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Showing 16 results for Keshavarz

M Soltan Mohammad Zadeh , H Keshavarz , M Mohebali , K Holakouie Naieni , Sh  arshi ,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (8 2003)

Toxoplasmosis is a common disease caused by the protozoal parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Most human cases occur by 1) eating raw or undercooked meat containing T. gondii tissue cysts. 2) ingestion of oocysts from soil and 3) vertical transmission through the placenta. Immunocompetent adults are usually asymptomatic or present with self-limited fever and lymphadenopathy. Infection acquired during pregnancy can be transmitted to the fetus and may cause mental retardation, blindness, epilepsy, and abortion. In this cross-sectional study we determined the prevalence of toxoplasma infection in residents of Meshkin-Shahr in 2001-2002. We applied a cluster sampling method to family health files in local health centers to recruit a total of 909 individuals for this study. All family members were requested to complete the study&aposs questionnaire. For each individual, two separate blood samples were collected and placed in microhematocrite tubes. Titers of anti-toxoplasma antibodies were measured by IFA with levels in excess of 1/20 taken as positive. Questionnaire information and examination results were analyzed by the SPSS software package using chi-square tests. Results of this survey show the overall prevalence of toxoplasma infection to be around 18.3%. Figures for men and women were 19.7% and 17.2%, respectively but the difference was not statistically significant. Prevalence rates show a significant association with age (greater prevalence in higher age groups) and the type of meat consumed (P<0.05). But there were no significant associations with education level, occupation-keeping cats in the house, ingestion of meat and history of previous abortions. The most frequently occurring antibody titer was 1/20 (6.9%). and frequency decreased with higher antibody titers.
This study shows that toxoplasma infection is not as common in Meshkin-Shahr as in some parts of the country, with more than 80% of individuals being seronegative. Because of the low immunity level and the risk of vertical transmission, educating the public in prevention methods could be very important.

A Mardani , H Keshavarz ,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (5 2004)

Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis of broad geographic distribution. This disease is caused by infection with the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. The most important ways to diagnose the disease are the serological techniques such as IFA and ELISA. The aim of this consideration, was comparison between the two methods, IFA and ELISA, in order to determine the incidence of antibody against Toxoplasma in pregnant women. In this descriptive-cross sectional study, from 600 pregnant woman whom have referred to Alzzahra and Izadi maternity hospitals of Qom, during four months (from Sep.2001 to Jan.2002), the specimen of blood have been prepared. After bloodletting and parting of serum, IFA and ELISA have tested its specimens. From 600 specimens of serum, from the tested mothers by IgG-ELISA method, 257 individuals (%42.8) and by IgG-IFA method, 246 individuals (%41) had Specific IgG antibody. Also, The comparison between the two methods, IFA and ELISA, demonstrates that 246 cases (%41) were positive in both methods, and 343 cases (%57.2) were negative in both methods, and only 11 cases (%1.8) were positive in ELISA and negative in IFA technique. In this study, the effect of different factors has been studied, in which deal with the prevalence rate of Toxoplasma infection. Although, these results shows that transmission of Toxoplasma infection in this city, like other parts of world and Iran has been done, but considerable percent of pregnant women (%57.2 by ELISA method and %59 by IFA method) lacking any type of acquired immunity against of this infection. Therefore, considering secure status and accomplishing exclusive experiments before marriage and also training and informing the people of region especially pregnant women with educational programs and supervision in pregnant period is necessary. On the other hand, with regard to the rate of concordance of the two tests (%98.2), The ELISA because of its high sensitivity and specificity, easier technique and lower expense it is preferred in order to screening Toxoplasma infection.

M Tslimi Talaghani, A Jazayeri, A Keshavarz, H Sadrzadeye Yeghaneh, A Rahimi,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (7 2004)

Many studies indicate that the nutritional knowledge and practice of adolescent girls are inadequate. Few surveys were performanced about effect of nutrition education on knowledge, attitude and practice in this vulnerable group. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of two nutrition education methods (guidebook and group discussion) on the nutritional knowledge, attitude and practice of first-grade guidance school girl students in Tehran ’s 8th district, in 2003.A total of 300 students were selected from 11 guidance schools by simple random sampling and divided into three 100-student groups: 1-guide-book, 2-group discussion, and 3-control. Data on the nutritional knowledge, attitude and practice were collected using pretest and posttest questionnaires. The students in group1 were given the guide-book and required to study it at home, while group 2 students were told to discuss among themselves the contents of the guide-book. The control group were given nothing to study or to do. The pre-test showed that the mean scores of nutrition knowledge (K), attitude (A) and practice (P) were not statistically different among the 3 groups. The scores for the 3 variables increased in the guide-book and discussion groups significantly at the end of the study period (in all cases, p<0.001), while the inter-group comparisons also showed that the K and A scores were statistically different among the 3 groups the P, however, was not different among them. Conclusion: Both methods (guide-book and group discussion)increased the level of nutritional knowledge and attitude as compared to (a) – the control group,and (b) – the initial values. Also both methods increased the level of nutritional practice as compared to (b) – the initial values. The group discussion method was more effective than the guide-book method in the promotion of the nutritional knowledge of the students.
M Mahmoodi , M Mohebali , H Hejazi , H Keshavarz , A.m Alavi Naeini , Sh Izadi ,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (2 2005)

The purpose of this study was to determine toxoplasmosis seropositivity rates and to record ascending serologic titers in high-school girls. We also searched for possible risk factors. This descriptive-analytic study used 414 serum specimens collected from high school girls in six different regions of Esfahan city through cluster random sampling. The sera were taken from the tip of the finger by hematocrite microtubes. Samples were studied by the Indirect Immunofluorescent Assay Test(IFAT) for estimation of serum titers. Data were analyzed using chi-square (X²) and t tests. The overall seropositivity rate was 18.4% in 14-19 year-old girls and this rate increased with age. IFAT titers in 98% of the positive samples were at 1:100 the remaining 2% showed values above this threshold. For the latter group, we performed another titration test to determine exact titers .The supposed risk factors were age, place of residence, education level (parents and student), consumption of undercooked meat and raw liver, occupation and parent income, and exposure to contaminated material from cats and fowls. The highest positivity rates (27.5%) were recorded in District 1, while the lowest rates (14.5%) were seen in District 5. Significant relationships were found between seropositivity and exposure to cats and fowls.(P>0/05). No significant relationship was observed with the other factors. There was a low level of knowledge about toxoplasmosis and the relevant risk factors: only 2.4% of the subjects were relatively well-informed on this subject. There were not any acute cases. Toxoplasma infection is very important because of its socioeconomic implications, so control measures seem crucial. All seronegative women should be know about this infection and its transmission routes. Education is the most important element in prevention and must be promoted via the mass media, other education systems and the health managers. The studied group in this survey were girls at the usual age of marriage or younger, and it is recommended that health system managers continue to offer education on practices that help prevent infectious diseases in general and toxoplasmosis in particular.
M Mahami, M Moheb Ali, H Keshavarz, H Hajaran, B Akhoondi, Z Zarei, S Charedar,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (2 2006)

Background and Aim: As the population of the world increases, it is essential that food production keep pace. It will be necessary not only to produce more food, but also to maintain this food so that it is safe and wholesome for human consumption. The purpose of this study was to investigate the rate of Coliform, Staphylococcus aureus, Mould, Yeast and other aerobic and mesophilic bacteria as contaminats of milk and milk products in Yazd province.
Material and Methods: In this study a total of 198 different samples including Milk (24.2%), Yoghurt (21.2%), Cream (12.1%), Cheese (18.2%), Ice cream (12.1%) and dairy powders (12.1%) were investigated by culture method and biochemical tests. Then obtained data were analyzed by SPSS and χ2 programs.
Results: On the basis of our findings, of the total samples, 136 cases (68.7%) were desirable, 48 cases (24.2%) acceptable and 14 cases (7.1%) undesrable. Microbial contaminants of undesrable samples were coliform (7.1%), Staphylococcus aureus (6.1%) and yeast (6.1%). Meanwhile, the results of χ2 Statistical analysis test, showed significant different between contamination rate and kind of Milk products (df = 5, χ2 = 17.75, P<0.005(.
Conclustion: It seems that despite the efforts, which have been done for prevention of food contamination in Yazd province, it is still considered as a threat for people Health.
H Sadrzadeh-Yeganeh , P Angoorany , S.a Keshavarz , A Rahimi , B Ahmady ,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (2 2006)

Background and Aim: Children, who go to school without breakfast or have breakfast that is not nutritious enough, will not be able to meet their nutritional needs for growth. Nutrition education can be instrumental in providing knowledge, desirable attitude, and changing behavior concerning breakfast. The purpose of this study was to compare two method of nutrition education – booklet and lecture- on practice of fourth grade girls.
Material and Methods:
Using three stage random sampling a total of 150 students were randomly selected and divided into 3 equal groups booklet, lecture, and control. At the beginning of the study, an assessment of practice was conducted for all groups. Education through booklet and lecture was provided. Two weeks after the education, an assessment of practice was conducted again. To collect data two types of questionnaires - general and practice - were used.
Results: The result showed a significant difference of means of practice (P=0.002) score among three groups. The mean score of practice in the lecture against the control group and that of the booklet against control group increased 0.84 (P=0.005), 0.76 (P=0.014) respectively, but no significant increase was observed between lecture against the booklet group. After omitting the effect of independent variables in question, education still increases the difference of means of practice scores significantly (P=<0.05). Lectures are a more dynamic method for nutrition education.
Considering the large number of students in primary schools and lack of access to a direct method of education, using booklets is an appropriate method.
B Sahargahi , A Jazayeri , M Jalali , A Keshavarz , M Mahmoodi ,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (3 2006)

Background and Aim: At the outset of the third millennium, vitamin D deficiency is still a common and serious health problem among women of reproductive age and their infants in developing countries. Precise information on the vitamin D status of urban lactating women in Islamabad -Gharb is not available. But it seems that, like in other areas of Iran, vitamin D deficiency may be common in this region. The aim of this study was to determine the vitamin D status in urban lactating women and its association with the following variables: number of pregnancies, total duration of lactation, length of exposure to sunlight, and literacy.
Materials and Methods: Using a simple random sampling technique, a total of 155 lactating women with children under the age of 1 year were selected from 8 urban health clinics. In the interview, the subjects answered questions on the above-mentioned independent variables and fasting blood samples were taken for analysis. The concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in serum was measured by a chemiluminescence method. Normal status was defined as concentration of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D serum ≥ 10 ng/ml, moderate deficiency as concentration ≥ 6ng/ml and <10 ng/ml, and severe vitamin D deficiency as concentration of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D < 6 ng/ml.
Results: The results indicate that only 8.4% of women were normal, 18.7% had moderate deficiency, and 72.9% had severe vitamin D deficiency. The vitamin D status had a statistically significantly negative association with the number of pregnancies and the total duration of lactation.
The vitamin D status of urban lactating women is very poor and needs immediate attention.
S Shojaee , H Keshavarz , M Rezaian , M Mohebali , N Mohajeri , Z Garossi ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (2 2007)

Background and Aim: Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite infecting humans and warm-blooded animals. Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy could cause neurologic disorders in the fetus. In immunocompromised hosts, the infection can be reactivated with life-threatening consequences. Detection of the parasite or its components would constitute a better definition of acute infection.

Material and Methods: To detect T. gondii antigen and DNA, twenty serum samples in the acute phase of infection were tested. Polyclonal antibodies were isolated from immunized rabbits and SDS-page and immunoblotting were performed. Also, PCR was done with amplification of the B1 gene with two primers.

Results: In one patient T. gondii antigen band with a molecular weight of 30 kDa was detected. Parasitemia was detected in the same patient and the 570 bp amplified DNA fragment was isolated. Others had negative results in both immunoblotting and PCR. The patient with positive results had been infected accidentally with a rather virulent C56 strain in the laboratory.

Conclusion: The results indicate that antigen and DNA of T. gondii can be detected during the short acute phase of infection.

M Shokoohi, A Keshavarz, S Majdzadeh, F Siassi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (5 2008)

Background and Aim: Breast carcinoma is the most common type of cancer in women. It has been estimated that 8-9 percent of all women will develop breast cancer during their lifespan. According to The Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education, the incidence of breast cancer in Iran has risen between 1984 and 1988 and the current mortality rate from this kind of cancer ranks fifth in the country.

Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, 110 patients with breast cancer (ages 20-60 yrs) were compared with a similar number of age- and sex-matched women hospitalized for other reasons. Cases were women with histologically confirmed in situ or invasive breast cancer diagnosed no more than 1 year before the interview and with no previous diagnosis of cancer at other sites. Controls were drawn from either patient relatives or from women with no history of cancer admitted to Imam Hospital for acute, non-neoplastic, non-gynecologic conditions unrelated to hormonal or digestive tract disease or to long-term diet modifications. We calculated odds ratios and performed Mantel-Haenzel as well as logistic regression tests to control for potential confounding factors.

Results: Odds ratios [with 95% confidence intervals] for total fat, saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and cholesterol were 1.97 [1.062-3.67], 1.19 [0.64-2.14], 2.2 [1.17-4.13], 4.11 [2.2-7.65] and 0.45 [0.25-0.83], respectively. After adjusting for energy, macronutrients, weight, age at first full-term pregnancy and the socioeconomic status, it emerged that the intake of PUFA (OR=6.38 and 95%CI: 1.95-20.83) had a positive association with breast cancer while cholesterol (OR=0.22 and 95%CI: 0.09-0.55) showed a negative relationship, though the latter finding only applies to menopaused women.

Conclusion: Undoubtedly, dietary factors involved in the etiology of breast cancer take many years to cause any pathologic changes in any organ. Nonetheless, one-year frequency of lipid intake is a good measure of individual's dietary habit throughout his/her adult life. Based on this, the present study suggests that increased PUFA intake- probably due to its high pro-oxidant potential- can be considered as a key factor in the rising incidence of breast cancer in Iran.

Sa Keshavarz , M Ramezanipour , M Jalali , Mr Eshraghian , H Sadrzade Yeganeh ,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (27 2008)

Background and Aim: Body mass index (BMI) is a generally accepted indicator of body weight and obesity. A BMI>30 indicates obesity, which is regarded as a risk factor for many diseases, because their pathogeneses are associated with increasing numbers of free radicals derived from oxygen. The present study was a clinical trial carried out in order to study the effects of weight loss on enzymatic antioxidants and its association with dietary intakes of copper, zinc, iron, selenium and, magnesium in obese women.
Materials and Methods: Thirty obese women, 19-50 years old, of whom informed consent was obtained, were included in the study. Information was collected on their general characteristics, and anthropometric measurements were made. A diet with a 500- to 1000-calorie deficit was recommended to the subjects, on the basis of micronutrient intakes estimated through a 24-hour dietary recall questionnaire 3 days before and after the intervention. The aim was to bring about a weight loss of 10%. A 10-ml blood sample was taken from each subject, before and after intervention, for enzymatic measurement of enzymatic antioxidants in the red blood cells.
Weight loss caused a significant increase (p<0.01) in the mean glutathione reductase (GR) and catalase (CAT) no statistically significant change occurred in the mean values of superoxide dismutase (SOD) or glutathione peroxidase (GPX). The only association between the enzymes and trace elements (Cu, Zn, Fe, Mg, Se) was a negative linear correlation between daily zinc intake and GPX before intervention (r=0.395, p<0.05)
Conclusion: A 10% reduction in body weight might be an effective step toward increasing levels of enzymatic antioxidants which would minimize injuries caused by free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in obese women. Attention should be paid to the dietary intakes of micronutrients essential for the activities of these enzymes.
Zohreh Keshavarz, Masoumeh Simbar, Ali Ramezankhani, Hamid Alavi Majd,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (6 2012)

Background and Aim: Breast and cervical cancer screening is considered a health promotion behavior, influenced by complex factors. The theory of planned behavior provides a useful framework for predicting and understanding the health behavior and designing appropriate educational interventions. Integrating this theory with self-efficacy will increase its predictive value. The objective of this qualitative research project was to understand the factors influencing the behavior of breast and cervical cancer screening of female-workers as a base for future educational planning.

Materials and Methods: This was a qualitative approach research based on the Integrated Model of Planned Behavior and Self-Efficacy. Seventy 20-45 year-old women working in industrial plants in Abbasabad, Pakdasht, selected by purposeful sampling with maximum diversity participated, in 10 groups of 7 each, in focus-group discussions, in which they discussed their experience regarding factors influencing the behavior of breast and cervical cancer screening. Data were collected and their validity, conformability, transferability and dependability confirmed. For data analysis the conventional method of content analysis was used.

Results: The female workers had a low knowledge and attitude concerning the behavior of breast and cervical cancer screening. Attaching importance to comments given by the family members, especially the husband, and preference of treatment to prevention of disease in the society at large were the subjective norms of the female workers. The most important barriers to participating in screening programs were lack of knowledge, depression, fatigue, embarrassment and fear of examinations, fear of being sick, poor quality of services and lack of attention to privacy in health centers, limited access to health centers, and costs of tests. The female workers had a low self-efficacy for planning and overcoming barriers. Most of them had not had screening tests and had no intention of doing their screening tests in the following three month.

Conclusion: The following measures are recommended: designing and implementing specific educational programs in workplaces for female-workers aiming at increasing their awareness and positive attitudes towards breast and cervical cancer screening designing and implementing educational/training programs for families, employers and planners to increase their knowledge and attitude and facilitating women's access to health centers in industrial estates.

Nastaran Keshavarz, Farah Bahreyni, Safoura Degpasand,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (3-2015)


  Background an Aim: Community-based health promotion program encompasses actions aiming at enabling individuals, organizations and communities for enhancing behaviors and creating a healthier environment. Considerable experiences regarding community health promotion and community-based health promotion exists in Iran, but they have not been documented adequately.

  Materials and Methods: This paper reports some of the findings of a situation assessment project of community-based health promotion programs in Iran, including typology of community-based health promotion programs and critical analysis of challenges and threats, discussing potential opportunities to improve community-based health interventions. All the available reports, official documents, information and published papers related to community-based health promotion programs implemented in Iran were examined.

  Results: The majority of health-related interventions excluding three national programs, namely, the volunteers, community health workers (Behvarzes) and polio eradication programs, were categorized in three large groups ─ community-based initiatives, community-based participatory research, and community-based addiction prevention. Many of these programs were not community-based in the true sense of the word.

  Conclusion: The findings indicate that in Iran, unlike many other countries, the majority of the interventions are initiated and implemented at the national level with good organizational support. Although implementation of such programs is generally considered feasible in Iran, it seems that the available opportunities have not been adequately exploited for their implementation.

Foroughieh Dastouri, Afsaneh Motevallihaghi, Hossein Keshavarz, Mehdi Nateghpour, Ahmad Raeisi, Ali Khaloei, Mohammad Bagher Amirshekari,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (12-2015)

Background and Aim: Malaria is still one of the major health problems in comparison with any other parasitic disease in Iran with considerable economic and mortality consequences. Sistan-and-Baluchestan, Hormozgan and Kerman are the most affected provinces in the country approximately 96% of the cases are reported from these three provinces. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency, distribution and rate of parasitaemia of human Plasmodium (P.) species in patients infected with malaria parasites in Kerman province.

Materials and Methods: A total of 92,798 peripheral blood smears were collected from suspected malaria patients during the period 2009-10. Thin and thick blood smears were prepared according to the World Health Organization (WHO) standard procedure. Percentage of parasitaemia was determined based on the number of parasites in the positive slides. The Chi-square test was used for data analysis.

Results: A total of 571 samples were found to contain human Plasmodium species, including 523, 44, and 4 cases of P. vivax, P. falciparum and mixed infection, respectively. The results also showed that, as compared with the previous year, the total number of P. vivax cases

decreased in 2010 by 33.96%. The highest level of parasitaemia was observed in one of the patients infected with P. falciparum, with 77240 parasites/µl of blood, and the lowest in a patient infected with P. vivax, with 48 parasites/µl of blood. There were no differences between the positive and negative cases as regards parameters such as nationality, habitat or gender (Chi-square, p<0.05).  Furthermore, based on the Mann-Whitney test, there was no significant difference between the mean counts of P. falciparum and P. vivax (p-value = 0.464).

Conclusion: Considering that Iran is in the elimination stage of malaria, patient finding and rapid, timely diagnosis of the disease are very important, particularly cases coming from Pakistan and Afghanistan, helping sustainability of the elimination program.

Ghasem Keshavarz Gerami, Afzal Akbari Balootbangan, Khadijeh Babakhani,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Background and Aim: The objective of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Adolescent Depression Scale (ADS) based on the item-response theory and compare the results with those based on the classic test theory.

Materials and Methods: A total of 750 students (364 males and 386 females) were selected through multistage random clustering (levels proportional to size) and completed a questionnaire comprising 46 questions developed by the investigators.

Results: Results of factor analysis and questions structure showed that the important item-response theory presumptions, namely, unidimensionality and local independence, are contained in ADS. As regards the psychometric characteristics of the questions, results from the two theories were similar, except that the item-response theory provided more valid indices for assessing the questions. Further analysis of the data indicated that the two theories showed close values for internal consistency with regard to psychometric characteristics, such that values of 0.933 and 0.947 were obtained for Alpha Cronbach and marginal validity, respectively. Finally, the normality scores were calculated based on the Item Response Theory with those based on the Classic Test Theory. Ranking the individuals by the two theories showed considerable differences as regards the depression construct continuum, such as a difference of 86, 92, or 93 individuals.

Conclusions: Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the item-response theory models provides a higher number of more exact indices for judgment and making decisions about questions, tests and individual ranking. Therefore, application of the item-response theory for assessment of other educational and psychological constructs is recommended.

Mahdieh Keykavoos Iranag, Hadi Pashapour, Azam Jafari, Khadijeh Keshavarzian, Mahmoud Khodamoradi, Abass Ali Dorosti, Asghar Mohammadpoorasl,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (12-2018)

Background and Aim: Developing appropriate programs for community problem solving and community development and prosperity will be possible only after realistic identification of the community’s problems. Community health assessment is a process by which researchers and community members understand the health care system and community concerns through data collection and analysis, determining strengths and weaknesses and defining the community’s resources and demands. Basmenj is a town located 10 kilometer from the metropolitan City of Tabriz, Iran and on the verge of adjoining this metropolis. This paper reports results of the community assessment of this town.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in autumn 2017. The methodology used for community assessment was based on the eight-stage model of North Carolina. In the first seven stages the Basmenj community problems were identified and prioritized, followed, in the eighth stage, by developing an action plan for solving the problems in order of priority.
Results: Approximately 100 different problems were identified at the end of the first stage. Based on the Hanlon classification model, the top prioritized problems of the region were found to be, in that order, youth addiction, urban trashes, stray dogs, environmental pollution caused by Pars Color Company, narrowness of the main street, inner-city livestock farming, early marriage among girls, wastewater problems, youth unemployment, and high consumption and self-administration of anti-biotics.
From among these problems, the urban trashes problem was studied briefly. Factors playing a role in its causation were found to be as follows: lack of waste reduction and waste sorting programs, low citizens’ knowledge about trash gathering, absence of an appropriate urbane wastewater system, and, finally, lack of participation of citizens and the private sector in trash gathering and burying
Conclusion: A wide range of social, cultural and economic problems was identified.  The top priority was found to be focusing on problems related to urban trashes. However, it should be noted that solving all the community problems identified requires the co-operation and support of all the governmental organizations, as well as involvement of the community at large.
Soheila Keshavarz, Kourosh Holakouie Naeini , Abbas Rahimi Foroushani ,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Background and Aim: Despite all the current diabetes prevention programs, only a limited number of patients are identified and receive care.
Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study including individuals over 30 years old in Buin Zahra city, Iran selected using the multi-stage sampling method (sample size = 1154). Data were collected using a questionnaire for the general public and the health team, the validity and reliability of which had been determined based on the CVR and CVI indexes and the correlation coefficient, respectively.
Results: The average age of the sample and the prevalence of diabetes were 48.42 ± 14.45 years and 9.9%, respectively. Further analysis of the data showed the following:
1. the prevalence of diabetes in at-risk people: women with a history of abortion and large children, 12.8% and 31.7%, respectively; gestational diabetes 36.5%;
2. obesity during pregnancy: 19.7%; a family history of diabetes: 22.4%;
3. waist circumference>90 cm: 14.08%, BMI>25: 13.95%; and
4. triglyceride<200: 22%, hypertension: 32.97%.
Further analysis of the data showed statistically significant associations between diabetes and blood sugar level above 100 mg/dl (OR = 2.73), waist circumference >90 cm (OR = 3.02) and gestational diabetes (OR =12.22); no other significant associations were found.
Only 55% of the health team personnel had received diabetes prevention training.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that patient care and education are not of a proper quality. The considerable prevalence of diabetes among people at risk shows that more follow-up and care are needed for them. The training of health team personnel should be very efficient and the number of trainings related to the diabetes program should increase.

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