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Showing 1 results for Sarijlou

M Kargar , M Sarijlou , H Tabatabaei , F Abbassian , M Kargar , Sh Shahmahmoodi , K Holakouie Naieni , M Karimlo , M Nateghpour , H Sedighi , R Khavarinegad , T Mokhtari Azad, R Nategh ,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (3 2005)

Human Enteroviruses replicate in gastrointestinal tract and are excreted to the sewage system through feces, so isolation of Enteroviruses from sewage can be considered as a sensitive indicator for virus cirulation in society. They are originally given the name of Enteroviruses, but the inadequacy of this term became apparent when some Coxackie and Echoviruses were also found in acute respiratory infections. Therefore, these viruses can produce acute or paraclinical infecions, the shedding of virus is more than 1010 virus per each gram of feaces. In this study, 63 sewage samples were obtained from the 6 main sewage disposal systems in Tehran by grab sampling: Direct, Pellet, Two–phase methods in 2 sensitive cell lines (Hep2 & RD) and neutralization test were used to determine Enterovirus circulation in one year. None-Typable Enteroviruses, E11 and E25 were isolated more frequently than other Entroviruses. Out of 63 sewege specimens, we isolated 13 (20.63%), 25 (39.68%) & 27 (42.83%) Enteroviruses by Direct, Pellet and Two-phase methods respectively.

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