Submission Instruction

  Instructions for Authors

  The Journal of the School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research is a quarterly scientific Journal publishing original research articles in the field of community and public health, based on the following rules:

  · All articles must be written in correct, standard Farsi, avoiding foreign words that have Farsi equivalents in current use.

  · Authors are required to submit to the Journal's Editorial Office 4 copies of the manuscripts [DK1] plus an electronic version on floppy disk. All submission should be online.

  · Articles must be typed on A4-size (210 × 297 mm) paper sheets, with double spacing and margins of 2.5 cm.

  Title Page

  · The title page should contain the following information in both Farsi and English languages

  1. The article's title in clear terms.

  2. The authors' names, academic ranks and affiliations.

  3. The name of the institution where the research has been conducted.

  · Papers reporting results of a national or regional level are given priority for publication.

  · The number of tables and illustrations must be restricted to 4, with Farsi titles, and identified in the text using Arabic numerals.

  · The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept, reject, amend or edit all submissions. The submitted materials will not be returned to the authors.

  · The responsibility for the accuracy of the article's contents and the cited references lies entirely with the author(s).

  · Submitted materials must be new, original, and not under consideration by another journal in Iran or elsewhere.

  · Manuscript withdrawals will not be possible once the review process has been initiated by the Editorial Board.

  · The text of an article must divided into the following sections: Title Page, Abstract (in Farsi and English), Keywords (in Farsi and English), Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (when necessary), Addenda (including tables, diagrams and illustrations), and References, in the order mentioned.

  · The Journal cannot consider any manuscript already published in other journals and periodicals or any transtations.

  · Authors of published articles will each receive one copy of the journal issue containing their article and one reprint of the article itself. The corresponding author will receive 2 additional reprints.

  · Research ethics precludes disclosure of patients' personal information, in accordance with the provisions of the Helsinki Declaration.

  · Authors are required to declare any relationships or affiliations that may entail conflicts of interests.

  · Following confirmation that an article meets the Journal's priority standards, the manuscript review process will be initiated, comprising the following stages:

  1. Appointment of at least three peer reviewers.

  2. Sending the manuscript to reviewers and requesting them to give their views within one month.

  3. Studying of the reviewers' feedback by the editorial board.

  4. Sending the article back to the author(s) for amendments.

  5. Receiving the amended manuscript

  6. Sending the amended manuscript to one of the three reviewers selected to make the final decision concerning the article's publication.

  7. Checking of the amended manuscript by the final reviewer to ensure that the necessary changes have been made.

  8. Notification of the article's acceptance, upon confirmation of the cassections [DK2] by the final reviewer and approval the Editorial Board.

  The Title Page

  The title page must contain the following:

  1. The title of the article, in bold characters and with font size 16.

  2. The name(s) of the author(s), their academic ranks and affiliations.

  3. The authors' addresses must appear in both English and Farsi, the corresponding author's address being marked with an asterisk.

  Abstract: The abstract (maximum 200 words) must contain the following sections: Background and Aims, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The English and Farsi versions of the abstract should have identical contents.

  Keywords: The authors are required to provide 3 to 6 keywords.

  Introduction: The Introduction sets out the objectives of the study and provides a background including importance of the subject and the results of previous research and observations, citing sources and references where necessary.

  Methods: The Methods section must provide details on:

  1. Study Type, Sampling methods and sample size calculation

  2. Laboratory methods and materials used in the study

  3. Statistical tests and procedures used for deriving the results

  Results: The results should be presented in the text, tables and diagrams. Findings and data presented in the form of should not be repeated in the text tables and diagram.

  Discussion: Findings must be discussed and compared with previous relevant studies (citing references).

  Conclusion: The conclusions and recommendations based upon the findings of the study must be stated in a separate section.

  Acknowledgements: This section must contain the names of research contributors, sponsors, collaborating institutions, and all persons who have had a role in conducting and supporting the study.

  References: References must be cited using the Harvard Referencing format, which has been designed for the purpose of recording details of books, articles, and other sources used in preparing the manuscript. English-language references must follow the Farsi references and be listed in alphabetical order.

  1. Citing references in the text: References should be cited wherever data and in formation from other sources are being used or quoted in the text. In the Harvard Referencing system, it suffices to quote the name(s) of the author(s) plus the year of publication- e.g. (Moir and Jessel 1991)- printed at the end of the sentence and before the full stop. Details of the cited work should appear in the References Section. If two or more references are cited at the same location in the text, they should be separated by a semicolon (e.g., Malinowski and Jessel 1995; Thomson 1999). When citing several references from the same author(s), the authors’ name(s) should be appear only once, followed by the publication years separated by commas (e.g., Watson and Clark 1996, 1998). If 2 or more references with the same publications year from are cited, they should be specified by adding a lower case letter after the year for each item , both in the text and in the References Section. Example: (ACDSS 1997a , b).

  If the cited reference has more than three authors, only the first author's name should appear, followed by et al. and the year of publication (e.g. Larson et al. 1987).

  When citing work from an institution whose name is very long, print an abbreviation in the text and add an explanation containing the full name in the References Section.

  1. Recording bibliographic details- published material

  · Books: 1) Names of (the authors) or editor(s), 2) year of publication, 3) the main and running titles, all in italics. For books with more than one volume, this part should also contain the title of the particular volume cited in the text. For books with more than one edition, the edition number must also be cited. 4) The Publisher's name 5) The place of publication, and 6) The number(s) of the page(s) cited- when ever possible.

  Examples of book citations:

  For books with more than one author: Berkman , R.I. and Cengel, Y.L., 1994. Find it fast: how to uncover expert information on any subject, Harper Perennial, New York.

  For edited books: Keene , E. ed., 1988. Natural language . Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press.

  For books with both authors and editors: Samson, C., 1970. Problems of information studies in history. In S. Stone, ed. Humanities information research . Sheffield: CRUS, 1980, pp. 44-68.

  If the cited book or text has been sponsored by a particular company/institution: Institution of Engineers, Australia 1994, Code of ethics, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Barton, A.C.T.

  If the book is one in a series: Bhattacharjee, M., 1998. Note of infinite permutation groups, Lecture notes in mathematics no.1698, Springer, New York.

  If the book has more than one volume: Goudie, A., 2000. The human impact on the natural environment, 4 vols, Blackwell, Oxford.

  When citing a section or a chapter in a book with several contributors: Bernstein, D., 1995. Transportation planning, The civil Engineering handbook, CRC Press, Bocal Raton.

  · Theses: 1) Name (s) of the author(s) 2) Year of presentation 3) Title (in italics) 4) The degree for which the is presented 5) The institution awarding the degree.

  Example: Richmond , Julia., 2005. Customer expectations in the world of electronic banking: a case study of the Bank of Britain. Ph. D. Anglia Ruskin University

  · Journal Articles: 1) Name(s) of the author(s) 2) Year of publication 3) The article title 4) The Journal's title in italics 5) Volume number in bold 6) Issue number in brackets 7) Page number(s)

  Example: Boughton, J.M., Bourass, S. and Goudie A., 2002. The Bretton Woods proposal, an indepth look. Political Science Quarterly , 42 (6), pp.564-78.

  · For articles abstracts presented at conferences, follow this example: Bourassa, S., 1999. Effects of child care on young children, Proceedings of the third annual meeting of the International Society for Child Psychology, International Society for child Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 44-6.

  · When referring to a publication by an association, company, or a government department, follow this example: Queensland Health., 1992. Towards a women’s health policy: social justice for women. Queensland Health, Brisbane.

  · For journal articles, taken from an electronic source , follow this example: Hamill, C., 1999. Academic essay writing in the first person: a guide for undergraduates. Nursing Standard , [online] 21 Jul, 13 (44), pp.38-40

  Available from: [cited 12 June 2005]

  · Referencing from the Internet : Boots Group Plc., 2003. Corporate Social Responsibility. [Online]. Boots Group Plc. Available from:

  http://www.Boots-Plc.Com/Information/Info.Asp?id=447 [cited 23 July 2005].

  [DK3] For further information on the Harvard Referencing System, visit this website:

  Address your enquiries to: Office No. 1, School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research, Tehran University of Medical Sciences P.O.Box 14455-6446, Ghods Street, Enghelab Avenue, Tehran, IRAN.



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