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Showing 16 results for Abaei

P Nassiri , F Golbabaei , A Ahmadi-Assour, K Nouri,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (7 2003)

This study has been carried out in two shoe-making factories in Tehran with the aim ofevaluating the cobined effects of noise and toluene on the workers' hearing. Sixty four workers were assigned to three groups according to their exposure to noise andtoluene. 33 were exposed to noise (group 0), 5 to toluene (group 1) and 26 to noise andtoluene (group 2).The concentration were measured in the workers' breathing zone as well as A-weightedsound Pressure level, LPA and equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure levelover 30 minuets , leq (30") A in head position of workers. Then noise level was calculatedand hearing thresholds measured in 500 - 400 Hz frequencey range.The amounts of air and bone hearing los were caluculated. Results indicate that therelationship between hearing loss caused by noise (group 0) and noise and toluene (group2) was statistically significant, P<0.05. Hearing loss due to toluene in mid frequency washigher than in higher frequencies.
M Tabatabaei , A.r Dorosty , F Siassi , A Rahimi,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (2 2004)

The increasing prevalence of adult obesity, and its individual as well as public consequences has always been a major concern for nutrition and health specialists. The last decade has also witnessed a sharp rise in childhood obesity rates worldwide. There is little reliable information on childhood obesity rates in Iran, hence the need for prevalence studies in different parts of this country. These studies are complicated by a paucity of baseline (reference) data on obesity in Iranian children. This study aims to determine the prevalence of obesity in Ahwaz primary school pupils by using three different sets of baseline values, namely IOTF, CDC and local data from Iran. Using two-stage cluster sampling, a total of 3482 students aged 6-12y (1843 boys & 1639 girls) were randomly selected from Ahwaz primary schools. Weight and height were measured and BMI calculated. Obesity was defined as having a BMI ≥ 95th percentile of each of the three sets of reference values. Prevalence rates according to Iranian reference data, CDC 2000, and IOTF 2000 were %10/9, %5/2, and %3/6 respectively. Obesity is quite common among school children in Ahwaz and further studies are required to determine risk factors. In addition, different reference data produce different prevalence estimates.

S.j Shahtaheri , F Ghamari , F Golbabaei , A Rahimi Froushani , M Abdolahlli ,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (3 2005)

In this study, parameters affecting on SPE of trance trance muconic acid (t,t-MA), including sample pH, sample concentration, sample volume, sample flow rate, washing solvent, elution solvent, and type of sorbent were evaluated. After sample preparation of muconic acid as urinary metabolite of benzene, it was determined by HPLC-UV. In chromatographic analysis, column was C18 (250 cm × 4.6 mm id, 0.5 µm), UV wave length was 259 nm, mobile phase was H2O/methanol/acetic acid (69:30:1 v/v/v) was run at flow rate of 1 ml/min. Through experimental evaluation, a strong anion exchange silica cartridge (SAX) has been found successful in simplifying sample preparation compare to C8 and C18. There were significant difference between recoverie of muconic acid when different washing solvent, sample volume, and sample flow rate were used (p< 0.001). An optimum recovery was obtained when sample pH was adjusted at seven. Other optimum conditions were: sample flow rate 1 ml/min washing solvent acetic acid 1% , and acetic acid 10% as elution solvent. In this study, there was no significant difference when different sample concentrations were used (p>0.05). Recovery of spiked urine sample at concentrations of 0.1, 1, 10 µg/ml were more than 95%. The limit of detection of the optimized method was 0.01 µg/ml, showing 20 times less than biological exposure index (BEI). The optimized method was then validated with three different pools of samples at above mentioned concentrations and showed a good reproducibility over six consecutive days as well as six within-days experiments.
M Kargar , M Sarijlou , H Tabatabaei , F Abbassian , M Kargar , Sh Shahmahmoodi , K Holakouie Naieni , M Karimlo , M Nateghpour , H Sedighi , R Khavarinegad , T Mokhtari Azad, R Nategh ,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (3 2005)

Human Enteroviruses replicate in gastrointestinal tract and are excreted to the sewage system through feces, so isolation of Enteroviruses from sewage can be considered as a sensitive indicator for virus cirulation in society. They are originally given the name of Enteroviruses, but the inadequacy of this term became apparent when some Coxackie and Echoviruses were also found in acute respiratory infections. Therefore, these viruses can produce acute or paraclinical infecions, the shedding of virus is more than 1010 virus per each gram of feaces. In this study, 63 sewage samples were obtained from the 6 main sewage disposal systems in Tehran by grab sampling: Direct, Pellet, Two–phase methods in 2 sensitive cell lines (Hep2 & RD) and neutralization test were used to determine Enterovirus circulation in one year. None-Typable Enteroviruses, E11 and E25 were isolated more frequently than other Entroviruses. Out of 63 sewege specimens, we isolated 13 (20.63%), 25 (39.68%) & 27 (42.83%) Enteroviruses by Direct, Pellet and Two-phase methods respectively.
A Tirgar , F Golbabaei , K Nouri , Sj Shahtaheri , M.r Ganjali , J Hamedi ,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (4 2006)

Background and aim: The chromium mist generator is an essential tool for research and for making evidence-based recommendations in evaluating air pollution and its control systems. The purpose of this study was to design and construct a homogeneous chromium mist generator and to look at the effects of factors such as sampling height and distance between samplers in side-by-side sampling on the chromium mist sampling method.
Material and Methods: First we developed a mist generator, using a chromium electroplating bath in pilot scale. Concentrations of CrO3 and sulfuric acid in plating solution were 125 g L-1 and 1.25 g L-1, respectively. To set up permanent air sampling locations, a Plexiglas cylindrical chamber (75 cm height, 55 cm i.d) was installed as the bath overhead. Sixty holes were made on the chamber in 3 rows (20 in each row). The distance between rows and holes was 15 and 7.5 cm, respectively. Homogeneity and the related factors were studied using a side-by-side air sampling method. Forty-eight clusters of samples were collected on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) filters contained in sampling closed-face cassettes. Cassettes were located 35, 50, and 65 cm above the solution surface with < 7.5 and/or 7.5-15 cm distance between heads. All samples were analyzed by the NIOSH method 7600.
Results: ANOVA tests showed no significant differences between locations in side-by-side sampling (P=0.82) or between different sampling heights or sampler distances (P=0.86 and 0.86, respectively). However, there were notable differences between means of coefficients of variation (CV) in various heights and distances.
Conclusion: We conclude that the most chromium mist homogeneity could be obtained at a height of 50 cm from the bath solution surface and with a distance of < 7.5 cm between samplers.
F Golbabaei , S Khavvaji , A Tirgar , Sj Shahtaheri , K Nourijelyani ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (2 2007)

Background and Aim: Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) is a known occupational carcinogen. Over the recent years, the increasing number of exposed workers and the emergence of serious health effects have led to considerable lowering of permissible exposure levels for Cr6+. Moreover, a number of methods have been developed for rapid and precise measurement of Cr6+concentrations. Given the importance of accurate measurements, this study was carried out to compare the performance of different samplers in relation to factors such as sampling height, sampling duration, and electroplating solution concentration.

Material and Methods: We used a hexavalent chromium generator fitted with a special sampling chamber and with proven ability to produce homogenous atmospheric concentrations. The performances of 4 samplers including IOM and CIS (as inhalable particle samplers) and Open and Closed-face cassettes (as total particle samplers) were examined through a simultaneous sampling technique. Sampling was done using the NIOSH 7600 method (samples were collected on PVC membrane filters with a pore size of 5.0 µm, at an air flow rate of 2.0 ± 0.1 l/min). Variables investigated with regard to their effects on sampler performance were sampling height (heights from bath solution: 35 and 50 cm), duration (30 and 180 min) and solution concentration (125 and 250 g/l).

Results: The measured concentrations ranged from 2 to 2725 µg.m-3. Analysis of the results in a completely randomized block design showed significant differences in performance between different samplers (P< 0.001). There were also differences between samplers at different heights and electroplating concentrations (P=0.0007). Multiple comparisons by Scheffe's method showed that the difference detected was due to the superior precision of the IOM (P<0.05).

Conclusion: Overally, there were statistically significant differences between the performances of the studied samplers Cr6+ concentrations at the studied heights (4.09, 8.68 µg.m-3), sampling duration (5.90, 6.88 µg.m-3), and bath concentration (2.73, 11.88 µg.m-3) had no significant effects on sampler performance. The CIS sampler underwent corrosion during acidic mist collection and thus can not be recommended for Cr6+ mist collection.

Mm Soltan Dallal, P Fazelifard, Sm Hosseini, F Saberpoor, F Fakharian, A Tabatabaei, S Vahedi, A Najjarian,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (13 2009)

Background and Aims: The ready-to-eat foods, before and after preparation, usually kept in a refrigerator before consumption for a relatively long time, increase the risk of food poisoning. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of refrigeration in the fast-food shops on the microbial contamination of fast foods.

Materials and Methods: A total of 100 samples, including 46 cooked beef livers and 54 cooked sausages were collected from fast-food shops in the south of Tehran and analyzed according to the procedures of the Office of Food Control Laboratories (OFCL). The samples were tested randomly for the microbial contamination on the first, third, fifth and seventh days of storage in the refrigerator.

Results: Results of microbial analysis showed that 35 cooked sausage samples (64.8%) and 34 cooked liver samples (73.9%) on the first day, 44 cooked sausage samples (81.5%) and 42 cooked liver samples (91.3%) after the third day, 47 cooked sausage samples (87.1%) and 44 cooked liver samples (95.6%) after the fifth day, and 50 cooked sausage samples (92.3%) after the seventh day were unfit for consumption Frying of the food items before consumption would decrease, though to a small extent, microbial contamination (P<0.05). Increased total micrbial counts of the food items, exceeding the respective standards, is the most important inhibitory factor for their consumption.

Conclusion: The results of this study showed that keeping cooked foods for a long time in the refrigerator causes increased microbial contamination over time.

H Edallat, M Akhondi , M.r Abaei , M Abolhassani , M.t Sadeghi , M Kazemi , H.r Basseri ,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (4 2009)

Background and Aim: Determination of the age of vector mosquitoes is of particular importance in epidemiological studies of diseases transmitted by them, such as viral and parasitic diseases. The objective of this study was to determine the daily age of Anopheles stephensi based on changes in pteridine concentration in female mosquito cuticles by liquid chromatography (HPLC).

Methods and Materials: Females of Anopheles stephensi were raised in an insectary (28° C, 70% relative humidity). At 1, 5, 10, 15, 25, 30 days post-emergence they were divided into groups of 10 mosquitoes each. The mosquitoes in each age group were further divided into 3 subgroups of 10 each for chromatographic (HPLC, emotion = 355 nm and excitation= 465 nm) pteridine extraction. The chromatograms obtained were compared with the respective standards to determine the types of pteridines.

Results: Four types of pteridines were detected in the cuticle of Anopheles stephensi, including isoxanthopteridine, pteridine-6-carboxylic acid, biopteridine, and xanthopteridine. They were all present in all the cuticle of the mosquitoes however, no biopteridine in the head or xanthopteridine in the thorax were found. Generally, as the age of the mosquitoes increased, pteridine concentrations kept declining, such that after 30 days the total concentration reached 10% of the original.

Conclusion:The findings indicate that there is a negative correlation between the concentration of pteridines in the cuticle and daily age of female mosquitoes. The method described can be used as a standard method to determine the daily age of Anopheles, as well as of other mosquito species, since it is fast and precise and needs small samples. Its major limitation is non-availability of HPLC in many parts of the country, although it is possible to freeze dead mosquitoes and transfer them to centers where HPLC is available.

H Rahimifard, N Hashemi Nejad, A.r Choobineh, H.r Haidari, H Tabatabaei,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (10 2010)

Background and Aim: In the raw furniture preparation workshops, in which the workers usually have an undesirable postures when at work, ergonomic assessment and the work environment improvement seem essential. Developing checklists and calculating ergonomic indices would be useful in this assessment. This study was conducted with the objectives of assessing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) risk factors and determining types of corrective measures in raw furniture preparation workshops.

Materials and methods: After conducting task analysis, 268 workers were assessed using an ergonomic checklist developed for the purpose and ergonomic indices were calculated. The Nordic musculoskeletal disorders questionnaire was used to determine the prevalence rate of MSDs among the workers. Data were analyzed using the t-test and the test of proportions.

Results: The highest prevalence was in the lower back (38.4%) and the knees 36.2%). Statistical analysis revealed that there were significant associations between MSDs and calculated ergonomic indices (p<0.001). In addition, calculation of OR revealed that ergonomic conditions were associated with MSDs in different body parts (OR=2.90-9.49, p<0.001). On the whole, the working conditions of 32.46% of the workers studied were poor from an ergonomic point of view.

Conclusion: The checklist developed was found to be an appropriate and low-cost tool for ergonomic assessment. The most important problems in the workshops were due to inappropriate general working conditions, inappropriate organization, and unsuitable work stations.

F Golbabaei, R Kazemi, B Golestan, M Pourtalari, J Shahtaheri, M Rismanchian,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (20 2011)

Background and Aim: Considering the acute and chronic effects of organic solvents to which vehicle painters are exposed for long periods of time, their evaluation and control is crucial for protection of health of the employees. This study aimed to find the most influential factors on exposure to, and spreading pollution with, benzene, toluene, xylem, and etylebenzene (BTEX) in order to be able to choose the best control measures.
Materials and Methods:
In a motor-vehicle company the vehicle painting process was studied in detail and the solvents used in paints and in spreading organic solvent stations were identified. Based on the types and concentrations of the variables being studied, using the NIOSH method a total of 240 air samples were collected (5 samples for each variable and the respective controls) and analyzed. The SPSS version 11.5 was used for data analysis, the statistical tests being multi-regression and analysis of variance.
Results: Exposure to benzene in all occupational tasks, as well as to toluene in top coating and undercoating stations exceeded, while exposure to etylebenzene and xylene did not reach, the respective permitted exposure limits (p<0.05). The most effective factors on exposure to all the four solvents were, in order of effectiveness, occupational task, gun type, and the type of paint sued (p<0.05).
The effects of the variables studies – occupational task, gun and paint types – on exposure to BTEX relate to differences in occupational task work load, the type of gun used, and the paint organic solvent formulation. The reason for the potentially high exposure to benzene is its presence as an impurity in the paint solvents. Thus, it is highly recommended that in the process of control and evaluation special attention be paid to these factors.
Farideh Golbabaei, Ali Faghihi-Zarandi, Ahmadreza Shokri, Mohammadreza Baneshi, Pedram Ebrahimnejad, Asghar Sedigh Zadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (24 2012)

Background and Aim: Bioaerosols are one of the most important agents that cause post operating infections in hospitals. Surgical masks are recommended for prevention of bioaerosols transmition in operating rooms. This study aimed at evaluation of submicron particle filtration efficiency of domestic and imported surgical masks.
Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study, 5 types of surgical masks that have the most utilization in operating rooms of country’s hospitals including domestic and imported surgical masks were tested. To evaluate all samples, the submicron particle filtration measurements were carried out based on ISIRI 6138 and American DOP standards. Filtration efficiency calculations and pressure drop measurements were performed and the results were analyzed using statistical tests.
Results: Results showed that particle filtration efficiency of domestic and imported masks were 56.130% (±10.7) and 31.906% (±7.062) respectively. Also, filtration efficiency in domestic masks were more than imported masks (P> 0.001). Among all samples, Arman mask had the most filtration efficiency (66.5475 % ±6.14951), where the least (27.8275 % ±4.44152) filtration efficiency (P> 0.001) belongs to Blosom. The maximum mean of pressure drop in Arman mask (35 ±2. 58 Pa) and the least mean of pressure drop in Zist filter mask (11 ±1.82 Pa) were observed. According to the effect of filtration efficiency and pressure drop on general quality of mask, the quality factor of masks were also evaluated. Results showed that Zist filter mask had the most quality factor (0.068) while Blosom had the least quality factor (0.016).
Conclusion: This research showed that domestic surgical masks have a better quality toward imported surgical masks but can not obtained quality confirmed by standards, yet. To reduce respective infections and prevalence of diseases, it is recommended using filters with suitable physical characteristics and also carrying out test of surgical masks before supplying.
Alireza Choobineh, Mandana Aghabeygi, Hamidreza Tabatabaei, Afshin Fallahpour, Fouzieh Javadpour, Ahmad Soltanzadeh,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (11-2013)

  Background and Aim: After conducting a comprehensive study on shift work systems in petrochemical companies and recommending appropriate shift schedules, some companies changed shift patterns. After a year, the present study was carried out at a petrochemical company which changed its shift pattern from 4-4-4 to 3-3-3. The objective of the study was evaluation of effectiveness of shift schedule change on shift workers’ health problems.

  Materials and Methods: In this study, samples consisted of 195 shift workers of the present study and 44 shift workers from the previous study. Data were collected by an anonymous questionnaire, in which questions on demographic characteristics, health problems and workers’ opinions about shift pattern change were included. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS 11.5.

  Results: The results showed that prevalence of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal problems were not statistically different between the two groups (p>0.05), but prevalence of some psychological disorders were lower in the present study subjects as compared to the individuals of the previous study (p<0.01). The results revealed that from the viewpoint of shift workers new shift pattern improved quality and quantity of sleep. The findings showed that 76.8% of the subjects evaluated the new shift schedule to be better than the previous one.

Conclusion: Based on the findings, changing the shift pattern from 4-4-4 to 3-3-3 resulted in reduction of prevalence of psychological problems. Therefore, the change implemented in the shift pattern was useful.
Mohammad Farahmand, Seyed Mohsen Zahraei, Mahmood Mahmoodi, Soosan Mahmoodi, Hamideh Tabatabaei, Zahra Shokati Ashkiki, Yaghoob Mplaei Kandeloosi, Maryam Yousefi, Rakhshandeh Nategh, Shohreh Shah Mahmoodi Sadeghi,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Background and Aim: Expanded program on immunization is one of the strategic universally accepted methods for control of childhood diseases including poliomyelitis. Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) which consists of live attenuated poliovirus is considered as appropriate and most convenient tool for nation-wide vaccination. Polio virus is sensitive to heat, so OPV should be kept frozen and transferred to vaccination centers under cold chain conditions. Thermo-stability of vaccine during transportation is very important. Potency test is used to evaluate the quality and stability of vaccine. This is the first documentated study on evaluation of OPV potency kept out of cold chain conditions in Iran. Materials and Methods: To study the effects of time and temperature on potency of polio vaccine, vaccine vials were exposed to 24°C (room temperature) and 37°C (average temperature in tropical regions) for one to seven days. Vaccine potency evaluation was performed according to World Health Organization protocol. Results: It can be inferred from comparison of the results of this study with the international standards that OPV is stable at 37◦C for only one day, but if it is exposed to room temperature for 4-5 days, serotypes 1 and 2 remain unaltered but serotype 3 will lose its potency to a great extent. Conclusions: Although Polio viruses are relatively resistant to environmental conditions, their sensitivity to heat is the reason to transport the vaccine, which contains live attenuated virus, under cold chain conditions. This will prevent the titer of the vaccine virus to decrease. Vaccine stored at temperature below 4°C is preferred, otherwise the vaccine kept at room temperature (24°C) is useable for 4-5 days, and at 37◦C the vaccine is potent only for one day.
Monireh Khadem, Seyed Jamaleddin Shahtaheri, Farideh Golbabaei, Abbas Rahimi Foroushani, Mohammad Reza Ganj Alizadeh, Farnoush Faridbod,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (3-2015)


  Background and Aim: The aim of this study was to assess exposure of workers in a metal industry to nickel and lead.

  Materials and Methods: Extraction was done using the solid-phase extraction on Chromosorb-102 resin to prepare, concentrate and purify biological samples of urine, hair and nails of workers working in metal industries. The variables influencing response (pH, loading flow rate, elution solvent, and amount of resins, elution volume, and sample volume) were examined and the procedure was optimized. The optimized procedure was, then, validated based on the “within-day” and “day-to-day” reproducibility experiments, using low, medium and high concentrations, leading to a satisfactory accuracy and precision. Finally, lead and nickel samples were taken from the workers and their concentrations determined voltammetrically.

  Results: The optimum values for the examined parameters were as follows: pH = 9, ligand concentration = 0.05%, loading flow rate = 5 ml/min, elution solvent = 2M HNO3, amount of resins = 500 mg, elution volume = 15 ml, and sample volume up to 500 ml. A good reproducibility and repeatability was obtained for the optimized method under the existing conditions. Lead and nickel could be extracted with recoveries in the range of 94-100%. On the whole, the concentrations of nickel and lead in the workers’ biological samples were above the respective maximum permitted levels.

  Conclusion: Solid-phase extraction procedure is a fast and simple method for preconcentrating and isolating analytes from biological samples. Considering the low concentrations of the analytes and presence of confounding factors in such samples, the procedure can be very effective for their preparation. The application of the developed method indicates that trace metal ions can be effectively purified and preconcentrated from different matrices like urine, hair and nail samples to assess occupational exposures.

Masoomeh Parvaneh, Solmaz Babaei Bonab,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (6-2021)

Background and Aim: Although staying at home seems to be the best way to reduce the risk of Covid 19 virus and stay safe from it, the home has physical and psychological effects on people, especially vulnerable populations. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders in women which, in addition to many physical problems, it has many psychological manifestations. Thus, the present research was conducted to determine the effect of home-made aerobic activity on the psychological state of adolescent girls with PCOS in home quarantine conditions.
Materials and Methods: In this 12-week study a sample of 40 adolescent girls with PCOS participated ─ 20 in the intervention, and 20 in the control, group, the intervention group performing home-based aerobic training for the whole period. In both groups anxiety and depression, as well as body image concern were determined at the beginning and at the end of the period, using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression and Littleton Body Image Concern questionnaires, respectively; so was body composition by weight and height. The data were analyzed using the SPSS-22 software, the statistical tests being the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Analysis of covariance.
Results: Before the intervention, the experimental and control groups did not differ significantly as regards anxiety, depression, body image concern and body composition (p> 0.05). Further analysis of the data revealed significant differences between the two groups regarding these variables (p = 0.001) at the end of the period.
Conclusion: Supervised aerobic exercise in the home has a favorable effect on the psychological state of adolescent girls with PCOS and can be recommended as a safe therapy for these patients in corona conditions.
Akbar Bahmani, Elahe Mollaei, Saba Babaei,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (3-2022)

Background and Aim: The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between job stress and emotional fatigue with due consideration of the mediating role of resilience in an organization.
Materials and Methods: This applied research project was a descriptive survey, the statistical population being all the staff (n = 360) of Shahid Modarres Hospital in Saveh, Iran. The sample size, using the Krejcie and Morgan table, was 186 individuals selected by a simple random method. The field data were collected using a standard questionnaire.
Results: Analysis of the data showed a statistically significant positive relationship between job stress and emotional fatigue (coefficient +0.514), as well as negative relationships between resilience on the one hand and job stress (coefficient -0.503) and emotional fatigue (coefficient -0.395) on the other. The findings also showed that resilience played a mediating role in the relationship between job stress and its effect on emotional fatigue.
Conclusion: In can be concluded that job stress has a direct positive relationship with emotional fatigue and an inverse relation with resilience; resilience is also inversely related to job stress among employees.

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