Mazloomi S, Mody M, Malakimoghadam H, Tavasoli E, Vahdani Nia Z, baghernezhad hesary F. PREDICTORS OF SELF-CARE IN TYPE 2 DIABETIC PATIENTS IN BIRJAND AND YAZD CITY. ijdld 2018; 17 (2) :97-104
1- Department Of Health Services, Shahid Sadoughi University Of Medical Sciences , Yazd, Iran
2- Determinants Of Health Research Center, Birjand University Of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran
3- Department Of Public Health, School Of Health, Shahrekord University Of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord, Iran
4- Social Determinants Of Health Research Center, Birjand University Of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran
Abstract: (4583 Views)
Background: Diabetes types 2 are non- communicable disease. During the past three decades, the number of people who have type 2 diabetes become more than doubled. In this disease more than 95 percent of process curing done by patients. Self – care behaviors are important way of controlling disease. Various studies have shown that many factors affect in self-care behaviors. This study aimed to determine the predictors of self- care in type 2 diabetic patients of Yazd and Brijand.
Methods: this study is analytical, descriptive and crosses – sectional. Data collected by using of questionnaire that was designed in 4 parts:
Knowledge questionnaire, self- care questionnaire, self – efficacy questionnaire and social support questionnaire. Data analysis by description and regression test.
Result: Mean score of Knowledge, self- efficacy, self – care and perceived social support don’t have significant different between two citys. Social support with a total direct and indirect have the most effect.
Conclusion: The aim of the training program in type 2 diabetic are promoting in self – care behaviors there for we can achieve this goal by increase perceived social support, self- efficacy and Knowledge.
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2017/04/22 | Accepted: 2018/02/10 | Published: 2018/04/18