1- MSc of Physiotherapy 2- Assistant Professor of Iran University of Medical Sciences , amiri.alipt10@yahoo.com 3- Assistant Professor of Iran University of Medical Sciences 4- Assistant Professor of Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Abstract: (7560 Views)
Background and Aim: Reliability or unreliability of the results achieved from recording of surface electromyography of muscles has always been questioned. The aim of present study was to measure the reliability of the delayed reaction time of muscle electromyography of the knee joints on the exposure of unexpected rotary turbulence in the transverse plane from the area of supporting surface.
Materials and Methods: Twenty healthy women from 19 to 30 years old and free from any clear deformities in the lower extremities were participated in the present study. Surface electromyography of the six knee musculature was carried out for every subject separately in 4 situations including: External Rotation (Ext Rot) from plantar area on the transverse plane with bent and straight knee, Internal Rotation (Int. Rot) with the same conditions, Single Leg Stance situation in 4 stages, and repeatability of Intra Session through intra-class correlation coefficients when the muscles are in action on the exposure of turbulence in four applied forms were analyzed.
Result: The results from 24 analyzed forms showed that 18 forms of muscles at the time of action had moderate to high repeatability (Monroe Classification)
Conclusion: Regarding reliability, the muscles indicated different amounts in onset latency time, on the exposure of rotary turbulence, according to joint angle and the direction of applying rotation on the transverse plane. In respect to direction of rotation, most of the muscles indicated more reliability on the exposure of external rotation turbulence (clockwise) in relation to internal rotation (anti-clockwise) and also regarding the joint angle in turbulences with straight knee in relation to turbulences with bent knee.
Ghasemi F, Amiri A, Maarufi N, Jamshidi A A, Jalaei S. Reliability of onset muscle activity of the knee joint on the exposure of unexpected rotary turbulence. mrj 2016; 9 (S1) :1-11 URL: http://mrj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-5378-en.html