Abstract: (271671 Views)
In recent years the patterns of mortality have changed in Iran, and cancers are playing
a greater role in this regard in this country. Various reports indicate that gastric cancer
is highly prevalent it is the second most common cancer in men, and fourth in the
general population. The purpose of this study was to determine the five-year survival
rate of gastric cancer patients who had undergone surgical treatment at one of the
most important cancer treatment centers, the Iran Cancer Institute, and to assess its
associated factors.
Three hundred and 30 patients with gastric cancer who had been admitted to and
operated on at the Iran Cancer Institute between January 1996 and April 2000 were
enrolled in this study. The patients’ life expectancy after surgery was determined, and
its relationship with variables of age at the time of surgery, gender, and factors related
to the disease such as the cancer site, pathologic type, stage, presence of metastasis,
and sites of metastases were assessed.
The five-year survival rate and the median life expectancy in the studied patients were
23.6% and 19.90 months, respectively. Univariate analysis showed that gender,
cancer site, and pathologic type did not affect life expectancy significantly. But the
five-year survival rate significantly decreases with age. As expected, those involved
with metastasis had a significantly lower five-year survival rate, and the disease stage
significantly affected the patients’ life expectancy (P<0.001). The Cox proportional
hazards model was used to assess the effect of different variables simultaneously, and
it showed that age, distance metastasis, and disease stage influenced the rate of
Gastric cancer patients in Iran have a low five-year survival rate. One of the most
important reasons seems to be delayed consultation and diagnosis. Most patients are
seen first with the disease in the late stages. At this point, most have lymph node and
liver metastasis which makes treatment even more complex. Thus, it is necessary to
employ mass media for extensive public education about the early warning signs of
the disease and performing periodic examinations.
Type of Study:
Research |
General Published: 2013/08/12