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Showing 4 results for Tissue Plasminogen Activator

Shabanzadeh A R, Ghafarpour M, Shuaib A, Bodaghabadi M,
Volume 65, Issue 4 (7-2007)

Background: Ultrasound (US) has been used in neuroprotection after cerebral ischemia however, its use is controversial. Application of US in combination with fibrinolytic agents may improve fibrinolytic effects. In this study the effects of US, alone or in combination with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), on brain ischemic injury were examined and we studied whether US is protective in the brain injured by ischemia under normothermic conditions.
Methods: We performed two studies. In the first study, rectal and brain temperatures were compared. In the second study, we studied whether US alone or in combination with tPA is neuroprotective in thromboembolic stroke. To induce focal cerebral ischemia, a clot was formed in a catheter. Once the clot had formed, the catheter was advanced 17 mm in the internal carotid artery until its tip was 1-2 mm away from the origin of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). The preformed clot in the catheter was then injected, and the catheter was removed. The wound was then closed and the infarction volume, edema and neurological deficits were measured after MCA occlusion.
Results: The temperature in the brain was approximately 0.50 ºC lower than the rectal temperature. In the control, US+low tPA, low tPA, US+high tPA and, high tPA groups, the infarct volume (%) was 34.56±4.16, 17.09±6.72, 21.25±7.8, 13.5±10.72 and 20.61±6.17 (mean ±SD) at 48 h after MCA occlusion, respectively. The results indicate that US alone reduces the infarct volume by 30% compared to that of the control group (P<0.05). US improved neurological deficits and reduced brain edema significantly (p<0.05).
Conclusions: This study indicate that US appears to have a protective effect, alone and in combination with tPA, in an embolic model of stroke.
Sayedi S., Shabanzadeh A.p., Mohaghegh M., Ghafarpour M., Shuaib A.,
Volume 65, Issue 12 (3-2008)

Background: Ultrasound (US) has been used in neuroprotection after cerebral ischemia, however the mechanism of action remains unclearly. We have previously shown the protective effect of ultrasound on infarction volume and brain edema in ischemic brain injured at normothermic condition. Ultrasound may also amplify the effect of fibrinolytic medications in thrombolysis process .We have also shown that hyperthermia can exacerbate cerebral ischemic injury and that the efficacy of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is reduced in the presence of hyperthermia. In this study, the effects of US alone or in combination with tPA on brain ischemic injury were evaluated.

Methods: Focal ischemic brain injury was induced by emblazing a pre-formed clot into the middle cerebral artery in rats. Principally, we examined whether US can reduce the perfusion deficits and, the damage of blood- brain barrier (BBB) in the ischemic injured brain. There are two series of experiments at this study .in the first series, animals were randomly assigned to four groups (n=7 per group) as follows: 1-control (saline), 2-US (1W/cm2, 10 duty cycle ), 3- US+high- tPA (1W/cm2, 10 duty cycle +20 mg/kg) and 4- high -tPA (20 mg/kg). We also examined the effects of US and tPA on BBB integrity after ischemic injury. The animals were assigned into four groups (n=7 per group), treatment is the same as above. BBB permeability was assessed by the Evans blue (EB) extravasations method at 8 h after MCA occlusion. BBB permeability was evaluated by fluorescent detection of extravagated Evans blue dye and Perfusion deficits were analyzed using an Evans blue staining procedure. The perfused microvessels in the brain were visualized using fluorescent microscopy. Areas of perfusion deficits in the brain were traced, calculated and expressed in mm2.

Results: The results showed that US improved neurological deficits significantly (p<0.05). The administration of US significantly decreased perfusion deficits and BBB permeability. In the control set, for the US+high tPA, high tPA only and US only groups, the mean perfusion deficits (±SD) were 14.32±3.15, 7.03±4.08, 5.92±1.90 and 9.14±3.37 mm2, respectively, 8 h after MCA occlusion (P<0.05).

Conclusions: These studies suggest that US is protective in a rat embolic model of stroke due to decreased perfusion deficits.

Hemayatkar M, Davoudi N, Davami F, Majidzadeh-A K, Barkhordari F, Mahboudi F,
Volume 68, Issue 11 (2-2011)

Background: Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) is one of the most important thrombolytic agentsused in patients with vascular occlusions such as acute ischemic stroke or myocardial infarction. A variety of recombinant protein expression systems have been developed for heterologous gene expression in prokaryotic and eukaryotic hosts. In recent years, Leishmania tarentolae (L. tarentolae), a non-pathogenic trypanosomatid protozoa, has come under consideration because of its safety and immunogenicity as a vaccine vector and special attributes in the expression of complex proteins. This study was done to improve rt-PA expression in this protozoon and create the opportunity for the replacement of rt-PA gene with other genes for the production of other complex proteins.
Methods: Two expression cassettes were used for the integration of two copies of t-PA cDNA, one copy in each cassette, into the parasite genome by electroporation. The transformed clones were selected by antibiotic resistancy. The expression of active secreted rt-PA was confirmed by Western blot analysis and Chromolize assay.
Results: Appearance of a 64 kD band in nitrocellulose membrane in the Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of full-length rt-PA in the culture media. Chromolize assay showed the expression levels of active recombinant t-PA in single and double transfected L. tarentolae clones- 375 IU/ml and 480 IU/ml of the culture media,respectively.
Conclusion: The produced rt-PA in the culture media containing the transfected cells was at least seven times higher than what has been reported in previous studies on L. tarentolae or on some other eukaryotic systems.

Sogand Tourani , Salman Bashzar , Shekoufeh Nikfar , Hamid Ravaghi , Mehran Sadeghi ,
Volume 76, Issue 6 (9-2018)

Background: Thrombolytic therapy, an appropriate treatment option, if primary angioplasty is not available for the treatment of these patients in the early hours after the onset of the symptoms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of new tenecteplase (TNKase) drug vs. streptokinase in the treatment of ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients in Iran.
Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis that was conducted in Iran University of Medical Sciences in September 2017. We searched the MEDLINE, Cochrane Library (DARE-EED-HTA, Web of Science and EMBASE (1980 to March 2017) with number of strategies by the words “myocardial infarction, heart infarction, streptokinase, tenecteplase” in combination with other names of drugs and brands for clinical effectiveness. We hand searched US, European, and Iranian cardiovascular journals. Clinical trials and related observational studies in one of the Persian, English and Korean languages were included in this study. Two review authors independently assessed randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and non-RCT studies eligibility and quality, and extracted the data using data extraction form for interventions reviews. We cross-checked and resolved discrepancies by discussion to reach consensus. Finally, the data were entered to the Review Manager, Version 5.3 (The Nordic Cochrane Centre, Cochrane Collaboration, 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark), and then the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test (CMH) were used to analyzed the data. The I2 test has been used to calculate the Heterogeneity.
Results: We included 4 observational studies. Observational study assessment by strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology (STROBE) checklist and quality was high described. All studies entered the final analysis after the quality assessment. All studies reported mortality. In the meta-analysis of mortality, three studies with a sample of 812 people entered. No difference was observed between tenecteplase and streptokinase in the risk of mortality (RR=0.45, CI 95%: 0.20-1.03, P=0.40), hypotension (RR=1.86, CI 95%: 0.53-6.49, P=0.33), bleeding (RR=1.40, CI 95%: 0.49-3.99, P=0.53), and no difference was observed in the ST Segment resolution >50% (P=0.81).
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the effectiveness and safety of streptokinase are similar to the tenecteplase drug.

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