The relationship between different pencil grip patterns and legibility of handwriting in normal first-grade students
M Heidari , T Sadaghiani * 1 |
Abstract: (26530 Views) |
Background and aim: Despite of necessity of legible handwriting for primary students, difficulties in
handwriting present in 10-30% of these children. The purpose of this study was to determine relationship
between the legibility of handwriting and different pencil grip patterns.
Material and methods: in this cross-sectional study, fifty-three first-grade students were randomly
selected and divided into one of the following groups according to their types of pencil grip: dynamic
tripod, lateral tripod, lateral quadruped and other types. The legibility of handwriting was scored by the
handwriting legibility checklist of Persian language. Correlation between handwriting legibility and
pencil grip was evaluated by chi-square test.
Results: Data analysis did not show any meaningful relationship between handwriting legibility and
different types of pencil grip.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that different types of pencil grip have no considerable effect on
legibility of handwriting during solving an illegible handwriting. Emphasis should be placed on the other
factors rather than pencil grip. |
Keywords: handwriting, legibility, pencil grip |
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Type of Study: Research |
General Received: 2009/11/13 | Accepted: 2010/01/7 | Published: 2013/08/6
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