disease duration of 12-24 months, underwent testing for RF using the latex method for IgM and ELISA for IgM-IgG. The healthy control group (75 females and 25 males) were tested for RF using the ELISA method for IgM-IgG. The variables were compared using the Pearson's chi-square test.

Results: We found that the measurement of RF among RA patients using did not differ significantly between the two methods. The immune complex in RA is mainly IgM. The positive IgM results in RF patients using two similar methods showed a significant relationship by Pearson's correlation co-efficient (r=0.60, p<0.001). In addition, comparison of the IgM and IgG RF by ELISA showed a weak correlation with low significance (r=0.10, p<0.001). In sum, this study showed a significant difference (r=0.24, p<0.001) between the IgM in RA patients and that in healthy people, who had no IgM or IgG RF.

Conclusion: Approximately 75% of confirmed RA cases had the IgM RF however, we found little advantage in using the one method over the other, nor was the measurement of IgG more useful than IgM as a diagnostic criteria.

Fatemeh Shirani , Farhang Soltany-Bajestani ,
Volume 74, Issue 10 (1-2017)

Background: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease presenting with inflammation, tenderness and destruction of the synovial joints, resulting in severe disability and early death due to complication of disease. Previous diagnostic criteria are not useful for identifying patients who need early treatment. Thus, new diagnostic criteria for faster diagnosis of disease are introduced in 2010. The aim of this study was to compared 1987 ACR (American College of Rheumatology) criteria and 2010 ACR/EULAR (European League Against Rheumatism) classification criteria for diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

Methods: In this Cohort prospective study, patients with early arthritis were evaluated   according to the old and new diagnostic criteria and followed-up every two monthly for one year (2012-2013) in Hazrat-e Rasool University Hospital, Tehran. Inclusion criteria of this study were age more than 18 year and indefinite diagnosis of arthritis. For all of patients physical examination by expert rheumatologist was done and lab data include erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (Anti-CCP) and rheumatoid factor was requested. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were then determined for each diagnostic criteria.

Results: In this study 104 patients including 28 males (26.9%) and 76 females (73.1%) with the mean age of 44.2±13.7 years were included. At the end of one year follow-up, 82 were diagnosed to have RA while other 22 patients were not categorized as RA. Sensitivity for ESR, CRP, Anti-CCP and rheumatoid factor in 2010 ACR/EULAR criteria was 52%, 19%, 48%, 28% and specificity for them was 45%, 71%, 27%, 79% respectively. Number of small and large joint arthritis were more in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) rather than other arthritis (P=0.0001). Sensitivity and specificity for small joints involvement was 87% and 54% and for large joints involvement was 81% and 59%. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values for 2010 ACR/EULAR criteria were 65%, 40%, 81%, and 23%, respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values for 1987 ACR criteria were 51%, 62%, 83%, and 25% respectively.

Conclusion: In comparison to the old diagnostic criteria, the new one has higher sensitivity and lower specificity.

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