1- Department of Speech therapy, School of Rehabilitation, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran 2- Department of Rehabilitation Management, School of Rehabilitation, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran , Ghorbani.a@iums.ac.ir 3- Department of Rehabilitation Management, School of Rehabilitation, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Abstract: (5941 Views)
Background and Aim: Perception of words is one of the parameters that examine to assess the language skills, due to lack of appropriate test in this field, informal assessing was done and evaluating of Perception of words has been challenged. The aim of this study is to design and determine the characteristics of Picture perceptive Objective Vocabulary Test for normal Persian-speaking 6-13 years-old children in order to examine the perception of words accurately.
Materials and Methods: In this methodological study that was done cross-sectional, a list of words that had the ability to visualize, prepared. To determine the content validity index, 7 speech therapists were surveyed and were chosen 240 images of words, finally this test was done on 118 children (57 girls, 61 boys) in seven age groups. Reliability of this test was assessed by repeatability and internal consistency and correlation between children’s scores and their age was determined by Spearman’s correlation.
Results: Content validity index for total of 240 words were 1. In assessing reliability of this test Spearman’s correlation and internal consistency were 0.87 and 0.83 obtained respectively. There was a significant correlation between children’s ability to respond and their age (p<0.0005).
Conclusion: Pictures test for assessing the ability for perception of words in different categories of 6-13 years old children have appropriate content validity and reliability. In the age range of the study, child's ability to perception of words increases with age.
Keywords: Picture Perceptive Objective Vocabulary Test, children, Validity and Reliability
Salehi Zahabi S, Ghorbani A, Jalilehvand N, Kamali M. Development and determine the Psychometric properties of Picture perceptive Objective Vocabulary Test for normal Persian-speaking 6-13 years-old children. mrj 2016; 9 (S2) :159-167 URL: http://mrj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-5435-en.html