1- MSc Student of Physical Therapy 2- Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , mdadgoo@tums.ac.ir 3- Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 4- Associate Professor of Neurology 5- PhD Student of Physical Therapy, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (7949 Views)
Background and Aim : Hemiplegic shoulder pain is a common problem that its prevalence varies from 48% to 84%. This disorder limits the patient’s ability to achieve the optimal function.The objective of study was to assess the relationship between hemiplegic shoulder pain with neuromusculoskeletal disorders in post stroke hemiparesis
Materials and Methods: This study was an observational-analytic that fullfilled on fifty patients with acute stroke. The post stroke period was 28 days. The following items were evaluated:shoulder subluxation with X-ray, shoulder spasticity with Modified Modified Ashworth Scale (MMAS), soft tissue injury with orthopaedic tests and RSD with clinical features.
Results: Hemiplegic shoulder pain was present in 28 patients(56%). Seventeen patients (85%) showed shoulder subluxation, 18 patients (72%) had supraspinatus tendonitis ,13 patients (65%) had biceps tendinits, 4 patients (14/2%) had ACJ involvement, 3 patients (10/7%) had elbow flexor spasticity, 2 patients (7/1%) had shoulder adductor spasticity ,2 patients (7/1%)had shoulder internal rotators spsticity , 4 (14/2%) patients had RSD.
Conclusion: Results from this study show that one factor does not play role in causing hemiplegic shoulder pain and this disorder is multifactorial. Prevention of shoulder pain and performing appropriate physiotherapy can play a role in improving stroke patients’ function.
Ghahremani F, Dadgoo M, Noorizadeh S, Mazdeh M, Pourahmadi M R. The relationship between shoulder pain with shoulder neuromusculoskeletal disorders in post stroke hemiparsis. mrj 2014; 8 (4) :30-36 URL: http://mrj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-5171-en.html