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Showing 16 results for Masoud

Gh Molavi, J Masoud, I Moubedi, Gh Hassanpour,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (4 2007)

Background and Aim: Intestinal parasites cause significant morbidity and mortality and are considered by the World Health Organization as a public health problem of global importance. These agents are estimated to infect more than three billion people worldwide. In Iran, thanks to long-time efforts by the national health system (including environmental sanitation and public education campaigns), the frequency of the most intestinal parasitic infections has significantly declined in the recent decades. Our study aimed to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in a high-risk occupational group, namely the municipal workers in the city of Esfahan.

Materials and Methods: A survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections among municipal workers in several districts of Esfahan. Specimens were placed into fecal pots, labeled and kept cool before being transported to the Health Research Center Laboratory, affiliated to the School of Public Health & Institute for Public Health Research in Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The technique used for identifying infections was stool concentration by formalin & ether. All the slides were carefully studied using light microscopy with ×10, × 40, and ×100 magnification.

Results: The study results revealed that 24.6% of the workers harbored at least one parasitic species. The highest prevalence (36%) belonged to Giardia lamblia. Ascaris lumbricoides was the most common helminthic parasite (12.4%), followed by Hymenolepis nana (1.2%). The most common non-pathogenic protozoal species was Entamoeba coli (21.7%).

Conclusion: Infection with soil parasites is dependent on environmental conditions that allow parasites to complete their life cycle. Socioeconomic and cultural factors are important for the appearance and spread of intestinal parasites in communities where sanitary conditions and infrastructure are inadequate. However, soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH) used to be prevalent throughout the country, especially in urban and rural population of the Esfahan Province. We investigated the prevalence of intestinal parasites by fecal examination of workers in Esfahan municipality, a group with a low-sanitation working environment close contact with soil contaminants. The lack of information on prevalence in the general population makes it difficult to arrive at any definite conclusions, but on the basis of unpublished data we can conclude that prevalence is somewhat higher in this occupational group compared to the population at large.

Mostafa Leili, Kazem Nadafi, Ramin Nabizadeh, Masoud Younesian, Alireza Mesdaghi Nia, Shahrokh Nazm Ara,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (23 2009)

Davood Pourmarzi, Shahnaz Rimaz, Effat Sadat Merghati Khoii, Masoud Solaymani-Dodaran, Ali Asghar Mosavi Mehraban, Sara Safari,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (7 2012)

Background and Aim: Access to reproductive health information and services is a basic right for the youth. Lack of suitable educational/counselling materials about reproductive health can decrease effectiveness of educational programs. This study aimed to determine the premarrital reproductive health educational needs of the youth.

Materials and Methods: In a descriptive-analytical study a total of 450 young males and females were selected by stratified random sampling to participate in pre-marital counseling in Tehran. Data about pre-marrital reproductive health educational needs were collected using a questionnaire developed by the investigator, with a 5 degree-Likert scale. SPSS-15 was used for data analysis, the statistical tests being t-test, one-tailed ANOVA and chi-square.  

Results: Based on the Likert scale (1-5), felt need for reproductive health education was 3, it being higher among females (p<0.05). Both the males and females thought that what they needed most was education/counseling on healthy sexual relationship. The educational needs did not seem to be influenced statistically significantly by socio-demographic variables in either gender.

Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it seems that the current educational materials are not sufficient for pre-marrital counseling. Comprehensive information on reproductive health, with particular emphasis on sexual relationship, should be included in the existing programs, so that the youth can begin a better, healthier married life.

Shohreh Shahmahmoodi, Seyed Mohsen Zahraei, Mohammad Mehdi Gouya, Taha Mousavi, Masoud Hosseini, Marjan Ostovar Esfandabadi, Mahmood Mahmoodi, Hamideh Tabatabaie, Maryam Yousefi, Yaghoob Mollaie Kandalousi, Sahar Abbasi, Rakhshandeh Nategh,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (7 2012)

Background and Aim: Iran National Polio Laboratory (NPL) is a member of the World Health Organization (WHO) Polio Laboratories Network. NPL receives stool specimens from acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases from all the provinces throughout Iran for poliovirus detection and identification. Furthermore, the NPL also detects non-polio enteroviruses (NPEVs) in these specimens.  Recently, NPEVs have come to be believed to be one of the most important causes of AFP following wild poliovirus.  This paper reports the prevalence of different types of NPEVs isolated from the specimens of AFP cases between 1995 and 2000.

Materials and Methods: Stool collection, virus detection and serotype identification were performed according to the WHO standard procedures.

Results: A total of 2180 stool specimens from AFP cases were received at the National Polio Laboratory. Coxsackie B viruse and echoviruses 6, 11, 7 and 13 had the highest frequency, identified in 23.7%, 14.4%, 12.7%, 11% and 10.2% of the NPEVs isolated from AFP cases, respectively. Four cases of echovirus 20 were identified, in 2 cases the patiets having died and in one the patient having been afflicted with residual paralysis. There have been no reports of death or residual paralysis (paralysis continuing after 60 days) due to echoviruse 20.

Conclusion:  Considering the upward trend of AFP cases in Iran, even after wild poliovirus eradication, studies are needed to determine the frequency and type identification of NPEVs and the relationship between NPEVs and residual paralysis in the post-eradication era (2000 onwards).

Masoud Neghab, Esmail Soleimani, Kambiz Khamoushian,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (18 2013)

Background and Aims: n-Hexane is widely used in the production of glues, lacquers, paints, plastics, and rubber products. Consequently, a significant potential for exposure to this toxic solvent exists in industrial settings. This study was undertaken to assess the neurophysiological abnormalities in shoe-makers occupationally exposed to n-hexane and determine whether these abnormalities have any correlation with important occupational parameters.

Materials and Methods: Neurophysiological examinations of upper and lower extremities were made in 27 male-workers, and the results were compared with a sex- and age-matched reference group. In addition, the extent of exposure of individual workers and their urinary concentration of free 2,5-hexanedione were determined. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (version 16.0. for windows).

Results: The time-weighted average exposure to n-hexane and the mean urinary concentration of free 2,5-hexanedione were both lower than the respective TLV-TWA and Biological Exposure Index (BEI) values proposed by ACGIH. Although neurological examinations and nerve conduction velocities were normal, significant negative correlations were observed between the urinary concentration of free 2,5-hexanedione and the sensory nerve action potential (SAP) amplitudes for median (r=-0.67, p<0.001) and sural (r=-0.52, p<0.008) nerves.

Conclusions: Reduced SAP amplitude for median and sural nerves appears to be the primary neurotoxic effect of 2,5-hexanedione and can be used as an appropriate indicator for screening subclinical peripheral neuropathy in n-hexane-exposed workers.

Behrooz Yazdan Panah, Mitra Safari, Farah Bahreini, Farzad Vafaee, Mohsen Salari, Mehran Yousefi, Masoud Rezaei, Ali Hosseini, Mohammad Habibian, Farid Moradian,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (8-2013)

  Background and Aim: Current traditional research methods for solving social problems were challenged due to limited participation of community . The health companion project was carried out with the aim of determining effective model of community participation for solving health problems in Boyerahmad and Dena township. .

  Materials and Methods : This study is a community based participatory research performed in Kohgiloyeh and Boyerahmad province 2005-2009.The study population was the entire rural and urban households of Boyerahmad and Dena county.The strategic committee of project including academic researchers, managers of health and health related sectors was formed and this committee selected six regions for research activities. In each region local directing group "health companion " was established with participation of stakeholders: academic researchers, local leaders, health providers and public representatives to guide all aspects of project. The members of the group empowered and enabled by attending training workshops for need assessment, priority setting, research methodology that through these activities the health problem priorities of the regions were recognized, the research area determined and intervention programs were designed and implemented according to these research area.

  Results: The most important achievement of this project is the methods of activities to reaching goals. Implementation of six participatory interventional proposal for solving health problems and needs are the other achievement. The frequency and means of health problems and their risk factors significantly reduced after the completion of intervention program in each region.

  Conclusion: Establishing and activities of health companion groups followed model of Planned Approach to Community Health (PATCH) that help community to form health promotion team, collecting and organizing of data, choosing health priorities, developing a comprehensive intervention plan and evaluation .

Masoud Keimasi, Ozhan Karimi, Hossein Rastian Ardestani,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background and Aim: This study was conducted to assess customers’ perceptions of the quality of services in clinical diagnostic laboratories
Materials and Methods: Based on the SERVEIMPERF model, different dimensions of quality of services in terms of performance (current situation) and importance (weight) of each of the dimensions were assessed. A sample of 328 persons consulting Tehran clinical diagnostic laboratories, selected by stratified random sampling, was included in the study. Data were collected using a questionnaire. 

Results: The customers’ scores for perceptions of the quality of services and its dimensions were higher than average. Dimensions of reliability with a mean score of 3.49 and that of empathy with a mean score of 2.73 were considered to be the highest and lowest dimensions, respectively. As regards importance of dimensions of service quality, the customers’ perceptions of assurance with a mean score of 4.448 was assessed to be higher than other dimensions, while  the dimension of tangibility with a mean score of 3.983 was considered to be lower than other dimensions.

Conclusion: In can be concluded that different customers do not have the same perception of the various dimensions of quality of services and do not evaluate them in the same way. Thus, the differences should be taken into consideration when designing plans to improve the quality of services and deciding about priorities. It seems that the dimension of trust in the customers’ perceptions of the quality of services in clinical diagnostic laboratories is the most important and the first priority.   

Mohammad Asgharijafarabadi, Mohammad Shakerkhatibi, Razieh Azak, Masoud Shakeri,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (6-2015)

  Background and Aim: A ssociations between air pollution and morbidity have been reported in several studies. Due to limited publications in the literature for Iran, this study aimed to determine the association between air pollution and hospital admissions of respiratory disease patients in Tabriz, Iran.

  Materials and Methods: The methodology used in this study was case -crossover and the artificial neural network model. The variables of the model included air quality, hospital admission and air pollutants. Daily hospital admission data were collected from five hospitals in Tabriz, Iran based on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) , air quality data including NO2, SO2, CO, PM10 and O3 from the six fixed online air quality monitoring stations, and the daily mean temperature and relative humidity data for the same period from the East Azerbaijan Meteorological Bureau.

  Results : P articulate matter with a median aerometric diameter <10 μm (PM10) was found to be the most important pollutant affecting respiratory hospital admissions. The ANNs data showed that the most important causes of hospital admissions were for COPD NO2, NO and CO, for respiratory infections PM10, and for asthma PM10, O3 and CO. The highest associations were observed between hospital admissions due to COPD and asthma in females and those due to respiratory infections in males. The elderly (individuals over 65 years old) were at the highest risk.

  Conclusion: The results show a significant relation between air pollutants and respiratory hospital admissions in Tabriz, Iran. The importance and necessity of enforcement of existing regulations and enacting laws to prevent and control the adverse health effects of air pollution are confirmed.

Mir Masoud Fatemi, Narges Hamzenejad,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (3-2017)

Background and Aim: This study aimed to investigate the association between religiosity and depression among mothers of children hospitalized in the oncology wards of affiliated hospitals of Kerman University of Medical Sciences (KUMS), Kerman, Iran.

Materials and Methods: Data were gathered using a religiosity questionnaire  and a depression questionnaire. The sample consisted of 115 mothers of children admitted to the oncology ward, KUMS, among whom the questionnaires were distributed during a 6-month period.

Results: The findings showed that there was an inverse association between religiosity and depression. As regards demographic variables, a statistically significant association was observed only between depression and income. Further analysis of the data revealed significant associations between religiosity on the one hand and income and mothers’ occupation on the other. 

Conclusion: Based on the findings it can be concluded that with an increase in the mothers’ religiosity level the rate of depression decreases in them. We recommend researchers to conduct similar studies to investigate possible associations between religiosity and such variables as anxiety and mental disorders related to it.

Mir Masoud Fatemi, Mohammad Kharrazi Afra,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (3-2020)

Masoud Sadeghi, Zahra Moradi,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (9-2020)

Background and Aim: Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common and most important type of arthritis caused by interaction of genetic, immunologic, psychological and social factors and is accompanied by chronic pains. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of treatment based on acceptance and commitment to the perception of pain and functional disability of women with rheumatoid arthritis in Khorramabad, Iran.
Materials and Method: This was a semi-experimental study with a pre- and post-test design with experimental and control groups, the statistical population being all the women with rheumatoid arthritis in Khorramabad, Iran. A sample of 40 women were selected using the available sampling method and randomly assigned to either an experimental (n = 20) or a control (n= 20) group. Under similar circumstances a pre-test was conducted using the pain perception and functional disability questionnaires in both groups. Admission- and commitment-based treatment interventions were then performed in the experimental group in eight 90-minute sessions, but the control group did not receive any intervention. At the end, post-tests were done in both groups.
Results: The multivariate and univariate analysis of covariance showed that the intervention based on acceptance and commitment had a significant effect on reducing the patients' perception of pain and functional disability (P <0.001).
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be said that treatment based on acceptance and commitment can reduce the perception of pain and functional disability in women with rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, along with medical treatment, this type of treatment can be used to reduce the perception of pain and functional disability of such patients.
Behzad Damari, Alireza Heidari, Habib Allah Masoudi Farid, Arezoo Zokaei,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (11-2020)

Background and Aim: Prostitution is one of the alarming social harms in any population with considerable challenges and concerns. Many prostitutes have been victims of unfavorable social conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine and explain the goals, service patterns, challenges and proposed solutions for the Program of Rehabilitation of Socially Harmed Women in the Iranian Welfare Organization (IWO).
Materials and Methods: A qualitative study was conducted in 2016. The participants included managers and experts of the general departments of the IWO in 31 provinces, 21 members of public mediators and stakeholder organizations, and 5 senior staff managers and senior experts of the IWO Deputy Director’s Office for Social Affairs. Data were collected using document analysis and in-depth individual interviews and focus group discussions and analyzed using the content analysis method.
Results: Based on the data collected, the challenges of the program implementation were found to be as follows: non-acceptance of these women by the society, identity problems of the children borne to them (legally), poor chances of employment, sexual abuse of the women by the employers and mental disorders of the women, as well as poor intersectoral collaboration in IWO and lack of sufficient manpower. Proposed solutions for improvement of the situation included increasing financial credits, creating a national database, informing and sensitizing the people and approving some new judicial laws, as well as reforming some of the existing judicial laws.
Conclusion: Despite the services delivered in this national program, the program faces challenges at the government and public levels. In order to improve the current situation, it is essential to apply the proposed solutions, as well as review and modify the relevant processes.
Safoora Mavaeeyan, Fazlolah Mirderikvand, Masoud Sadeghi,
Volume 19, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Background and Aim: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in Iran. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of existential-humanistic therapy in self-acceptance and marital satisfaction in women with breast cancer.
Materials and Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test, post-test and follow-up design with a control group. The statistical population was the women with breast cancer referring to Shahid-Rahimi Hospital in Khorramabad, Iran in 2020, from among whom two groups (experimental and control) of 15 women each were randomly selected and asked to complete the self-acceptance (USAQ) and marital satisfaction (ENRICH) questionnaires. Then the experimental group attended eight 90-minute intervention sessions. After the intervention, both groups took a post-test and followed up further after two more months. The data were analyzed using the repeated measures ANOVA test.
Results: The repeated measures ANOVA test showed that the interaction between group and time was statistically significant. Therefore, the self-acceptance and marital satisfaction variables increased significantly (F=5/77, P<0/01 and F=13/97, P<0/01, respectively).
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, existential-humanistic therapy has a significant effect on self-acceptance and marital satisfaction in breast cancer patients. It is, therefore, recommended to pay attention, in addition to the physical problems of such patients, also to their psychological problems and, along with pharmacotherapy consider psychotherapy, including existential-humanistic therapy as well.                                                                                                                                          
Arezu Amirali, Ameneh Elikaei, Roxana Mansour Ghanaie, Idesbald Boone, Abdollah Karimi, Tim Eckmanns, Andreas Lutz Jansen, Fatemeh Fallah, Noushin Marhamati, Niloofar Pashaei, Shahriar Janbazi, Ahmad Reza Shamshiri, Hamid Reza Baradaran, Mohammad Hossein Rostami, Masoud Alebouyeh,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (3-2022)

Background and Aim: The objective of this study was to determine the seroepidemiological history of SARS-CoV-2 infection among asymptomatic children in Tehran.
Materials and Methods: Blood samples of children younger than 14 years old were collected during the period autumn-winter 2020 and spring 2021 and tested for SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody using the EUROIMMUN ELISA kit. In addition, questionnaires were used to collect demographic and infection status information in the participants. Data were analyzed using the SPSS software.
Results: Out of the 1142 children collected from the children with no COVID-19 symptoms, 33.3% (381/1142) were found to have had a history of SARS-CoV-2. The positive samples in girls and boys were 34.1% and 33.03%, respectively. Analysis of the data showed no statistically significant differences between the infection rate on the one hand and age, family size, underlying diseases, gender or occupations of the family members on the other hand. In addition, the infection rate was significantly lower in autumn 2020 than in winter 2020 and spring 2021.
Conclusion: SARS-CoV-2 infection can occur in children with no clinical symptoms. In addition, the infection rate is in direct correlation with an increase in age of the children.
Zahra Tavakoli, Bahram Mohebbi, Roya Sadeghi, Azar Tol, Mirsaeed Yekaninejad, Masoud Alimardi,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (6-2022)

Background and Aim: Physical activity and nutrition are important topics in adolescent health. This study aimed to determine the predictors of nutritional knowledge, behaviors, and physical activity in fifth-grade elementary school female students
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study was performed on 480 female students in the fifth grade of the elementary school in Gods city in 2020-2021 by cluster random sampling. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire two-part questionnaire of contextual questions and questions about knowledge, nutritional and physical activity, virtual in the Shad messenger. The content validity ratio and content validity index was used to determine validity, and the intra-cluster correlation index to determine the reliability, of the questionnaire. In data analysis, descriptive statistical tests, Pearson         
correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis were performed using SPSS 27.
Results: The results of multiple regression analysis showed the effect of nutritional knowledge variables on nutritional behavior (p <0.001, β = 0.159) and physical activity knowledge on nutritional behavior (p = 0.008, β = 0.120) if the Physical activity knowledge variable was not effective on physical activity behavior and also nutritional knowledge variable had no effect on physical activity behavior.
Conclusion: Increasing knowledge of nutrition and physical activity improves students' nutritional behavior, but this increase in knowledge does not affect physical activity behavior. The sedentary lifestyle and the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic appear to have significantly reduced physical activity. By increasing knowledge, nutritional behavior and physical activity can be improved to some extent
Seyedeh Sahar Ghaemmaghami Hezaveh, Rasul Nasiri, Mohamad Reza Masoudinezhad, Saeed Motassadi Zarandi, Morteza Tahamipour,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (3-2024)

Background and Aim: Cement production is the source of 7% of global CO2 emissions. In order to reduce emissions by 0.7% annually until 2030, the cement industries can adopt the circular economy model. The present study aimed to assess the environmental sustainability of the Sufian cement industry based on the circular economy model.
Materials and Methods: Based on the circular economy model of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, this research was conducted in three steps in the Sufian Cement Factory in 2021-22: Step1. Data were collected on fuel consumption, electricity, water, production waste, released gases and costs; Step 2. Based on literature review and experts opinions strategies and solutions to move towards a circular economy were determined; Step 3. The index of linearity and rotation in the current and future state was calculated for the Sufian cement industry.
Results: The data obtained showed that the Sufian cement industry is currently heavily dependent on primary raw materials and operates in a linear economy. Implementing the recommended strategies would be expected to reduce the linearity index to below 1 and increase the rotation index to above 0.1. These findings indicate a positive shift towards a circular economy.
Conclusion: The findings of this study reveal that the Sufian cement industry is currently totally based on linear economy, but it can, through implementing the relevant strategies, potentially transit to a circular economy, which will increase the factory’s net profit, protect resources and reduce CO2 emissions.

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