Viruses are important causes of acute and chronic diseases in humans. Newer viruses are still being discovered. Apart from frequently causing infections in the general community, many types of viruses are significant nosocomial pathogens that with emerging viruses has become a real issue in medical field. There are specific treatments, vaccine and physical barrier to fight some of these infections. Health care-associated viral infections are an important source of patient’s morbidity and mortality. The method of sterilization or disinfection depends on the intended use of the medical devices (comprising critical, semicritical and noncritical items) and failure to perform proper sterilization or disinfection of these items may leads to introduction of viruses, resulting in infection. Disinfection is an essential way in reducing or disruption of transmission of viruses by environmental surfaces, instruments and hands which achieves by chemical disinfectants and antiseptics, respectively. This review discusses about chemical agents with virocids properties (e.g. alcohols, chlorine compounds, formaldehyde, phenolic compounds, glutaraldehyde, ortho-phthaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid, iodophor, ammonium compounds quaternary, bigunides and so on.), mechanisms of action and their applications in health care-associated viral infection control. As well as, we described an overview for hierarchy of viruses in challenge with disinfantans, effective agents on viral inactivation, i.e.targect viruses, viral stability or survival duration time in enviromental surfaces and hands. We explained disinfection of surfaces, challenges in emerging viral pathogens inactivation, viral resistance to chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Because, there are laboratory studies and clinical evidences for some viruses which viral resistance to biocide or failure to perform proper disinfection can lead to infection outbreaks. Also, we described virucidal properties of antiseptics and introduced selected antiseptics with extensive virucidal action, because hands play an important role in the spread of many viral diseases, and regular proper hands hygiene is essential to decontaminate hands and can interrupt the spread of viruses. Here, we compared the currently available laboratory methods, standard methods from many countries and kinds of viruses in these methods for evaluation of virocide activity. Finally, it’s good to know: any disinfectant is not virocide unless it confirms by laboratory methods.
Nowadays by screening and testing of donations and implementation of different measures of virus inactivation or virus removal, a good level of safety of plasma derived biological medicines has been achieved. Due to the possibility of emerging new pathogens investigation in this subject should be continued. |
Results: This review study showed that ozone has been successfully used to prevent several viral diseases such as COVED-19. In addition, some viruses, such as coronaviruses, contain sulfhydryl functional groups containing cysteine and tryptophan that react better with ozone gas. The infected person's sneezing may result in the formation of 40,000 droplets in the air. The droplets can be transferred to the nearest surface up to approximately 2 meters before falling and also may remain in the air for 30 hours.
Conclusion: The use of ozone gas has many potential applications in inactivating viruses in enclosed spaces. Given the importance of virus-containing aerosols in the transmission of COVED-19, ozone can be a promising way to prevent the disease. The degree of inactivation of viruses by ozone gas depends on the gas concentration, contact time, temperature, humidity and type of virus. In general, studies in this field have shown the use of ozone gas in preventing the spread of viral diseases such as COVED-19. Necessary safety measures and precautions are also recommended in using this gas. |
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