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Showing 2 results for Rahaei

Z Rahaei, H Heshmati, Mm Hazavehei, A Hasanzadeh,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (14 2011)

Background and Aim: The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between educational practice of volunteer health workers (VHWs) and preventive behavior of households (HH) under their coverage regarding cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) based on the BASNEF model in Yazd City, Iran

Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, all the 60 VHWs in the CL-endemic regions in Yazd City were interviewed and completed a valid and reliable questionnaire designed by the investigator. In addition, from among the households under coverage of each one of the VHWs, 2 HHs were selected randomly and their heads were interviewed and completed the relevant questionnaire (total n=120). Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Results: There was a positive correlation between the knowledge and attitude of VHWs and knowledge of the households, as well as between the VHWs' behavioral intention and households' behavior. Further analysis of the data also revealed a positive correlation between the enabling factors of VHWs and the knowledge, behavioral intention, enabling factors and behaviors of families, as well as between educational behavior of VHWs and knowledge, attitude and behavior of the families.

Conclusion: Volunteer health workers can potentially play an important role in case-finding, prevention and timely treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis. However, merely promoting their awareness of the disease will not lead to improvements in their educational behavior in the community. More effective education aiming at promoting their awareness and enabling factors, as well as developing better attitude in them, will certainly result in better behavior of households and control of the disease

Zohreh Rahaei, Fazllolah Ghofranipour, Mohammad Ali Morowatisharifabad, Eisa Mohammadi,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (1-2015)

Background and Aim: Cancer is the third cause of mortality in Iran, killing more than 30000 persons annually. The Motivation Theory is a useful approach for predicting and planning intervention programs to change behaviors related to cancer prevention and early detection. Considering the absence of a valid and reliable protection motivation theory questionnaire for cancer early detection in Iran, this study was conducted to design such a questionnaire and assess its psychometric properties in Yazd

Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. A questionnaire was designed based on similar questionnaires currently in use and its validity and reliability were determined. The reliability coefficients were calculated by Cronbach α and intraclass correlation coefficients. To determine the validity of the scale, two methods were used, namely, face validity and content validity. Confirmation factor analysis was used to determine factorial validity using Amous 21 software .

Results: The CVR for all items of the questionnaire, CVI, ICC and internal consistency of the questionnaire were found to be 1, 0.97-1.0, 0.71-0.98, and 0.65-0.93, respectively. The confirmation factor analysis revealed that the questionnaire fitted the Iranian population. The Cronbach alpha coefficient for the questionnaire constructs varied between 0.71-0.98 and 0.65-0.93

Conclusion: The validity and reliability of the Persian version of PMT scale for cancer early detection are acceptable and suitable, so it can be used in similar research.

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