Effects of Volar-Dorsal Wrist/Hand Immobilization Splint on Range of motion, Spasticity and Function of affected upper extremity in stroke patients
Malek Amini * 1, Arian Shimili , Bijan Foroghi , Rozbeh Kazemi , Tayebeh Sayad Nejad , Ghorban Taghi Zadeh ![](./files/0allsites/images/pubmed20.png) |
Abstract: (10148 Views) |
Background and aim: The most prominent problems that is produced after stroke are spasticity or increase in muscle tone, decrease in range of motion and function of upper extremity. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of Volar-Dorsal Wrist/Hand Immobilization Splint on function of upper extremity, range of motion of the elbow, wrist and metacarpophalengeal joints and spasticity of the elbow and wrist joints.
Material and methods: Fourteen patients were participated in these experiments. The patients were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria and they had been given the splint after primary evaluation and were reevaluated after one month. Spasticity were evaluated with Modified Ashworth Scale.Range of motion were measured by goniometer. Fugl-meyer test were used to assess function of upper extremity. The splints were used 2 hours daily and whole night (6-8 hours) in one month.
Results: Comparison of data before and aft er the experiment showed significant mprovement in upper extremity function (P=0.04). Range of motion and spasticity were not significant (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Volar-Dorsal Wrist/Hand Immobilization Splint can improve the function of upper extremity. Although spasticity and range of motion showed a little changes in short-term use (1month) but the differences were not significant that will need more studies.
Keywords: Stroke, Splint, Spasticity, Range of motion, Function |
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Type of Study: Research |
General Received: 2009/12/24 | Accepted: 2010/02/4 | Published: 2013/09/28
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