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J Adl, A Ghahramani , J Nasel Saraji ,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (4 2005)

stundy (HAZOP) and the component’s failures of major equipments were assessed by Failure mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). Totally 68 hazards were identified and their risks were calculated. The highest risk (60) was belonged to the reduction of gas temperature before entering to the refinery and failure of DEA cooling system at the final node (DE). The failures of P-6 pump, F.C.V.4 valve, L.C.V.2 and F.C.V.12 (all in the same node) and reduction of gas temperature in nodes AB, BC and CD had the lowest calculated risk (12). Comparing with the acceptable level of risk in the refinery which was 200, all of the identified hazards risk were very low therefore did not need any appropriate measure of risk reduction to be proposed. For overcoming the fact that both HAZOP and FMEA techniques, instead of being performed by a team was accomplished by both of us, we used the consultations given us by the experienced exploitation engineers of under study unit. This consultation was also very useful in fulfilling deficiencies of existing record keeping system. Performing the protective maintenance and preparing a precise timing program for P.M was given as a main proposal for risk reduction by decreasing the probability of occurrence.
M Hajaghazadeh, J Nasl Saraji, M Hosseini, J Adl,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4 2008)

Background and Aim: Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) are the most prevalent occupational diseases and injuries. The aim of this investigation was WMSDs risk factors study in building construction industry by PATH (Posture, Activity, Tools and Handling) method.

Materials and Methods: This analytical-descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in four construction sites. A total of 3100 observations of 89 workers in 14 jobs were obtained. The percent of time determined for trunk, legs and hands postures, and manual material handling activities, used tools and handling in job tasks.

Results: Trunk, legs and hands postures, tools and objects weight differed significantly between stages (P<0.0001). Neutral trunk posture was observed frequently. Neutral legs and hands postures were observed greater than %50 and %80 of the time respectively in studied workers. Tools are used with different frequency in studied jobs. Loads with less than 5 Kg were handled repeatedly.

Conclusion: The result of this study can be used to reduce musculoskeletal disorders in construction workers. This study revealed construction workers spent more time with neutral postures. But ergonomic interventions should be accomplished in specified jobs.

M Mosaferi, M Shakerkhatibi, A Mehri Badloo,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (20 2011)

Background and Aim: Recently the use of heterotrophic plate count (HPC) has received much attention as a supplementary indicator of the MPN test in water quality control. The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has declared 500 cfu/mL as the maximum acceptable level for heterotrophic bacteria in distribution networks. Currently the HPC determination is not among the routine control items in Tabriz city and there is no published information on the presence of heterotrophic bacteria in that city's potable water. In this study the presence of HPC in potable water main was determined in Tabriz city, Iran.
Materials and Methods:
A total of 50 water samples, representing drinking water of the whole city of Tabriz, were taken randomly from different districts of Tabriz city and their HPC, coliform, residual chlorine, turbidity, temperature, and pH were measured. For the heterotrophic bacteria the R2A and Nutrients Agar culture media were used, while the spread plate count method was used for the HPC test. The statistical tests used for data analysis were the t-test and regression.
In 50% of the samples heterotrophic bacteria were present. In 6 districts the HPC was higher than 500 cfu/mL. Based on Nutrient Agar and R2A, the HPC indicator in Tabriz drinking water was 184±340 and 154±315 cfu/mL, respectively, the growth rate being higher in the former medium. There was a significant correlation between the HPC and residual chlorine in both media (for Nutrients Agar, p<0.05 R= -0.347, and for R2A, p<0.05 R= -0.312). Also, there was a significant positive correlation between the HPC and pH (p<0.05). Further analysis of the data showed that the correlation between HPC values in both media was also significant (p<0.95, R= 0.95).
Conclusion: The presence of heterotrophic bacteria in 50% of the water samples tested indicates that drinking water contamination with these bacteria is a public health problem in Tabriz city. As a result, monitoring of HPC at least once every 6 or, at least, 12 months, together with coliform bacteria, and the comparison of the results over time can help to better determine water quality in the distribution system, as well as boost the system operation and ensure drinking water with a high quality.
M Jahangiri, J Adl, Sj Shahtaheri, H Kakooe, A Rahimi Forushani, Am Rashidi, A Ghorbanali,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (14 2011)

Background and Aim: Determining the degree of conformity of respirator cartridges with the accepted standards is very important for ensuring their respiratory protection efficiency. The aim of this study was to determine the degree of conformity of organic vapor-respirator cartridges used in different petrochemical companies with the EN 14387:2004 standard.

Materials and Methods: In the first phase of the study, the respirator cartridges used in petrochemical complexes were identified and their specifications obtained from their manufacturers and the relevant technical catalogues. In the second phase, 3 samples of each of the cartridge models were chosen and tested according to the EN 14387:2004 standard. An instrument was especially designed for measuring the breakthrough time of the cartridges. 

Results: The results showed that the minimum and maximum breakthrough times of cartridges were 29 and 142 minutes, respectively. From all the 10 different cartridge models tested, one had a service life of lower than the minimum standard breakthrough time of 70 minutes.

Conclusion: Considering the existence of a non-standard type of cartridge among the samples studied, it is essential to launch a program aiming at ensuring the conformity of cartridge efficiency with the respective standards. Such a program should be developed and implemented by such responsible organizations as the Institute of Standard and Industrial Research of Iran and the Center for Occupational Health and Safety Research and Training of Iran.

J Adl, M Jahangiri, M Rismanchian, H Mary Oriad, A Karimi, Mr Ghaderi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (14 2011)

Background and Aim: Safety climate is a psychological phenomenon and a sub-component of safety culture, which is usually reflected in the shared workforce's perceptions about the state of safety at any particular time. It can provide an indication of the priority of safety in an organization with regard to other priorities such as production or quality. The objective of this study was to assess the safety climate profile in a steel manufacturing plant in Iran and using the results to improve the level of safety.

Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the UK Loughborough University Safety Climate Assessment Toolkit was used to assess the safety climate in a steel-manufacturing industry in Iran. Information was collected through interviews and questionnaires, focus group discussions, and direct observations in the filed. Safety climate scores were calculated in 17 themes.

Results: A graphic representation of the safety climate scores obtained showed that safety climate in the company is at the medium level (4.80 ± 2). The highest and lowest scores were for dimensions of personal priority and need for safety (8.6± 0.8) and accidents and incidents (1±0.00). A non-significant correlation was found between worker's education and work experience on the one hand and their attitude towards safety on the other hand (p>0.05). Both management commitment and personal priority were associated with the workers' age (p= 0.03 and 0.02, respectively), while work environment was associated only with employment status (p = 0.04). 

Conclusion: Safety climate assessment can be a proactive safety performance indicator used to improve the level of safety in an organisation.

Javad Adl, Mahnaz Mohseni,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (7 2012)

Background and Aim: The first step in establishing a safety system is hazard identification.  If this is not done properly, the subsequent steps steps will not be done effectively either. Since any given identification technique often targets the hazards of one or two of the main elements of a safety system, it is not possible to identify all hazards by a single technique

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted to explore the available scientific literature aiming at finding practicable hazard identification techniques that can potentially determine the highest number (%) of hazards in a safety system. First five techniques were implemented and the number of identified hazards by each was determined, followed by calculation of the coefficient of hazard identification effectiveness for each technique. Using this approach two techniques in two different safety systems were tested

Results: The number of hazards identified using the hazard and operability analysis (HAZOP) technique, and, as a result, its coefficient of hazard identification effectiveness was the highest as compared to other techniques. Individually, the HAZOP and AEA techniques, used as primary hazard identification techniques, identified only 20-80% of all the hazards which could otherwise be identified if all identification techniques had been used.

Conclusion: The results show that the HAZOP technique can identify a higher number of hazards than any other technique. However, if used alone, this technique will probably identify only 40% of all the hazards. The important point is that selection of an appropriate technique plays an important role in identifying a higher number of hazards.

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