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Showing 8 results for Support

Kalbasi G, Talebian Moghaddam S, Ebrahimi Takamjani S, Oliaei Gr, Maroofi N, Galaei S,
Volume 63, Issue 2 (5-2005)

Background: One of the most important concerns in orthopedic medicine is the low back. Considering the importance of muscle function in preventing LBT by controlling too much load and stress applied on the spinal joints and ligaments.

Materials and Methods: The aim of this research was to determine the timing and level of activities of lumbopelvic muscles in response to postural perturbations caused by unexpected loading of the upper limbs in standing on three different supporting surfaces (neutral, positive slope, negative slope) in 20 healthy females 18 to 30 years old ( = 23.20 SD = 2.55 ). The electromyographic signals were recorded from the deltoid, gluteus maximus, internal oblique abdominis and lumbar paraspinal muscles of the dominant side of the body to evaluate the onset time, end time, level of muscle activity (RMS) and duration of different muscles in one task and one muscle in different tasks.

Results: The results showed that the agonists (posterior muscles) activated at first to compensate the flexor torque caused by loading and then the antagonists (anterior muscles) switched-on to compensate the reaction forces caused by agonist activities. With regards to continuous activity of internal oblique and its attachments via thoracalumbar fascia to the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae, it can be considered as one of the major stabilizer muscles of the trunk .

Conclusion: Finally the results indicated that supporting surface type didn’t have any effect on timing and scaling of muscle activities in different tasks suggesting that probably spinal and trunk priprioceptors are just responsible for triggering postural responses and they don’t have any role in determining timing and scaling.

Mahmoudi-Gharaei J, Mohammadi Mr, Bina M, Yasami Mt, Fakour Y,
Volume 64, Issue 8 (8-2006)

Background: Psychological debriefing has been widely advocated for routine use following major traumatic events. Cognitive Behavioral Interventions, art supportive therapies, and sport and recreational support activities are other interventions for reducing posttraumatic stress disorder. We assessed the effects of theses methods individually and in combination on reduction posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in adolescents who had experienced Bam earthquake.
Methods: In a field trial, we evaluated the efficacy of psychological debriefing, group cognitive-behavioral therapy, art and sport supportive interventions in 200 adolescents with PTSD symptoms who survived of Bam earthquake and compare it with a control group. Patients were randomly assigned to one of intervention programs including: group cognitive-behavioral therapy group CBT plus art and sport interventions art and sport interventions without group CBT and control group.
Results: Thirty one individuals were excluded because of migration. A statistically significant reduction in overall PTSD symptoms as well as in avoidance symptoms was observed after group cognitive-behavioral therapy. There was no significant difference in reduction of overall PTSD and avoidance symptoms between the other groups.
Conclusion: Psychological interventions in form of group cognitive behavioral therapy can reduce the symptoms of PTSD symptoms but we couldn't find the art and sport supportive therapy alone or in combination with group CBT to be useful in this regard.
Poshtmashhadi M, Molavi Nojomi M, Malakout S.k, Bolhar J, Asgharzadeh Amin S, Asgharnejad Farid Aa,
Volume 65, Issue 4 (7-2007)

Background: Psychosocial stressors and the quality of the support system are important factors in attempted suicide. This research has studied these stressors and the condition of the support system in suicide attempt cases in Karaj, Iran. Methods: This is a part of the Iranian section of the widest multisite study on suicide prevention (SUPRE-MISS) proposed and directed by the WHO in eight countries, including Iran. Here we present data obtained from 632 suicide attempters presenting in emergency centers over a period of ten months.
Results: According to the time lapse from the stressor to the suicide attempt, proximal stressors are considered to be precipitating while distal stressors are considered to be perpetuating factors. Although, family conflicts were found to increase the risk of suicide one year after the conflict, conflicts with family (25%) and spouse (35%) were the most frequent stressors one month before the attempt, acting as proximal factors. Conflict with spouse was more prominent for people who had been married less than seven years. Conflict with family was the most important stressors for 15-25 year-old attempters. Though it is not clear which areas of conflict are more crucial in a suicide attempt, especially considering gender differences, educational and financial problems were more prominent one year before the suicide attempt. The support system was more crucial for female attempters: Although they received more practical support than males, females complained more of deficiencies in support.
Conclusions: The roles of different psychological stressors in attempted suicide vary according to the time lapse from the stressor until the suicide. Family and marital conflicts can be precipitating and perpetuating factors, while educational and financial problems appear to be perpetuating factors. Family is considered to be an important support system for a great number of attempted suicide cases, especially since it offers practical support. Support systems are crucial in preventive programs for suicide, especially among women.
Zahra Qaempanah , Hossein Arab-Alibeik , Marjan I Ghazi Saeed, Mohammad Ali Sadr-Ameli,
Volume 73, Issue 4 (7-2015)

Background: Warfarin is the most common oral anticoagulant. This drug is used for the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic patients. It is difficult for physician to predict the results of warfarin prescriptions because there is narrow boundary between therapeutic range and complications of warfarin. Therefore drug dose adjustment is normally performed by an expert physician. Decision support systems that use extracted knowledge from experts in the field of drug dose adjustment would be useful in reducing medical errors, especially in the clinics with limited access to experts. The aim of this study was to propose a method for boosting the maintenance dose of warfarin for a maximum period of three days to eliminate disruptions in International Normalized Ratio (INR). Methods: In a retrospective study, from December 2013 to February 2014 in Shahid Rajaee Heart Center, Tehran, Iran, 84 patients with International Normalized Ratio below (INR) the therapeutic range was selected who was undergone a boosting dose during three days. Patients with unstable maintenance dose were excluded from the study. In this study, data from 75 patients receiving warfarin therapy were used for developing and evaluation of the proposed model. The INR target range for 37 patients out of remaining 75 cases was between 2.5 and 3.5, while for 38 patients the intended INR range was between 2 and 3. A separate fuzzy model was designed for each of the above-mentioned therapeutic ranges. Results: The recommended dose for 37 patients having INR therapeutic range of 2.5 to 3.5 has mean absolute error and root mean squared error of 1.89 and 2.78 respectively for three days. These error rates are 1.97 and 2.88 respectively for 38 patients who are in therapeutic range 2 to 3. Conclusion: The results are promising and encourage one to consider this system for more study with the aim of possible use as a decision support system in the future.
Mansour Rezaei , Ehsan Zereshki , Hamid Sharini , Mohamad Gharib Salehi , Farhad Naleini ,
Volume 76, Issue 6 (9-2018)

Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common disorder of dementia, which has not been cured after its occurrence. AD progresses indiscernible, first destroy the structure of the brain and subsequently becomes clinically evident. Therefore, the timely and correct diagnosis of these structural changes in the brain is very important and it can prevent the disease or stop its progress. Nowadays, remark to this fact that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides very useful and detailed information, and due to non-invasiveness, this method has been great interest to the researchers. The aim of this study was diagnosis of AD with MRI by support vector machine model (SVM).
Methods: This is an analytical and modeling research which done in School of Public Health, Kermanshah University of Medical Science, Iran, from February 2017 to November 2017. The data used in this study was a database named Miriad containing brain MRI of 69 individuals (46 Alzheimer's disease and 23 healthy subjects) that was collected at the central hospital in London. Individuals were categorized into two groups of healthy and Alzheimer's disease with two criteria: NINCDS-ADRAD and MMSE (as the golden standard). In this paper SVM model with three linear, binomial and Gaussian kernels was used to distinguish Alzheimer`s disease from healthy individuals.
Results: Finally, SVM model with Gaussian kernel, separated AD and healthy subjects with 88.34% accuracy. The most important Areas for Alzheimer were three Area: Right para hippocampal gyrus, Left para hippocampal gyrus and Right hippocampus. The clinical result of this study is to identify the most important ROI for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's by a clinical specialist. Experts should focus on atrophy in the three Areas.
Conclusion: This study showed that the SVM model with Gaussian RBF kernel can separated AD from healthy subjects by high accuracy. Based on results of this study, can make a software to use in MRI centers for screening AD test by people over the age of 50 years.

Fatemeh Falahati Marvast , Hossein Arabalibeik, Fatemeh Alipour , Abbas Sheikhtaheri, Leila Nouri,
Volume 76, Issue 12 (3-2019)

Background: Contact lenses are transparent, thin plastic disks that cover the surface of the cornea. Appropriate lens prescription should be performed properly by an expert to provide better visual acuity and reduce side effects. The lens administration is a multi-stage, complex and time-consuming process involving many considerations. The purpose of this study was to develop a decision support system in the field of contact lens prescription.
Methods: In this fundamental study, data were collected from 127 keratoconus patients referred to the contact lens clinic at Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran, Iran during the period of March 2013 to July 2014. Five parameters in the contact lens prescribing process were investigated. Parameters were collected as follows. “Lens vertical position”, “vertical movement of the lens during blinking” and “width of the rim” in the fluorescein pattern were obtained by recording videos of the patients while wearing the lens. “Fluorescein dye concentration” under the lens was evaluated by the physician and “patient comfort” was obtained by asking the patient to fill a simple scoring system. Approved and disapproved lenses were judged and recorded based on the decision of an expert contact lens practitioner. The decision support system was designed using artificial neural networks with the mentioned variables as inputs. Approved and disapproved lenses are considered as system outputs. Artificial neural network was developed using MATLAB® software, version 8.3 (Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA, USA). Eighty percent of the data was used to train the support vector machine and the rest of the data (20%) to test the system's performance.
Results: Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity, calculated using the confusion matrix, were 91.3%, 89.8% and 92.6% respectively. The results indicate that the designed decision support system could assist contact lens prescription with high precision.
Conclusion: According to the results, we conclude that hard contact lens fitness could be evaluated properly using an artificial neural network as a decision support system. The proposed system detected approved and disapproved contact lenses with high accuracy.

Amir Hossein Hashemian , Sara Manochehri , Daryoush Afshari , Zohreh Manochehri , Nader Salari , Soodeh Shahsavari,
Volume 77, Issue 1 (4-2019)

Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a degenerative inflammatory disease which is most commonly diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). But, since the MRI device uses of a magnetic field, if there are metal objects in the patient's body, it can disrupt the health of the patient, the functioning of the MRI, and distortion in the images. Due to limitations of using MRI device, screening seems necessary for those patients who have metal objects in their bodies. Therefore, this study is carried out to compare two models: support vector machine and random forest.
Methods: This analytical-modelling research was implemented on MS data collection, the specifications of which are recorded in health registry system in School of Public Health, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Iran, from May 2017 to August 2018. For the purpose of this study, a total of 317 subjects were selected as a sample; 188 subjects were diagnosed with MS and 128 subjects showed no symptoms of MS. In order to fit the support vector machine (SVM) model, radial basis kernel function was used. The parameters of this machine were optimized with genetic algorithm. After this step, the support vector machine and random forest (RF) were compared with respect to three factors: accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity.
Results: Based upon the obtained results of study, accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of SVM were 0.79, 0.80, and 0.78, respectively. In comparison, accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of RF were found to be 0.76, 0.81, and 0.70, respectively.
Conclusion: In general, both models which were compared in current study showed desirable performance; however, in term of accuracy, as an important criteria for performance comparison in this area of research, it can be argued that support vector machine can do better than random forest in diagnosing multiple sclerosis.

Tara Ghafouri, Negin Manavizadeh,
Volume 80, Issue 7 (10-2022)

Background: In the current study, a hybrid feature selection approach involving filter and wrapper methods is applied to some bioscience databases with various records, attributes and classes; hence, this strategy enjoys the advantages of both methods such as fast execution, generality, and accuracy. The purpose is diagnosing of the disease status and estimating of the patient survival.
Methods: Feature selection algorithms have been modeled in Matlab R2021a during April and May 2022 in the framework of statistical pattern recognition. First, the features are ranked based on normalized mutual information, as a metric of relevance and redundancy of features, and accordingly, an optimum feature subset with the highest accuracy of classification is selected. Two feature selection algorithms, i.e., inclusion of features enhancing the classification accuracy and exclusion of irrelevant features are applied to the interest datasets, subsequent to the mini-batch k-means clustering of records.
Results: At the end of the execution of both feature selection methods, evaluation metrics including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score are measured and compared. Both proposed feature selection approaches for the molecular biology, hepatitis C virus (HCV), and E. coli bacteria datasets result in the precision and recall scores more than 98 percent, meaning that there are few false positives and false negatives in the linear support vector machine (LSVM) classification. Regarding the HCV dataset, selection of nine relevant features among the thirteen present ones using the feature exclusion method yields the classification accuracy and F1 score of 98.92 percent and 99.02 percent, respectively. The feature inclusion approach also results in an accuracy of 98.78 percent with a slight discrepancy.
Conclusion: The results reveal superior strength of the feature selection methods used here for life science datasets with higher-order features such as protein/gene expression database. The potentials to generalize to other classifiers and automatically specify the optimal number of features during the feature selection procedure make these approaches flexible in many data mining applications for the life sciences.

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