Volume 17, Issue 3 (12-2024)                   ijhe 2024, 17(3): 631-650 | Back to browse issues page

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Shaghaghi G, Javid A H, Allahyaribeik S, Mashinchian Moradi A. Effects investigation of seawater concentrate discharge into the sea and discharge modification by modeling: systematic review. ijhe 2024; 17 (3) :631-650
URL: http://ijhe.tums.ac.ir/article-1-6902-en.html
1- Department of Environmental Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2- Department of Environmental Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , a.javid@srbiau.ac.ir
3- Department of Energy and Industrial Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4- Department of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (266 Views)
Background and Objective: The discharge of seawater concentrate from desalination plants into the sea causes irreparable effects on the environment. The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of this discharge, model methods for optimizing it, and design an effective outlet that minimizes environmental impacts and costs. 
Materials and Methods: This study discusses impacts of seawater concentrate discharged into the sea, numerical modeling of diffusion, and outlet design based on discharge standards.A review of articles and sources from databases such as Google Scholar, Academia, Scopus, Civilica and Irandak was conducted using keywords such as “brine discharge”, “numerical modeling”, and “outlet design.” Out of 132 reviewed articles, 45 articles were consistent with the objectives of the study.
Results: The effects of seawater discharge can be observed in the discharge area and at greater distances. Numerical modeling is employed to predict pollutant concentrations at various distances and to determine the optimal discharge point while considering established standards. The design of the diffuser and the use of multiple nozzles at an angle of 60 degrees result in the greatest dilution at the discharge point.
Conclusion: The use of desalination systems necessitates addressing the effects of climate change. Appropriate modeling and design of the outlet are essential for complying with environmental standards and optimizing costs. Further research in this field is needed.
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Type of Study: Systematic Review | Subject: wastewater
Received: 2024/02/19 | Accepted: 2024/09/11 | Published: 2024/12/11

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