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Showing 6 results for Bagheri

M Rezaian, F Bagheri , Sh Farnia , Z Babai ,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (7 2003)

In a survey from 1999 to 2001, a total of 354 samples of soil and water were colleted from different areas and examined for the presence of AcanthamoebaandNaegleria spp. After sieving, filtration and centrifugation, samples were examined for the free living protozoa ( amphizoic amoeba ). Concurrently, a sediment of each sample was cultured in the non-nutrient agar medium enriched by E.coli. In the end, 10 Acanthomoeba spp. and 3 Naegleria sp. were isolated. Besides, we diagnosed one case of human Acanthomoeba infection in a person residing in the area.
B Ahmadi , M Alimohamadian , B Golestan , A Bagheri Yazdi, D Shojaeezadeh ,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (3 2006)

Background and Aim: Domestic violence against women is a major public health problem throughout the world. Feelings of shame, guilt and fear on the part of women, together with an unresponsive health care system continue to silence and isolate women who suffer abuse and negligence- with major effects on their physical and mental health. Mental health consequences include depression, anxiety, stress disorders, and somatization. This study estimates the prevalence of domestic violence and its associated effects on the victims' mental health.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study used data from 1189 married women over the age of 15, selected randomly among the residents of Tehran.
The overall prevalence of domestic violence was 35.7%. Thirty percent of the subjects had experienced physical violence, 29% suffered mental violence and 10% had been victims of sexual violence many of these women had suffered all the three types. The most frequent types of physical violence included beating in the form of kicks, punches, and slaps (91%) common types of mental abuse included humiliation, verbal abuse and insults (93%), and threats of violence (83%). Data on mental health status indicate that overall, as many as 34.1% of women could be suffering from disorders such as depression and anxiety. The risk of psychiatric disease was 3.5 times higher in victims of violence compared to other women (OR = 3.5, CI 95% = 2.72 - 4.58). Major factors contributing to domestic violence were husband addiction, low economic status, and the number of children (P<0.001). These results are consistent with the current literature on domestic violence and illustrate the high prevalence of this phenomenon. Victims are commonly depressed and have a higher rate of anxiety.
Conclusion: Violence is an important indicator of women’s health. Screening programs for domestic violence could be effective, along with community support and referral to health care and legal facilities. It is also crucial to promote knowledge and awareness of violence among health care providers. This study shows that a community-wide effort to establish links between health care settings and community services may be important in addressing the needs of victims.
M Shayeghi, M Khoobdel, F Bagheri, M Abtahi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4 2008)

Background and Aim: insecticides are widely used for protecting of agriculture and stored products. Organophosphorus insecticides are used more than other pesticides in agriculture. Therefore the residue of these insecticides in environment such as water may be hazardous to human health. Golestan Province is one of the important agricultural zones in north of Iran. In this area, azinphosmetyl and diazinon widely used for pest control. Garaso and Gorganrood are two important rivers of Golestan Province, which are exist in the near of agricultural lands and gardens, and therefore exposed to insecticides pollutions. Determination of this organophosphorus pesticide residue in water of rivers is important in this area.

Materials and Methods:This is a cross-sectional study, was performed for 1 year, during May 2006 to March 2007. In this research 152 samples from two rivers was sampling and tested. Water sampling from 3 detemined stations in among rivers was performed. azinphosmetyl and diazinon extracted from water samples with used of methylene chloride and acetone and so clean up and concentration phase was done. High performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) was used for quantity and quality assay of insecticides.

Results:The residue of Diazinon and Azinphosmetyl in summer is significantly different from others seasons (P<0.05). The most of azinphosmetyl and diazinon residue was determined in summer. Three other seasons (spring, autumn and winter) are not significantly different in azinphosmetyl and diazinon residue (P>0.05). The means of azinphosmetyl residue in Garaso and Gorganrood in summer was 14.56ppm (±SD= 10.59) and 14.9(±11.67), respectively. The means of diazinon in Garaso and Gorganrood in summer was 22.4ppm (±18.62) and 6.74(±6.89), respectively.

Conclusion: The diazinon residue in spring and summer was more than allowed standard limitation in both rivers (Garaso and Gorganrood). But azinphosmetyl residue only in summer in Garaso river was more than allowed standard limitation.

Mansour Halimi, Manouchehr Farajzadeh, Mehdi Delavari, Hadi Bagheri,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2014)

  Background and Aim: Environmental and ecological factors especially climatic conditions have a significant impact on the prevalence of parasitic diseases. These factors has is more importance in Malaria Incidence and Epidemiology. Malaria as the most important parasitic disease, considered as one of most important public health problem. The climatic factors not only affect the growth and proliferation of the Anopheles mosquito but also affect in Plasmodium activity . In present study we surveyed the malaria situation during 1972 to 2005. In order to the five climatic parameters including mean temperature, total precipitation, number of days with precipitation over 0mm, rainfall distribution index and relative humidity were used as annual average during 1971 to 2005.

  Materials and Methods : we calculate average of annual of climatic parameters for the 31 synoptic stations of Iran Using GIS software. First, using the ordinary Kriging model with spherical a Semi variogram was traced maps of climatic parameters and these factors mean was calculated for each year . Finally, to investigate the relationship between climatic parameters with the prevalence index the Pearson correlation coefficient at 0.9 confidence level (p = 0.10) . was used. A multivariate linear regression model was applied to estimate the prevalence of disease based on the mentioned climatic factors .

  Results : Study of malaria prevalence in 1971 to 2005 showed cases of disease with has a decreasing trend with slope 0.0142 in year that this trend has been accelerated from 1375 . Many cases of disease have been reported one year after increased precipitation . The result showed the weather humidity factors is important than temperature factors in the prevalence of malaria . I general, the developed model is explained 0.48 of changes prevalence time.

  Conclusion: In order to be successful Anti-malaria campaign in Malaria-prone areas in addition different influencing factors climatic factors should be considered .

Amin Bagherikerachi, Hossein Aflakifard, Malihe Karami,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (3-2020)

Background and Aim: This study investigated the role of teachers' assessment of school environment health in predicting their mental health and happiness.         
Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive-correlational study. The statistical population was a group of 254 primary school teachers in the city of Darab, Iran, from whom a sample of 160 was selected by stratified sampling. Happiness and mental health were measured using the Oxford and Gildberg questionnaires, respectively, and teacher’s assessment of environmental health was determined using a researcher-made questionnaire, all the questionnaires being valid and reliable. 
Results: On the whole, 57.23 %, 37.73% and 5.00% of the teachers judged the school environment health to be desirable, moderate and undesirable, respectively. As regards the teachers’ assessment of the school environmental heath, there were statistically significant differences between male and female teachers, local and nonlocal teachers, their field of study (primary education and other fields), schools for boys and for girls, their previous knowledge of health, type of employment (life tenure versus others), and whether they were teaching in health promoting or ordinary schools (p<0.05). The teachers assessment of school environmental health was significantly correlated with happiness and mental health (p<0.0001); their assessment of environmental health could predict 19.8% of happiness changes and 10.2% of mental health changes.        
Conclusion: Judgment of the school environment health by teachers as unfavorable would affect their happiness and mental health.
Shayesteh Vahdani, Mehdi Rezaei, Mansoor Alimahdi, Mohammad Mahdi Shariat Bagheri,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Background and Aim: Public vaccination programs are a way to control the Covid-19 disease. The success of a vaccination program requires the acceptance of the Corona vaccine by the society. The aim of the present study was to predict the acceptance of the Corona vaccine by medical students based on their anxiety, optimism and rumination.
Methods and Materials: This was a descriptive and correlational research. The study population consisted of all the medical students of Azad University, Tehran, Iran during the academic year 2021-2022, from among whom a sample of 509 was selected by the available sampling method. Data were collected using the Acceptance of the Corona Vaccine (KAPC), Anxiety of the Corona Virus (CDAS), Life Orientation (LOT) and Ruminative Responses Scale (RRS) questionnaires. The data were analyzed using the Pearson correlation, partial correlation and standard regression tests.
Results: Data analysis showed that several variables including corona anxiety (with components of mental and physical anxiety), optimism (with components of expectation of a positive outcome and hope for the future) and confidence in the safety of vaccine could positively predict the acceptance of the Corona vaccine. Rumination (with two components of depression symptoms and brooding) negatively predicted the acceptance of corona vaccine. Finally, the reflecting component, age and gender could not significantly predict the acceptance of the Corona vaccine.
Conclusion: To increase the acceptance rate of corona vaccine, paying attention to the roles of psychological factors such as corona anxiety, optimism, trust, and rumination can be helpful.

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