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Showing 16 results for Tests

Sm Alavi Naeini , Sa Jazayeri , N Moghaddam Banaem , Gh.a Afrooz , Behboodi,
Volume 58, Issue 1 (4-2000)

The effects of taking snacks on the learning ability and educational achievement of elementary school children in district 18 of Tehran educational organization were examined in the school year 1997-98. Other factors such as grade, nutritional status, breakfast eating habits and snack eating habits in the school were also studied. For this purpose 236 boys were selected by random sampling in 4 different schools. The children were randomly assigned to a group, with a low calorie snack (119 subjects), and a low-calorie control group (117 subjects), and then given 3 cognitive functions tests. The test were repeated after 4 months. The data were collected by questionnaires and included family socio-economic conditions, nutritional status and dietary habit of the children. Also, the grades of the major courses and scores of cognitive tests were collected, and the effects of treatment on the mean grades and scores differences were determined by T-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Our findings are presented as follow: The experimental and control groups were similar in the initial assessment. 7.1% of the students were stunted based on height-for-age classification (NCHS). The intervention led to an increase in tests scores, but the increase was only significant in the case of the short-term memory test (P<0.03). The findings of the study showed that the intervention was effective on short-term memory and since short-term memory function in memorization process and retrieval of subjects form long-term memory and congenitive functions, we can conclude that the food intervention with an energy lower than 10% of recommended dietary needs increases learning ability level of the subjects. Stunting and the habit of eating breakfast were related to educational performance of students. Therefore implementation of such programs in the community, such as food intervention and nutritional education may be effective.
Salarifar M, Kazemeini S.m, Haji Zeinali A.m,
Volume 65, Issue 1 (3-2008)

Background: Premature coronary artery disease (CAD) has a familial predisposition and occurrence. We determined the prevalence of CAD and related risk factors in individuals with a history of premature CAD in their first-degree relatives.
Methods: This study included 700 healthy individuals with a history of premature CAD in their parents or siblings in Tehran Heart Center in 2003-2004. History of smoking, diabetes mellitus (DM) or hypertension was taken. Fasting levels of blood sugar (FBS), triglycerides (TG), cholesterol, LDL and HDL were measured. Noninvasive studies for CAD were performed with resting echocardiography (ECG) and ECG with exercise tolerance test (ETT). Patients with positive findings for ischemia in these tests underwent a myocardial perfusion scan and if positive proceeded to coronary angiography.
Results: The mean age of our subjects was 35.2 (15-65) years. DM was found in 5.3%, smoking in 14.7%, hypertension in 20.6%, cholesterol above 200 mg/dl in 39.9%, TG above 150 mg/dl in 58.6%, LDL above 130 mg/dl in 38% and HDL below 40 mg/dl in 32.6%. In addition, 6.4% had ECG changes and 3% echocardiographic abnormalities in favor of ischemia. ETT was positive in 7.3% and myocardial perfusion scan in 2.1%. Coronary angiography showed 50-70% stenosis in eight patients (1.1%) and >70% in four patients (0.6%).
Conclusion: High cholesterol, TG and LDL and low HDL were found among our subjects. Risk factor determination in these individuals may prove to be beneficial. Noninvasive tests for CAD yield low true-positive results and are not recommended in the population as a whole. In certain subgroups, including those with persons older than 40 years and diabetic patients, these tests may be useful.
Rahimi A, Ahmadi F, Gholyaf M,
Volume 66, Issue 1 (3-2008)

Background: The kidney is a complex and vital organ, regulating the electrolyte and fluid status of the human body. In clients with a chronic disease, such as end-stage renal disease, functioning status and hematologic indexes are different than among the general population. Electrolyte and hematologic changes may induce many illnesses for such patients. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of applying the continuous hemodialysis (HD) the blood test results of HD patients.

Methods: This quasi-experimental, before-after study included 38 HD patients from Hamedan, Iran in 2005. Subjects were selected using simple randomized sampling and were assigned to one group for the purpose of this research and investigated over a period of six months. Data collection tools included demographic questionnaire and control check lists. The first phase of the research involved orientation of the control group, which was limited to completion of the questionnaires and control check lists. Immediately after, the same patients became the case group, upon which continuous HD was applied and hemoglobin, hematocrit, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), potassium, sodium, and albumin tests were performed. Statistical analysis of the data employed SPSS (version 13), descriptive statistics, paired t-test and the Friedman test.

Results: In this group, 47.2% of the subjects were male and 52.8% female. Data analysis shows that, using repeated measurement ANOVA test, a significant relationship between application of the continuous HD and improvement in hemoglobin, hematocrit, BUN, potassium, sodium, and albumin levels (p<0.05).

 conclusion: Application of continuous HD causes a significant improvement in the blood test results of HD patients. We recommend that continuous HD be used, whenever appropriate, to resolve the common causes of complications in HD clients, including abnormal levels of electrolytes, especially potassium and phosphorus, as well as BUN and creatinine.

Khezerdost S, Bahadori F, Shafaat M, Yahyazadeh H, Yahyazadeh N, Amini E,
Volume 66, Issue 10 (1-2009)

Background: Tumor cells need food and oxygen supply for growth and division. Therefore one of the most promising areas of cancer therapy focuses on using agents that inhibit tumor angiogenesis. Inhibition of angiogenesis prevents cell growth, division and metastasis. Previous studies showed that plasminogen related Protein-B has an anti-tumor activity in mice. This protein has a high level of homology with preactivation Peptide (PAP) of human plasminogen. According to this high homology, antiangiogeneic activity of PAP was investigated in an in vitro angiogenesis model.

Methods: PAP encoding region of human plasminogen gene was isolated by Polymerase Chain Reaction and ‎cloned in pGEX-2T vector. This plasmid was expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein (GST-PAP). ‎GST-PAP was expressed as inclusion body and purified by affinity chromatography on GSH-sepharose ‎resin after refolding. antiangiogenic effects of purified protein were surveyed with Matrigel assay‏.‏‎ ‎

Results: The GST-PAP was expressed and purified and its accuracy was confirmed by SDS-PAGE analysis ‎and immunoblotting. Microscopic studies showed that GST-PAP inhibited angiogenesis in Matrigel system ‎which is shown by shrinking the length of capillary like structures and a decrease in the number of tubule. ‎While applying concentarations of 25μg/ml of GST-PAP and concentrations above that, antiangiogenic ‎activity of GST-PAP was significant comparing to the controls. ‎

Conclusion: Finding shows that GST-PAP can inhibit network formation in Matrigel system. This findings ‎support the theory that PAP is a potent angiogenesis inhibitor.‎

Mohammad Kazem Sharifi Yazdi , Mohammad Mehdi Soltan Dallal,
Volume 71, Issue 4 (7-2013)

Background: The role of gram-positive cocci especially Staphylococci species in causing urinary tract infection are well known. Among the Staphylococci species Methicillin Resistance Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is the most important. The rate of MRSA is increasing worldwide. This is alarming because the danger of these organism in public health. Therefore the aim of this study was to determine the sensitivity of gram-positive cocci, as well as MRSA to vancomycin and other antibiotics.
Methods: This was a descriptive study, and were carried out on 300 patients with urinary tract infections (UTI) caused by gram-positive cocci, referred to Imam Khomeini hospital during eight months. Prior to the antibiotic sensitivity testing all the isolates were identified according to the standard conventional biochemical procedure, and then the antibiotic susceptibility test were carried out according to Bauer-Kirby method.
Results: Among the gram positive cocci causing UTI, the most abundant were Staphylococcus saprophyticus (37.7%), followed by Staphylococcus epidermidis (22.3%) and Staphylococcus aureus (18%) respectivley. The sex distribution of patients were 163 female (54.3%) and 137 male (45.7%) respectively, and the prevalence rate of urinary tract infections in female was (8.6%) higher than male. The rate of sensitivity of isolated Staphylococci were as followed, sensitive to vancomycine (100%), Ciprofloxacin (89.2%), rifampin (87.6%), and amikacin (71.8%) respectivley, but were resistant to penicillin and amoxicillin (100%). The antibiotic sensitivity rate of isolated  Streptococci was to vancomycine (85.1%), ciprofloxacin (50.7%) and penicillin (79.1%) respectively.
Conclusion: Vancomycin is still a suitable antibiotic for the treatment of Staphyloco-ccus infections. Although 6% rate of enterococci resistance to vancomycin is alarming, and use of this antibiotic in the treatment of other gram-positive bacteria should be done with precaution.

Seyyed Saeed Eshraghi , Mehdi Fatahi Bafghi , Ali Ghafouri , Parvin Heidarieh , Shadi Habibnia , Masoumeh Rasouli Nasab , Hojat Yazdanbod , Hosein Keshavarzi ,
Volume 71, Issue 7 (10-2013)

Background: Nocardia species are Gram-positive, partially acid fast, non-motile, catalase positive, aerobic and saprophytic actinomycetes found all around the world. They invade the human body from the environment via trauma and respiratory tract and cause cutaneous, pulmonary and systemic diseases. They are able to grow in various media.The organisms opportunistically infect both immunocompromised and immunocompetent individuals. Behcet's disease is an autoimmune disease and immunocompromised patient which may suitable host for Nocardia bacterium. The present study is the first case report of isolation of Nocardia from the thigh abscess in a patient with behcet’s disease from Iran.
Case Presentation: A 39-year-old man with Behcet’s disease in August 2011 was admitted to Shariati hospital Tehran, with swelling and pain in the left flank and left thigh. Microscopic identification from direct microbiological slide of thigh abscess discharge demonstrated number of lymphocytes, neutrophils and macrophages foamy and white blood cells together with filamentous bacteria. Further microbiological characterization using phenotypic and antibiogram tests with disk diffusion method, demonstrated that the isolated bacterium is Nocardia asteroides complex. The bacteria were sensitive to ampicillin, vancomycin, ceftriaxone, amikacin and cotrimoxazole but it was resistant to clindamycin, erythromycin, penicillin G, cephalothin and gentamicin. The patient was treated with cotrimoxazole.
Conclusion: Because of the high incidence and high mortality of Nocardia infection in immunocompromised cases, rapid detection and timely treatment for these patients is necessary.

Farnaz Sohrabvand , Mamak Shariat , Mohammad Jafar Farahvash , Fedyeh Haghollahi , Mahnoosh Khosravi , Masoomeh Maasomi , Maryam Bagheri , Alireza Abdollahi , Akram Sarbiyaie , Fariba Bashari ,
Volume 71, Issue 10 (1-2014)

Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. Chronic infections have been mentioned as one of the different etiologic factors related to PCOS. Due to the high prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection especially in developing countries, its probable role in the pathogenesis of PCOS and the limited information available in this area, serologic study of H.Pylori infection in patients with PCOS, was performed. Methods: This research was performed as a case control study from Dec 2010 until May 2012 in 82 patients (and their spouses) with polycystic ovary syndrome (case group) and 82 non PCOS patients (control group) with an age range of 20-40 referred to Vali-e-Asr Hospital infertility clinic. Both groups and their husbands filled a questionnaire and were examined by testing their serum H.Pylori IgG and IgA antibody levels. Statistical testing and analysis was performed by t-student and λ2 tests. Results: Mean age of the women and men and also other demographic characteristics except their profession showed no significant difference (P>0.05) in the two groups (PCOS and non PCOS). H.Pylori antibody IgG serum level was positive in 78% and 76.5% and H.Pylori antibody IgA level in 30.5% and 37% of PCOS versus non PCOS patients respectively which showed no statistically significant difference (P>0.05). There was also no significant difference between the H.Pylori antibodies levels in the spouses in the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: This study showed no significant difference in serologic examination re-sults in PCOS versus non PCOS patients. The finding of high prevalence of H.Pylori IgG and IgA positive levels in both PCOS and non PCOS patients can be probably re-lated to the high prevalence of H.Pylori infection or exposure in Iranian population and therefore suggest an issue for further investigation.
Mohammad Ali Rashmezad , Elahe Ali Asgary, Farzaneh Tafvizi , Seyed Ataollah Sadat Shandiz, Amir Mirzaie ,
Volume 72, Issue 12 (3-2015)

Background: Biosynthesis of nanoparticles has attracted the attention of the scientific community in nanotechnology and biotechnology due to their extensive application in the area of material sciences and medicine. Nowadays, despite a various application of nanomaterial’s, there is a little information about their impact on human health. In this study, we investigated the comparative study on cytotoxicity effect of biological and commercial synthesized nanosilver on human gastric carcinoma (AGS) and normal lung fibroblast (MRC-5) cell lines. Methods: The current experimental study was carried out in Islamic Azad University, East Tehran Branch, from April to November 2014. The biological synthesis of nanosilver was obtained from Eucalyptus plant extract as a reducing agent. Further to more analysis, morphological study on size and shape of developed biological nanosilver was characterized by performing scanning electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering. AGS and MCR-5 cell lines were treated with various concentration of nanosilver for 24, 48 and 72 hours. Finally, the cell viability was evaluated by using MTT assay. Results: The results show that the nanosilver exerts a dose-dependent inhibitory effect on viability of cells. At 100µg/mL of commercial and biological synthesized nanosilver, the viability of AGS was reduced to 7.47±0.002% (P=0.002) and 3.65±0.01% (P=0.003) after 72 hours, respectively. In addition, the viability of MRC-5 at the same condition was reduced to 10.27±0.19% (P=0.001) and 9.16±1.53% (P=0.002), respectively. Conclusion: Based on a thorough literature surveys, the present study is the first research about biosynthesis of nanosilver using Eucalyptus plant extract. This eco-friendly and cost effective method can be used for large scale production of silver nanoparticle. In addition, based on the current obtained data, commercial and biological synthesized nanosilver can more inhibitory effect on cancer cells compared to the normal cells. Hence, silver nanoparticles might be used as a new strategy for treating many human cancers. However, further studies are necessary to ascertain their potential as anticancer agents.
Hassan Mahmoudi , Mohammad Reza Arabestani , Seyed Fazlullah Mousavi , Safiyeh Ghafel , Mohammad Yousef Alikhani ,
Volume 73, Issue 1 (4-2015)

Background: Staphylococcus aureus is the most important cause of nosocomial infections acquired in the community. Protein A is a major component of Staphylococcus aureus cell wall. In analysis of the nucleotide sequence Protein A encoding spa, locus x consists of 24 base pairs which repeat with high polymorphism. In this study, the spa gene of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical specimens were obtained from patients admitted to the hospital and healthy carriers. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, a total of 200 samples were collected. One hundred fifty samples were obtained from hospitalized patients and 50 samples obtained from staff nasal swabs in Hamadan University Hospitals from October 2013 to August 2014. Disk diffusion antibiotic susceptibility tests performed. The antibiotics studied were Vancomycin (30 µg), Cefoxitin (15 µg) Gentamicin (10 µg), Tetracycline (30 µg), Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (25 µg), Ciprofloxacin (5 µg), Erythromycin (15 µg), Clindamycin (2 µg), Rifampin (5 µg). The tests performed according to the guidelines of clinical and laboratory standards institute (CLSI). It also detect the mecA gene of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains (MRSA) and genes spa which encodes the protein A by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR products using a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method with enzyme Rsa I (Afa I) were prepared. Results: This methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strain (MRSA) had the highest sensitivity and resistance to ciprofloxacin and clindamycin. Totally, 8 amplicon with different sizes for the spa gene were identified. A total of 9 patterns polymerase chain reaction- restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) were found. Some of these patterns between Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical specimens and nasal carriers were common. Conclusion: There is a similar pattern of spa gene among patients admitted to the hospital and staff, according to our findings. Analysis of the patterns can reduced transmission of infection in both hospital staff and patients. Also it can help the physicians for correct management of infections.
Mitra Gholami , Shahram Nazari , Mahdi Farzadkia , Seyed Mohsen Mohseni , Soudabeh Alizadeh Matboo, Fakhraddin Akbari Dourbash , Meysam Hasannejad ,
Volume 74, Issue 1 (4-2016)

Background: Nano scale dendrimers are macromolecules synthetic which frequently used in medical and health field. Because traditional antibiotics inevitably induce bacterial resistance, which is responsible for many treatment failures, there is an urgent need to develop novel antibiotic drugs. This study was aimed to examine Synthesis and the antibacterial effect of NanoPolyamidoamine-G7 (NPAMAM-G7) dendrimer on Escherichia Coli, Proteus Mirabilis, Salmonella Typhi, Bacillus Subtilis and Staphylococcus Aureus.

Methods: In this experimental study that has been conducted in June 2015 in the Laboratory of Microbiology, Iran University of Medical Science, NPAMAM-G7 dendrimers was synthesized by Tomalia’s divergent growth approach. The antibacterial effects of NPAMAM-G7 dendrimer were studied by disc diffusion and micro-dilution method. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria were determined according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guideline. Standard discs were prepared using different concentrations of dendrimer on Mueller-Hinton agar plates.

Results: Zone of inhibition in concentration 25 μg/ml of NPAMAM-G7 dendrimers for Escherichia Coli, Proteus Mirabilis, Salmonella Typhi, Bacillus Subtilis and Staphylococcus Aureus were 26, 38, 36, 22 and 25 mm, respectively. Regarding the zone of inhibition in gram negative bacteria with gram positive ones was P= 0.16 and was not significant difference. The MIC for Salmonella Typhi was 0.025, for Proteus Mirabilis, Bacillus Subtilis, Staphylococcus Aureus and Escherichia Coli was 0.25 μg/ml. The MBC for Salmonella Typhi was 25μg/ml, for Proteus Mirabilis and Bacillus Subtilis was 50 μg/ml and for Escherichia Coli and Staphylococcus Aureus was 100 μg/ml. The least of sensitivity against NPAMAM-G7 related to Escherichia Coli and Staphylococcus Aureus and the most of sensitivity related to Salmonella Typhi.

Conclusion: The NPAMAM-G7 dendrimer with end amine groups exhibited a positive impact on the removal of standard strains, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Therefore, it is possible to use these nanodendrimers as antibacterial in the future.

Azadeh Vahedi , Akram Baghani , Zohre Baseri , Mohammad Reza Pourmand ,
Volume 75, Issue 12 (3-2018)

Background: Bloodstream infections are the most important causes of morbidity and mortality in hospitalized patients. Blood culture plays an important role in identifying most of bacterial agents of bloodstream infections. Knowledge about bacterial agents of bloodstream infections and also antibiotic resistance of these bacteria are important. Antibiotic resistance among bacterial agents of bloodstream infection including Acinetobacter, Klebisella, Pseudomonas, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus coagulase negative (CoNS) is one of the major challenges faced by physicians in treating. Therefore, this study was aimed to determine the frequency and antibiotic resistant patterns of bacterial isolates from hospitalized patient's blood cultured samples in the hospital, Tehran, Iran.
Methods: This research is a descriptive and retrospective study based on recorded data in Shariati hospital laboratory and under the supervision of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The bacterial isolates were collected from positive blood cultures from October 2013 to March 2014. The frequency of bacterial isolates were determined by phenotypic and biochemical tests. The antibiotic resistance patterns of isolated bacteria were found by disk diffusion agar method. The diameters of inhibition zone were recorded and interpreted according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) 2013.
Results: The frequency of bacterial isolates was determined among 595 positive blood cultures as followed: 41% Pseudomonas, 20% Staphylococcus epidermidis, 10% Escherichia coli, 6% Acinetobacter lwoffii, 6% Staphylococcus aureus, 5% Stenotrophomonas, 3% Acinetobacter baumannii. The antibiogram test showed that 96.2% of Acinetobacter lwoffii, 92.8% of Acinetobacter baumannii, 66% of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 85.7% of Staphylococcus epidermidis, 65% of Staphylococcus aureus, 75% of Klebsiella, 73.7% of Escherichia coli, and 50% of Stenotrophomonas were resistant to imipenem, piperacillin, piperacillin, erythromycin, erythromycin, ciprofloxacin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and ceftazidime respectively.
Conclusion: The most prevalent bacterial isolate among the blood cultures of patients was Pseudomonas. The patients more than 50 years were more susceptible to blood stream infections. The most bacteria were isolated from the internal medicine department of hospital. The antibiotic resistance was also increasing especially in Acinetobacter, Staphylococcus coagulase negative, Escherichia coil and Klebsiella

Saeed Nouri , Anahita Zoghi , Mohammad Reza Sharif , Najla Farhang , Maziar Shojaei ,
Volume 76, Issue 7 (10-2018)

Background: Each toxic agent results in unique presentations, depending on what neurophysiological changes occur following exposure. Scientific understanding of lead toxicity in the organ systems and at low levels of exposure continues to evolve. However, effects of lead poisoning on the thyroid gland function are controversial. In this descriptive study, changes in thyroid hormones in patients with lead poisoning were compared with patients with opioid addiction and healthy individual who were matched for age and sex.
Methods: In this descriptive study, which was conducted from March 2016 to February 2017 in Loghman Hakim Hospital in Tehran, ninety patients were evaluated using convenient sampling method for lead and thyroid hormones levels. The levels of lead and thyroid hormones were evaluated using standard laboratory method, in thirty male patients with lead poisoning, thirty male patients with opioid addiction referring to addiction treatment center and thirty healthy male referring to a blood donation center who were matched for age. Thyroid function parameters in patients with lead toxicity were compared with those of control groups.
Results: The lead level in the lead toxicity group was 57.5±23.5 µg/dl, in the first control group with opium addiction 7.8±3.8 µg/dl and in the healthy male referring to a blood donation center, 5.9±9 µg/dl. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) was significantly lower in patients with lead poisoning (0.2±0.01 Milli-International Units Per Liter (mIU/L) than in the patients with opioid addiction (2.4±1/05 mIU/L) and healthy male referring to a blood donation center (2.3±0.01 mIU/L) (P= 0.04), and thyroxine hormone (T4) was significantly higher in patients with lead poisoning (17.8±2.6 µg/dl) than in the patients with opioid addiction (8.8±1/9 µg/dl) and healthy male referring to a blood donation center (7.4±3.5 µg/dl) (P= 0.02).
Conclusion: Lead toxicity has an effect on thyroid function and it reduces thyroid stimulating hormone and increases thyroxin levels. Clinicians should be aware of the potential hazardous effects of lead on the thyroid and mechanisms through which lead causes these effects on thyroid function need to be elucidated.

Zahra Aryan, Atekeh Bahadori , Dariush Farhud,
Volume 77, Issue 1 (4-2019)

The purpose of prenatal diagnosis tests is insisting of diagnosis of neonatal disorders, preparing a range of informed choices and making couples at risk to be ready for having children with genetic disorders as well. The aim of this article is to investigate all of the tests in order to determine the best one which has the lowest risk and the highest sensitivity. Screening tests (maternal blood test and ultrasonography for first and second trimester) are testing patients without symptoms who are at low risk. These tests are carried out in the early stages of pregnancy, and the risk of genetic diseases would be estimated. They are safe and also might be helpful in determining whether invasive prenatal genetic tests including chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, and percutaneous umbilical blood sampling are needed. Diagnostic test is insisting of invasive tests: amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling (CVS), cordocentesis, and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which is a genetic test on cells removed from embryos to help select the best ones to avoid some of genetic diseases, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), QF-PCR, multiplex ligation probe amplification (MLPA), next generation sequencing (NGS), comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), and non-invasive tests: ultrasound, prenatal sonography, cell free fetal DNA, triple and quadruple screen: alpha fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), unconjugated estriol (uE3), inhibin-A). These tests are intended for patients who have apparent symptoms and the results of their early stages of pregnancy have been positive. Non-invasive prenatal tests (NIPT), sometimes called noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS), have features of both screening and diagnostic tests, but, now screening test is more considerable. Small fragments of DNA would be analyzed by this testing in which they are circulating in a pregnant woman’s blood. While most DNA is found inside a cell’s nucleus, these fragments are free-floating and not within cells, at this point, they are called cell-free DNA (cfDNA) which usually contain fewer than 200 DNA building blocks (base pairs). Non-invasive prenatal tests is more sensitive with the high degree of specify to determine trisomy 13, 18 and 21 in women who are at increased risk of having offspring with genetic disorders.

Fariba Keramat , Shahram Homayoonfar , Mohammad Ali Seif Rabiei , Kazhal Abbasi , Ali Saadatmand ,
Volume 77, Issue 4 (7-2019)

Background: Infective endocarditis occurs due to the presence of microorganisms in the endocardium or the heart valves. Nowadays, infective endocarditis is still a major cause of death with an incidence rate of 5 to 7.9 per 100,000 populations. The aim of the study was to determine antibiotic resistance pattern of bacterial agents isolated from blood culture of patients with infective endocarditis.
Methods: In this retrospective study, infective endocarditis patients who were admitted to Sina and Ekbatan hospitals in Hamadan City, Iran, from March 2005 to February 2014, were enrolled. All demographic data, clinical manifestations, physical examinations and echocardiography reports of the patients were recorded in a check list. For all patients, blood cultures in Mueller Hinton agar and antimicrobial susceptibility testing for ceftriaxone, ceftazidime, oxacillin, cefazolin, vancomycin, imipenem, clindamycin, etc. were done by disk diffusion method. All data analyzed by SPSS statistical software, version 16 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA).
Results: A total of 61 patients with definitive infective endocarditis were included in the study, 50 of them (82%) were males and 11 patients (18%) were females. The mean age of the patients was 37.45±14.79 (range 17-74) years and 37 (60.7%) of the patients lived in urban areas. The mean duration of admission was 20±13.59 days. In addition, 38 patients (62.3%) were injection drug users (IDUs) and 23 (37.7%) non-IDU. Meanwhile, 54 (88.5%) of them had normal valve endocarditis and 7 cases (11.5%) had a prosthetic valve endocarditis. Moreover, the most common underlying disease in the natural valve endocarditis was rheumatoid fever (6.6%). Blood cultures were positive in 44.3% of the patients. The most common isolated organism was staphylococcus aureus in 15 cases (55.55%), which had the highest resistance to oxacillin. Most patients were managed by antibiotic therapy, but 15 cases (24.6%) underwent cardiac surgery. In follow up patients between 3 months to 9 years, 19.7% of the patients had complete recovery and 8.2% of them died.
Conclusion: According to the findings, antibiotic resistance pattern of bacterial agents isolated from blood culture of patients with infective endocarditis was changed.

Razieh Nazari , Mehri Ghasemi , Farideh Dehghan-Manshadi , Alireza Akbarzadeh-Baghban ,
Volume 77, Issue 8 (11-2019)

Background: Rotator cuff injuries are the most common causes of shoulder pain and supraspinatus muscle is usually involved. Clinical tests are available and inexpensive tools for assessment of shoulder dysfunctions. The empty can (EC) and full can (FC) tests are considered as shoulder gold standard tests. Recently, hug up (HU) test has been developed to assess the supraspinatus. So far, no ultrasonographic study has compared supraspinatus muscle thickness in these testing positions. The present study aimed to compare the supraspinatus muscle thickness in the hug up testing position with the full can and empty can testing positions in young and healthy women.
Methods: Forty healthy women (mean age 21.62±2.4 years) participated in this cross-sectional-comparative study from April to June 2018 in the Biomechanic Laboratory of Rehabilitation School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in Tehran, Iran. The supraspinatus muscle thickness was scanned during rest and contracted states with a 0.5 Kg weight cuff. For contracted states, (A) EC testing position: the arm was at 90º abduction in the scaption plane with the thumb-down, (B) FC testing position: the arm was maintained at 90º abduction in the scaption plane with the thumb-up, (C) HU testing position: the palm of hand was placed on the opposite shoulder with the elbow flexed.
Results: The Bonferroni test showed significant differences (P<0.001) between the muscle thickness in the rest and the testing positions. The muscle thickness in the empty can testing position was significantly less than the full can testing position (P=0.001), no significant difference was found between the muscle thickness in the hug up testing position compared to the full can and empty can testing positions.
Conclusion: All of the empty can, full can and hug up testing positions demonstrated increased mean muscle thickness when compared to the rest position and the greatest muscle thickness was in the full can testing position. It seems that supraspinatus muscle thickness in hug up testing position is similar with empty can and full can testing positions.

Mahboobeh Shirazi, Elham Feizabad, Nesa Rajabpoor Nikoo , Fatemeh Rahimi Sharbaf, Maedeh Rahmanzadeh,
Volume 78, Issue 11 (2-2021)

Background: For every pregnant woman, it is possible to have a child with chromosomal abnormalities. Although this possibility is not very high, by performing screening tests and considering the mother's background factors, we can largely realize the real extent of this possibility.
Many comorbidities (like high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity) and high-risk exposures (like alcohol consumption) seem to have an important role in the development of chromosomal abnormalities. This study aimed to determine the predictive factors of a positive first-trimester screening test in the pregnant women.
Methods: This case-control study was done on pregnant women, who were referred to Yas Hospital for their first-trimester screening tests between April 2018 and February 2020. Of those who had positive screening test results, only ones with abnormal biochemical tests, were included in the study regardless of nuchal translucency (NT) examination results and were considered as cases, and the women with normal screening test results were considered as controls.
Results: Totally 960 pregnant women (760 controls and 200 cases) participated in the study. The mean age of the subjects was 31.07±0.17 years old with a minimum age of 17 and a maximum age of 45. The averge age of case group women was 33.57±0.40 years and this was 30.41±0.18 years in control group.
This study indicated that maternal age (P<0.001) and the number of pregnancies in the case group are significantly (P<0.001) higher than the control group. Also, having a history of miscarriage (P<0.001), having a history of infertility (P<0.001), and having hypothyroidism (P=0.030) are significantly more common in the case group. The frequency of intrauterine growth failure (P=0.003) and neonatal hospitalization (P<0.001) were also significantly higher in the case group.
Conclusion: Despite recent advances in the prenatal field, the accuracy of screening tests may still vary depending on maternal age and other existing characteristics. Hence, it seems considering the mother's background characteristics are important just the same as the screening test results.

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