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Showing 14 results for Eftekhar Ardebili

Mh Kaveh , D Shojaezadeh , D Shahmohammadi , H Eftekhar Ardebili , A Rahimi , J Bolhari,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (8 2003)

Approximately 21% of children and adolescents experience signs and symptoms of aDSM-1V disorder during the course of a school year, yet fewer than 20% of those needingmental health services actually receive any. Research suggests that schools and teacherscan help promote mental health, delect children at risk, and refer them for psychiatricassistance. This study aims to determine the effects of an educational intervention onteachers' knowledge, attitude, self-reliance and practice.This study was carried out in 24 State-run elementary schools in the city of Khorramabadin Lorestan province. Iran, during the academic years 2001 - 3.Of the 64 teachers initially selected, 57 agreed to participate in the study 27 of these wereplaced in the intervention group and the remaining 30 in the control group.The intervention group attended a 3-day workshop. Self- administered questionnaireswere filled before and after the workshop, and at the end of the project data were collectedfrom teachers and students. Statistical analysis was done by the SPSS package, usingmainly nonparametric tests.49% of the participants were men, 42% had a high school diploma and others haduniversity degrees. Findings showed significant improvements in teachers' knowledge.attitude, and practice in the intervention group. Nosuchimprovement was observed incontrols. Teachers in the intervention group were able to identify and refer 106 suspectedcases, of whom 79 had a mental disorder confirmed by a psychiatrist. Within the sameperiod, only 2 cases had been referred by the control group. Students' knowledge, themain criteria of teachers' practice in mental health education, had significantly improvedin the intervention but not in the control group. Results suggest that female teachers hadhigher KAP levels than their male colleagues.The study confirms that trained teachers have the capabilities required for participating inSchool - Based Mental Health Services. It also appears that schools are indeed a crucialplace for helping children in need of mental health services.
R Dastjerdi , H Eftekhar Ardebili , A Poorreza , N Assasi , B Golestan ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (4 2004)

We performed a cross sectional study with the aim of assessing levels of habitual physical activity and associated factors (barriers and motivators), finding the stage of change among high school girls, and exploring relationships between physical activity and the following set of factors: age, parent education, type of school attended, knowledge, and attitude. 457 girls in the 1SI to 3rd grade of high school with a mean age of 15.6 (%95.3 cases were 14th to below 17Ih years old) in Tehran&aposs second region of educational office district were selected via proportional-to-size and cluster sampling methods. These girls attended 4 different types of facilities (public and private high schools / public and private vocational schools). The data were gathered through self-administered questionnaires. Our results indicated that %58.6 of students were in pre-contemplation and contemplation stages, while 24.7% were in action and maintenance stages of change.
The mean level of physical activity at work (in school) was 2.22, which was significantly lower than 2.75- the minimum acceptable level of physical activity at work (p<0.00 ). The mean level of sport activity was 2.73, significantly (p<0.001) higher than 2.33 (minimum acceptable level of sport activity). The mean level of physical activity at leisure time was 2.50, which had no significant difference with the minimum acceptable level of 2.50. (Note: all max. acceptable level is 5).
The most important barriers identified were: time constraints, lack of companions, lack of suitably located facilities and a general state of lassitude.
The most important motivators were individual interest, desire to lose weight, company of friends, and support of parents. The level of exercise did not show a significant relationship with age, probably because of the limited range of age categories enrolled in this study. Levels of physical activity at work and sport activity (p=0.004 for and p=0.012 for sport) showed a significant positive relationship with the mother&aposs level of education. No significant relationships were found between any type of physical activity and the father&aposs education. The level of sport activity in private high schools was significantly (p=0.005) higher than in public high schools. On the other hand no significant differences were observed between levels of physical activity in private or public high schools compared to private or public vocational schools. Only sport activity had a significant positive relationship with higher knowledge (p=0.005) and attitude (pO.OOl).
The majority of our population (%58.6) was in pre-cont. and cont. level of stage of change. Therefore more emphasis should be placed on improving health education. We must also teach our teenagers to organize their leisure time so they can do some simple and inexpensive physical activities like brisk walking between home and school or while shopping.

F Zamani Alaviche, H  eftekhar Ardebili , N Bashardost , T Marashi , A Naghibi ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (4 2004)

The goal of this study is to evaluate women&aposs behaviors while their family planning programs fail or facing unwanted pregnancy. This is a cross-sectional study. The population is all 15-49 years pregnant women (788 people) in the villages (62 villages) of Najaf Abad City having active health center. Data were gathered through interview and their profiles. They were recorded in questionnaires.T test and X2 were used to analyze data.
The results showed that high-risk behaviors happen %44/3 more when family planning program fails. 105 (%31/72) of women having unwanted pregnancy did unsuccessful activities in order to end their pregnancy. The activities are different. %35 was physical such as: hitting, lifting heavy objects or using unhealthy vulva objects, %28/6 used injection, %9/5 eat chemical and plant medicine. And the other used two or three ones together. Women showed good behaviors in %91 of wanted pregnancy and %45 of unwanted pregnancy. There is significant relationship (p=0/001) between dealing with pregnancy and it&aposs being wanted and unwanted. There is also significant relationship (p=0/Q01) between women&aposs education and their behaviors toward pregnancy. According to the research findings more than one third of women did high-risk activities when a family planning program fails or facing unwanted pregnancy. These certainly influence their own and their family mental and physical health. So role of the prevention, counseling techniques and women&aposs support must be considered more than before. Society should be become aware of the unwanted pregnancy symptoms.

L Moghadam Banaem , H Eftekhar Ardebili , F Majlesi , A Rahimi Foroushani , A.r Amini Manesh ,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3 2007)

Background and Aim: We studied 1800 pregnant women receiving routine prenatal care in the urban and rural health centers of Shahr-e-Rey in south of Tehran, for a comparative assessment of 5-minute neonatal Apgar Scores in wanted versus unwanted pregnancies.

Material and Methods: The subjects were studied in 2 groups, each comprising 900 pregnant women. Group A consisted of mothers with wanted pregnancy and group B of mothers with unwanted pregnancy. Inclusion criteria were gestational age less than 28 weeks at the time of entering the study. The two groups were followed through their prenatal care to the time of delivery. For each neonate, we extracted the 5-minute Apgar score from the birth certificate.

For a more precise assessment, the impact of conditions affecting the Apgar score of newborns (such as normal vaginal delivery vs. caesarean section, premature birth, low birth weight, congenital anomalies, and birth place (hospital and health center, or house) was assessed by logistic regression.

Results: We found 15 cases (0.4%) of low 5-minute Apgar score (under 8) among newborns of wanted pregnancies and 4 such cases (1.1%) among those of unwanted pregnancies. The difference between the 2 groups was significant (P= 0.011). After applying the logistic regression model to adjust for other factors, unwanted pregnancies still had a significant association with low Apgar scores (increasing the risk 3-fold).The attributable risk for low 5-minute Apgar score in unwanted pregnancies was 0.54 (CI.95 = 0.132 to 0.813).

Conclusion: The estimated attributable risk means that with 95% confidence, between 13.2% and 81.3% of the low Apgar scores could have been prevented by eliminating unwanted pregnancy. As there have been no similar studies in Iran, more research with larger samples must be performed to assess these results more precisely.

M Firouzbakht, H Eftekhar Ardebili, F Majlesi, A Rahimi, M Ansari Dezfooli, M Esmailzadeh ,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (5 2008)

Background and Aim: Hearing impairment is one of the most common congenital defects. Unfortunately there have been no studies so far on the prevalence of various degrees of neonatal hearing, loss in Iran. As accurate determination of prevalence is crucial in estimating disease burden and planning subsequent interventions, we carried out this study to determine the prevalence of neonatal hearing impairment.

Materials and Methods: In this study, we assessed the prevalence of hearing loss among the newborns in province capitals and also looked at the role of some putative risk suggested by the Joint committee on Infant Hearing (JCIH). In this research, 76500 newborns who had undergone audiologist-administered screening tests were assessed by a special questionnaire designed specifically for this study.

Results: After trapshooting the overall prevalence of hearing loss was estimated and then cases were classified as moderate (40 - 65 db HL), severe (65 - 90 db HL), or profound (>90 db HL) hearing loss. Among the newborns examined, a total of 362 were diagnosed with hearing loss and hence the overall prevalence was estimated at 4.7 per thousand 168 cases had moderate (2.2 × 10 -3), 114 cases had severe (1.5 × 10 -3) and 80 cases had profound (1.1 × 10 -3) hearing loss.The prevalence rate ranges from 2-3 × 10 -3 (in Hamedan and Mazandaran) to 7-8 × 10 -3 (in Yazd and Chaharmahal-Bakhtiari). In newborns with a family history of sensory-neural hearing loss the prevalence was 16 × 10 -3, compared to 18 × 10 -3 in those requiring blood transfusions, 15 × 10 -3 in newborns with a history of admission to neonatal intensive care units, 17 × 10 -3 in those with craniofacial anomalies, and 19 × 10 -3 in newborns with birth weights below 1500 grams. The sample included 39376 boys and 37124 girls 193 boys (5 × 10 -3) and 169 girls (4.6 × 10 -3) were affected. The stratified prevalence in males (193) was 477 × 10 -3 for intermediate, 311 × 10 -3 for severe and 202 × 10 -3 for profound deafness. The rates in the female population were 437 × 10 -3 for intermediate, 320 × 10 -3 for severe and 273 × 10 -3 for profound hearing loss.

Conclusion: The results confirm the need for extensive neonatal screening programs, and the significant difference in prevalence between high-risk groups and the normal population provides justification for continuous audiologic screening in this group of newborns.

H Mohamadian, H Eftekhar Ardebili, A Rahimi Foroushani, M.h Taghdisi, D Shojaiezade,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (20 2011)

Background and Aim: Presently not sufficient attention is paid to adolescent health promotion in many countries, because of the widespread belief that adolescents are generally healthy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate predictors of adolescent girls' quality of life using path analysis based on Pender's health promotion model.

Materials and Methods: The Pender's health promotion model served as the framework of this cross-sectional study, which included a total of 500 adolescent girls (grades 9-11) selected by stratified random sampling from 20 high schools for girls in 4 districts of Kashan province, Iran. Inclusion criteria were being in grades 9-11 and a written informed consent (from teachers, parents and the girls themselves). Data were collected through interviewing the girls, the interviewers being trained persons, using several standard questionnaires (for perceived self-efficacy, perceived affect, perceived barriers, perceived social support health promoting lifestyle, and health-related quality of life). Data analysis was done using SPSS18 and LISREL 8.8, the statistical test being path analysis.

Results: All constructs of the health promotion model and health promoting lifestyle were significantly related to adolescent girls' quality of life. Perceived self-efficacy (β=0.70, p<0/01) and perceived affect (β=0.21, p<0/01) had the highest correlation with the quality of life. The model and the health-promoting lifestyle as a mediator accounted for 73% and 39% of variance in adolescent girls' quality of life, respectively.

Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that the health promotion model can be used to explain and predict the quality of life of adolescent girls. Thus, the Pender's health promotion model is recommended to health planners for promoting the quality of life in this population.

Alireza Didarloo, Davood Shojaeizadeh, Hasan Eftekhar Ardebili, Shamseddin Niknami, Ebrahim Hajizadeh, Mohammad Alizadeh,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (21 2011)

Background and Aim: Many studies show that the only way to control diabetes and prevent its debilitating complications is continuous self-care. This study aimed to determine factors affecting self-care behavior of diabetic women in Khoy City, Iran based the extended theory of reasoned action (ETRA).

Materials and Methods: A sample of 352 women with type 2 diabetes referring to a Diabetes Clinic in Khoy City in West Azarbaijan Province, Iran participated in the study. Appropriate instruments were designed to measure the relevant variables (diabetes knowledge, personal beliefs, subjective norm, self-efficacy and behavioral intention, and self-care behavior) based on ETRA. Reliability and validity of the instruments were determined prior to the study. Statistical analysis of the data was done using the SPSS-version 16 software.

Results: Based on the data obtained, the proposed model could predict and explain 41% and 26.2% of the variance of behavioral intention and self-care, respectively, in women with type-2 diabetes. The data also indicated that among the constructs of the model perceived self-efficacy was the strongest predictor for intention for self-care behavior. This construct affected both directly and indirectly self-care behavior. The next strongest predictors were attitudes, social pressures, social norms, and intervals between visiting patients by the treating team.

Conclusion: The proposed model can predict self-care behavior very well. Thus, it may form the basis for educational interventions aiming at promoting self-care and, ultimately, controlling diabetes.

Zohreh Sadat Mirsaeedi, Hassan Eftekhar Ardebili, Keramat Allah Nouri Jalyani,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (18 2013)

Background and Aim: The most important single determinant of the quality of life of the elderly is health. Studies have shown that health declines with age. Because of high vulnerablity of the elderly due to many problems, they need particular attention and self-care programs for their health promotion. The objective of this study was to assess the quality of life of elderly clients under coverage of the Southern Tehran Health Center and determine the effects of a self-care program on it.

Materials and Methods: This was a controlled interventional study conducted in 2010-2011. A total of 132 elderly clients (52 in the intervention, and 80 in the control, group) were selected by randomised cluster sampling from 5 Health Care Centers in Southern Tehran. A 3-month educational program was prepared with contents based on books published by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and implemented. The quality of life was assessed in both groups at the beginning and 2 months after the intervention using a short questionnaire (sf36). Data were collected through a structured interview (demographic characterstics) and analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistical tests.

Results: The mean quality-of-life score of the experimental group increased after education the mean score of physical domain of the quality of life increased from 52.75 in 66.11 and that of the emotional domain from 53.61 to 70.85. The scores of different domains of quality of life of the control subjects did not change significantly.

Conclusion: The findings show that a self-care educational program can have a positive affect on quality of life of the elderly.

Hashem Mohammadian, Gholamabbas Moosavi, Hasan Eftekhar Ardebili,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Background and Aim: This study aimed gender variations about adolescents' health-related quality of life. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on four hundred students selected by a Stratified random sampling. Two-way analysis of variance was used for the analysis of total health-related quality of life scores among boys and girls in terms of demographic factors. Data analysis was conducted with software SPSS 18 and LISREL8.8 programs. Results: There were important differences in health-related quality of life total score between boys and girls in relevance rank of birth, level of education and BMI. Although, these differences weren't statistically significant (p>0.05), Girls’ reports were higher compared to boys except for the emotional functioning subscale. Conclusions: Teachers and parents should make great efforts for meet the requirements and difficulties of emotional and behavioral in adolescent girls. It is Necessary to execute coping mechanisms by the training consultants to minimize stress and anxiety for the mother to be.
Hassan Eftekhar Ardebili, Farhad Lashkar Boloki, Abolghasem Jazayeri, Mohammad Ariaei, Mansoureh Minaei,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (10-2014)

  Background an Aim: Aging trend especially in developing country is increasing. This study aimed to assess the nutritional status of the elderly and its associated factors in Gorgan .

  Materials and Methods: This is a cross sectional study that two-stage cluster sampling method was used for considering participant. The data were collected using Mini Nutritional Assessment and anthropometric questionnaire which was referred to the elderly inhabitant in urban area. 541 elder were interviewed and data were analyzed by chi square, independent T test and one way ANOVA tests.

  Results : The prevalence of malnutrition was %4/8 and nearly %44/7 of the elderly were at the risk of malnutrition. %51/9 of the elderly were on a special diet due to a disease or specific condition. Malnutrition frequency and the risk of it were higher in woman than men and the difference between sexes was statistically significant. BMI, mid arm circumference and calf circumference measures in elderly with malnutrition were less than elderly with good nutrition, and the difference was statistically significant

  Conclusion: The risk of malnutrition in elderly who exposed to socio-economic, mental and also dental difficulties, living alone and female old age was higher than others groups. The implementation of supportive and nutritional programs is more important in this group.

Hashem Mohammadian, Seyed Gholam Abbas Mousavi, Hasan Eftekhar Ardebili, Jafar Kord Zanganeh,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (3-2015)


  Background and Aim: It is known that personal behavior influences one’s health. The present study was designed to investigate lifestyle of non-medical students of governmental and private (Azad) universities in Kashan, Iran and factors affecting it.

  Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 520 non-medical students in Kashan, Iran, selected by convenience sampling, in academic year 2013-14. Data on demographic characteristics and health behaviors were collected using standard valid questionnaires, for the latter the questionnaire being the Pender’s Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II (HPLP II). The data were analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, followed by t-test, and U Mann-Whitney test to compare the means of the two populations. 

  Results: The m ean age of the students was 21.75 ± 2.5 years. Their overall health-promoting lifestyle score was of 2.43 (SD = 0.38). This score, as well as scores for the subcategories ─ nutritional behavior, spiritual development, physical activity, health responsibility, and stress management ─ were lower for the subjects with an experience of stressful events. Further analysis of the data showed that t here were significant differences between boys and girls as regards physical activity (P = 0.000), between single and married students as regards nutritional status (P = 0.032), and between working and non-working students as regards spiritual development (P = 0.014).

  Conclusion: The findings indicate that experienced stressful events lay the ground for the adoption of risky behaviors in university students. Therefore, universities should design and implement programs aiming at improving lifestyle of the students and promoting their health.

Elham Gheysvandi, Hassan Eftekhar Ardebili, Kamal Azam, Mohammad Reza Vafa, Mojtaba Azadbakht, Tohid Babazadeh, Shadi Fathizadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (9-2015)

  Background and Aim : Milk and dairy products provide more than 50% of the calcium requirement in the daily diet of Iranians. In order to promote adolescents’ health and prevent the devastating effects of osteoporosis in adulthood, appropriate action should be taken to increase milk consumption among adolescents. The objective of this study was to increase milk and dairy products consumption among eighth-grade girl-pupils in Kamyaran City, Iran through designing and implementing an educational program based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB).


  Materials and Methods : This was a quasi-experimental study conducted in 2014, including a total of 168 eighth-grade girl-pupils from two (out of six) schools, one as the intervention and the other as the control group, selected randomly by cluster sampling. The intervention group received education in 4 sessions, the educational tools being a pamphlet and a poster. Data were collected on the TPB constructs, food intake (by 24-hour dietary recall), and frequency of milk and dairy product intakes during the previous 3 days. All the participants completed the questionnaires at the beginning and 3 months after the intervention. The data were analyzed using the SPSS-18 software, the statistical tests being chi-square, independent-t and paired t-tests.

  Results : The intervention brought about statistically significant increases in the mean scores of behavior intention, attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control (p<0/001). In addition, an increase was observed in the frequency of milk and dairy product intake, which was 0.36 units per day initially (p<0/001).


  Conclusion : Considering the effectiveness and low cost of this intervention, expanding this program can potentially lead to a rise in milk and dairy products consumption among the pupils.

Soodabeh Yarmohammadi, Hassan Eftekhar Ardebili, Mahmood Mahmoodi, Seyed Abolghasem Jazayeri, Maryam Chamari,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (9-2015)

  Background and Aim: Nutritional knowledge acquired by young girls as would-be mothers will play an important role in children’s and family health protection and promotion in the future. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of an educational program based on the BASNEF model on the nutritional behavior among guidance school first-grade female-students.


  Materials and Method: This was an interventional study carried out in the form of a clinical trial including 160 female-pupils divided into two groups ─ a case and a control group ─ randomly selected by two-stage sampling, namely, classification and cluster sampling. The data gathering tool was a questionnaire. Education about healthy nutrition was imparted to the case group in 4 60-minute sessions in the form of lectures, group discussions, and question-answer in addition, pamphlets were distributed among the subjects. Data were collected and analyzed using the SPSS-18 software, the statistical tests being Chi-square, fisher , independent and paired t-tests.

  Results: The data showed that the mean scores of knowledge and BASNEF model components as regards nutritional behavior increased after the intervention in the case, they being higher significantly in the case group as compared to the controls. The most important subjective norms after the intervention were the pupils’ parents .


  Conclusions : The findings indicate that a 3-month educational intervention based on the BASNEF model can bring about desirable changes in some of the undesirable nutritional behaviors in guidance school pupils, and that designing and implementing interventions of this kind, with the support of health and school authorities, is quite feasible.

Masoumeh Dashtian, Hasan Eftekhar Ardebili, Kambiz Karimzadeh Shirazi, Mostafa Shahmoradi, Kamal Azam,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (9-2017)

Background and Aim: Self-care has a vital role in the control and prevention of complications in patients with Type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), two important behaviors in self-care being medication adherence and physical activity. Regular physical activity has been shown to improve glycemic control, reduce blood pressure, reduce lipids and improve cardiorespiratory fitness in individuals with T2DM. In addition, medication adherence is a key factor in controlling and decreasing the risk of related complications. This study aimed to determine and predict the most important factors affecting the levels of physical activity and medication adherence in patients with T2DM based on the theory of planned behavior.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study, based on the planned behavior theory, was performed on 160 selected men and women with T2DM referring to urban health centers in Yasuj, Iran in 2016; the selection was done by random cluster sampling. Data on medication adherence and physical activity were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS version 20 software, the statistical tests being descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression; a p<0/05 was considered to indicate statistical significance.

Results: Altogether, 45% and 43% of the patients had a low and medium level of physical activity, respectively, only 12% having an acceptable level. The adherence to medication was much better ─ 76% had a good adherence. As regards the planned behavior theory constructs, perceived behavior control had a significant relationship with physical activity and medication adherence. Results of multiple linear regression also showed that perceived behavior control was a predictive variable for physical activity level and medication adherence in the patients.

Conclusion: Based on the findings, which indicate that the most important construct is perceived behavior control as regards medication adherence and level of physical activity, it is concluded that it is vital to strengthen the self-care component of health programs and support such programs.

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