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H Zeraati , M Mahmoudi , K Mohammad, A Kazemnejad, M.a Mohagheghi , M.r Mir ,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (7-2005)

In recent years the patterns of mortality have changed in Iran, and cancers are playing a greater role in this regard in this country. Various reports indicate that gastric cancer is highly prevalent it is the second most common cancer in men, and fourth in the general population. The purpose of this study was to determine the five-year survival rate of gastric cancer patients who had undergone surgical treatment at one of the most important cancer treatment centers, the Iran Cancer Institute, and to assess its associated factors. Three hundred and 30 patients with gastric cancer who had been admitted to and operated on at the Iran Cancer Institute between January 1996 and April 2000 were enrolled in this study. The patients’ life expectancy after surgery was determined, and its relationship with variables of age at the time of surgery, gender, and factors related to the disease such as the cancer site, pathologic type, stage, presence of metastasis, and sites of metastases were assessed. The five-year survival rate and the median life expectancy in the studied patients were 23.6% and 19.90 months, respectively. Univariate analysis showed that gender, cancer site, and pathologic type did not affect life expectancy significantly. But the five-year survival rate significantly decreases with age. As expected, those involved with metastasis had a significantly lower five-year survival rate, and the disease stage significantly affected the patients’ life expectancy (P<0.001). The Cox proportional hazards model was used to assess the effect of different variables simultaneously, and it showed that age, distance metastasis, and disease stage influenced the rate of survival. Gastric cancer patients in Iran have a low five-year survival rate. One of the most important reasons seems to be delayed consultation and diagnosis. Most patients are seen first with the disease in the late stages. At this point, most have lymph node and liver metastasis which makes treatment even more complex. Thus, it is necessary to employ mass media for extensive public education about the early warning signs of the disease and performing periodic examinations.
R Jamshidi Orak , K Mohammad , E Pasha , W Sun , K Nori Jalyani , M Rasolinejad , O Mirzade ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Background and Aim: Health surveillance systems are now paying more attention to infectious diseases, largely because of emerging and re-emerging infections. The main objective of this research is presenting a statistical method for modeling infectious disease incidence based on the Bayesian approach.

Material and Methods: Since infectious diseases have two phases, namely epidemic and non-epidemic, joint distributions seem preferable for modeling disease incidence. We used a hidden Markov model - suitable for joint distributions- to arrive at a statistical model applicable to infectious diseases. Parameter estimation was done using a Bayesian method. The resulting model was then applied to monthly incidence rates for malaria to test the model's applicability to real data.

Results: The error sum of squares of the model fitted to monthly incidence rates for malaria was 190.59 and the coefficient of determination between observed and fitted values was 0.84. It appears that the hidden Markov model with a cyclic regression equation has a proper goodness of fit when applied to malaria incidence rates.

Conclusion: The hidden Markov model is an efficient statistical tool for modeling infectious disease incidence rates.

M Karimlou , K Mohammad , K Azam , M.a Noorbala ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Background and Aim: The present article attempts to define the current trend for age at first marriage, based on the nationwide Health Survey of 1999 and using the Brass model.

Material and Methods: The national Health survey was conducted in 1999 and involved 1/1000 of the total population, selected via cluster sampling (clusters of 8 households each).

The sample used for the present study consisted of 16000 women aged 15-49, including 3026 women in Tehran province. Variables used for analysis were current age, marital status, age at first marriage and residential area (urban/rural). The mean age at first marriage for married women was 17.8 years (sd=3.7) for the whole country, and 18.2 years (sd=3.7) for Tehran province.

Results: The Brass model fitted to the data revealed a significant decreasing trend for the proportion of married women in all age groups, especially in the 15-19 year-old category.

Conclusion: This obviously indicates an upward trend for age at first marriage.

S.a Motevalian , K Holakouie Naieni , M Mahmoodi , R Majdzadeh , M.e Akbari ,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (5-2007)

Background and Aim: Undercounting is a common problem in surveillance systems and registries. One of the procedures has been used for assessing sensitivity of a surveillance system or completeness of a registry is capture-recapture method.The objective of the present study was to estimate the number of deaths due to road traffic injuries applying capture-recapture method and using three data sources: police, legal medicine organization and hospital.

Material and Methods: All of the deaths due to traffic injuries occurred within Kerman district in the year 2000 were derived from police, Shahid Bahonar hospital and Kerman legal medicine data sources. Matching cases between the lists was based on three characteristics: first name, family name and date of accident. Loglinear model was used for statistical analysis.

Results: The total number of identified cases was 471 the best fitted loglinear model estimated the actual  number of deaths as 596 (CI 95%: 543-686). Based on Iranian Statistical Center estimates, the population of Kerman district in the year 2000 has been 644673 so the cause-specific mortality rate of traffic injuries is estimated as 92 (CI 95%: 84-107) per 100,000 population. Therefore the proportion of deaths registered in police, legal medicine and Shahid Bahonar hospital are 16%, 58% and 48% respectively. The coverage of total deaths (471) is about 79%.

Conclusion: The findings showed that none of the data sources had enough coverage of all deaths due to traffic injuries. Capture-recapture estimates can help for obtaining better estimates.

M Behzadpoor, H Zeraati, M Mahmoudi, A Rahimi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (8-2009)

Background and Aim: Like other cancers, gastric cancer is due to uncontrolled growth of tissues. Although there are different therapy methods to treat it, such as surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and multimodality therapy, relapse and death may occur. Reports show that in Iran gastric cancer is the first cause of death among deaths due to cancers. The purpose of this study was to determine the two-year survival rate after relapsing and its associated factors among gastric cancer patients who had undergone surgical treatment in Iran Cancer Institute, one of the most important cancer treatment centers in Iran.

Methods and Materials: A total of 330 patients with gastric cancer who had been admitted to and operated on at the Iran Cancer Institute between January 1996 and April 2000 were enrolled in this study. The patients' life expectancy after relapse was determined. Survival was defined as the elapsed time between the two successive events, relapse and death, neither of which can be determined exactly therefore the data are doubly censored failure time data. Thus, the relationships between life expectancy at relapse and such variables as age, gender, and factors related to the disease, such as the cancer site, pathologic type, stage, and sites of metastases were determined using the Cox proportional hazards model.

Results: The two-year survival rate after relapsing and the median life expectancy after relapsing were 15% and 10.15 months, respectively. Univariate analysis showed that except disease stage, no other variable (age, gender, cancer site, pathologic type and sites of metastases) affected life expectancy after relapsing significantly. The Cox proportional hazards model for doubly censored failure time data showed that age, gender, and pathologic type had the highest influence, in a decreasing order, on the rate of survival after relapsing.

Conclusion: Two-year survival rate after relapsing is very low in gastric cancer patients. One of the most important reasons seems to be delayed consultation and diagnosis. Most patients seek medical advice first with the disease in the late stages, when most have lymph node, liver or even distant metastasis which makes treatment even more complex, and when the risk of relapse and death would be increased. Thus, early diagnosis and therapy for a common stomach illness could help prevent a potential gastric cancer.

M Morowatisharifabad, H Nadrian, A Falahi, M Mohammadi,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (10-2009)

Background and Aim: Based on WHO reports, there are about 100-150 million people with asthma around the world and the number is increasing. Asthma is a prevalent disease and permanent self-management is needed in order to control the symptoms and maintain the normal action of the lungs and a normal level of activity. The Green's Model of Health Education Planning provides a systematic process for planning, implementation and evaluation of population health promotion programs and is used in a broad range of issues in health promotion, including self-management in asthma. This study was carried out with the aim of determining predictors of self-management behaviors in patients with asthma in Yazd, Iran, based on the above-mentioned model.

Methods and Materials: In this cross-sectional study convenience sampling was employed to recruit 94 outpatients with asthma from among those referring to Shaheed-Sadooghi Clinic in Yazd, Iran. Data were collected using a questionnaire based on the Green's Model constructs, consisting of predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors and self-management behaviors. Reliability and validity of the questionnaire were assessed prior to data collection.

Results: The subjects acquired 49.5%, 68.6%, 67.3%, and 61.2 % of the earnable scores for self-management behavior, predisposing factors, reinforcing factors, and enabling factors, respectively. Predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling variables had positive correlations with self-management behaviors (p<0.01) and accounted for 34.6% of the self-management variance. Predisposing factors were the strongest predictor (β = 0.480).

Conclusion: It is concluded that the Green's Model of Health Education Planning can be used in developing countries, such as Iran, as a framework for planning intervention programs in an attempt to improve the self-management behaviors of patients with asthma. Designing and implementing educational programs aiming at promoting self-management behaviors in asthmatic patients with emphasis on predisposing factor enhancement is recommended.

A Fallahi, M.a Morovatti Sharifabad , A Haerian , M.h Lotfi ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (2-2010)

Background and Aim: Self-efficacy and decisional balance in the Trans-theoretical Model play an effective role in oral self-care behavior. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of education on inter-dental cleaning behavior based on the Trans-theoretical Model in pre-universstudents in the city of Yazd, Iran in 2009.

Materials and Methods: This was an intervention study. Based on statistical calculations, 361 pre-university students (mean age 17.53±0.55 years) were randomly allocated into groups of intervention (n=185, 51.2%) and control (176, 48.8%). Data on demographic characteristics, self-efficacy, and decisional balancing (perceived benefits and perceived barriers) were collected using a questionnaire with confirmed validity and reliability. Based on the trans-theoretical model, a 3-month educational program was prepared with sections on self-efficacy and decisional balance and conducted. At the termination of the program variables of the model were evaluated and the gingival index was determined by a dentist. The data were analyzed using the SPSS software, the statistical tests being ANOVA, paired t-test, t-test, Fisher, and correlation coefficient.

Results: Implementation of the educational program resulted in a significant decrease in perceived barriers (p<0.001) and significant increases in perceived benefits (p<0.001) and self-efficacy (p<0.001). In addition, the gingival index improved in the intervention group (p=0.01). The final mean self-efficacy, perceived barriers, and gingival index were not significantly different between the case and control groups, but a significantly positive effect was noticed in perceived benefits (p=0. 01).

Conclusion: The findings indicate that the educational intervention influenced desirably the gingival index, self-efficacy and perceived benefits in the students. Since the self-efficacy factor is an important predictor in oral self-care behavior, it is suggested to use the trans-theoretical model in educational interventions aiming at improving self-efficacy, increasing perceived advantages, and reducing perceived obstacles.

M.r Ghadimi, M Mahmoodi, K Mohammad, H Zeraati, M Hosseini, M Sheikh Fathollahi,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2010)

Background and Aim: The most common cancer in Iran is digestive system cancer, the highest incidence of which is reported from the Caspian Sea littoral. This study aimed to determine factors affecting the survival of patients with gastrointestinal cancer using the Cox and parametric models the 2 models were compared.

Materials and Methods: This survey was a prospective study conducted between 1990 and 1991. Data were collected through the Cancer Registry Center in Babol, which functions under supervision of the School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. We tried to identify cases of gastrointestinal cancers. The individual characteristics of 484 patients, namely, age, sex, family history, marital status, smoking status, occupation, ethnicity, medication status, education, residence (urban, rural), and type of cancer were recorded. The patients were followed up for a period of 15 years, i.e., until 2006 year. To determine the effective factors on survival of patients, the Cox model and parametric models such as exponential, weibull, log-normal, log-logistic, and the AIC criteria and residuals were used to compare the effectiveness of the models. The SAS and STATA software were used for data analysis, with a significant level of 0.05.

Results: Sixty-six percent of the patients (total n=484) were males and 34% females, with a mean age of 59 and 55 years, respectively. Their distribution according to type of cancer was as follows: esophageal cancer, 359 (74.2%) stomach cancer, 110 (22.7%) colorectal cancer, 15(3.1%). Estimated one-, three-, and five-year survival rates were 24%, 16% and 15%, respectively.

Conclusion: The results of this study reveal that gender and family history can be strong risk factors for GI cancer. Log-normal and log-logistic models in multivariate and univariate analyses gave almost similar results. However, based on AIC criteria and residuals analysis, the log-logistic model gives the best fit as compared to other parametric models and can be used instead of the Cox model for determining factors affecting survival of patients with gastrointestinal tract cancer.

Z Zarei Ghane, A Mirshafiey, A.r Razavi, A Sarafnejad, N Aalizadeh, M.r Khorramizadeh,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2010)

Background and Aim: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered as a common inflammatory disease of the human central nervous system (CNS). 4 amino pyridine (4-AP), a potassium channel blocker, is used widely in MS treatment to reduce fatigue and cachexia often experienced by the patients. The objective of this study was to get a better understanding of the mechanism of action of this drug, using the cell culture model. More specifically, we attempted to determine the effects of the drug on 1. The profileration of, and its cytotoxicity on, the neurons, and 2. The activity of MMP-9 in the neurons.

Materials and Methods: Considering the available reports on the wide range of 4-AP effects, we designed this study to investigate its possible role in proliferation or cytotoxicity of the MS cellular model, i.e. astrocytoma U373-MG, using the MTT assay technique. We also analyzed the effect of 4-AP on cell functionality as assessed by matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) zymography.

Results: The results showed that while 4-AP at a concentration of 0.1 and 1 mM has no significant cytotoxic effects on the treated cells, it has remarkable MMP-9 inhibitory effects (p<0.01). The proliferation analyses confirmed the stability of 4-AP effects on cell functionality.

Conclusion: On the whole, the results of the present study show the desirable effect of 4-AP on MMP-9 activity at non-cytotoxic doses, promising its further therapeutic applications.

E Tavassoli, A Hasanzadeh, R Ghiasvand, A Tol, D Shojaezadeh,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2010)

Background and Aim: Today cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of disability and mortality in many countries. This study was performed to determine the effect of health education based on the Health Belief Model on the knowledge, attitude and practice of housewives in Isfahan, Iran regarding improving their nutritional behavior for preventing heart disease.

Materials and Methods: This was a quasi-experimental intervention, including 68 Isfahani housewives randomly divided into an experimental (n=34) and a control (n=34) group. Data were collected using a standard health belief model (HBM) and a food-frequency (FFQ) questionnaire. The experimental group attended, after a pre-test, 6 weekly education sessions. The HBM questionnaire was completed 3 times (before and immediately, and 2 months, after education), while the FFQ questionnaire was completed twice (before and 2 months after education) by the housewives. The data were analyzed using SPSS16 software, the statistical tests being t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA.

Results: The two groups were not significantly different with regard to demographic variables. Similarly, before the intervention they were statistically similar with respect to the scores of the HBM components (P>0.05). After the intervention, significant differences appeared between the experimental and the control groups with regard to all the components (knowledge, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, perceived efficacy, and performance in all cases, P<0.001)

Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the intervention had a positive impact on the feeding pattern of the women and was effective in increasing or improving their knowledge, attitude and practice.

R Ravangard, M Arab, A Rashidian, A Akbarisari, A Zare, M Salesi, H Zeraati,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2010)

Background and Aim: Length of stay (LOS) in a hospital is one of the best hospital indicators that can be used for various purposes. In this survey, we studied the hospital LOS and its associated factors in Tehran University of Medical Sciences Women's Hospital (a teaching hospital) in Tehran using the Cox proportional hazards semi parametric model and compared the results with the results obtained using the multiple linear regression.

Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive-analytical study in which we reviewed 3421 files of inpatients hospitalized in, and those discharged from, the oncology, surgery and obstetrics units in 2008. The required data were collected using a data collection sheet and inpatient interviews. A P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: The median of patients' LOS in the hospital was 50.8 hours, that in the obstetrics, surgical and oncology units being 48.5, 54.4 and 94.2 hours, respectively. Of all the patients, 2632 (76.9%) had been discharged with a recovery status and the rest (23.1%) with a no-recovery status. Results of the Cox proportional hazards model showed that the following variables had increased LOS: a distance longer than 200 km between a patent's residence and the hospital, hospitalization in the surgery and oncology units, admission on a Thursday, admission by an internist, hospitalization for neoplastic, endocrine, nutritional, or genitourinary system diseases (P<0.005), as well as a high number of diagnostic laboratory tests, radiographies or sonographies (P<0.001). Patients admitted and hospitalized as an emergency case had a shorter LOS (P<0.001) than others. On the other hand, based on the multiple linear regression model results, some occupations (being a worker, a farmer, a stockbreeder, or a retired spouse) admission on a Thursday, (The first day of the weekend in Iran), suffering from a neoplastic disease, and a high number of diagnostic tests or radiographies or sonographies increased, and admission by a resident decreased, patients' LOS (P<0.05).

Conclusion: Considering having censored data, the Cox proportional hazards model is a more suitable model than the multiple linear regression models for identifying factors influencing patients' LOS in a hospital. From among the LOS Cox model's associated factors as identified in this study, policy-makers and managers can only change admission days and the number of diagnostic tests. That is to say, they should try to prevent admission on a Thursday (unless emergency cases) and also perform the required primary diagnostic tests before admitting a patient into the hospital, which would lead to a more effective utilization of hospital beds and other resources.

H Mohamadian, H Eftekhar Ardebili, A Rahimi Foroushani, M.h Taghdisi, D Shojaiezade,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (2-2011)

Background and Aim: Presently not sufficient attention is paid to adolescent health promotion in many countries, because of the widespread belief that adolescents are generally healthy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate predictors of adolescent girls' quality of life using path analysis based on Pender's health promotion model.

Materials and Methods: The Pender's health promotion model served as the framework of this cross-sectional study, which included a total of 500 adolescent girls (grades 9-11) selected by stratified random sampling from 20 high schools for girls in 4 districts of Kashan province, Iran. Inclusion criteria were being in grades 9-11 and a written informed consent (from teachers, parents and the girls themselves). Data were collected through interviewing the girls, the interviewers being trained persons, using several standard questionnaires (for perceived self-efficacy, perceived affect, perceived barriers, perceived social support health promoting lifestyle, and health-related quality of life). Data analysis was done using SPSS18 and LISREL 8.8, the statistical test being path analysis.

Results: All constructs of the health promotion model and health promoting lifestyle were significantly related to adolescent girls' quality of life. Perceived self-efficacy (β=0.70, p<0/01) and perceived affect (β=0.21, p<0/01) had the highest correlation with the quality of life. The model and the health-promoting lifestyle as a mediator accounted for 73% and 39% of variance in adolescent girls' quality of life, respectively.

Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that the health promotion model can be used to explain and predict the quality of life of adolescent girls. Thus, the Pender's health promotion model is recommended to health planners for promoting the quality of life in this population.

P Taymoori, A Falhahi, N Esmailnasab,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (8-2011)

Background and Aim: There is evidence that physical activity declines during adolescence in Western countries. However, this pattern has not yet been shown in Iranian youth. The purpose of this study was to detect changes in physical activity behaviors, psychological factors (including perceived benefits, barriers, and self-efficacy), and interpersonal influences associated with exercise behavior during the transition from secondary school to high school in Sanandaj, Iran.
Materials and Methods: The data on a group of high school students in Sanadaj were collected in a cross-sectional study in 2006, with a follow-up in 2009. The study population in 2009 included 844 students (51% males and 49% females) with a mean age of 16.42 ± 1.73 years. Data on physical activity-related perceived benefits, barriers, self-efficacy, and interpersonal influences, as well as physical activity behavior, was collected, using self-reporting questionnaires. The SPSS-16 software was used for data analysis.
Results: The test of time effects indicated significant differences between the 2 sexes as regards physical activity and most of the psychological variables and interpersonal influences associated with exercise activities. The girls had less physical activity than boys at both time points. The duration of moderate physical activity at the first time point was 31.82 and 53.75 minutes for girls and boys, respectively the corresponding values at the follow-up were 23.7 and 44.7 minutes. Girls had lower self-efficacy and fewer perceived benefits and more perceived barriers for physical activity over time. The correlation test indicated more stability of family interpersonal influences for girls than for boys.
Conclusion: The results of this study provide evidence for decreased physical activity in boys and girls and sex differences in cognitive variables and interpersonal influences.
Z Rahaei, H Heshmati, Mm Hazavehei, A Hasanzadeh,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (8-2011)

Background and Aim: The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between educational practice of volunteer health workers (VHWs) and preventive behavior of households (HH) under their coverage regarding cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) based on the BASNEF model in Yazd City, Iran

Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, all the 60 VHWs in the CL-endemic regions in Yazd City were interviewed and completed a valid and reliable questionnaire designed by the investigator. In addition, from among the households under coverage of each one of the VHWs, 2 HHs were selected randomly and their heads were interviewed and completed the relevant questionnaire (total n=120). Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Results: There was a positive correlation between the knowledge and attitude of VHWs and knowledge of the households, as well as between the VHWs' behavioral intention and households' behavior. Further analysis of the data also revealed a positive correlation between the enabling factors of VHWs and the knowledge, behavioral intention, enabling factors and behaviors of families, as well as between educational behavior of VHWs and knowledge, attitude and behavior of the families.

Conclusion: Volunteer health workers can potentially play an important role in case-finding, prevention and timely treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis. However, merely promoting their awareness of the disease will not lead to improvements in their educational behavior in the community. More effective education aiming at promoting their awareness and enabling factors, as well as developing better attitude in them, will certainly result in better behavior of households and control of the disease

Kaveh Bahmanpour, Rounama Nouri, Heidar Nadrian, Behzad Salehi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (11-2011)

Background and Aim: This paper reports on the predictors of high school students' oral health behaviors (OHBs) based on the Pender's Health Promotion Model (HPM) in an attempt to identify effective factors that may be addressed through intervention efforts.

Materials and Methods: A multistage cluster sample of 403 high school students were recruited from 8 high schools in Marivan County, Iran. The study was conducted between April and July, 2010. Appropriate instruments were used to measure the relevant variables. The statistical analysis of the data included bivariate correlations, t-test, one-way ANOVA and linear regression.

Results: All HPM variables (perceived self-efficacy, perceived benefits and barriers, activity-related affects, interpersonal and situational influences and commitment to a plan of OHBs) were significantly related to OHBs among the respondents (p < 0.01), and a negative association was found between OHBs and perceived barriers (p < 0.01). All HPM variables were statistically significant predictors of OHBs and accounted for 42.2% of the variance.

Conclusion: Promotion of interpersonal influences and the students' perceived self-efficacy and also commitment to a plan of action should be priorities of any program aimed at promoting OHBs among students. School health care providers should suggest strategies to overcome the barriers of performing OHBs, rather than noting the benefits of these behaviors.

Seyed Mansour Kashfi, Ali Khani Jeyhouni,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (3-2012)

Background and Aim: Child growth disorders are a result of nutritional ignorance and lack of appropriate care and growth monitoring. This study was conducted to assess the effects of mothers' educational program based on the precede model on the prevention of growth retardation in 6 to12-month old children in the health centers of Shiraz city, Fars Province, Iran.

Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study included 120 mothers (60 cases and 60 controls) with a single exclusively-breastfed child under the coverage of health centers in Shiraz city, Fars province, Iran. A questionnaire was used to collect data on demographic characteristics and the precede model components (knowledge, attitude, enabling and reinforcing factors and maternal behavior). In addition, the children were weighed and their weights recorded. The mothers' educational intervention consisted of six 55 to 60-minute sessions. The questionnaire was completed by the case mothers before and 4 months after the intervention.

Results: The interventional educational program brought about statistically significant increases in the mean scores of knowledge (p<0.001) and attitude (p<0.001). Further analysis of the data also showed that the enabling (training sessions and using references) and reinforcing factors, as well as practice score of the mothers and the mean weight of the children in the case group improved significantly as compared to the control group (p<0.001).

Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that an interventional educational program for mothers based on the precede pattern had a positive effect in the prevention of growth retardation in the study population.

Azar Tol, Gholamreza Sharifi Rad, Ahmad Ali Eslami, Fatemeh Alhani, Mohammad Reza Mohajeri Tehrani, Davoud Shojaeezadeh,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2012)

Background and Aim: Diabetes mellitus is a widespread disease. Diabetes patients should be fully familiar with the different dimensions of this chronic disease and possess the skills required for self-management and self-care. They should realize that each patient is a different case. It is to be noted that promoting self-management behavior is an essential component of case management in type-2 diabetes mellitus. The objective of this study was to assess self-management behavior of type-2 diabetes patients in Isfahan, Iran and determine factors influencing it.  

Materials and Methods: This was a 6-month cross-sectional study conducted in 2011. The study population was type-2 diabetes patients consulting an outpatient diabetes center in Isfahan, Iran. The sample included a group of 350 patients selected by the continuous sampling method. The self-management behavior of the patients was assessed using a diabetes self-management instrument (DSMI), containing questions on 5 domains. The responses were rated on a 5-point Likert scale and SPSS software, version 11.5 was used for analyzing the collected data.

Results: The response rate was 88%. The majority of the patients were 50-60 years (55.52 ± 8.42) old and 54.3% of them demonstrated borderline metabolic control according to the World Health Organization criteria. Mean scores of self-integration, self-regulation, interaction with health professionals and other influential persons, self-monitoring blood glucose, and adherence to recommended regime were 33.67±6.36, 29.09±5.9, 27.08±4.81, 11.71±3.91 and 11.46±2.9, respectively. On the whole, the global diabetes self-management behavior seemed to be not quite desirable (the score was at an intermediate level). Further analysis of the data revealed that self-management behaviors (at 3 levels, namely, desirable, intermediate, and undesirable) had significant associations (p<0.001) with demographic (age, gender, marital status, education level) and health-related (duration of diabetes, diabetes-related diseases, diabetes complications, general health, type of treatment, family income, and serum HbA1C level) variables. Self-management behavior had no association with disease history 

Conclusion: Empowerment of patients afflicted with diabetes and, more generally, non-communicable diseases, which are quite prevalent and on the increase, in the area of self-management at the individual and community level will be a vital step towards promotion of health of the population.

Fatemeh Vasheghani, Fereshteh Majlesi, Mahmoud Mahmoudi, Davoud Shojaeezadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (10-2012)

Background and Aim: Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women with incidence of more than 500000 cases per year. It is preventable because of its long pre-cancerous period, suitable screening programs and effective treatments. Since the social and cultural barriers alongside the lack of knowledge are deterrents to participation in screening programs, the current study was performed to assess the effect of educational intervention through the Health Belief Model on knowledge and attitude of teachers about pap smear, considering their role in making people aware. Materials and Methods: This was a controlled before-after interventional study conducted on 72 individuals selected through simple sampling, assigned to two groups. Data collection tool was a questionnaire used and compared before training and one month after that. Training methods (intervention) included lectures with questions and answers. Data were analyzed with SPSS, version 11.5. Results: 47.2% of intervention and 45.8% of control group were 40 to 50 years old and majority of them (47.2% and 50% respectively) had undergraduate educational level and 86.1% were married. Respectively, 67.2% and 74.2% have experience of being examined via Pap smear, while the knowledge of women in both groups was moderate about the disease. Study results revealed significant differences in knowledge, attitude and Health Belief Model constructs within intervention group (before and after training) as well as between groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: Using Pap smear test among the participants was lower compared with healthy people aims targeted by 2010. Therefore, necessity of education and knowledge promotions are obvious.
Shayesteh Shirzadi, Davoud Shojaeezadeh, Mohammad Hossein Taghdisi, Agha Fatemeh Hosseini,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (10-2012)

Background and Aim: Puberty as a stage of life is an important developmental process. Teen girls have numerous health care needs and their specific issues should be considered. This study mainly aimed to determine the impact of education based on health belief model on promotion of physical puberty health among female teenagers who were residents in welfare boarding centers in Tehran city.
Materials and Methods: It was a quasi-experimental intervention study, conducted in welfare boarding centers of Tehran city among inhabitant girls with 12 to 19 years old. All eligible persons were selected (n=61). Data collection tool was a questionnaire including demographic information, health belief components, physical function during menstruation, completed before and one month after training by interview. Educational intervention was implemented in 3 months. Data was analyzed by Wilcoxon statistical test using SPSS16 software.
After educational intervention, perceived severity (p<0.001), perceived susceptibility (p<0/001), perceived barriers (p<0.001), perceived benefits (p<0.001), and physical function during menstruation were significantly different.
Educational intervention improved girls' perceptions and performance. Thus, health belief model should be used for puberty health education planning in female adolescents.
Hamed Rezakhani Moghaddam, Davoud Shojaeizadeh, Mohammad Hasan Taghdisi, Yousef Hamidzadeh Arbabi, Mohammad Taghi Savadpour,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (1-2013)

Background and aim: Delivery or parturition is the peak of a woman’s pregnancy period, accompanied with birth of one or more babies. Unfortunately, Cesarean section, despite its probable undesirable health and economic consequences, has become more and more common. Considering that the goal of health education is behavior change in people, the objective of this study was to investigate the role of health volunteers in educating mothers consulting the health care centers in Ardabil in the area of choice of delivery method based on the Behavioral Intention Model (BIM).
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 140 primaparous mothers in Ardabil city in the seventh month of pregnancy were selected by systematic random sampling and divided into a case and a control group, and a written pretest was given to both groups. Education based on the BIM was imparted to the case group. One month after delivery, both groups were post-tested. The data on awareness, attitude, results evaluation and practice were analyzed using the Wilcoxon, Mann Whitney-U and Chi-square tests.
Results: The findings revealed statistical differences between the case and control groups after intervention with regard to awareness, evaluation of results and attitude (p<0.001). However, behavioral intention did not change (p=0.106).
Conclusion: Although health volunteers' participation results in an increase in knowledge and promotes attitude and evaluation of behavioral results in pregnant women, it does not change their behavioral intention. It is suggested to conduct similar studies for comparative purposes involving other trainers, such as physicians and nurses in other cities, using other educational models and methods.

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