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Showing 9 results for Imani

K Holakuei Naieni , H Ladonni , H Asle Soleimani , Sh Afhami , M Shayeghi ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (4 2004)

Hospitals are habitually thought of as places where people "recover from disease". But failure to control agents of disease in these institutions can create or worsen disease and infection such nosocomial infections constitute a major threat to all hospitalized patients. The German cockroach (Blattella germanica) can be an effective transmitter of nosocomial infections by virtue of its ubiquitous presence and its behavioral characteristics. This research is focused on nosocomial organisms in Imam Khomeini and Shariati hospitals (belonging to Tehran University of Medical Sciences) and may be a first step in devising effective infection control strategies.
After recording data on the collection site, the collected cockroaches were transferred to a laboratory, where bacteria and fungi were isolated from the body surface and the digestive tube. The specimens were also subjected to insecticide sensitivity tests by the mortality and knock-down test methods.
Cultures of the external body surface yielded a total of 77 fungal colonies (filamentous fungi, Actinomycetes, yeasts and yeast-like organisms), while those of the digestive tract produced 83 colonies. Notable among these isolates were the highly virulent Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus flavus species.
Bacterial studies showed that 100% of the roaches carried rich bacterial floras, most commonly including Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Proteus, Citrobacter, Enterobacter and Serratia species. Many of these bacteria demonstrated antibiotic resistance, suggesting that the contaminants belonged to the hospital milieu. These results establish cockroaches as effective mechanical transmitters of multi-drug resistant bacteria.
Mortality tests revealed a high degree of resistance to permethrin, tolerance to Aicon, and sensitivity to other insecticides. Knock-down tests showed high permethrin resistance, tolerance to Aicon and deltamethrin, and sensitivity to Sulfac.

Sh Asghari , H Malekafzali , K Holakouie Naieni , R Majdzadeh , F Soleimani , S Amirsalari ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (2 2007)

Background and Aim:  One of the biggest problems faced by parents of handicapped children is the child's health care. This study investigates patterns of heath care utilization and the related factors in children with mental impairment.

Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 110 children (≤14 year old) with developmental disabilities in Tehran. Parents were selected by systematic random sampling for face-to-face interview.  Statistical analysis was based on negative binomial regression.

Results: Over 99% of the surveyed children received ambulatory care and 15 % had been hospitalized over the preceding year 0.9% had never used health services. These children had utilized health services 207+18 times in a year. Among these services 38+3 were not subsidized by the State. Factors affecting service utilization were parent information (p<0.033) and referral to the proper service delivery points (p<0.029).

Conclusion: Appropriate interventions are required to address the above-mentioned factors and improve service utilization.

A.r Bahonar , H Rashidi , S Simani , A Fayaz , A.a Haghdoost , M Rezaei-Nassab , M.a Rad ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (2 2007)

Background and Aim: Rabies is one of the oldest and most serious zoonoses in the world. In Iran, the disease has been reported from most of the provinces and among domestic as well as wild animals. This study was conducted in the province of Kerman and aimed to assess the frequency and epidemiological features of suspected and confirmed animal rabies cases from 1993 to 2003.

Material and Methods: During the study period, all cases of suspected animals (brain specimens) had sent to Pasteur institute of Iran for pathological (Negri bodies) examinations. After collecting data on variables such as species of animal, city, season, annual rainfall and temperature, analysis was performed by calculation of Pearson correlation coefficient and Chi square, Fisher's exact, Students's t and Kolmogorov Smirnov tests using the SPSS package (ver.11.5).

Results: From 362 suspected brain samples, 301 (83.1%) had positive serologic and pathological results. We recorded an ascending trend over the study period (p=0.01). The effect of seasonal variations on the frequency of suspected and confirmed cases of animal rabies was significant (p<.001): most cases occurred in winter and fall. The relative frequencies of confirmed cases among the animals were as follows: As for domestic animals, the infection rate in cows was 81.45 % sheep and goats 10.63% dogs and cats, 4 % camels 1.33% and donkeys, 0.7%. Among wild animals (foxes, mongooses, wolves and jackals) the rate was 1.89%. Among wild animals, the total infection rate was 60 %. Concerning the role of predatory animals in the transmission of rabies to domestic animals, among the cases which had been confirmed (28 cases), the predator species were: foxes 50%, wolves 7%, mongooses and jackals 3%. Considering the relationship between frequency of animal rabies  and ecological variations in the province of Kerman, the results of this survey showed that there is some correlation between decreased rainfall (drought) and the resurgence of animal rabies (r=0.34, P=0.001).

Conclusion: The increasing number of stray dogs and the migration of these and wild animals to cities and villages could be an important factor in the spread of rabies in the region. Among various predatory species, the role of foxes in disease transmission merits further investigation.

V Mazaheri, K Holakouie Naieni, S Simani, M Yunesian, A Fayaz , E Mostafavi, P Biglari,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (23 2010)

Background and Aim: Rabies, a viral and zoonotic disease, causes acute and fetal encephalitis in humans and other mammals and is a cause of death in developing countries. It is usually transmitted by animal bite, but other routes of transmission are mucus membranes, breathing, placenta, contaminated instruments, and organ implanting. This study shows the mapping of geographical distribution of animal bite cases, rabies, and death due rabies in 3 Caspian Sea littoral provinces, namely, Golestan, Mazandaran, and Gilan.

Materials and Methods: Data on human and animal rabies cases and animal bites were collected from the Reference Rabies Center of the Pasteur Institute in Tehran and the Rabies Diagnosis Section of the Amol Research Center during 2002-2007.The data was analyzed by the SPSS (11.5) software and mapping was done by Arc GIS 9.2.

Results: During the 6-year period, of the 670,743 animal bite cases reported in Iran 63890 (9.5%) had occurred in Golestan, 25,767 (3.8%) in Mazandaran, and 22,874 (3.4%) in Gilan. The distribution of animal bite cases in the 3 provinces was as follows: Agh ghala, Bandar Torkaman, Azad shahr and Kolaleh in Golestan Galugah, Behshahr, Ramsar and Neka in Mazandaran and Shaft, Masal, Siahkal and Fuman in Gilan. The data also showed that of the total 2,312 animal rabies cases, in Iran, 9.22% had been reported from Golestan, 4% from Mazandaran, and 2.6% from Gilan. Furthermore, animal rabies cases had occurred mostly in Gonbadekavoos, Bandar Torkaman, Gorgan and Kolaleh in the Golestan Province Behshahr, Neka and Chalus in the Mazandaran Province and Masal, Fuman and Rezvanshahr in the Gilan Province. The most important disease vector (91.3%) for both human and animal rabies was the dog. A total of 41 human deaths due to rabies had been reported during the period, 2 being from Mazandaran.

Conclusion: The results show that a more effective disease control and surveillance system is essential and can help improve planning for service provision in the health care centers.

Ali Soleymani Eslami, Saeed Dastgiri, Alireza Yaghoubi, Banafsheh Golestan, Shahin Imani, Nahid Hemmati, Kourosh Holakouie Naieni,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (6 2012)

Background and Aim: Coronary artery disease (CAD) and its complications at a low age are more serious and more progressive than at higher age. Because of this difference in the natural history of the disease as a function of age, this study was conducted to compare CAD risk factors between two age groups, namely people below and above 45 years old.

Materials and Methods: Two groups of 200 hospitalized CAD patients each, one below, and one above, 45 years old were selected by simple random sampling between 2005 and 2007. Two groups were similar with regard to dates and duration of hospitalization. The following data were collected from the patients' hospital files and analyzed using SPSS/Win: age, sex and marital status area of residence a history of smoking, diabetes, and hypertension a family history of early-onset cardiovascular disease (CVD) weight and height and lipid profile. The logistic regression test was used to compare the variables between the two groups.

Results: The following variables were found to be positively associated with CAD in the under-45 year group: smoking history (OR=2.54 p=0.009), a history of early-onset CVD (OR=3.15 p=0.009), low high- density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc) (OR=5.53 p<0.001), and high blood cholesterol (OR=3.96 p<0.006).

Conclusion: The most important coronary heart disease risk factors at a lower age are smoking, a history of early-onset CVD, low blood HDLc, and high total blood cholesterol.

N Bahrami, M Simbar, M.a Soleimani,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (18 2013)

Background and Aim: Becoming to an adult who is sexually healthy is one of the key developmental activities for adolescents. sexual health is included of sexual development and reproductive health and also the ability to create and maintain good interpersonal relationships, are valued for their body, Respectful engagement with both sexes in correct method and expressed a desire, love and intimacy based on personal and stable social values.
Materials and Methods: In this study, using key words adolescence, sexual behavior, sexual risk behavior and sexual health and peers, related studies from 1370 to 1390 in IranMedex, Irandoc, Medlib, SID and Google scholar were investigated.
Results: Factors and challenges are associated with adolescent sexual health can be categorized into the following 4 themes (12 sub themes): Religious beliefs and spirituality (abstinence) lack of sexual education (false beliefs and knowledge about sexual function adolescents' attitudes toward risky behavior and sexual relations information sources of adolescents skills for "say no") community and youth issues(gender differences relationships with peers monitoring and control by the family communication challenges between teen and parents socioeconomical factors Centers for reproductive health services to adolescents) adolescents sexual relationship outcomes (catching sexually transmitted diseases probability).
Conclusion: In some areas, including relationships between parents with children, gender differences, attitudes and sexual behavior and the influence of peers, Studies conducted in our country is well. But in areas such as spirituality and religious beliefs, self-control, prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, life skills in adolescents and intervention strategies to promote sexual health of adolescents there are a great gap.
Masoud Neghab, Esmail Soleimani, Kambiz Khamoushian,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (18 2013)

Background and Aims: n-Hexane is widely used in the production of glues, lacquers, paints, plastics, and rubber products. Consequently, a significant potential for exposure to this toxic solvent exists in industrial settings. This study was undertaken to assess the neurophysiological abnormalities in shoe-makers occupationally exposed to n-hexane and determine whether these abnormalities have any correlation with important occupational parameters.

Materials and Methods: Neurophysiological examinations of upper and lower extremities were made in 27 male-workers, and the results were compared with a sex- and age-matched reference group. In addition, the extent of exposure of individual workers and their urinary concentration of free 2,5-hexanedione were determined. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (version 16.0. for windows).

Results: The time-weighted average exposure to n-hexane and the mean urinary concentration of free 2,5-hexanedione were both lower than the respective TLV-TWA and Biological Exposure Index (BEI) values proposed by ACGIH. Although neurological examinations and nerve conduction velocities were normal, significant negative correlations were observed between the urinary concentration of free 2,5-hexanedione and the sensory nerve action potential (SAP) amplitudes for median (r=-0.67, p<0.001) and sural (r=-0.52, p<0.008) nerves.

Conclusions: Reduced SAP amplitude for median and sural nerves appears to be the primary neurotoxic effect of 2,5-hexanedione and can be used as an appropriate indicator for screening subclinical peripheral neuropathy in n-hexane-exposed workers.

Yousef Khonya, Mohammad Narimani, Seifollah Aghajani, Nader Hajloo,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (3-2022)

Background and Aim: One of the emotions that plays an important role in the health of all people is the emotion of anger which is one of the main emotions. The aim of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of emotion regulation and resilience training mediated by locus of control on anger control in medical students.
Materials and Methods: This was an experimental study. The statistical population included all medical students randomly divided into three groups of 30 students each by simple and multi-stage cluster sampling. One of the experimental groups received 8 sessions of emotion regulation training and the other 8 sessions of resilience training. Data were collected on all the subjects using the Rotter locus of control and Spielberger's anger and trait questionnaires
and analyzed using repeated-measures and two-factors analysis of variance.
Results: Analysis of the data showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the emotion regulation and resilience training groups as regards anger control. In addition, the differences between the two groups as regards the locus of internal and external control in controlling anger and its subscales were also significant.
Conclusion: Teaching emotion regulation and resilience skills can, like other skills, help greatly students against the challenges of the present era.
Hamed Yeganeh, Hossein Parvaresh, Mohsen Dehghani Ghanataghestani, Mohammadreza Mohammadi Soleimani,
Volume 20, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Background and Aim:  The health, safety and environment (HSE) system is an integrated system that tries to create a healthy, pleasant and lively environment with no accidents, damages and injuries by converging and synergizing human resources, facilities and equipment. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the validation of the revised scale of HSE performance.
Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive and analytical research conducted using the psychometric method. The statistical population included all workers of the steel companies in Kerman Province, Iran in 1400. Using the cluster sampling method based on psychometric criteria a sample of 100 was selected for the convergent validity and a sample of 578 for the construct validity section. Data were collected through two scales of HSE performance and job stress (Cohen et al., 1983). Content validity, convergent validity and factor analysis methods were used to check the validity of the scale. The reliability of the scale was checked using the internal homogeneity and classification reliability (dividing in 2 haves).  The SPSS version 22 software was used for data analysis.
Results: Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the six-factor model. The questionnaire was used along with the 35-item occupational stress questionnaire of Cohen et al. (1983) which had good reliability and validity. The alpha coefficient obtained for the whole scale was 0.79, and for the subscales as follows: resilience 0.93, demand 0.90, role 0.93, control 0.85, support 0.72 and relationships 79.0. In addition, the reliability coefficient of the scale was also calculated using the classification method. The classification coefficient for the first and second halves of the data was 0.87 and 0.62, respectively, the correlation between the two halves being 0.248. These findings indicated a favorable internal consistency coefficient for the HSE performance scale (P<0.001).
Conclusion: According to the findings obtained based on the HSE validation, which showed that the fit of the model is high and also that the evaluation of HSE performance has a great role in the health of employees, more attention should be paid to the establishment and implementation of HSE management in Kerman steel companies.

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