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Showing 26 results for Akbari

F Yosefi Majd , H Eftekhar Ardabili , F Akbari Haghighi , H Zerati ,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (8 2003)

The Intrauterine device (IUD) is very effective in preventing pregnancy, it is the cheapestform of birth control in the long run, allows almost immediate return to normal life andwork, and it can be used as an alternative to hormonal methods of emergencycontraception.This study was designed to assess factors causing IUD iscontinuation. It is a cross-sectional study among 343 women in Urmia in 2001 who had had lUD'splanted back in 1998.Within 3 years, more than 50 percent had theirlUD's removed. The 1-year IUD survivalrate was 62 percent and the 3-year rate about 42 percent.54.5 percent of users had at least one complication (P=0.000). The main complications were: Bleeding 28.7% , Pain 27.3% and Infection 18.5%.In cases where the device was planted by a midwife, the overall removal rate was 62.5%(p= 0.009). Pregnancy rate was 0.49% per 100 woman - year and the IUD expulsion ratewas 6.5%o.Bleeding is clearly the most common complication. If cases are chosen more carefully, the effective life of device will probably increase.
A Mohammadi , H Eftekhar Ardebffi , F Akbari Haghighi , M Mahmoudi , A Poorreza ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (4 2004)

Measuring of service quality is the basic prerequisite for improving quality. Patients&apos expectations and perceptions of service quality play an important role in the choice of hospital, loyalty to organization and behavioral intention. A first step towards improvement would be to determine areas of quality that are most defective. Studies show that consumers are in close contact with service providers, and they are involved in the service process. Therefore, this group can measure services quality better than any other group. This study was conducted to measure service quality based on patients&apos expectations and perceptions in Zanjan hospitals.
The cross-sectional design was used in this research. For data collection, SERVQUAL questionnaire was employed. To ensure the reliability of the questionnaire, the internal consistency reliability test (Cronbach alpha) was performed.
Findings: Cronbach alpha for service quality was .94. Results show that the assurance (knowledge, experience and ability to maintain patients&apos confidence and trust) was rated as the most important dimension. (SQ mean = -1.3). There were differences between patients&apos expectations and perceptions in all the dimensions.
the assurance dimension constitutes the most serious problem facing hospitals. It is recommended that physicians thoroughly explain the disease condition to patients, and that patients should be treated with dignity and respect.

M Arab , F Akbari , M Mahmodi , E Sadaghiani ,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (7 2004)

People, government and Health Insurance organization’s (HIO) spend a great deal of mony each year in Health sector. They expect an effective and acceptable outcomes as well as wellutilization of all resources (including Human Resources). The goal of this article is studying the effects of managerial styles employed by Hospitals heads on operational indices among Iran’s public hospitals. The study is a cross- sectional one and data collected cross- sectionally. Study population includes 355 public hospitals which were divided in 3 categories as large (>400 bed) medium (200 – 400 bed) and small (<200 bed). A questionnaire was used for data collection and interviews also conducted for the same purpose. The questionnaire included question about styles of leadership as well as operational indices. Leadership types determined as lycert models (4 styles). Findings demonstrate the effects of Hospitals head’s leadership styles on increase of decrease of outcome indices among study population. A cording to the findings participatory management has had more positive effects on the indices than the 3 other styles had.

E Jaafari-Pooyan , F Akbari-Haghighi , M Mahmoodi ,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (2 2005)

Evaluation assures the success of each project, program or activity. It is one of the most important components of any management process. Because of its high importance, loss of an effective evaluation mechanism in a hospital not only increases costs, but also endangers community health. The current study tries to assess the perceptions and expectations of hospital managers and decision-making boards in Hamedan regarding the evaluation system and to determine gap between them. This is a cross-sectional study. Its target group in each hospital includes: head, manager, matron, emergency administrator, managers of medical records, laboratory, radiology, pharmacy sections plus the afternoon and night shift supervisors. The study took the form of a census, involving a total of about 400 subjects.The data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed using the SPSS program . Findings: 1. The highest levels of target group expectation regarding evaluation indices were related to the “patient safisfaction” index. 2. The highest levels of target group perception of the evaluation indices were related to the “ values and norms” index. 3. All the gaps detected between target group’s perception and expectation from evaluation indices were significant. 4.The highest percentage of difference between target group’s perception and expectation was related to the “staff satisfaction” index and the lowest one was related to the “values and norms” Index.
M Arab , M Tajvar , F Akbari , H Zerati,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (3 2006)

Background and Aim: One of the most important responsibilities of managers is leadership. Leadership styles are the constant behavioral models used by managers when working with others in organizations. The main purpose in this research was gaining an insight into the leadership styles of hospital managers (manager and chief) and to see if there is relationship between managers and employers' personality traits and the style of leadership adopted by the hospital manager.
Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study involving all the hospital managers and 385 hospital staff in the province of Qom. We gathered data through a questionnaire based on the Likert system. We thus recognized four different styles of leadership: Exploitive-Authoritative, Benevolent – Authoritative, Consultative, and Participative. Data were analyzed using the SPSS software package.
Results: 1-Overall, the managers’ leadership styles were found to be mostly of the consultative type but the staff regarded their managers’ style of leadership as mainly Benevolent – Authoritative, 2- There was no statistically significant relationship between the managers’ personal characteristics and their leadership styles, 3- There is a significant association between the staff members’ characteristics and their perception of the manager’s leadership styles.
Conclusion: The managers’ personal traits do not appear to have an effect on their leadership styles but the same traits in employees can have a bearing on how they perceive leadership in their managers.
H Rahmani , M Arab , F Akbari , H Zeraati ,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (4 2006)

Background and Aim: Nowadays, community health and different methods for health service delivery are among the most important public health issues in many countries. Most developing nations are trying to establish a health care system capable of meeting their basic needs.Hospitals are the most important service delivery points, and they need skilled manpower and adequate equipment for efficient performance of their medical care and educational functions. Today, the health of the mankind is facing greater hazards and challenges than at any other time in history, and within this context, hospitals are supposed to provide service of the highest standards and with minimum delay. Emergency wards are the sections where these principles apply more than anywhere else. These are rightly regarded as the "heart" of any hospital and a quick, efficient workflow in the emergency room can literally save lives.
Material and Methods: This was a cross–sectional (descriptive/analytic) performed in 2005 to assess the structure, process & performance in the emergency wards of 12 teaching hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Results: 33.3% of the ward chiefs were women the rest were men they were all more than 30 years of age. The average rate for implementing proper managerial standards was 90.6%. The "manpower index" was 69.1%, and the "facilities & equipment" index was 44/5%. The "directions index" and "activities index" were 66.97% and 93.5%, respectively.
Conclusion: The findings show that there is a positive and significant relationship between standards of management at the emergency department and the facilities and equipment index. Also, there are positive correlations between the emergency department's "manpower and rules" index instructions, activities, and years of service in hospitals.
S.a Motevalian , K Holakouie Naieni , M Mahmoodi , R Majdzadeh , M.e Akbari ,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3 2007)

Background and Aim: Undercounting is a common problem in surveillance systems and registries. One of the procedures has been used for assessing sensitivity of a surveillance system or completeness of a registry is capture-recapture method.The objective of the present study was to estimate the number of deaths due to road traffic injuries applying capture-recapture method and using three data sources: police, legal medicine organization and hospital.

Material and Methods: All of the deaths due to traffic injuries occurred within Kerman district in the year 2000 were derived from police, Shahid Bahonar hospital and Kerman legal medicine data sources. Matching cases between the lists was based on three characteristics: first name, family name and date of accident. Loglinear model was used for statistical analysis.

Results: The total number of identified cases was 471 the best fitted loglinear model estimated the actual  number of deaths as 596 (CI 95%: 543-686). Based on Iranian Statistical Center estimates, the population of Kerman district in the year 2000 has been 644673 so the cause-specific mortality rate of traffic injuries is estimated as 92 (CI 95%: 84-107) per 100,000 population. Therefore the proportion of deaths registered in police, legal medicine and Shahid Bahonar hospital are 16%, 58% and 48% respectively. The coverage of total deaths (471) is about 79%.

Conclusion: The findings showed that none of the data sources had enough coverage of all deaths due to traffic injuries. Capture-recapture estimates can help for obtaining better estimates.

M Salimi, M Arab, F Akbari, H Zeraati, F Farzianpoor ,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (4 2007)

Background and Aim: Hospitals are among the most important health and medical institutions responsible for promoting health, and provision of appropriate health services requires a healthy, hygienic and safe environment. This research was done with the aim of assessing the environmental health situation Qom hospitals in 2005.

Materials and Methods: This research is an applied descriptive - analytic study on hospitals in QOM Province. Data were gathered using survey and observation methods and a two-part questionnaire. The first part of the questionnaire consisted of 45 items covering demographic data on hospitals and hospital managers. The second part comprised 363 questions about the environmental health situation as well as diagnostic, treating and support services. The questionnaires were filled after validity and reliability tests in eight hospitals in Qom Province. For statistical analysis, we performed Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests and calculated Spearman's coefficient, using the software package SPSS.

Results: Poor environmental health was observed in 25% of the radiology wards, kitchens and laundries. The situation was assessed as "appropriate" in 12.5% of laboratories and central sterilization (CSR), 25% of emergency services, 50% of ICU wards and 71% of surgery and recovery rooms, and it was intermediate of the other wards. Overall, the level of compliance with the principles of environmental health was average, i.e. about 72.5 percent. Further analysis of data showed that the situation was better in private, non-teaching hospitals compared to government-run and teaching hospitals. However, environmental health was found to improve with an increase in the number of active hospital beds and the managers' experience in their current job. It declined with increasing hospital age and increasing age of the hospital managers.

Conclusion: Overall, the environmental health situation in Qom hospitals was found to be at an intermediate level. Hence, these hospitals have a long way to go before they can achieve the appropriate level of environmental health

O Faraji , A Pourreza , M Hosseini , M Arab , F Akbari ,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (27 2008)

Background and Aim: Job enrichment is a method that has been used to increase employee satisfaction and work motivation. The Hackman and Oldham job characteristics model (1976) has served as the foundation for many job enrichment efforts. In particular, a considerable amount of research has been devoted to the study of the job characteristics-job satisfaction relations. Te purpose of this study was to statistically determine the relation between job characteristics and job satisfaction among employees of hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) in 2007.
Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional one, including 6 TUMS-affiliated hospitals-Emam, Shariati, Baharlo, Ziaeian, Madaen and Azadi. The sample size was 400, consisting of 200 administrative employees (50%), 151 nurses (38%) and 49 physicians (12%). The random sampling and stratified proportional sampling methods were used to select the hospitals and interviewees, respectively. Two questionnaires were developed and used to identify job characteristics and job satisfaction: 1) job diagnostics surveys (JDS) and 2) Hertzberg's job satisfaction questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaires was ascertained by test-retest using the Pearson correlation coefficient (r = 0.88). Linear-by-linear association and ordinal logistics regression analysis were used for analyzing the data gathered.
Results:The relations between the Motivational Potential Score (MPS) and job characteristics (except for feedback) with job satisfaction were statistically significant (p<0.05). Task identity was the most effective determinant of job satisfaction.
Conclusion: It appears that all the job characteristics (except feedback) are important determinants of job satisfaction of the hospital employees. Although the work environment is in need of restructuring, it is important to note, from a positive perspective, that the job characteristics discussed in this study are readily amenable to change job satisfaction at the organizational level.
A Pourreza, R Khabiri, M Arab, A Akbari Sari, A Rahimi, A Toll,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (4 2009)

Background and Aim: Factors determining the health care-seeking behaviors of an individual are social, cultural, and economic (treatment costs). Utilization of a health care system by a person will, on the whole, depend mainly on the socio-economic and demographic factors, cultural beliefs and practices, gender discrimination and women's status, the economic and political systems, environment, patterns of illness, and the health care system itself. The main objective of the present study was to examine current patterns of health care-seeking behavior in residents of Tehran, Iran in 2007.

Methods and Materials: In a cross-sectional study a two-stage cluster sampling method was used to select neighborhoods at the first stage and households at the second. The sample included a total of 1882 individuals over 18 years old in the households. The data were collected using a questionnaire. For analysis of the data the exact fisher test, X2, and multivariate logistic regression were used the software used was SPAA.3

Results: About 22/9% (431 persons) of the participants reported 1-2 illnesses during the previous month. Multivariate logistic regression indicated that age, sex, perceived severity of the illness, educational level, and marital status were all statistically associated with an attempt to seeking care, whether self-treatment or consulting a health center. The effects of different variables on decisions related to seeking care from a health care center versus self-care were also examined. The data showed that age, sex, perceived severity of the illness, income, educational level, household size, and method of payment were statistically the most significant variables affecting seeking care from a health center.

Conclusion: Based on these findings, it may be concluded that increasing social awareness about side effects of medicines, potential dangers of self-treatment, continuous education and training of physicians and pharmacists, improving health insurance systems and universal insurance coverage will be appropriate strategies for better utilization of health care services by the people.

E Teymoorzadeh, A Rashidian, M Arab, A Akbari Sari, M Ghasemi ,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (4 2009)

Background and Aim: By providing the greatest amount of direct service to patients, nurses play an extremely valuable and unmatched role in the quality and efficiency of care and curative services. Workplace violence is regarded as one of the factors which can reduce job satisfaction and the quality of working life of nurses and their interaction with patients, as well as the work efficiency of nurses and hospitals. In this study, after translating and validating tools of violence measurement in the health sector, the exposure of nurses to psychological violence was measured in a large teaching hospital in Tehran

Methods and Materials: A descriptive-cross sectional design was used in this study in summer of 2009 (1387). The study population included all the nurses (n=413) working in a large teaching hospital in Tehran. The questionnaire used for collecting data was adopted from a standardized questionnaire designed jointly in 2003 by the International Labor Office, the World Health Organization, the International Council of Nurses, and the Public Services International. Analysis of the data was made using the descriptive statistical methods and the Chi square- and t-tests.

Results: Sixty-nine percent of the nurses had experienced workplace violence. The most common forms of violence were verbal abuse (%64) and bullying-mobbing (%29). On the whole, 26% of the nurses had experienced both forms of violence in the previous year, while 335 had not faced any form of violence in their workplace. Nurses working in outpatient clinics and emergency wards experienced the highest number of encounters with verbal abuse. Encounters with bullying and mobbing were more common among female nurses than the male ones. Overall most of the violent behaviors were committed by patients and their relatives.

Conclusion: Exposure of nurses to psychological violence is considerable and comparable to that reported by previous investigators in other countries. Thus it is highly crucial to adopt appropriate management policies aiming, particularly, at educating the medical personnel in ways of preventing and reporting violent behaviors.

M Ranjbar Ezatabadi, M Arab , H Zeraati , A Akbari Sari , H Dargahi ,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (7 2009)

Background and Aim: Domestic violence against women is a serious public health problem and women adopt different solutions to fight against it. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of intimate partner violence and views of women
on adopting ways to fight against it in Arak city, Iran, year 2008.

Methods and Materials: In a cross-sectional study in Arak city in 2008, a total of 1037 women were interviewed. The data collected were analysed statistically.

Results: Findings showed that the common types of abuse were emotional (64.6%), verbal (57.1%), financial (32.3%), and physical (26.8%). The women mentioned that the most efficient ways they chose to counteract the abuses were as follows: resuming talking after the settlement of quarrels (93%), keeping silent on the part of one of the partners (81%), and seeking advice from the older members of the family (81%). The considered going into a temporary sulk (51%) and reciprocation (46%) ineffective methods. Correlations were found between violence on the one hand and education, job, addiction of the spouse, income of the spouse, mental disorder of the partner, and number of children on the other hand (p<0.05).

Conclusion: Results of this study show that a large number of women are subjected to different types of violence. It seems that increasing awareness of married women and girls concerning effective counteractive methods can be an effective step in solving this social problem.

A Pourreza, A Barat, M Hosseini, A Akbari Sari, H Oghbaie,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (27 2010)

Background and Aim: Previous studies show that disability and mortality due to cardiovascular diseases are closely related to socioeconomic status in a community. The objective of this study was to determine the relationships between socioeconomic factors and coronary artery disease (CAD) among people under 45 years old at Shahid Rajaei Hospital, Tehran, Iran.

Materials and Methods: This case-control study was conducted in Shahid Rajaei Hospital, Tehran, Iran in summer 2008. The participants were 100 CAD cases (<45 years old, mean age = 41.2 years 85% men) and 100 controls from among accompanying persons matched for age and gender. In order to assess the risk of factors related to such variables as educational level, occupation, income, social exclusion, social support, stress, exercise, nutritional status, smoking, etc, odds ratio (95% CI) was used. Multinomial logistic regression was used to assess the synchronic effect of the risk factors, and the t-test was used to find differences between means.

Results: The odds ratio (95% CI) for smoking vs nonsmoking was 3.9 (1.9-7.9) for CAD. Individuals with a low educational level showed an odds ratio of 2.7 (1.9-7-9), compared to those with a high educational level. Eating fruits and vegetables at least seven servings a week has an odds ratio of 2.7 (1.01-7.4) vs eating fewer servings. Occupation, job grade and physical activity had statistically significant relationships with CAD. Mean BMI was different between cases and controls. The disease had no significant association with stress, social support, social exclusion or income.

Conclusion: Smoking, a low educational level and eating small amounts of fruits and vegetables were the most important socioeconomic factors contributing to coronary artery disease. Policymaking and planning aiming at improving the socioeconomic situation of the people, particularly those under 45 years old, seem essential.

R Ravangard, M Arab, A Rashidian, A Akbarisari, A Zare, M Salesi, H Zeraati,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (23 2010)

Background and Aim: Length of stay (LOS) in a hospital is one of the best hospital indicators that can be used for various purposes. In this survey, we studied the hospital LOS and its associated factors in Tehran University of Medical Sciences Women's Hospital (a teaching hospital) in Tehran using the Cox proportional hazards semi parametric model and compared the results with the results obtained using the multiple linear regression.

Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive-analytical study in which we reviewed 3421 files of inpatients hospitalized in, and those discharged from, the oncology, surgery and obstetrics units in 2008. The required data were collected using a data collection sheet and inpatient interviews. A P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: The median of patients' LOS in the hospital was 50.8 hours, that in the obstetrics, surgical and oncology units being 48.5, 54.4 and 94.2 hours, respectively. Of all the patients, 2632 (76.9%) had been discharged with a recovery status and the rest (23.1%) with a no-recovery status. Results of the Cox proportional hazards model showed that the following variables had increased LOS: a distance longer than 200 km between a patent's residence and the hospital, hospitalization in the surgery and oncology units, admission on a Thursday, admission by an internist, hospitalization for neoplastic, endocrine, nutritional, or genitourinary system diseases (P<0.005), as well as a high number of diagnostic laboratory tests, radiographies or sonographies (P<0.001). Patients admitted and hospitalized as an emergency case had a shorter LOS (P<0.001) than others. On the other hand, based on the multiple linear regression model results, some occupations (being a worker, a farmer, a stockbreeder, or a retired spouse) admission on a Thursday, (The first day of the weekend in Iran), suffering from a neoplastic disease, and a high number of diagnostic tests or radiographies or sonographies increased, and admission by a resident decreased, patients' LOS (P<0.05).

Conclusion: Considering having censored data, the Cox proportional hazards model is a more suitable model than the multiple linear regression models for identifying factors influencing patients' LOS in a hospital. From among the LOS Cox model's associated factors as identified in this study, policy-makers and managers can only change admission days and the number of diagnostic tests. That is to say, they should try to prevent admission on a Thursday (unless emergency cases) and also perform the required primary diagnostic tests before admitting a patient into the hospital, which would lead to a more effective utilization of hospital beds and other resources.

Akbari Sari A, Z Beheshti Zavare, M Arab, A Rashidian, B Golestan,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (23 2010)

Background and Aim: Pressure ulcer is a common problem and a large drain on hospital resources, especially in wards such as ICU where patients stay for a long time. The aim of this study was to explore the likely factors contributing to pressure ulcers in the ICU units of Tehran University of Medical Sciences teaching hospitals, Tehran, Iran.

Materials and Methods: This project was conducted in all the seven ICUs of four teaching hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences. In the first phase the researcher performed a direct observation of all the 90 patients who were admitted to the ICU units to check the presence of any pressure ulcer. In the second phase, 310 patients discharged from the same ICU units between March 2007 and February 2008 was randomly selected and their medical records reviewed. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data.

Results: Pressure ulcer occurred more frequently in the elderly women patients who were less active and had less mobility, hospitalized for a long time, or those with fever, diabetes, high blood pressure, paralysis, or respiratory diseases. In addition, pressure ulcer was seen more frequently in the patients hospitalized in the general ICUs, as well as in those with infections and different types of tumors.

Conclusion: Using a standard risk assessment tool and paying attention to the main risk factors of pressure ulcer can be a useful method for identifying the high-risk patients before admission in order to prevent them from developing such ulcers.

Shahnaz Rimaz, Shokrolah Mohseni, Effat Sadat Merghati Khoei, Maryam Dastoorpour, Fatemeh Akbari,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (26 2013)

Background and objectives: Relapse after treatment is a common problem among drug addicts in addiction control and prevention programs. About 80% of the addicts relapse into drug abuse within 6 months after treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine factors associated with drug abuse relapse in patients consulting two selected addiction treatment centers in Tehran. 

Material and Methods: In this case-control study, 160 relapsed patients were compared with 160 abstentious patients. A researcher-developed questionnaire was used to collect data. Chi-square test, odds ratio (OR) and logistic regression were performed for data analysis.

Results: The findings showed that factors increasing rate of relapse were smoking after relapse (OR=7.14, CI=3.855-13.244), substance-related cues (OR=6.76, CI= 3.915-11.678), interaction with addict peers (OR=6.38, CI=3.921-10398), malaise (OR=3.93, CI=2.446-6.305), and family conflict (OR=2.04, CI=1.227-3.385). Opium- and dross-addicts were found to be less likely to have a relapse than crack- or pot- users (OR= 0.208, CI-0.128- 0.336). 

Conclusion: The findings of this study reveal that relapse into drug abuse is significantly associated with personal, social, psychological and medical variables. It is recommended to 

integrate family counseling and therapeutic approaches, constant monitoring, and health care in treatment plans in order to reduce the adverse effects of factors such as family conflicts, peer pressure and drug-related cues in patients' likelihood of relapse.   

Mohammad Saleh Koushki, Ali Akbari Sari, Mohammad Arab, Kambiz Ahmadi Engali,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (18 2013)

Background and Aim: The quality of working life is a very important variable in connection with human resources. Therefore, it should be taken into consideration by managers if they aim to improve the capabilities and efficiency of their staff, which will, in turn, lead to improved productivity and economic growth. Productivity is an important factor in the success of hospital nurses too. The objective of this study was to determine the association between the quality of working life and productivity of nurses. Knowledge of this relationship can help plan to improve the nurses' quality of working life and, subsequently, improve their productivity and, ultimately, productivity of a hospital.

Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional correlation study conducted in 2011. The study population was nurses of the Shahid-Beheshti University of Medical Sciences hospitals in Tehran, Iran. Using the randomized stratified multistage sampling method, 380 nurses were selected as the study sample. Data on the nurses' quality of working life and productivity were collected using two questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS-17, the statistical tests being Chi-2, ANOVA, T-test, and the Pearson correlation test.

Results: The findings showed that nurses' quality of work life and productivity were at the middle level, with a mean of 2.47 and 3.07, respectively.  A very small number (1.55%) of the nurses reported that their quality of work life was at a high level, while the majority (82.4%) believed their quality of work life to be at a moderate level. The Pearson correlation test showed a significant positive relationship between the quality of work life and productivity of the nurses (r = 0.66, p-value = 0.001).

Conclusion: Only a low proportion of the nurses report their quality of working life and productivity to be at a high level. Therefore, bearing in mind that a statistically significant relationship exists between the quality of working life and productivity, authorities should atempt to promote the nurses' quality of work life in order to increase their productivity.

Afzal Akbari Baloutbangan, Siyavosh Tlepasand,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background and Aim: Bullying a form of persecution, physical, sexual and psychological one or more students against another student repeatedly over a period of time. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric characteristics of the bullied scale in elementary school.

Materials and Methods: The study population all elementary students in Semnan in the 2013-14 school year. To this end, 607 students of Semnan were selected by using a stratified sampling method. All of them Harter's bullying Scale, Illinois bullying and Harter’s motivation questionnaire to complete. Data in the context two classical theories and the test-questions theory analyzed. Exploratory factor analysis, item-total correlation and reliability analyses were undertaken to assess the psychometric properties of the Harter's bullying Scale. The Sami Jima answers Scaled model Fitness data were used for analysis.

Results: Results showed Harter’s bullying scale of factor is saturated. Rating scale using Cronbach's alpha coefficient bullying Harter’s 0.74 respectively. Harter's bulling scale significant positive correlation with absence from school and with academic motivation, academic achievement and discipline scores showed a significant negative relationship. Data answer questions Harter’s scale with Samejima model had a good fitness and more information about the test showed that the slopes of -0.8 to +2.2 continuums feature.

Conclusions: Persian version of Harter's bullying scale had acceptable psychometric properties and could be used as reliable and valid instrument in psychological research.

Marjan Hossein Pour, Shahrzad Nematollahi, Mohammad Shekari, Abdolhossein Madani, Ali Akbarisari, Ali Ardalan, Elham Torabi, Hossein Shabkhiz, Kourosh Holakoie Naieni,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (3-2016)

Background and Aim: Nowadays, in health promotion and disease prevention great emphasis is put on participatory community-based approaches. These approaches are considered as the main strategy of health promotion by using multiple interventions. Community assessment is a participatory research approach in which problems prioritization and resource distribution are done using information collected in a region aiming at promoting health of the community.

Materials and Methods: In this applied research community assessment was made in the Chahestaniha region in the City of BandarAbbas with the objective of identifying and prioritizing the main problems. The assessment consisted of eight phases, namely, the formation of a community assessment team, Primary and secondary data collection, data analysis and interpretation, combining district-level health statistics with community assessment data, reporting to the community, prioritizing health problems, and prepared a community assessment document.  In the eighth phase, after considering all risk factors that cause high prevalence of Children head lice, the action plan was designed and implemented to solve the problems.

Results: The Chahestaniha community assessment led to identifying 52 problems. The priority problems were classified. High prevalence of lice on children’s head was chosen as the top major problem to be solved, an action plan for solving it was developed and implemented.

Conclusion: The full cycle of community assessment methodology can be applied, with only some small changes, in most communities with different sizes, cultures, traditions and social habits. The method can obtain participation of the people in conducting the study and implementing interventions.

Afzal Akbaribalootbangan, Mahmood Najafi, Jalal Babaee,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Background and Aim: The present research aimed to study the psychometric characteristics of a subjective well-being questionnaire among high school students.

Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive correlational study. A total of 400 high school students (200 boys and 200 girls) in the City of Ghom, Iran were selected by multistage cluster sampling.  Data were collected using the Oxford subjective well-being and happiness inventory questionnaire. Factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient and the Pearson correlation test were used to analyze the data. 

Results: Factor analysis showed that the scale was saturated with four factors. In addition, Pearson correlation test indicated that subjective well-being was positively associated (p < 0.01) with happiness (r=0.27), discipline (r=0.11) and academic achievement (r=0.28). Also the reliability of the subjective well-being questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha was found to be  0.87 for the total scale and 0.69, 0.85, 0.73 and 0.78 for the subscales school connectedness, joy of learning, educational purpose and academic efficacy, respectively; these findings indicate that the tool used was quite good and reliable.

Conclusions: Based on the findings is concluded that the Persian version of the subjective well-being questionnaire is an acceptable tool to determine the psychometric characteristics of high school students and can be used as a valid instrument in psychological research.

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