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Showing 2 results for Sympathectomy

Toolabi K, Rouientan A, Salimi J, Rabani A, Meisami A,
Volume 65, Issue 11 (2-2008)

Background: Hyperhydrosis, excessive sweating, can profoundly affect the quality of life of the patient, with severe impairment of daily activities, social relationships and occupational activities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcome of thoracoscopic sympathectomy in patients with palmar hyperhydrosis.

Methods: In a clinical trial at Imam Khomeini, Milad and Velenjak Hospitals from 2003 to 2006, 33 patients older than five years of age with palmar hyperhydrosis underwent thoracoscopic sympathectomy of T2 and T3 ganglions. The variables regarding operation duration, length of hospital stay and early post-op complications were recorded. In addition, the quality of life of the patients was evaluated using the DLQI questionnaire, while the satisfaction of the patients was evaluated using the visual analogue scale before, immediately after and six months after the operation.

Results: The mean age of the patients was 23 years and 63.6% of our patients were female. The sites of hyperhydrosis were hand, foot and armpit in 72.7% of the patients. In 90.91% of the cases, disease onset occurred during childhood and 78.79% of the patients had a family history of hyperhydrosis. Hyperhydrosis impaired function and had social, interpersonal and emotional effects in 72.7% of the cases. The mean duration of the operation was 40.3 minutes and the mean hospital stay was 1.45 days. The most common early post-op complications were atelectasis (7.57%), short-term pulmonary complications (3.03%) and pleural effusion (3.03%). Compensatory hyperhydrosis occurred in 60% of the cases, while 18.75% experienced gustatory sweating. Palms were reported to be totally dry immediately after and six months after the operation in 81.82% of the cases, while 18.18% reported acceptable levels of perspiration. The mean level of satisfaction immediately after and six months after the procedure was 0.81. All patients felt improvement in all aspects of their lives immediately after and six months after the operation. In terms of quality of life, the mean of DLQI score was significantly lower immediately after and six months after operation (18.78 ± 501 vs. 1.60 ± 0.81 and 1.64 ± 1), indicating that symptoms had less effect on the patients' lives. All patients were willing to re-experience the operation if necessary.

Conclusion: Thoracoscopic sympathectomy is an effective and safe therapeutic modality for palmar hyperhydrosis with a great rate of success and a slight chance of complica-tions. This operation results in a remarkable improvement in various aspects of the patients' lives. Willingness to re-experience the operation indicates the high degree of satisfaction.

Reza Karbasi-Afshar , Reza Noroozian , Ayat Shahmari , Amin Saburi ,
Volume 71, Issue 3 (6-2013)

Background: Sympathetic complex of over-activation kidneys is one of the main causes of primary hypertension (HTN). We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of sympathectomy using 5Fr mariner catheter ablation on patients with refractory hypertension.
Methods: In this prospective cohort study, patients who received three or more anti-hypertensive medications with 160mmHg systolic blood pressure (BP) or more were randomly included and divided into 2 groups. Cases in the first group were undergone to renal denervation and the second group was treated by previous antihypertensive medications. Both groups were followed for six month by assessing BP and adverse effects.
Results: One hundred and seventeenth patients (54%) out of 212 screened patients were included in the first group (renal denervation) and 95 patients as the second group. The mean of BP changes in the first group was 35/15 mmHg with standard deviation of 22/11mmHg. (P<0.001) in the second group, the mean changes of BP was not statistically significant. (5/0mmHg± 22/11, P=0.79 for systolic BP and P=0.96 for diastolic BP). 92% of 117 patients in the first group had a favorable BP decrease, which was defined as a 20mmHg or more decrease in BP, in comparison with 15% of 95 patients as controls (P=0.001). There was no observed complication after denervation in the first group.
Conclusion: It seems that the sympathetic renal denervation can be an effective and safe method for treatment of refractory hypertensive patients indeed of routine medications although further studies with longer follow up duration and more cases are suggested for confirming this issue.

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