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Showing 13 results for Ghasemi

F Dehghan Manshadi, M Ghasemi, A.r Soltani, B Pashaii,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (7 2004)

M Ghasemi , F Dehghan , A Rezasoltani , H Shaikhzadeh ,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (2 2005)

The aim of this study was to detect the level of the workers’ knowledge and their function regarding the care of lumbar spine. Some researchers have reported that increased knowledge of the workers, even when they have received specific training, does not cause any major changes in their back’s health and function. However, some research has shown a significant relationship between increased knowledge and improved worker function. Other research has shown that Back School instruction is effective in raising the level of knowledge in workers. This research was carried out using two questionnaires that assessed the level of knowledge and function of workers in a car company. The questions were designed in four groups relating to: (1) goods and load properties and methods of carrying and handling, (2) worker’s posture at work, (3) physical exertion, (4) tools and conditions of the workplace. Measures of outcome included the workers&apos function and the knowledge. We found that the workers&apos knowledge fell into one of 3 categories: low (%11), moderate (57%), and high (%32). We also found that %52 of workers had weak function, while %18 had moderate, and %2 had high function levels. Twenty-eight percent of workers showed function levels below that of the “low” category. In brief , our research showed that the level of the workers’ knowledge of the appropriate methods of work in relation to their back was in an acceptable range. However, this function level was associated with low knowledge levels. No significant relationship was found between the workers’ knowledge levels and their functional improvement.
E Teymoorzadeh, A Rashidian, M Arab, A Akbari Sari, M Ghasemi ,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (4 2009)

Background and Aim: By providing the greatest amount of direct service to patients, nurses play an extremely valuable and unmatched role in the quality and efficiency of care and curative services. Workplace violence is regarded as one of the factors which can reduce job satisfaction and the quality of working life of nurses and their interaction with patients, as well as the work efficiency of nurses and hospitals. In this study, after translating and validating tools of violence measurement in the health sector, the exposure of nurses to psychological violence was measured in a large teaching hospital in Tehran

Methods and Materials: A descriptive-cross sectional design was used in this study in summer of 2009 (1387). The study population included all the nurses (n=413) working in a large teaching hospital in Tehran. The questionnaire used for collecting data was adopted from a standardized questionnaire designed jointly in 2003 by the International Labor Office, the World Health Organization, the International Council of Nurses, and the Public Services International. Analysis of the data was made using the descriptive statistical methods and the Chi square- and t-tests.

Results: Sixty-nine percent of the nurses had experienced workplace violence. The most common forms of violence were verbal abuse (%64) and bullying-mobbing (%29). On the whole, 26% of the nurses had experienced both forms of violence in the previous year, while 335 had not faced any form of violence in their workplace. Nurses working in outpatient clinics and emergency wards experienced the highest number of encounters with verbal abuse. Encounters with bullying and mobbing were more common among female nurses than the male ones. Overall most of the violent behaviors were committed by patients and their relatives.

Conclusion: Exposure of nurses to psychological violence is considerable and comparable to that reported by previous investigators in other countries. Thus it is highly crucial to adopt appropriate management policies aiming, particularly, at educating the medical personnel in ways of preventing and reporting violent behaviors.

Y Mohammadi, M Javaheri, L Mounesan, Kh Rahmani, K Holakouie Naeini, A Madani, F Ghasemi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (10 2010)

Background and Aim: Community involvement is the most important strategy in development. In health program planning, community assessment is a process in which society members get a thorough understanding of all matters, problems, resources, weaknesses, strengths, needs, and surveillance related to health by collecting, analyzing, and publishing relevant data and information. This study was conducted to identify and prioritize problems of the Chahestani region, a poor region in Bandar-Abbas city, Iran, with active participation of the people.

Materials and Methods: The study was based on a model designed in North Carolina, US.  In this model, the assessment process is performed in eight steps.  In the first seven steps problems are identified and prioritized, and in step 8 a plan of action is developed to deal with the problem selected.

Results: A total of 60 problems were identified, of which the following were considered to be top priorities: lack of responsibility of the authorities, insecurity, unemployment, poverty, sewerage disposal, insufficient water, insufficient electricity,  unpaved roads, lack of green space, and dirty streets and passages.  

Conclusion: Most of the problems identified were non-health problems, including social, cultural, and economic issues.

M Ghasemi, G Nasl Saraji, A Zakerian, M Azhdari,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (10 2010)

Background and Aim: Today in many work environments, such as nuclear, military and chemical industries, human errors may result in disasters. Accidents in different parts of the world bear evidence to this examples are the Chernobyl disaster (1986), the Three Mile Island accident (1974), and the Flixborough explosion (1974). Thus, identification of human error, especially in complex and intricate systems, and devising control measures are essential.

Materials and Methods: This project was a case study conducted in Zagross Methanol Company in Asalouye (South Pars), Iran. The walking-talking-through method was used to collect the required data and complete the Systematic Human Error Reductive and Predictive Approach (SHERPA) worksheets. The process experts and control room operators were interviewed and technical documents of the Company examined.

Results: Analysis of the SHERPA worksheets indicated that the majority (48.62%) of the 222 errors identified were action errors, followed by checking errors (31.97%), retrieval errors (6.75%), selection errors (0.9%), and communication errors (11.7%).

Conclusion: The results of this study show that the method can be used effectively in different industries, especially chemical industries, to identify human errors that may potentially lead to dangerous situations and accidents.

N Abolghasemi, E Merghatikhoei, H Taghdissi,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (21 2010)

Background and Aim: Sex education of children, a complex issue in any culture, has always been a controversial subject. Schools can play a vital role in imparting sex education to children, particularly in more conservative communities. The objective of this study was to find out primary school teachers' beliefs, attitudes, values, and understandings regarding sex education of school pupils.

Materials and Methods: In this qualitative study we employed a community-based approach to design the project. Purposeful, voluntary and maximum variation sampling was used to recruit 22 teachers from selected schools in Western Tehran (21 female and 1 male teacher). Information was collected in 4 focus-group discussion sessions. Grounded theory and thematic analysis were used.

Results: Findings revealed three major themes: 1) organizational role, 2) institution construction, and 3) individual characteristics. These themes were described by subthemes as follows: 1. for organizational role: organizational culture and policies 2. for institution construction: family and educational institutions 3. for individual characteristics: biology, gender, instincts, curiosity, knowledge, and behaviors.

Conclusion: From the participants' point of views, the school and the family are two important institutions in children sex education. However, teachers are not sufficiently competent in sex behavior education. Inappropriate policies, resource limitations, and the family cultural structure are obstacles in sex education of children in schools. The participants believe the following are priorities in children's sex education: changing cultural attitudes in organizations and institutions, such as cultural diffusion sound training approaches in sex-related topics providing sufficient resources improving knowledge and skills of teachers in the area of sex education of pupils and effective interaction between families and school authorities.

A Mazlomi, M Hamzeiyan Ziarane, A Dadkhah, M Jahangiri, M Maghsodipour, P Mohadesy, M Ghasemi ,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (20 2011)

Background and Aim: Today in most of the work environments, such as nuclear, military and chemical industries, human error may result in catastrophic events. A common characteristic of large technological systems is that massive amounts of potentially dangerous materials are kept in one single unit controlled by control room operators. A control room is indeed the heart of a system of this type and any error in task performance by the operators may have undesirable consequences which could never be compensated. In this study we aimed to identify and assess human errors in the control room of the Aromatic Unit of Bouali-Sina Petrochemical Company, Iran using the CREAM method.
Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional and analytical-descriptive study carried out in the control room of the Aromatic Unit of Bouali-Sina Petrochemical Company, Iran with 39 operators. After a job analysis by the hierarchical task analysis (HTA), probable control modes and cognitive failure probability were determined for occupational tasks using the basic and the extended CREAM methodologies.
Results: Based on the results of the basic CREAM method, control modes for the tasks of action, Boardman and shift control supervisor were determined as Opportunistic Control mode, while for the task of control room head it was obtained as Tactical control mode. With regard to the error types, the following results were obtained on the basis of the extended method of CREAM: execution failure (51.70%), interpretation failure (19.55%), planning failure (14.94%), and observation failure (13.81%).
Conclusion: The basic CREAM method showed the common performance factors (CPCs) leading to reduced performance reliability to be the number of simultaneous tasks, time of day (circadian rhythm), and adequacy and quality of training and experience. These factors caused the operators to choose an opportunistic control mode. In addition, based on the extended CREAM method results, the most noticeable cognitive failure was execution failure. In addition, the most important cognitive activities related to the control process in the control room were communication, execution, diagnosis, monitoring, and planning. Based on these findings, providing instructions and guidelines for work procedures, holding training courses, shift work scheduling, optimization of the communication systems and modifications in the control software are essential to minimize human errors in the Bouali Sina Petrochemical Company control room.
Naria Abolghasemi, Effat Sadat Merghati Khoie,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (13 2012)

Background and Aim: Demographic, physical, social and psychological factors make breastfeeding and its maintenance complex. Despite extensive breastfeeding promotion programs, no progress has been achieved. As breastfeeding is a phenomenon embedded in culture and folk perceptions, identification of its key determinants is essential when designing policies and implementing programs.

Materials and Methods: In this qualitative study, data were collected from 35 health professionals through a 4-day group interview using a structured questionnaire (open-end questions). The participants were purposefully recruited from among the health professionals attending a 4-day breastfeeding promotion workshop.

Results: The determinants of breastfeeding were categorized into 2 main domains, namely, people's perception of breastfeeding phenomenon and approaches employed in its promotion. The former domain was described by beliefs, demographic characteristics, social variables, and indigenous theories, and the later by practice in the cultural and social context, policies, interactions and practical skills.

Conclusion: From the participants' perspective, misperceptions of people can determine the degree of success or failure of a breastfeeding promotion program. Our findings confirm that people's perceptions are deeply influenced by their demographic characteristics, folk theories and social variables. As regards the breastfeeding promotion domain, the barriers are social-cultural factors rooted in the local beliefs and folk theories. The participants listed the breastfeeding promotion determinants as lactation policies and health providers' performance related to their skill in effective communication with mothers. Our findings also indicate that wrong beliefs, maternal and child diseases, caesarian section, and mothers' employment were believed to be deterrents in promoting breastfeeding in the community and that pediatricians, obstetricians and other health professionals can play key roles in the field. Based on our findings, we can further conclude that the phenomenon of breastfeeding and its maintenance are deep-rooted in social structure and cultural diversity. When designing and implementing breastfeeding promotion programs, local variables and determinants should be taken into consideration. 

Effat Merghati Khoie, Naria Abolghasemi, Mohammad Hossein Taghdisi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (11-2013)

  Background and A im : sexual health in children is difficult subject, does not deal with it formal method. Importance of Sex education of children is accepted in the world. The aim of this paper is describing the concept of sexual health from the viewpoint of children's famil y and identification norms of child sex education and determining sex education priorities of the parent's viewpoint.

  Materials and Methods: This is qualitative study. Samples were selected by targeted method of student's parents of five regional educated o f Tehran. Data were collected by focus group interview and discussion and were analyses by subject and content analysis.

The findings were classified in three main areas: 1) Family management 2) the role of school 3) framework of the religion an d traditions.


  C ONCLUSION onclusion : Most participants believed sexual health behavior in children is not health indicators. They implemented their family policies in management of Sexual behavior o f their children. In Family control was meant: restriction of sexual behavior in child as a norm. Culture of silence and connivance in management of children's behavior has become norm, because child's sexual behavior is inconsistent with traditional values of family. In identifying priorities of sexual education of children, progression interaction between home and school was known as the most deficits. They are acting their internal values in educational system of children because their conflict of values, norms and tastes difference has not been challenge. It is important and priority of parents to being prepared for the management of their children's sexual behavior .

Effat Merghati Khoei, Narges Hoseini Nia, Nasim Abolghasemi, Sanaz Ommaty, Fereshteh Golshani, Alireza Bayat,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (12-2016)

Background and Aim: Substance abuse and risky sexual behaviors are intermingled. Both subjects, however, are highly sensitive issues culturally in some societies such as Iran, making assessment of sexual behaviors difficult and challenging. It is particularly difficult to assess and study risky sexual behaviors in the drug-using population. Thus, it seems essential to develop and validate a comprehensive native instrument specific for the Iranian drug-using population to screen their risky sexual behaviors and in treatment settings.

Materials and Methods: A thorough literature review was made to find a tool utilized in addiction treatment settings.  The Sex and Drug History Form (SDHF) was translated into Persian. Clients (n = 107) referred to the sexual health clinic in the Iranian National Center for Addiction Studies (INCAS) were selected randomly. Questionnaires were completed through face-to-face interviews by trained research assistants. Data analysis was done using the Cronbach`s alpha and exploratory factor analysis.

Results: Cronbach`s alpha was found to be 0.78. Using the principal component analysis, the Sex and Drug Screening Scale (SDSS) revealed 78.6 of the total variance in two main domains, namely, drug-use behaviors and sexual behaviors. The number of subscales in the original instrument, which was 3, increased to 6.

Conclusion: Substance abuse and addiction significantly affect one's sexual behaviors and safety. The Sex and Drug Screening Scale will enable health workers and therapists to assess the patients' sexual health and risky behaviors at admission, which will facilitate planning, implementing and evaluating intervention programs aiming at treating addiction.

Mohammad Hossein Mehrolhasani, Noura Rafiee, Sara Ghasemi,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (11-2020)

Background and Aim: The “Package for mental and social health promotion and drug abuse prevention” was developed in response to the importance of, and concerns relate to, the mental and social health in the population. Since any policy and plan needs to be assessed to find its weaknesses, strengths and challenges to ensure its successful implementation, this study aimed to find and explain the executive leadership challenges of this service package from the service provider's perspective.
Materials and Methods: This study was a qualitative research, the data being collected through interviews and reviewing the relevant documents. The research population included experts from Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran, those in charge of the package implementation, urban community health center officials and health care providers. The interviewees were selected using a targeted sampling method.
Results: Based on the interviews, the findings were categorized into four main themes: low public cooperation, difficulty in communication, missing links in design and implementation of packages, and methods of payment to service providers. In addition, the findings based on reviewing the documents were grouped as objectives, plans, activities, target groups, and interventions related to this service package.
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the implementation challenges of the mental health care package fall into three categories, namely, policy-making, facilities, and personal challenges. Proper changes and reforms at the public policy-making level, creating individual awareness and providing proper facilities for the implementation of the package can help overcome these challenges.
Hossein Torkmani, Mehdi Ghasemi Motlagh, Behrang Ismaili Shad, Mohammad Mohammadipour,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (6-2022)

Background and Aim: Considering the harms and dangers of addiction and the fact that many people are trapped in it every day, it is important to identify the variables that affect it. The aim of this study was to predict the tendency to addiction among university students based on initial maladaptive schemas and cognitive emotion regulation.
Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study. The statistical population consisted of all the 3548 students of Gonbad Kavous Payame-Noor University in the academic year 2019-20, from among whom a sample of 384 students was selected using the one-stage cluster random sampling method. The data collection tools were the following 3 questionnaires: early maladaptive schema (Young, 2005), cognitive emotion regulation (Garnefski & Kraaij, 2001) and addiction tendency (Wade and Butcher, 1992). Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression were used to analyze the data using the SPSS software version 22 at a statistical significance level of 0.05.
Results: Data analysis showed correlations between addiction and the following variables: excessive ringing in the ears (r = 0.491, p = 0.001), being guided by others (r = 0.523, p = 0.001), disturbed constraints (0.001 >, r = 0.426 p), impaired function (r = 0.389, p = 0.001), discontinuation (r = 0.406, p <0.001) and cognitive emotion regulation (p> 475, <0.001). 0r =). In addition, the results of multiple linear regression analysis showed the following: excessive ringing (β= 0.203, p = 0.001), being guided by others (β= 0.274, p = 0.001), disturbed constraints (β= 0.261, p = 0.001), impaired function (β= 0.229, p = 0.001), discontinuation (β= 0.193, p <0.001) and cognitive emotion regulation (β= 0.315, p = 0.001). 
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, the average tendency to addiction among university students can be predicted by changing the initial maladaptive schemas and improving the cognitive emotional regulation.
Atefeh Modabernejhad, Seyed Samad Beheshty, Vahid Ghasemi, Ramin Moradi,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Background and Aim: Considering the destructive consequences of corruption in Iran’s healthcare system, the present study aimed to explain the roots and causes of corruption prevalence in this system.
Materials and Methods: This was a qualitative study with quantitative content analysis conducted in Iran’s Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MHME). Data were collected based on in-depth interviews with 13 experts in the MHME headquarters selected by theoretical and snowball sampling. The unit of analysis of the interviews was the sentence and the conducted interviews were analyzed through thematic analysis using the Shannon Entropy index.
Results: Data analysis showed that legislative fields with an importance coefficients (IC) of 0.293 ranked first, followed by social and cultural fields (IC 0.26), economic fields (IC 0.175), decision-making fields and organizational factors (IC 0.174), and, finally, individual factors and micro-level fields (IC 0.102).
Conclusion: Considering the importance coefficient of individual factors and micro-level fields,
it can be concluded that the personality and individual characteristics of the experts/relevant persons are less important in the corruption occurrence, while the legal, social and cultural variables paly crucial roles in explaining corruption in the Iran’s healthcare system.

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